GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
Game Search Helper JS - Adds search buttons on various gaming related websites to search for the game on external sites
Github code review page formatter JS - Automatically set split and ignore whitespace mode on github
Open GitHub Repo in VSCode JS - Open GitHub Repo in
tampermonkey-emoji-commit-github JS - to commit with emoji !!! !!!
Git Markdown 文件内容导航 JS - 提供 github/gitee 网站 markdown 文件内容的目录导航。
Hide Github Recommended for you JS - Hide Github Recommened Followers
Github Word Wrapping for CODE blocks JS - Switches word wrapping for CODE blocks in comments on
GitHubHideDesktop JS - hide "Open in GitHub Desktop" button
GithubGoTop JS - scroll top
github-update-forked JS - update forked repository
GitHub commits button JS - bring back the commits tab on github repos
github的链接在新标签页打开 JS - 让github的链接默认是在新标签页中打开而不是当前页打开
modler JS - Oneclick-like installer for Beat Saber mods from github.
Unfollow All Github JS - 6/8/2022, 12:55:28 AM
github在线编辑/运行 JS - github跳转github1s和gitpod
githubForkz JS - Adds a button to find active and useful forks on Github
Lemonade: A Web Tool for Cleaner Chinese JS - Let Clean Chinese Refresh Your Eyes! 清除中文互联网页面上的“互联网黑话”、“营销号语言”和各种低幼化词汇。
自动复制Github仓库名 JS - 删除github仓库时,自动生成一个按钮复制仓库名
GitHub工程快捷载入在线VS Code JS - F1载入‘github1s’,F2载入‘’
github-custom-styles JS - github custom styles
GitHub Remark JS - GitHub remark
新商盟(chengyingming) JS - 新商盟自动添加烟的数据
shumin-github JS - 自用
Show Code To Visual Studio JS - Show Github Project to Visual Studio Code!
自定义网站样式 JS - 自定义相关网站的样式:增加油猴脚本更新脚本页面编辑框的高度 | 控制jupyter页面代码执行后生成元素的高度
NoGithub JS - Stop students using GitHub.
Better GitHub Pull Requests JS - Improves the GitHub Pull Request UI and adds several features. "Better PRs"
一键跳转到github的dev编辑器页面 JS - 一键跳转到github的dev编辑器页面!
Cocos Github UserName JS - Github UserName for Cocos
Fake PerformanceObserver JS - Unblock pages broken by dom.enable_performance_observer = false
Github假开源黑名单 JS - 拒绝假开源
github、码云 md文件目录化 JS - github、码云、npmjs项目README.md增加目录侧栏导航,悬浮按钮
GitHub Star History JS - GitHub Star History 快速跳转到
Open with VSCode JS - Support Open Remote Repo in GitHub Code menu!
GitHub apply dark theme on private repo JS - Apply dark theme to your private repository pages on Github
GitHub Gist apply dark theme on secret Gists JS - Apply dark theme to your secret Gists on GitHub Gist
GitHub Trending star 排序回归 JS - 调整 GitHub Trending 页, 数据排序逻辑
github一键在线编辑 JS - github一键跳转在线编辑,实现在网页端上通过线上vsCode直观的对代码进行浏览与编译
Open newtab JS - Open new tab on github
Material design icons (beta) JS - Adds file Icons to GitHub
屏蔽抖音直播礼物弹幕 JS - 屏蔽抖音直播礼物弹幕。
Render KaTex on GitHub JS - Render KaTex math in GitHub MD files
Github/Gitlab 导航栏增强 JS - Github/Gitlab 导航增加快速跳转到个人仓库列表的链接按钮
显示github编辑按钮按钮 JS - 在 Github 网站顶部分别显示 和github.dev按钮,支持项目进行在线编辑
修改 GitHub 图标 JS - 将 GitHub 的网站图标改为亮色透明背景,改善暗色标签页背景等环境下图标的对比度,适合使用暗色主题的浏览器。内置 亮、暗、黑 三种前景色和 亮、暗、黑、透明 四种背景色可供直接修改。浏览器需支持 SVG 图标。
Dependabot commands - JS - Adds shortcut buttons to run dependabot commands in PRs where dependabot is the author
Show all comments on github issue JS - Automatically clicks the "xxx hidden items" button on Github issue pages to successively load in all the comments in the page on load.
Github显示具体Star数字 JS - 让Star/Fork等显示完整的数字
隐藏 GitHub 账单警告 JS - 对于 GitHub 欠费账户,隐藏始终显示在头部的账单警告。