现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
湖南省中小学教师发展网-湖南省高校师资培训云平台-湖南人才市场网-VX-shuake345 JS - 全自动刷课|代刷VX:shuake345
Additional shortlink JS - 9/13/2024, 2:28:10 PM
解除文本复制粘贴(支持生财有术、小报童、飞书文档) JS - 禁用复制功能的提示框,并启用文本复制功能,让文档不受权限限制,可以复制任意内容,可以打开右键菜单(复制下载图片)。免责声明,该工具仅供学习之用,不得出于商业目的使用。
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View Ads Removed By Germanized JS - Let's you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N and T to toggle them.
YouTube HD Plus JS - Automatically select your desired video quality and select premium when posibble. (Support YouTube Desktop, Music & Mobile)
💥全网VIP视频免费破解去广告、Fuck链接中间跳转页(直接跳转)、B站哔哩哔哩使用增强、知乎使用增强等多合一纯净脚本 JS - 👉️脚本功能介绍:👈️【1】全网VIP视频免费破解去广告,移动端+PC:支持爱奇艺、腾讯、芒果、优酷、哔哩哔哩等;【2】B站哔哩哔哩使用增强、番剧大会员VIP视频解析、视频下载(支持多P下载)、一键三联、浏览记录提醒;【3】知乎使用增强:外链接直接跳出、问题,回答时间标注、短视频下载方便保存等;【4】Fuck链接中间跳转页(直接跳转),需要更多网址适配请留言;【5】搜索引擎功能增强,百度添加网址显示,google结果新标签页打开灯,导航可自定义网址;脚本功能可独立开关,按需使用。长期维护更新,请放心使用!
仿生阅读(Bionic Reading) JS - 通过Alt+B(Mac为Control+B)开关的通用仿生阅读脚本,只作用于英文内容,优先处理字典中的词,并根据单词长度进行加粗
Pinterest board downloader JS - Download pinterest board as zip
Car Specification for Torn Races JS - Replace specified texts on the Torn Racing page
解锁PTA复制粘贴限制 JS - 这个用户脚本旨在解除PTA(拼题A、Pintia)平台上的复制和粘贴限制,使用户能够自由复制和粘贴文本
导出微信公众号文章为PDF JS - 在微信公众号文章页面中添加按钮,点击后导出文章为PDF格式,并显示标题、作者和时间等元信息。
Shell Shockers Crosshair + GUI JS - Create a Crosshair at the center of the screen with customizable size, color, and real-time preview within the GUI. Keybinding to hide/show the GUI, and watermark notifications.
Download ChatGPT Voice Audio JS - Adds a download button for voice audio files
Google Scholar Enhancer JS - Enhance Google Scholar with column layout options, auto-paging, and advanced search features
Universal Bypass JS - Bypass common web restrictions: right-click, copy-paste, text selection, console, debugger, and more.
YouTube MP3 下载器 JS - YouTube to MP3 converter with clean interface
SOOP(숲) 채팅창 복사/붙여넣기 활성화 (by 도연) JS - SOOP(숲) 채팅창에서 복사/붙여넣기를 활성화하도록 변경합니다. (Made by 도연)
AGARIO Vanilla (@ya6h_) JS - 2015/2016
YouTube Enhancer (Stats) JS - Add a Stats Button.
Github 增强 - 高速下载 JS - 高速下载 Git Clone/SSH、Release、Raw、Code(ZIP) 等文件 (公益加速)、项目列表单文件快捷下载 (☁)
Auto Retry for lucida.to JS - Automatically press the retry button when something goes wrong. Mostly meant to fix error 429 but also works for other errors.
微信读书阅读微调 JS - 微信读书阅读样式,fork from: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/395641-微信读书阅读样式
EP Anti-snitch JS - No more EP snitching on you being on another tab/window!
Happymod v6 fixed by ghost! JS - discord: .ghostsx
Кураторы форума by L.Patterson JS - Скрипт для Кураторов форума на ответы на жалобы игроков | Black Russia по всем вопросам на счет скрипта VK - https://vk.com/patterson1001 , последнее глобальное обновление 28.12.2024 Последний Фикс 14.02.2025
Gimkit Custom Cosmetic Overlay JS - Adds a custom cosmetic overlay to Gimkit on the home page and in-game
치지직 광고 팝업 삭제 JS - 치지직 광고 팝업 삭제 합니다
Diep.io Auto-leveler Bot Enhanced JS - Press Q to toggle auto-leveling; must be in the base once for team detection.
