Turking Scripts by clickhappier
Semi-automatic collection of userscripts for turkers (MTurk workers). Includes 500+ scripts (not all updated for the 2017+ worker.mturk.com), uploaded by 50+ authors, and some from inactive authors shared by several turking community members. The official Turkopticon script author is 'fiveplusone'. Use the 'Sorting by' links on the right to view this set by script 'Name' A-Z, or by 'Total installs' to see the most popular. Note that the 'Search' box searches all of Greasyfork, not just this set.
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Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
HIT Forker JS - Monitors mturk.com for HITs
turkopticon.net JS - Review requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT JS - Snag HITs. mturk.
mmmturkeybacon Today's Projected Earnings JS - Shows the day's total earnings assuming all HITs that are
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
MTurk HIT Database Mk.II JS - Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT Legacy JS - Snag HITs.
Pending Earnings JS - Adds a pending earnings item to mturk dashboard
Mturk ID Copy/Paste JS - For Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Places an unobtrusive button on survey pages which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID by copy and paste or drag and drop. This is the UPDATED version of Tjololo's earlier work.
MTurk HIT DataBase Legacy JS - Extended ability to search HITs you have worked on and other useful tools (CSV export/import, requester notes, requester block, pending/projected earnings)
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
(mTurk) Show captcha and accept button ASAP JS - (mTurk) Shows the captcha and accept buttons on hits ASAP instead of waiting for the page to fully load.
MTurk Wage Reporter JS - Tracks a best-estimate hourly wage on active HITs being worked.
mmmturkeybacon Queue Order Fix JS - After completing a HIT anywhere within your queue (i.e. HITs Assigned To You), this script will automatically continue the HIT at the top of your queue.
mmmturkeybacon Enhanced HIT Information Capsule (Shows Automatic Approval Time) JS - Changes the requester name to a link that searches mturk for HITs by the requester. Adds a link to the average Turkopticon ratings for that requester. Adds a contact link for the requester. Displays hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds in a human readable format.
Mturk Engine JS - Earn money more efficiently on Amazon's Mechanical Turk work platform.
Overwatch for worker.mturk JS - A userscript for watching requesters on the mturk platform.
mmmturkeybacon Scroll To Workspace JS - When a HIT has been accepted, this script scrolls the mturk workspace to the top of the window. When a HIT is being previewed, this script scrolls the 'Accept HIT' button to the top of the window, unless there is a CAPTCHA. Whenever a HIT is previewed or accepted, this script sets the iframe height equal to the browser's viewport height to ensure proper scrolling and gives focus to the iframe.
ID Copy/Paste JS - Places an unobtrusive button on the page which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID. Edited by Tjololo12: Hover highlight for easy copy-paste, does not show on mturk pages
MTurk Captcha Alert JS - Alerts when a captcha is encountered.
Approval Time JS - Displays the auto-approval time
Mturk Hourly JS - Record time spent working on HITs. Forked from [MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer v2.1.3 by @Kadauchi.
mmmturkeybacon Save Automatic Approval Time JS - Saves automatic approval time and shows the time
Captcha Counter JS - Counts the number of hits remaining before you get a captcha
Block Requesters (Fixed) JS - Hide HITs from requesters you're not interested in (FIXED FOR GOOGLE CHROME)
MTurk Great HIT Export JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data
MTurk Time Tracker JS - Manual time tracking for MTurk. Use with MTurk Status Page Chart.
Discover Fake Availabilities JS - Often times you open a hit to find there is no more hits available, even though MTurk reports that there is some left. This script discovers and lets you know
MTurk Status Page Chart JS - Adds some, hopefully slightly useful, eyecandy to your status page
mmmturkeybacon Expected Earnings - Projected Earnings This Week JS - Shows projected earnings for the current week assuming all HITs are approved. If you complete a HIT after the HIT's status page has been processed by this script it will not be shown in the total until cookies are cleared and the total is recalculated by processing all of the pages again. Bonuses are also not shown in the total. The start of the week is determined by the setting in mmmturkeybacon Seven Days Dashboard and Weekly Total; the default value is Sunday.
MTurk Worst & Best Case Scenario JS - This script will calculate the best and worst case scenario of your pending HITs. The information will be displayed on your dashboard.
mmmturkeybacon Add Hidden Stats to Dashboard JS - Adds submission, return, and abandonment_rates to the dashboard. Saves stats and only updates them when "Update stats" is clicked to reduce page requests.
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A fork of DonovanM's Turkmaster, now with watcher groups and other new features. A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
mmmturkeybacon Expected Earnings - Pending Approval Earnings JS - Shows the total earnings from all HITs over the past 30 days which have not yet been approved nor rejected. Mouseover amount to see more info.
HIT Scraper to MTurk Suite JS - Does things...
MTurk - Expanded header info. - UPDATE JS - This script adds some extra features under the account header links on MTurk's site. New features include displaying of your transfer balance along with Worker ID.
turkoptiscript JS - User script for Turkopticon -- review requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Mturk Radio Keybinds JS - Keybinds to select radios
mmmturkeybacon Expected Earnings - Approved (Awaiting Payment) Earnings JS - Shows the total earnings from all HITs over the past 30 days which have been recently approved but not yet paid out. Mouseover the value field to see the dates of recently approved - pending payment HITs.
Project Endor (Zoltar) JS - easy clicks for zoltars
New HIT Monitor v2 JS - Browser and SMS alerts for mturk HITs
Keep Mturk Autoaccept Box Checked JS - Keeps the autoaccept box always checked while working on hits on mturk.
mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints JS - Changes the title row of a HIT's description to match the average of it's Turkopticon ratings. Changes the color of the reward amount to match the color of the Turkopticon rating for pay. Adds colored checkboxes to show/hide HITs by color rating. Adds a gray checkbox to show only HITs for which you are not qualified. Changes the background color of the HIT title and link to white for Master's HITs. Changes the color of HITs for which you are not qualified to a darker gray. And more!
CH Block Using HIT Scraper's Blocklist JS - Block requesters and HITs on regular MTurk search results pages using your blocklist from 'HIT Scraper With Export'. Also highlights favorite requesters from your includelist.
Mturk Expanded Header (Cached) JS - Gives you an expanded header on Mturk (Mechanical Turk) with transfer balance and Worker ID without polling on every page load. This will reduce maximum request rate errors for people that use expanded header scripts. This also works on the latest Firefox (the other scripts will break soon).
MTurk Requester Bookmarks JS - Add quick links for your favourite requesters to MTurk dashboard