GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
GitHub Collapse Markdown JS - A userscript that collapses markdown headers
GitHub Copy Code Snippet JS - A userscript adds a copy to clipboard button on hover of markdown code snippets
GitHub Code Colors JS - A userscript that adds a color swatch next to the code color definition
GitHub Code Guides JS - A userscript that allows you to add one or more vertical guidelines to the code
GitHub Code Folding JS - A userscript that adds code folding to GitHub files
GitHub Code Show Whitespace JS - A userscript that shows whitespace (space, tabs and carriage returns) in code blocks
Gist to dabblet JS - Add a link button to any gist with dabblet information
Gist Raw Links JS - Add a button that contains a list of gist raw file links
GitHub Hide Suggested Repository Name JS - Hides GitHub Suggested Repository Name
Github - Hide bots and github-actions from dashboards JS - Minimizes pushs and commits from github actions and bots from dashboard
自动填写 GitHub 仓库名简化删除操作 JS - 在“删除此存储库”按钮上方添加一个按钮,并在 GitHub 上删除存储库时自动填写存储库名称。
Make branch name a link JS - Makes the branch name in the "merged commit" message a link as well
OdooTasksLinks JS - Adds some features on,,, and to integrate it with Moduon Team and Odoo
Linguist Expand JS - Expands Github's Linguist language list on repositories to show every language instead of hiding the small percentage under "Other"
GitHub Repo Markdown Link Copier JS - Add a copy button to GitHub repos to copy the repo link in markdown format
GitHub Commit Compare JS - Add controls to compare commits.
Github Gist Share JS - Share your GitHub Gist to Twitter, Dabblet, Bl.ocks & as userscript.
Github JSON Dependencies Linker JS - Linkify all dependencies found in an JSON file.
Github Commit Diff JS - Adds button to show diff (or patch) file for commit
Github Commit Whitespace JS - Adds button to hide whitespaces from commit
Github Comment Enhancer JS - Enhances Github comments
Github Pull Request From Link JS - Make pull request branches linkable
Github Image Viewer JS - Preview images from within the listing.
Github Pages Linker JS - Add a link to Github Pages (gh-pages) when available.
Github News Feed Filter JS - Add filters for GitHub homepage news feed items
Github User Info JS - Show inline user information on avatar hover.
NERD Inserter JS - just enable it and see what happens
Get Random Github Issue JS - Adds a button to get random github issues from the repo you're on, respects your filter options
Github 部分链接新标签页打开 JS - Github 项目链接和文档中的链接新标签页打开
Github mirror homepage tranverse JS - 在Github官网和镜像网站进行转换 Generate a button to trans between GitHub homepage and mirror
GitHub 小助手 JS - 优化 GitHub 使用体验的小工具;仓库页显示 GitHub 计数统计(issues、watch、fork、star)为具体数值、放大查看 Markdown 中的图片
Toc Bar, 自动生成文章大纲。知乎、微信公众号等阅读好伴侣 JS - 自动生成文章大纲目录,在页面右侧展示一个浮动的组件。覆盖常用在线阅读资讯站(技术向)。github/medium/MDN/掘金/简书等
PlumFont - Replace Roboto, Segoe UI, Arial, and other fonts JS - Replace web page fonts with your preferred ones. Stop using Segoe UI, Arial, and Microsoft YaHei. Replace English numerals with the SF Pro and Inter fonts.
Add repo/branch links to GitHub's "Comparing Changes" page JS - This adds a link to the fork's branch on the GitHub "Comparing changes" page (AKA the "Create a Pull Request" page). See for more details.
Add GitHack Links To GitHub Files JS - 12/13/2023, 1:18:04 AM
Refined GitHub Notifications JS - Enhances the GitHub Notifications page, making it more productive and less noisy.
qBittorrent-wiki-plugins-packager JS - Package and download qBittorrent unoffical public plugins's .py files on qBittorrent plugin wiki page.
Github回到顶部 JS - Github return to the top(回到顶部)脚本
GitHub Reactions on lists JS - Delivers shiny emoji reactions to issues and pull requests right to listings!
Github 网页图标主题 JS - 美化 Github 网页仓库图标
GitHub搜索结果净化 JS - This is a Tampermonkey script for filtering GitHub search results. You can specify users or repositories to block certain inappropriate display results, such as repositories from cirosantilli and wumaoland.
Absolute Date for GitHub JS - Changes relative dates to absolute dates on GitHub
Github releases mirror JS - github releases高速下载按钮
github results跳转打开新页面 JS - github内A标签跳转打开新页面
Playground Links JS - Adds links to our playgrounds and jira tickets to the PR title.
low-code platform JS - 白码是国内企业级低代码开发平台
github repo delete auto confirm JS - auto complete the confirm input when deleting a repo on github
Hide "GitHub Actions" Notifications in PR Conversations JS - Hide "GitHub Actions" div elements on GitHub pull request page so other comments will not be hidden.
Origin JS - Display the creation time of the github repository.