Chzzk Auto Click Confirm and 1080p JS - Automatically click the ad block confirmation button and set streaming quality to 1080p on Chzzk
【最强】【最全面】【全网页可用】【持续更新中】解除禁止复制和粘贴限制并支持手动粘贴 JS - ⭐学习通⭐pta⭐csdn⭐飞书云文档⭐破解所有网站【禁止复制】和【禁止粘贴】限制,支持【模拟人工输入】。安装后,打开目标网页即可解除限制。若粘贴解锁不生效,可以使用ctrl+m呼出浮动输入框进行模拟人工输入,详情请阅读下方说明。有疑问或者反馈都可以发我邮箱啊:[email protected]
🔥🔥超强解除文本复制限制🔥🔥 JS - 解除网站不允许复制的限制,文本选中后点击复制按钮即可复制,主要用于 百度文库 道客巴巴 腾讯文档 豆丁网 无忧考网 学习啦 蓬勃范文 思否社区 力扣 知乎 语雀 等
黑猫大麦演唱会抢票 JS - 支持黑猫大麦全自动抢票,自动提交订单,解放双手!可能会失效!
YouTube AdBlocker Enhanced |YouTube 广告拦截增强版 JS - 结合多个脚本优势的 YouTube 广告拦截器,支持移动端/PC端,支持视频广告/界面广告,性能优化
Twitter AdBlocker [Enhanced] | 推特广告过滤[优化版]🚫 JS - Hide ads in tweets and sidebar. Optimized performance.
NitroType - More Detailed Stats JS - Gets more data about your races automatically for N pages (includes races length / errors!)
Xbox Cloud Gaming Aim Assist JS - try to take over the world!
Blooket Hacks JS - hack blooket
党旗飘飘,实现一键连播所有视频的功能(SDU适配版)(某些其它党旗飘飘平台也可适用) JS - 适配山大。去除网页切换监听器,去除暂停计数器,实现进入课程之后,自动连播完成所有的必修课的功能。由“我就是积极分子”插件修改而成,与之相比,实现完全的自动连播。此文件仅供脚本学习!!!禁止应用到入党培训平台!!!
Fanqie Novel Free Reading JS - 番茄小说免费网页阅读 不用客户端 可下载小说
Simple YouTube Age Restriction Bypass JS - Watch age restricted videos on YouTube without login and without age verification 😎
🎬 YouTube AI 翻译助手 Pro - 实时翻译+AI配音 JS - 🚀 强大的 YouTube 视频翻译工具 | ✨ 实时英译中 | 🎯 智能AI翻译 | 🔊 自然语音朗读 | 📝 内容智能总结 | 💫 支持多种AI模型和语音引擎 | 🎨 优雅界面设计 | 让观看YouTube视频更轻松愉快!
ouo.io bypass JS - auto ouo.io skip
智慧树作业文字复制 JS - 允许在智慧树作业页面选择和复制文字
视频倍速调节(Alt上下键加速减速) JS - 使用Alt组合键调节网页视频倍速,并显示当前倍速
超星学习通-超级粘贴 JS - 解除超星学习通粘贴限制,以纯文本粘贴
battleHelper (fixed) JS - Исправленный и рабочий battleHelper
Kemono.su link on Patreon JS - Quick link to Kemono page from Patreon
Milky way idle交易监听 JS - 对商品的实时成本和实时出售价进行计算对比
Premium Link Grabber via OkDebrid JS - Resolve premium download links across multiple file hosting sites via OkDebrid
Fortnite Adaptive Silent Aim v42.1 JS - Silent Aim with adaptive AI, customizable crosshair, sliders, and buttons for better control. ESP excluded for undetectability.
搜索引擎净化 JS - 一个轻量级的搜索引擎优化脚本。自动净化百度、谷歌、必应等搜索结果页面,支持移除广告、优化重定向链接、清理URL、隐藏弹窗等功能,让搜索体验更简洁高效
JDownloader Automat - Mod JS - Send URLs to JDownloader using Click'n'Load 2 functionality and close OCH page.
Redgifs - Autoscroll JS - Allow you to view the videos on Redgifs sequentially without the need to scroll yourself. Currently works on all the pages with videos only on them, one by one (you may need to change the view).
code! JS - A hack for kahoot.it!
福建网络干部学院课程自动播放 JS - 自动播放福建网络干部学院课程视频,支持自动切换章节和科目,自动保存进度,自动处理token
万能小说下载 JS - 保姆级教程!导出指定XPath的文本并以标题命名
카카오 POE2 자동 시작 JS - Path of Exile 2 자동 시작 (쿠키 로드 대기 및 자동 페이지 종료)
Tinder Unblur with Names JS - Unblur Tinder fast match teasers and show names
Captcha Detector JS - Deteksi CAPTCHA dan otomatis menekan tombol setelah muncul
哔哩哔哩(B站|Bilibili)收藏夹Fix (备份视频信息) JS - 自动备份视频信息至本地和第三方网站, 失效视频信息回显
KhanHack JS - Sloppy lazybones anti-homework production
Blox Fruits Level Mastery Script JS - 1.0
Happymod v4 JS - HappyMod Users are Pro. HappyMod creators are super Pro.
