现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
YouTube Debug Button Enabler JS - Enables the hidden DEBUG button on YouTube.
Image download helper JS - add keyboard shortcuts to open and download image files quicker
Next page script JS - Automatically loads next page once you reach bottom of the page
Picture Downloader|Image Downloader|图片下载器 JS - 在页面右下角插入图片域名筛选框和下载按钮,根据关键词匹配图片URL并批量下载。默认针对所有站点开启,所以建议不需要时先禁用脚本,需要时再开启。
b站助手 JS - b站自动关弹幕,自动宽屏
Spotify hotkeys JS - Allows hotkeys and media keys to control the Spotify web player from any tab
超简易解除网页限制 JS - 解除网页的复制 、拖动 、选中 、右键 、粘贴等限制。没有多余的代码,仅28行,尽量做到不占资源.
Crunchyroll HTML5 JS - Replaces Crunchyroll's HTML5 player with an improved version
新标签页打开 JS - 强制所有链接在新标签页打开
daum漫画图片下载 JS - 一键下载Daum的整话漫画
cnBeta视频地址 JS - 显示cnBeta中的视频源地址,特别适合未安装Flash的Safari用户。配合html5视频播放插件,在视频的源地址观看cnBeta上的视频。
WME Open Other Maps JS - Links for opening external resources at the WME location and WME from external resources
Fastest Youtube Downloader! (Video or MP3) JS - The fastest and best quality video and music (mp3) YouTube download plug-in from Onur YASAR!
Amazon short URL JS - Replace article URL with short Amazon permalink
动车组交路查询 JS - 在 12306 订票页面上显示动车组型号与交路
Skip Bit Heroes Ads JS - Allows to skip ads on Bit Heroes, but keep get the rewards
百度网盘直接下载助手 生成链接到 Aria2 WebUI, 包含--out filename JS - try to take over the world!
PTT Long Change JS - Change on PTT.cc.
930mh自动回顶 JS - 在亲亲漫画翻页浏览时自动返回页首
AC-独家-淘宝天猫优惠券查询领取,大额优惠券,【100元购物神券】,省钱购物,领券购买更优惠,平均优惠20% JS - 独家查询淘宝商品查询是否具有优惠券,各种大额优惠券,【3元|10元|20元|40元】优惠券领取,购物必备,特大优惠
Adfly-skipper JS - Automatically skip ad-fly
InstaMagnify: Instagram Media Downloader JS - Best! Greatly enhance your Instagram navigation experience! And magically view or download the highest-quality, largest versions of Instagram stories, albums, images/photos, videos and profile avatars. If you have ever wanted to save a story, album, image/photo, video or avatar, then this is for you!
WaniKani Lesson Cap JS - Limits the amount of lessons you can do with your current review queue.
CSDN 阅读全文 JS - 显示隐藏内容
必应图片下载按钮 JS - 在必应首页添加一个图片下载按钮。
Google翻译 替换 JS - 对翻译后的字符串进行替换。github:https://github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey,欢迎star和fork。
hwm_time_restore JS - Таймеры гильдии рабочих, воров, наёмников, рейнджеров, охотников, кузнецов, восстановления здоровья и маны
taobao patch JS - 修复淘宝店铺‘所有分类’页面和店内搜索
Freebitcoin Auto Claim JS - Feel free to donate: 1KCwhJWdMcnqNECnKBxhZHb4Eu6RWjgg4U
Agar.io Skin Changer JS - Agario Hack
WebNobel Continuar a Leer JS - Webnovel.com Continua a pagina del Capitulo
The West - Classic Pro JS - Script collection for TW Classic
WME Rapid House Numbers JS - A House Number script with its controls in the House Number mini-editor. It injects the next value in a sequence into each new HN. All house number formats are supported.
Whatsapp Web Privacy Mode JS - Add button and hotkey to hide contact names and avatars on web.whatsapp.com
WhatsApp Web Spammer JS - Spam people with this beautiful WhatsApp Web spammer.
Steam一键批量合卡合徽章 JS - 这是一个自动合卡插件,可以指定徽章合成的数量和种类
AO3: Links to First and Last Chapter JS - Add links to first and last chapter to AO3.
Links to Next and Previous Posts JS - Add links to next and previous posts to each post
论坛快捷回帖 JS - 使用自定义内容或本扩展预定义的回帖内容,快捷回复支持的论坛的发帖!
pan.download JS - 百度一键大文件下载,更新于2018.01.26
Redeem itch.io JS - 自动领取itch.io key链接和免费itch.io游戏
YouTube to MP3 Downloader Button JS - Adds a download button to YouTube videos which allows you to download the MP3 of the video with MediaHuman YouTube to MP3
futaba_new_res_counter JS - ふたクロでタブに新着レス数を表示する
HIT Database Backup JS - Does things...
Ebay Include Shipping JS - Show the true total including shipping on Ebay
Add Site Search Links To Google Search Result JS - Add a "Site Results" and "Cached Page" links onto each Google search result entries to search from that site. The link will be added either in the search result entry's popup menu, or after the green URL below the entry's title.
reCAPTCHA E FARM NO A JS - AutoFarm para Tribal Wars, com alerta sonoro para captcha.
! 豆瓣电影 + 百度网盘 |!' IMDB + Magnet |!' 各大视频网站 + JS - 找资源不用打开一堆新标签,有的话会直接播放 |!' Show magnet and pan.baidu.com in movie detail page |!' 当破解VIP会员电视剧失败?没准有网盘和磁力种子在分享呢.兼容黄岩Style.
