GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
GitHub: Redirect forked repo links to own repo JS - 12/8/2023, 9:09:51 PM
Merge Atlantis Comments JS - Merges concurrent comments by atlantisvoxel on GitHub pull requests
Copy Github PR JS - Adds a "Copy PR" button to copy the title and link as a rich text
GitHub 访问代理助手 JS - GitHub 访问加速助手。支持 GitHub 的 clone、release/raw/zip 下载加速
Github 搜索净化 JS - 屏蔽令人烦恼的小家伙,在搜索结果内不在呈现黑名单列表内用户发布的项目,用户id直接写进blacklist内即可例如["test","test2"]
GitHub file list beautifier JS - Adds colors to files by type, displays small images in place of file-type icons in a repository source tree
Button to copy the raw file URL | Github JS - Adds a button at the end of each file row to copy the raw file URL
跳转github1s 、 sandbox JS - 跳转github1s 、 sandbox 连接
GitHub 时间格式化 JS - 用自定义的日期时间格式替换 GitHub 时间显示(<relative-time>)
Github 高速下载,文件加速下载(不限于Github,可根据需要修改match) JS - 文件高速下载,可用于各种因为网络问题而下载慢的文件(不限于github),鼠标箭头悬停在下载链接0.5秒,即可显示高速下载按钮。
"Ship It" GIF button for Github Review JS - Adds a button to Github to add "Let's ship it!" GIFs when reviewing PRs
Github Repository Name as Tab Title JS - change tab title to : Repository Name / blabla
Github notion task id detector JS - Detect notion task id from default name by git branch
graphColour JS - try to take over the world!
Github Nyan Cat Star JS - Makes GitHub make sense again
GitHub Old Feed JS - Simply use `` to bring back the old GitHub feed
Fix "You can't perform that action at this time" for Github JS - Fix issue of Github when star repo. Reference:
Github链接重定向 JS - 将Github链接重定向至国内镜像链接
Github 主题 JS - 更换 github 主题
Github导航栏添加主页按钮 JS - 导航栏增加主页按钮
Hide Octotree JS - It hides the Octotree button.
github-proxy-helper JS - GitHub 文件加速,支持代码分支、releases等
Aprove Request Github JS - Script for aprove automatic requests in github
Give Me! "Git Clone" JS - It is a user script that allows adding git clone to the url with repository from Github.
web_summary JS - Github Issue 总结
Github Easy-Logout JS - Automatically skips the annoying logout dialog when signing out on
Add copy button next to base ref name in PR header information JS - What the title says
Old github dashboard JS - Return to the old github feed version. This scripts fetches the content of the old feed and replaces it into the new feed.
GitHub 伪装成 Gitee (码云) JS - 中国人就用码云
Github Old Feed JS - Replace the shit💩 new feed with the old one.
github-dark-optimization JS - 仅在 Github / appearance 设定为Daek default 时生效
Github Repository Tab Creator JS - Template Script to Create your own Repository Tab
Github Stargazers JS - Adds a tab to every Repository with which you can see which people have starred your Repository
GitHub Feed Back JS - Bring my GitHub feed back
Refined Github Commit Rewind JS - Make World Better!
Add filename copy button to the Github PR review comments JS - What the title says
GitHub原始链接 JS - 添加一个按钮来打开GitHub上的原始链接。Add a button to open the GitHub raw link.
Github See Your Closed PRs JS - See PRs you created that are merged or closed
github增强 JS - 增强github网站的响应速度,增强github网站的下载速度!!!
Github Open files in Editor JS - Adds a button next to files on Github to quickly open it in your favorite IDE
GitHub Passkey Redirector JS - Redirects GitHub login page so that Passkey logon is enabled.
Github relative-time JS - github returns datetimes instead of vague descriptions
自定义网页背景色-深黑色 JS - 自定义网页背景色,优酷,555视频等,配合谷歌浏览器设置-自定义网页背景色使用。
add-to-stargazers JS - One click add GitHub user to Stargazers
GitHub Star Network Request JS - GitHub Star 自动记录到 Notion Database
Github Issue to Originator JS - Assigns github issues to originator
GitHub Network graph Intercept arrow keys JS - Stops the arrow keys from scrolling the page, because GitHub forgot to use "e.preventDefault();" when they made the keyboard shortcuts for the Network graph.
GitHub Project Copy Column JS - Grab links from a GitHub project column and copy them to the clipboard for easy pasting into a PR or issue description.
GitHub 屏蔽器 JS - 屏蔽掉 GitHub 上的一些烦人用户和牛皮癣 Repo