GitHub by LouCypher
user scripts for GitHub.
现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Github中文搜索净化 JS - Github中文搜索净化,屏蔽特定用户群
GitHub 输入框添加折叠块 JS - 在 markdown 输入框自动添加添加<details>标签
github链接新标签打开 JS - github站内所有的链接都从新的标签页打开,而不从当前页面打开
GitHub large fonts JS - Change all GitHub repository and gist pages to be full width and dynamically sized
Gists GitHub 修改页面拉长文本框 JS - 一屏更多内容!
GitHub Personal Events JS - This plugin is used to display personal events on the GitHub homepage
Disable GitHub textarea codeframe JS - Disables the garbage textarea.
GitHub Release Downloads JS - Show download count for releases on Github
搜索引擎切换 - Search Engine Switcher JS - A userscript to switch search engine with current keywords.
GitHub Delete Repositories JS - Add delete button to GitHub repositories
Directory Buttons for GitHub Material Icons JS - Add border to directory icons with Material Icons chrome extension and make them clickable
Beautify JS - 美化<误>各网页界面
Pull request JS - Add extra copy buttons into pull request pages.
GitHub汉化插件 JS - GitHub汉化插件,包含人机翻译
Hide Github Commit Emojis JS - Hides all emojis from github commit messages
GitHub Actions Filter Button JS - Filter Cloud Hypervisor passed or non-required checks.
Copy SSH URL Button for JS - Adds a button to copy SSH clone URL on GitHub repositories when logged out.
Github PR Organizer & Formatter JS - Organizes and tabs PRs to make it easier to see what to prioritize.
fixed github wiki sidebar JS - 固定GitHub wiki 页面的sidebar 方便阅读跳转
Github manual merge JS - Fixes the manual merge instructions on github
GitHub的Commits记录相关的按钮外围加上黑色边框,并以蓝色字体和黄色背景高亮显示 JS - GitHub's Commits recording button is surrounded by a black border, displayed in blue font, and highlighted with a yellow background
Open With Visual Studio Code JS - 快速将 GitHub 项目下载到本地
GitHub Useful Forks JS - Adds a button to GitHub repositories to see useful forks of the repo.
GitHub 简易搜索 JS - Help perform advanced GitHub searches with dynamic parameters.简单搜索Github方法。
GitHub Editor - Change Default Settings JS - change default settings for the github editor
open-in-initcommit JS - Find the initial commit of the repository
Disable Symbols JS - Disables opening symbols on click in the Github code viewer.
Open GitHub files in VS Code JS - When viewing a file on a known GitHub repo with a local clone, pressing the `\` key will open the file in VS Code. If a line is highlighted, the file will be opened to that line in VS Code.
Redirect GitHub IPYNB to Google Colab JS - Redirects GitHub IPYNB URLs to Google Colab URLs with a Colab badge.
Github1s JS - 在 Github 网站顶部显示 Github1s 按钮,Github1s 是一个利用 VsCode Online 浏览代码的项目
复制 GitHub 仓库名 JS - 在 GitHub 页面上添加一个按钮,点击后可以复制仓库名(owner/repo)
github merge blocker JS - Disable merge buttons for the base branches you wish to restrict.
Github - Open with VSCode JS - Adds "Open with VSCode" button
Github 快捷查找活跃的Forks列表 JS - 快捷查找活跃的Forks列表,可以快速了解各个分叉的热度,比如在主项目存档不维护时,就能知道有哪个新分叉有更新
Calculator version francais JS - juste une calculatrice pour faire des division
Calculator English version JS - just a calculator to do division
Github屏蔽用户 JS - 屏蔽Github搜索页面某些丝麻用户的内容,如cirosantilli发的与代码无关的Shit Repo,我囸你写吗狗罕见
GitHub汉化插件 JS - GitHub翻译插件
显示 Github 仓库大小 JS - 一个简单的油猴脚本,可以显示当前 Github 仓库的大小(暂不支持私人仓库)
自用集合-Weidows JS - 1.度盘链接添加前缀(常见于B站 s/xxxx?pwd=xxxx 这样的) | 2.将steam偏好隐藏选项显示出来 | 3.Add a button to convert GitHub file links to JsDelivr links
GitHub 代码块图标增强(基于 NerdFont) JS - 通过为 GitHub 代码块设置 NerdFont 字体以显示更多图标。
Github按文件更新日期排序 JS - Github按文件更新日期排序...
gist-copy JS - Copy gist code with one-click.
github一键三连 JS - Adds a button for one-click triple action (Watching, Star, and Fork) on GitHub
Search Box Keyboard Shortcut for General Websites JS - Adds a keyboard shortcut to jump to the search box on websites when '/' is pressed
GitHub Gist, open Markdown links in new tab JS - Open GitHub Gist Markdown links in a new tab
Gist Downloader Plus JS - Directly download GitHub gists as source files.
搜索引擎一键切换 JS - 在搜索引擎页面添加 Google、Bing、Baidu、Github 搜索按钮,方便切换搜索引擎
GitHub - 🖕 Brutal FORK-button 🖕 JS - Replace "FORK"-button with "FUCK"-button, just for fun.