GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
GitHub Status JS - Changes the colour of the main Github octocat icon according to
RawGit Button for JS - add a RawGit button for
Github.desktop.stars.js JS - 在Github首页显示stars列表
Gist Delete Button JS - Adds Delete buttons to the list page of
Add git clone for github JS - 给github克隆地址添加克隆命令
Github Stats JS - Display download stats about the last release of Github projects.
GitHub-Maintainer-Buttons JS - Adds four Buttons To each Commit in a GitHub pull request for selecting comment templates.
Link File to InteliJ IDE From Github JS - Adds a monitor icon next to file name, click it to open your Intelij Ide (Remote Call plugin required)
Unforce input on GitHub search JS - unfocus
Floating Menu Bar (GitHub) JS - Makes the menu bar in GitHub stay at the top of the page when scrolling
orlygift-expansion JS - A grease monkey script for adding functionality to orlygift.
gh-better-monospace JS - Better github code reading experience
GitHub PHP Hyperlinks JS - Enhances browsing through PHP code on GitHub by linking referenced classes
Toggl-Button GitHub JS - Toggle button for GitHub
Find File Shortcut (GitHub) JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to use GitHub's find file feature
Github Repository Sorter JS - Sorts Github repositories.
Github's Game of Life JS - Plays Conways' Game of Life with user's Github activity
Extract Special Characters JS - Extract special character data from ocr-gt-tools wiki
GitHubFlow PR merge idiot-proofing JS - Confirmation before common mistakes when merging Pull Requests in github
NoFixup! JS - Disable the merge pull request button when fixup! commits exist in the current PR and haven't been squashed yet and hide the "Update branch" button.
Github Rawgit Button JS - An userscript to add "Rawgit" button on github.
MCP :: SRG Mapper JS - Apply SRG mappings to code.
github-tabstop JS - add tabstop option for hard tabs (works for github/gist)
Bring Trending Back JS - Bring back trending link to GitHub homepage
GitHub Pulse Sort By JS - adds sorting option to repo pulse
GitHubSourceTree JS - Adds a "Clone in SourceTree" button to github pages
github-npm-deps JS - Link dependencies from package.json to respective GitHub homepages
Github Contribution Activity Removal JS - Removes the Github Contribution activity statistics for those who may not wish to see it. This is useful for people who may feel down for not contributing anything to a codebase for some time.
Add the "Explore" button to GitHub JS - Adds the now missing "Explore" button to github left item bar
GitHub - Linkify package.json dependencies JS - Turns the names of packages into links to their homepages when looking at a package.json file
GitHub code review helper - open/hide diff on click JS - Open/hide GitHub diff when clicking on diff header
Github: Add Releases Button JS - Adds a releases button
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
GitHub commit timestamps JS - Displays absolute time for commits (if less than 18 hours ago)
Github Issue title + GFM Link JS - Provides a Github Flavored Markdown text as an issues title
Github Gist JS - More space for gists
GitHub Toc JS - Generate TOC(Table of Content) for Github readme and Github Wiki
Github Contributions Heatmap JS - Adds a heatmap to the Github contribution graph.
Github Pull Request Reviewer JS - Give some order to your pull request
Fix line numbers on github JS - Fixes the fact that line numbers fuck up on github
Github Compare view JS - Increases Github width on compare view
Github color preview JS - Adds colour to github gutter if the line contains a hex color code
CheckChangelogFromGithubRelease JS - Check ChangeLog from Github Relase page.
Github Whitespace Ignorer JS - Ignores whitespace on Github Diffs
Github-time-format-changer JS - Change Github time format.
Make GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages full width JS - Makes the GitHub Pull Request, Commit, and Blob pages span the full width of the browser, rather than maxing out at the default ~900 pixels.
Reload GitHub Pull Request Diff page to ignore whitespace JS - Reloads the GitHub Pull Request Diff page, adjusting the URL to have the diffs ignore whitespace.
gist fill in fileName automatically JS - Fill in the filename automatically When pasting a Greasemonkey script.
gist update Description with title JS - gistの説明文を更新するとdocument.titleも更新