现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Gota.io Macros By ReF and split JS - some macros for gota and spolit 16
Confluence - Open editor inside main view (keep sidebar) JS - Open editor inside main view when creating and editing pages (known bug: when page creation requires multiple steps, the resulting page will be opened without the page tree)
ao3 tags savior JS - hide works with too many tags on the AO3
腾讯视频h5 JS - 腾讯视频html5播放器
SoundCloud Toggle Continuous Play and Autoplay JS - Adds options to toggle continuous play and autoplay in SoundCloud
YouTube Extra! JS - Adds a button that lets you download YouTube videos as mp4 & mp3.
Quizlet micromatch bot JS - Win micromatch in < 100 seconds!
The Ultimate Popup Blocker JS - Configurable popup blocker that blocks ALL (even user-initiated) popup windows by default. But you can easily open the blocked popup or whitelist a domain, directly from the page.
Unblur Scribd JS - Unblur any Scribd document
Amazon: Sort by Review Count Rank JS - Adds an option to sort search results by number of reviews
LINE Sticker Downloader JS - Creates a button to download stickers from the LINE Store
ao3 work block JS - permanently hide selected works
Whatsapp spam 2.0 JS - Made by Macr1408 (Also known as Razor1408) for razor.260mb.org
Bandcamp download mp3s JS - Shows download links for the preview files on bandcamp albums
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
去皮微博 JS - 讓微博更乾淨。
move army JS - shine bright like a diamond
Ne0 Auto Port JS - Ne0's Auto Port for those who need to get out of a tight jam!
清理百度贴吧插入广告 JS - 清理掉贴吧列表和贴子中插入的广告
Pinterest registration popup killer JS - Browse Pinterest without registration. Also remove the cookies banner.
老司机自动开车神器 JS - 老司机自动开车神器, 自动抓取识别磁链特征码,支持下载到115网盘
Cookie Master JS - Loads the CookieMaster helper tool for CookieClicker Idle game
Agar.io Feed Macro + Split Hotkeys + Rip Ads JS - Y - Double Split -|- U - Triple Split -|- T - 16 Split -|- E - Feed
Duolingo Unlocker JS - ABANDONED Allows you to practice any skill and adds a few niceties to the UI.
Agar.io Feed Macro + Split Hotkeys|By: Dabbles - Agario JS - D - Double Split -|- S - Triple Split -|- A - 16 Split -|- Q - Feed
AliBetterReviews JS - User script for making Aliexpress reviews easier to browse
Aliexpress Plus Fixed and more... JS - View Search Results by list automatically & Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, Lets you search your wishlish, Shows related wishlist items in search and item pages, Adds search default options.
网页整页截图 JS - Ctrl+F10 网页整页截图,焦点位于输入框时将输入框内文字转换为图片
Atlassian JIRA - Auto-expand older comments JS - Automatically expands the older comments accordion in JIRA so you see all comments by default. Workaround to jira.comment.collapsing.minimum.hidden. Aids in searching page.
Google DWIMages JS - Direct links to images and pages on Google Images
ニコニコ大百科掲示板NG機能 JS - ニコニコ大百科掲示板NG機能。IDを入力して設定を押せばNGできます。
MicroScatter Cheater Script JS - Press C on micromatch to win
1337X - Subtitle download links to TV and Movie torrents JS - Adds download links for subtitles to every TV and movie torrent on 1337x (addic7ed & subscene)
Aliexpress sort by price JS - Sort by price by one click
Schoology NCMS JS - Cool themes
Add routine to transfer list JS - Add routine to transfer list - TM
Enhanced Google Bar JS - Google Bar Returns
百度云解析 blog.tsyinpin.com 优化版 JS - 百度云盘解析 blog.tsyinpin.com 优化版
Hide Ad Panel in Outlook.com JS - Hides the right sidebar with ads and stretches the e-mail body to take its place. Enable the beta version of Outlook!
Scratch Add-on JS - Should add a button in html source code on the forum pages
CookieClickerHack JS - Press Alt+G
熊猫TV不用登录就可以一直看超清啦 H5播放器 JS - 不用登录就可以一直看超清啦;启用了H5播放器,妈妈再也不用担flash问题啦;屏蔽了右侧弹幕,不喜欢弹幕的同学再也不用屏蔽啦;直播间列表点击后在新的页面打开直播间
兔搜小说阅读快速转码/一键去广告 JS - 部分小说站列表也增加转码阅读,无广告更流畅
WeTransfer JS - Fixes the annoyances of every day use of WeTransfer
知乎跳转链接修复 JS - 将跳转链接改为原链接。
Download MP3 - Youtube JS - download whatever you want as a MP3
Video Speed Buttons JS - Add speed buttons to any HTML5 <video> element. Comes with a loader for YouTube and Vimeo
YouTube MP3 Download | Converto.io | Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera... JS - Fügt einen MP3 Download-Button zur Videoseite hinzu, um das Video über Converto.io zu MP3 umzuwandeln.
