GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
GitHub Issue 左侧悬浮列表添加编号 JS - 将 GitHub 的 issue 列表页面转换为一个悬浮在网页左侧,点击标题后在右侧打开具体页面,并为左侧列表中的每一项添加编号并高亮显示
github-issues-wiki JS - github issues viewer
Add Labels to GitHub Notifications JS - Use API calls to get the labels of all issues and pull requests from the notification list.
GithubCard JS - 生成Github的简介卡片
userscript-github-close-404 JS - Auto-closes GitHub repo pages that return a 404 error.
Github1s JS - One second to read GitHub code with VS Code.
Add CircleCI Workflows Link JS - 現在のブランチにおける CircleCI Workflows ページへのリンクを追加する
更好地一键开启github1s页面 JS - 更好地支持文件级用打开github1s
GitHub 去除中文搜索污染 JS - 隐藏GitHub某些项目,政见不同不是污染中文搜索的理由,关键词拉满就是无耻
过滤GitHub Trending中已标星项目 JS - 在GitHub趋势榜上不显示已标星的项目,只看没看过的
清洗url JS - 移除url中冗余的查询参数
auto-expand-github-issues JS - cleanup noisy timeline items and auto expand
Github助手 JS - 在GitHub页面上添加了一个名为"Go Dev"的按钮,点击该按钮会将当前URL中的""修改为""并在当前标签页打开新URL。
GithubDashboardEnhance JS - 在 Github 新首页显示最近 30 个 star 项目,在头部导航栏中显示快捷方式
GitHub My Issues JS - Add a contextual link to issues you've contributed to on GitHub
Disable terrible github actions run search JS - Disable terrible github actions run search. I hate it.
GitHub Delete Repo Bypass JS - A script that elegantly bypasses the verification code menu, useful for if you're mass-deleting repos.
Github Notifications Dropdown JS - When clicking the notifications icon, displays notifications in a dropdown pane, without leaving the current page.
GitHub镜像 JS - GitHub镜像,加速访问GitHub,支持Clone、Release、Raw、Zip加速。
Github hide banner JS - 去除github代码页顶部的标题栏
GitHub Issues Editor Full Screen JS - Add a full screen button in the right-top of the github issue editor.
GitHub File History JS - GitHub File History 快速跳转到
Merge issues and PR tabs JS - Merge the issues and PRs tabs of the repositories in a single one
谷歌翻译绕过字符块,添加MOOSE文档翻译 JS - 让谷歌翻译插件翻译网页的时候,绕过代码块和一些无需翻译的元素,原作者xiandan
Github format time JS - 在 Github 的原始时间后添加一个格式化后的时间(24小时制)
Github访问增强 - 高速浏览及下载工具 JS - GitHub极速访问浏览助手,解决GitHub无法访问和加速工具,GitHub上不去打不开的解决办法,高速下载Git Clone/SSH,Release,Raw,Code/Zip等文件、项目列表单文件快捷下载,添加git clone/commit命令
Github issue bigger input JS - Makes the textarea inputs bigger and resized automatically on edit.
Github Packages Tab JS - Adds a Packages tab to Github repository navigation bar.
github-form-control-selectable JS - enable user to select formControl element
github新版宽屏适配 JS - 将新版Github的主页进行宽屏适配优化
GitHub Docker Image Tag Copy Button JS - Adds a "copy" icon next to each Docker image tag on GitHub pages that list published Docker images.
FastGithub 镜像加速访问、克隆和下载 JS - 镜像访问GitHub,极速Clone、Release/Raw/Zip加速;十几个站点可供选择;前往项目Github仓库查看免费搭建Github镜像站点方法
Kill Keyboard Shortcut on Github Notifications JS - Kill all keyboard shortcuts on Github Notification screen because of that causes critical effect by easy operational error.
Use shortcut to open your github JS - Use shortcut open your github
All traffic referring sites JS - 为 GitHub 仓库访问量统计(Insights -> Traffic)的所有域名(主要是添加链接。
Open in Codeflow JS - Enhances GitHub to add a button to open the repo/issue/PR in Codeflow.
GitHub: sort by recently updated JS - Adds 2 links to sort by "recently updated" (issues & PR)
Github 回到顶部按钮 JS - 在github页面上添加一个回到顶部的按钮
GitHub Actual Times JS - Appends the actual DateTime to GitHub workflows
Github HTML Preview Button (HTML 预览按钮) JS - Adds a button to preview HTML files on Github using htmlpreview. 添加一个按钮以使用 htmlpreview 在 Github 上预览 HTML 文件。
Github加速访问插件 JS - 通过加速Github的CDN加速节点,提高Github的访问速度
GitHub汉化、国际化插件 JS - 将GitHub界面汉化
GitHub: Hide "Following" button JS - Hide "Following" feed button on GitHub
GitHub shorter title edited files JS - Change title edited file in editor to filename.
Run Workflow Label Enhancer JS - Changes the label of branch selection dropdown in Run Workflow Action from "Use Workflow From" to "Destination Branch"
Github Bors Merge JS - Adds a button to easily start/stop PR merge when using bors
Text Faker JS - Заменяет значения элементов до их рендеринга на странице
一键开启github1s页面 JS - 需配合使用
Gist Edit Resize JS - Gist enhancements with collapsible files and larger editor area