GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
Github search open in new tab JS - open search results in new tab.
GitHub Homepage Button JS - Adds a "Homepage" button to GitHub repository search results to quickly access the repository's homepage URL.
Mark `.freezed.dart` and `.gr.dart` files as "Viewed" on G pressed, Mark `.lock` files on L pressed JS - Simplify review by skipping generated files
全屏版Github Trending JS - 加强版Github Trending
Compare with staging JS - Add a link
Github disable turbolinks JS - Speed up github access!
GitHub Distractionless JS - Userscript that makes sure that GitHub stays a work tool and doesn't turn into a social media website
github助手 JS - github助手 | 按alt + x 快捷复制克隆地址 |
Bad Apple for Github JS - Bad Apple!!!
GitHub 在线预览代码插件 JS - GitHub在线预览
Github跳转到github1s编辑页面 JS - Github跳转到github1s编辑页面的脚本,Github仓库页面显示一个按钮,跳转到Github1s的编辑页面
GitHub 代理( JS - 一个 GitHub 代理,让您的开发和部署如虎添翼!此脚本会在仓库的首页添加一个克隆按钮,点击即可复制命令。目前仅支持储存库首页,其他页面会陆续开放。由 提供服务。
AutoEQ to EasyQ converter JS - convert & download XML for EasyQ
Github Repo Size JS - Adds the repo size next to the repo name on github search and repo pages
MMS IAM Pull Request template JS - A small script intended to apply a Cloud IAM team scoped Github PR template when creating new pull requests against the 10gen/mms repo
GithubPlusPlus JS - 高速下载 Git Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件
Github Dashboard Filter JS - Minimizes pushs and commits from github actions and bots from dashboard
github-ossinsight JS - A Tampermonkey script that helps you quickly link to [ossinsight]( in your GitHub repository to quickly analyze the health of an open source project for more multidimensional insight into an open source project
Github - Open External Link of Wiki in New Tab JS - Open external link fo Github wiki in new tab.
Github - Open PR CheckList JS - check the base branch, reviews, and field updates
GitHub Classic Fonts JS - Use the pre-2017 fonts on GitHub, instead of whatever fonts GitHub's designers fancy each week
Github Web IDE JS - ⚡ Open GitHub repositories in online web IDE (Migrated from
github显示仓库信息 JS - 向仓库搜索页,代码搜索页,仓库主页添加 ⌛创建时间/🍴fork数/📁文件大小显示
github clone enhancement JS - 2020/7/1 上午10:56:13
提交pr要小心 JS - 在跨仓库提交 pr 时给予视觉警告
Github PR review: mark moved files as viewed JS - Adds an option to the Github PR review page to mark moved files as viewed.
I don't want your stupid inspiration JS - I don't want your stupid inspiration!
Auto code viewer for Github (for mobile users) JS - Auto clicks "View code" on Github repositories. Useful for mobile users.
GitHub Contribute Modifier JS - try to take over the world!
Comment Zoomer JS - Add zoom button in github comment to provide full screen mode, allowing you to write comments more elegantly
Github open link JS - 增加在线预览代码按钮
GitHub unknown license JS - A userscript that adds "unknown license" message in repos with no license set
GitHub Mentioned Links JS - A userscript adds all mentioned links in the side bar
GitHub Show Contribution Languages JS - Adds a small language tag next to the repository list of your contributions.
朕知道了 JS - 需要二次确认时,自动填入项目名称
Customize Google Translate JS - For Google Translate, you can customize and specify tags and keywords without translating
改变网站的主题色 JS - filter theme for websites
GitHub添加Editor入口 JS - add editor entry in
PR Anti-Edit JS - Untick checkbox allowing edits from maintainers for new pull and merge requests on GitHub and GitLab. Effectively, it prevents extraneous adding and modifying commits within your fork's branch acting as a source in PR/MR you create. May be useful to those of you who don't appreciate upstream maintainer tampering with your allegedly perfect work.
GitHub Latest JS - Always keep an eye on the latest activity of your favorite projects
Github Download JS - 高速下载gihthub
Useful Forks JS - Displays GitHub forks ordered by stars, and with additional information and automatic filters.
GitHub Notification Right Click to Repo Page JS - Open the repository home page with a right click on the notification item. 右键点击 GitHub 的通知项直接跳转到项目主页。
GitHub Issues 默认过滤器 JS - 替换 GitHub issues 的默认过滤器
GitHub Confirm Auto Select-All JS - GitHub Confirm Auto Select All
GitHub 文件夹下载 JS - 为 GitHub 文件夹增加一个下载按钮,可以方便地下载某个文件夹
Github QoMar JS - QoMar file support for Github
Github Find Active Forks [Embeded Edition] JS - Find most active fork of a github repository.
❤️七夕特供,让Github、Gitee不再绿油油❤️ JS - 让绿油油的离开程序员的生活...