收藏 by vzjrz
现在只显示 简体中文 的结果。显示所有语言的结果。
4chan X JS - 4chan X is a script that adds various features to anonymous imageboards.
YouTube Link Cleaner JS - Removes unneeded parameters and redirection pages from YouTube links.
ViewTube_GM JS - Watch videos from video sharing websites without Flash Player.
Affiliate killer JS - No more Affiliate Link! Plz Original URL!
TwiShell JS - Enhance Twitter Web with lots of features.
Amazon URL Cleaner JS - replaceState for Amazon
YouTube RSS Feed JS - Adds an RSS feed button to YouTube channels next to the subscribe button
Traditional Twitter RT + Instagram Card JS - Old School RT Functionality for New Twitter, Allows retweeting with Comments
t.co bypass JS - fairly self explanatory, but just in case, this package will replace t.co urls on twitter and tweetdeck by using other attributes in the anchor tag.
KissAnime Anti-Adblock Blocker JS - Not even the people from Easylist seem to fight this site anymore, someone had to try as this looks popular enough. *sigh*
Import Bandcamp releases into MB JS - Import album and track info from Bandcamp into the MusicBrainz database.
Twitter Show Hidden Content JS - Removes the "sensitive material" warning on Twitter and unhides the content
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Steam: Bypass age confirmation prompts JS - Suppresses age confirmations on Steam store pages and community hubs