GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
GitHub Copilot automatically obtains GHU JS - Automatically fill and submit GitHub device authorization code, and handle confirmation page by form submission after fully loaded.
Catppuccin Userstyles Helper JS - Make reviewing new userstyles for catppuccin/userstyles a little bit easier.
github加速按钮 JS - 为github中的特定链接(releases、文件、项目地址)添加一个悬浮按钮,提供代理后的加速链接
Github Reply Comments JS - Easy reply to Github comments
StackOverflow code标签替换 JS - 替换<code>为<strong>,使chrome的翻译拆分效果更好。否则code会截断一整个句子的翻译。
GitHub README TOC JS - Add table of contents(TOC) for README in GitHub.
GitHub Branches Sorter JS - Allows sorting the branches list of a repository in ways additional to the default, modification time ordering
Add banner to github PRs for easier copying of the PR's head ref JS - What the title says
Github 一键三连 JS - Github 长按star, 一键watch, star, fork
github-jump JS - Read github code by jumping to vscode with one click
Github、Gitee仓库 图片文件显示工具 JS - Github、Gitee代码托管网址,仓库图片文件预览功能,点击小图可直接在新窗口查看并保存文件
GitHub Actions Filter Button JS - Filter Kata Containers passed or non-required checks.
BlockIdiotsInGithub JS - Block some idiots and their gibberish projects in search result
『自用』微调网页合集 JS - 更改B站视频播放页面(tab)标题,更改B站播放控件大小,展开 AutoHotkey论坛帖子代码框,Material Design2去掉顶部悬浮推荐,重定向淘宝主页到购物车,移除 Github页面的CSK快捷键,百度bing翻译页面添加切换语言快捷键CtrlShiftS,CSDN vip文章高亮居中显示大字VIP文本,有道云笔记编辑器去除推广
GitHub Auto-Fill Form JS - try to take over the world!
GitHub Toggle Wiki Sidebar JS - A userscript that adds a button to toggle the GitHub Wiki sidebar
GitHub Toggle Expanders JS - A userscript that toggles all expanders when one expander is shift-clicked
GitHub Toggle Diff Comments JS - A userscript that toggles diff/PR and commit comments
GitHub Watcher JS - A userscript that can check a repo, folder, file or branch for updates
GitHub Title Notification JS - A userscript that changes the document title if there are unread messages
GitHub Table of Contents JS - A userscript that adds a table of contents to readme & wiki pages
GitHub Static Time JS - A userscript that replaces relative times with a static time formatted as you like it
GitHub Sort Reactions JS - A userscript that sorts comments by reaction
GitHub RTL Comments JS - A userscript that adds a button to insert RTL text blocks in comments
GitHub Sort Content JS - A userscript that makes some lists & markdown tables sortable
GitHub Search Autocomplete JS - A userscript that adds autocomplete search filters to GitHub
GitHub Reveal Header JS - A userscript that reveals the header when hovering near the top of the screen
GitHub Issue Counts JS - A userscript that adds a repo issues count to the repository tab & organization page (
GitHub Remove Diff Signs JS - A userscript that hides the "+" and "-" from code diffs
GitHub Issue Highlighter JS - A userscript that highlights the linked-to comment
GitHub Label Color Picker JS - A userscript that adds a color picker to the label color input
GitHub Issue Show Status JS - A userscript that adds an obvious indicator showing if an issue or pull request is open or closed
GitHub Issue Comments JS - A userscript that toggles issues/pull request comments & messages
GitHub Indent Comments JS - A userscript that allows you to indent & outdent blocks in the comment editor
GitHub Issue Add Details JS - A userscript that adds a button to insert a details block into comments
GitHub in VSCode JS - A userscript that adds a button to open a repo in VSCode using github1s
GitHub Image Preview JS - A userscript that adds clickable image thumbnails
GitHub Font Preview JS - A userscript that adds a font file preview
GitHub Hide Own Feed Meta JS - A userscript that hides your own repo metadata in the GitHub feed
GitHub HTML Preview JS - A userscript that adds preview links to HTML files
GitHub Diff Links JS - A userscript that adds links to diff and pull request headers to jump back & forth between files
GitHub Diff Files Filter JS - A userscript that adds filters that toggle diff & PR folders, and files by extension
GitHub Files Filter JS - A userscript that adds filters that toggle the view of repo files by extension
GitHub Download ZIP JS - A userscript adds download links so that downloaded filenames include the SHA
GitHub Custom Navigation JS - A userscript that allows you to customize GitHub's main navigation bar
GitHub Diff Filename JS - A userscript that highlights filename & permission alterations
GitHub Diff Expander JS - A userscript that adds more diff code expanding buttons
GitHub Diff File Toggle JS - A userscript that adds global diff file toggles
GitHub Custom Hotkeys JS - A userscript that allows you to add custom GitHub keyboard hotkeys