黄冈网校Vip JS - 黄冈网校视频免登陆免费看
获取哔哩哔哩视频和直播间的封面图片 get bilibili cover image JS - 在视频列表上以及视频播放页面,按 ctrl+鼠标右键 ,就会在新窗口打开这个视频的封面图
Google Disable SafeSearch automatically JS - Disable Google SafeSearch automatically
自动下载"成为小说家"网站的小说 JS - 在小说家txt章节下载页(里区同样生效),自动从(列表的)第一话开始下载所有小说txt档
『净网卫士』 吾爱破解论坛 JS - 移除广告,精简页面。新增论坛后台自动签到。
Disable Confirmation Dialog When Leaving A Web Page JS - Disable confirmation dialog when leaving a web page
PTH Upload Save Defaults JS - Save the dropdown menu selections on the upload form and automatically set them on page load
知乎免登录 JS - 并且去掉链接跳转。
微软翻译组件 JS - 微软翻译组件 右下角点击翻译
WaniKani Katakana Madness JS - Transforms everything related to on'yomi into katakana
URL 嗅探器 JS - 从 HTML 中嗅探 URL
Economist Paywall Demolisher JS - Removes the limit on the number of articles you can view for free on The Economist's site.
Vimeo Download JS - Adds a download button to the video player.
Toggle Zoom JS - Extend image zoom modes with scale-to-width and scale-to-height of window
IMDB info + .torrent from magnet JS - Show info of movies/series's (rating, poster, actors, ...) from IMDB on almost any torrent domain (thepiratebay, *torrent* , ...) as well as showing .torrent download links from any magnet:?url
WhatsApp online notifier JS - Notifies you when a user comes online. This script will only work if have a tab open and navigated to https://web.whatsapp.com/ and have selected a person. The next time this person comes online you should hear a bleeb. *Bleeb*!
Ad remover for habrahabr.ru, megamozg.ru and geektimes.ru JS - Removes upper block with an offer to disable AdBlock on habrahabr.ru, megamozg.ru and geektimes.ru
openload JS - Remove anti-adblock, ads, popups and timer waits, and show direct download link
NYT Single-Page Format v1.3 JS - Rewrites New York Times links to ask for single page format. v1.3 imported from userscripts.org. Derived from bodosom.net version.
Weibo Bookmark JS - You can place a marker on the last newsfeed you have read, so it can be found easily next time. Ctrl-Click on an item to mark it, again to remove the mark.
TW Friends JS - Friend Management for The West Events
Google Images direct link JS - NOTE: Since July 2016 this script is unmaintained. It is here just for historical purposes and to let other people fork it. Adds direct links to images and pages in google image search
WME Color Highlights JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their status
RaaW JS - Reddit as a Weapon script. Parts and idea by /u/noeatnosleep, enhanced by /u/enim, /u/creesch, /u/skeeto, and /u/djimbob. RaaW adds links for page-wide voting and reporting. It adds a 'report to /r/spam' link, an 'analyze user submission domains' link, and a 'report to /r/botwatchman' link to userpages. RaaW disables the np. domain. RaaW Adds a 'show source' button for comments. DISCLIAMER: Use this at your own risk. If the report button is misued, you could be shadowbanned.
Aptoide APK Downloader JS - Changes the install button on Aptoid to download the apk.
Vkontakte music download JS - Just right click on audio 'play' button and download will start. Для загрузки просто кликните правой кнопкой по иконке воспроизведения.
ao3 download buttons JS - Adds download buttons to each work blurb on AO3's works index pages.
QT Framework for Grepolis JS - A script framework for Grepolis
MangaFox mature gate auto-click JS - Automatically clicks the mature age gate prompt on the the MangaFox website thus loading the page like normal.
Block Popup JS - This script will block all popup.
Youtube MP3 Download Button JS - Adds a MP3 Download button next to the subscribe button, thanks to youtubeinmp3 for their simple download service (http://youtubeinmp3.com/api/). Based off magnus's youtube2mp3 code. Just used something different as it wont open another tab.
Unfuck Instagram JS - View Instagram images without javascript. Just the image, please.
Steam Extra Profile Links JS - Adds extra links to Steam Profile pages.
AlbumFiend Bypass Ads And Show Download Link JS - Bypasses the ads and shows the download link instead of an adfly supported link.
eBay - Display Totals with Shipping JS - Computes and displays the total price with shipping added. Inserts prices for all the extra options that may be included in the eBay page. Makes a new column that shows the final price for both the BuyItNow and Shipping price. Note: Only tested on ebay AU.
Steam Badge Helper JS - Add various features to Steam focus on Trading Cards and Badges
Removedor de comentarios JS - Esconde os comentarios de varios sites de noticias brasileiros
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36 JS - Download Subtitles
Reddit Secure Delete JS - Securely delete your reddit posts.
YouTube Links JS - Download YouTube videos. Video formats are listed at the top of the watch page. Video links are tagged so that they can be downloaded easily.
AO3: Kudosed and seen history JS - Highlight or hide works you kudosed/marked as seen.
anti-anti-copy JS - some websites prevent you from copying text. this script bypass it.
TW Gold Jobs Finder (More Languages) JS - Shows a list of all silver and gold jobs!
Chrome - No Google Translate Popup JS - Remove the original text popup when using Chrome's built in translation feature
The West Minimap NPC locator JS - Shows the location of NPCs on the map!
Pinterest Add-Ons JS - Changes the look of Pinterest and the way items are posted.
Reddit - Hide sidebar JS - Autohides Reddit sidebar and adds a button to toggle view
True URL downloads JS - 迅雷、快车、QQ旋风等专有链解密,嗅探下载链接并批量管理
VKDownloadMedia JS - Скачать фото/аудио/видео-файлы с соц. сети ВКонтакте.
The West - Market best bids JS - Market utility for highlighting the best bids!
Facebook Autolike JS - auto facebook like<br>this script like first 60 post in your wall in facebook, its liking post with random time , so facebook cant detect you as spam<br><br><a href="http://silverboy.ir" rel="nofollow">http://silverboy.ir</a>