Vzacz God's Membean Auto-Answer JS - Membean Auto-Answer
Enable Songsterr Premium JS - Enable songsterr premium
Booru Downloader + Viewer SFW JS - The original fullsize images downloader, and viewer for the various booru imageboards
Kahoot font JS - Change font size and font face in Kahoot!.
解除网页限制,网站列表请看代码,也可以添加自定义网站 JS - 解除各种网页限制,网站列表请看代码,也可以添加自定义网站
Moomoo.io /ᐠ。ᆽ。ᐟ \ Mod *BETA* JS - Easy Hats switch
BiliBili直播间解除字数限制 JS - 直播间解除字数限制,自动分条发送
WaniKani Forums: Large Image Embedder JS - Embeds images which Discourse refuses to embed
斗鱼自动领鱼丸 JS - 实现斗鱼自动领鱼丸
Washington Post Paywall Bypass JS - Removes the Washington Post paywall
SCI文献PDF直达 JS - 访问SCI文献摘要页时自动跳转至PDF,附带文献摘录工具
Youtube 翻译中文字幕下载 v14 JS - Youtube 播放器右下角有个 Auto-tranlsate,可以把视频字幕翻成中文。这个脚本是下载这个中文字幕
自动开启网页全屏 JS - 网页加载完4秒后,启动网页全屏
truyen.tangthuvien.vn QuickPost JS - Thực hiện đăng truyện nhanh trên trang https://truyen.tangthuvien.vn/dang-chuong/story
WaniKani Lesson Hover Details JS - Show lesson breakdown by type on hover
Reddit Video Downloader JS - A script to that allows you to download videos hosted on Reddit by pressing Ctrl+S or Meta+S on the comments section.
自动刷新页面 JS - 每隔一段时间自动刷新页面,可自定义刷新间隔时间,适合挂机、PT 等需要保持心跳的网页
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
WME Wide-Angle Lens Places JS - Find place that match filter criteria
WME Wide-Angle Lens Streets JS - Find streets that match filter criteria
WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters JS - Additional filters for the WaniKani Open Framework
YouTube dark at night JS - Auto turn on YouTube dark theme at night.
QQ音乐下载 JS - 点击下载按钮即可下载QQ音乐
Lobsters Highlighter JS - Highlight new stories on Lobsters
视频VIP替换 JS - 直接在视频页查看会员视频
Various fixes on FF.net JS - Adds Verdana characters not taken into account and fixes line height in Favorite Authors tab.
Youtube2mp3 JS - This script helps to add a YouTube download button.
知乎优化 JS - - 把知乎回答/知乎专栏的编辑/发布时间放到前面,方便查看。
WME UR-MP tracking JS - Track UR and MP in the Waze Map Editor
CSDN极致去广告 JS - CSDN去广告(除了文章其他全去)
按⬅➡键自动翻页 JS - 在需要翻页的网页中,使用按⬅➡键向前向后翻页
cda.pl - łatwe pobieranie filmów za darmo JS - pobierz i miej lepsze życie
去 知乎 Advertisement EBook LiveItem JS - 广告 电子书相关 包含价格相关 信息屏蔽
Google検索結果に時期指定、再生時間指定、画像サイズ指定、日本語のみボタンを設置する JS - 画面解像度が高い人向き ニコ動・ヤフオク・ヨドバシ検索結果にも並べ替えボタンを設置 (実験的:Google検索結果にGoogle NewsやTwitter検索へのRSSリンクを追加)
Watermelon Zhihu JS - 一个清净的知乎
获取虎牙直播流地址,可直接使用VLC播放器播放 JS - 获取虎牙直播流地址,可直接使用VLC播放器播放,在VLC内选择Open Network,粘贴地址打开即可
搜索引擎自动加载下一页 JS - 搜索引擎自动加载下一页,包括baidu sogou bing 360so
Fix src of Flash content JS - Internet Archive
Google Translation Bar JS - On-page Google Translate, work on all web browsers from desktop to mobile!
WME Route Speeds (MapOMatic fork) JS - Shows segment speeds in a route.
WME GIS Layers JS - Adds GIS layers in WME
WME FC Layer JS - Adds a Functional Class layer for states that publish ArcGIS FC data.
百度网盘提取工具(BaiduyundiskLinkCodeExtract) JS - 点击按钮扫描,如果页面上有百度云盘的资源网址,则将文字转换为链接;如果页面上有百度云盘资源链接和提取码,则在点击链接后自动填入提取码并提交
划词翻译 JS - 基于 translate.google.cn 的划词翻译,用鼠标选中纯英文内容即可。每次翻译的结果自动复制到剪贴板,用户可直接粘贴使用。
优书网 <=> 知轩藏书 JS - [知轩藏书/早安电子书/书荒网/柚子书]添加优书网评分和直链,[优书网/柚子书]书籍详情页添加[知轩藏书/早安电子书/龙凤互联/书荒网]下载链接
Faithlife Community Forum Search2G JS - Send forum searches to Google Search
Pixiv 简单存图 JS - 透过快捷键与自订名称格式来简单的存图
知乎图片缩小 JS - 将知乎答案里图片缩小以便于浏览, 鼠标单击图片可看大图
Nyaa hide 0 seeders JS - Hide torrent with 0 seeders
Ads-free Quizlet JS - 去除Quizlet广告 / Remove ads on Quizlet