Civitai Model Versions Wraparound + Search + Sort JS - Wraps CivitAI versions into multiple rows, adds a search bar, and allows sorting by Date, Alphabetical, Popularity, and Downloads.
Spotify AdBlocker JS - Comprehensive Spotify AdBlocker (audio, banners, premium prompts).
Cube Client JS - Cliente PvP para Bloxd.io con hitboxes, keystrokes, contador de CPS, crosshair personalizado, FPS Boost y barra de salud.
ProcessOn-Vip-SVG-水印-PDF JS - ProcessOn文件导出支持,支持全部Vip功能,包括自定义水印,高清PDF等,有查看权限即可导出,在文件查看页面点击导出,列表页中导出暂不完全支持
【VIP视频免费观看-VIP视频解析】 JS - 【VIP视频免费观看-VIP视频解析】腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、乐视、土豆、B站等网站VIP视频解析
小红书下载助手 JS - 小红书图片、视频、实况下载
网页长截图 JS - 使用 html2canvas-pro 实现对网页的长截屏
Blooket Cheats Plus JS - Blooket Cheats Plus made by DannyDan0167 and Shared by Jacksonthegoat13
Auto Dark Mode JS - Automatically applies dark mode to all websites for better eye comfort at night.
猫国建设者挂机插件 JS - 游戏《猫国建设者/喵国建设者/Kittens Game》网页自动化插件(就是外挂),可以在页面->选项->MoeScript中开启/关闭自动化功能
Instagram Background Playback JS - Keeps Instagram videos playing in the background.
YouTube AdBon JS - YouTube 不允许使用广告拦截器。你似乎在使用广告拦截器。广告让全球数十亿名用户能够使用 YouTube。你可以订阅 YouTube Premium,畅享无广告打扰的体验,而创作者通过你的订阅仍然可以赚取收入。
豆瓣电影网盘资源 JS - 在豆瓣电影页面显示网盘资源按钮,点击可搜索该影片的网盘资源。支持百度网盘、夸克网盘、迅雷网盘等多个网盘平台。
破解拦截100 JS - 破解拦截100,显示“视频嗅探”功能的下载按钮
Web2PDF 网页转PDF JS - Convert web pages to PDF with support for reading mode, editing, and custom styles.将网页转换为PDF,支持阅读模式、编辑和自定义样式。
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
Ans YouTube GUI (Adblocker, Vol Boost, Age Bypass, 30+ Mods) JS - Tools for youtube, these tools let you modify the likes, video title, subscribers and views of the vid, dm me on dc if you want me to add ur idea
Janitor Ripper JS - Download Janitor AI characters as Tavern JSON files (compatible with SillyTavern)
DeepSeeker JS - Prevents deletion of filtered/censored answers on DeepSeek. This is purely visual change. FILTERED ANSWERS WILL PERSIST ONLY UNTIL THE PAGE IS RELOADED.
YouTube去广告 JS - 脚本用于移除YouTube广告,包括静态广告和视频广告。不会干扰网络,安全。
强制后台新建标签页打开所有链接 JS - 所有链接强制后台新建标签页打开,兼容Firefox和Chrome
YouTube自动展开&翻译评论 JS - 自动展开并翻译YouTube评论区回复
ZAKAT mod v2 JS - New op hack, good insta and onetick.pasword 2405
Remove LootLink/Dest Anti-Adblocker Screen JS - Removes anti-adblocker overlays on Lootlabs.com and Lootdest.com
抖音主页视频图文下载 JS - 拦截抖音主页接口,获取用户信息和视频列表数据,于视频、图文下载
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Fortnite Adaptive Aimbot v42.1 JS - Adaptive Aimbot with customizable crosshair, sliders, and buttons for better control. ESP included.
ourcoincash.xyz | Auto Claim Faucet unlimited JS - https://ourcoincash.xyz/?r=113456
maca client cryzen.io 1.5 aimbot+ESP JS - W rizz
Sploop.io Blatant Placement, auto-heal JS - just a basic macro
facebook-hide-login JS - Hides the more annoying of the three facebook login prompts. One prompt remains.
B站番剧真实评分 大数据量修复 JS - BiliBili 番剧真实评分
Star Client V2 JS - Fixed
Kirka Keybind Overlay JS - Customizable keybind overlay for Kirka.io