现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
YouTube 快捷按钮 JS - 在YouTube首页添加回到顶部和刷新页面按钮,动态处理SPA跳转
YouTube - Block progress bar click scrolling JS - Prevent clicks below the red timeline scrolling, but allow control buttons to work
YouTube Like/Dislike Shortcut Lite JS - Enables keyboard shortcuts to like/dislike a video on YouTube.
YouTube Shorts Metapanel Remover JS - Hide metapanel items in YouTube Shorts
Lihuelworks' YouTube Subtitle Viewer (Manual Trigger) with TrustedHTML Bypass JS - Fetch subtitles as SRT with manual trigger, bypass TrustedHTML policy, and insert a button (with spinner) into a Polymer dropdown element
Lihuelworks' YouTube Subtitle Downloader (Manual Trigger) with TrustedHTML Bypass JS - Fetch subtitles as SRT with manual trigger, bypass TrustedHTML policy, and insert a button (with spinner) into a Polymer dropdown element
YouTube Timestamp Navigator & Unarchived Video Replacer JS - 유튜브 타임스탬프 생성, 탐색 및 언아카이브 영상 대체 기능 제공
Filter Komentar & Balasan YouTube JS - menyembunyikan komentar dan balasan YouTube yang mengandung karakter khusus (bold, italic, full-width, dll.)
YouTube Volume Mouse Controller - Alt Key Modifier JS - Modifies YouTube Volume Mouse Controller to only work with Alt + Mousewheel