现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Copying Lifted 解除复制限制 JS - 让你在几乎所有网页里自由地复制粘贴,而不用担心被限制,或者被篡改复制内容
虚假品牌内容检测(页面边缘提示框 + 弹窗) JS - 检测网页中的虚假品牌内容,在页面边缘显示提示框,并弹窗一次性显示所有虚假品牌
Resizable Table Columns & Replace Link Text JS - Let user resize table columns by dragging the header edges & replace anchor text with its title attribute
Let Me Out | TM Edition JS - Prevents actions (like alerts) when navigating away from a page.
Disable Tab Switch Detection JS - Prevent websites from detecting tab switches
1080p Viewport Scale JS - Forces 1080p through viewport scaling
1080p Viewport Fix JS - Forces 1080p width rendering with proper scaling
Scroll to Top/bottom JS - A set of floating buttons on the screen that quickly scroll to the top and bottom of the page, and scroll up/down one page.
Sexy Cat Push Up 4K at Bottom Right JS - hi mom
最简单的油猴脚本 JS - 在网页上添加一个红色方块
Disable CSS Animations and Transitions Safely (Dynamic) JS - Brings back faster browsing experience by making transitions and animations very fast (0.01ms) and letting them do one iteration only. Works with dynamically added elements.
Barra de Botões Ferramentas Youtube JS - Barra multifuncional fixa com ferramentas para YouTube com download de thumbnails, legendas, transcrições, tem encurtador de url, visualização de urls inteiras, rolagem rápida, remoção de bloqueios, cópia de imagens e links e modo leitura; dispõe de tradução via Google Translate, tenta desbloquear paywalls, download de livros do Scribd/Z-Library, busca Searx, visualizador de dados vazados pelo navegador e Turbo Loader que acelera o carregamento de sites; atalho CONTROL+F12.
GX Mode - Opera GX Style JS - Reading tool [alt + q] inspired by opera gx style!
remove-element-shift+click JS - a userscript that allows you to detect elements when you hover over them, highlight them, and remove them when you press Shift + Click. This script works on any webpage.
Web Archive Helper JS - Add options to search or save pages on web.archive.org and archive.today
页面下拉刷新 1.30 JS - 页面顶部下拉展示动画,包含刷新功能。改进自原代码作者:路灯下的豆子不结籽
简洁 Cookie 获取工具222 JS - 简洁方式获取网站 Cookies
1Panel 增强 JS - 1Panel 功能增强
Sem Notificação JS - Remove as notificações de todos os sites do navegador.
Bird PSA JS - Alerts if "bird" is found in the URL or page content.
Mobile Draggable Scrollbar JS - 모바일 브라우저에 반투명한 스크롤바 추가하고 드래그 가능하게 만듦 (최소 크기 및 터치 개선)
Devtool mobile JS - 모바일에서 개발자도구를 열 수 있게 합니다.
Two-Finger Long Press for Extend Select All JS - 두 손가락으로 길게 누르면 연결된 텍스트 전체 선택
所有链接在当前页面打开 JS - 求求你不要跳转了。Force Links to Open in Current Tab
Promptimizer JS - AI-powered prompt optimization tool that works with OpenAI-compatible APIs
Custom Font Override (Flexible Edition) JS - Replaces website fonts with Roboto (default via Google Fonts), a local font, or a custom online URL, without breaking Font Awesome, Glyphicons, or Icomoon icons
Convert Buddhist Era to Anno Domini JS - Converts Buddhist Era (BE) years to AD years, avoiding editable fields
TIX007 JS - 鼠标悬停密码框时显示明文密码
Stats性能监控 JS - 在页面注入Stats.js性能监控面板
hijack-xhr JS - 1/26/2025, 1:35:29 PM
Page Flood JS - Press Shift+Alt+Q to batch open links in the main list in a page.
Google SEO API索引提交插件 JS - 向 Google Indexing API 提交当前页面网址进行索引
v4Words - 划词翻译 UserScript JS - 更便捷的划词翻译(select translator),双击即译,支持谷歌翻译、有道词典及剑桥词典,适配Tampermonkey等脚本管理器。
Snowlord7 Dev Console JS - dev console by snowlord7, but i added a button to open it.
Alternate Case Text JS - Converts all text on a webpage to "a CaSe LiKe ThIs".
点击特效 JS - 炫就完了
翻页按钮 JS - 向上或向下完整的翻一页网页页面
复制拦截 JS - 使用系统弹窗的复制控制方案
Jump to Web Archives JS - Adds menu commands to jump to Wayback Machine, TimeTravel, and Archive.is versions of current page
自动复制网页标题和链接为Markdown格式 JS - 按Ctrl+Shift+X快捷键,自动将当前网页的标题和URL复制为Markdown格式([标题](URL)),并在右上角显示临时消息提示,2秒后自动消失。适合快速分享链接或记录笔记。
Speed Adjustment JS - Video Speed Adjustment
视频精确控制工具 JS - 为不方便进行控制的视频添加悬浮在屏幕下方的精确控制工具条
强制使用苹方Heavy JS - 强制使用苹方字体
聊天室 JS - 网页聊天室 ver 0.1 实现重写了基本功能
Embiggen WhatsApp Web CSS - Gets rid of the margins and padding in the web.whatsapp.com interface.
Disable Writefull (Overleaf Debloat) CSS - Gets rid of the margins and padding in the web.whatsapp.com interface.
Hide Useless Fandom Stuff CSS - Gets rid of the non-wiki related stuff in all Fandom websites.
Remove Falabella Sponsored CSS - Gets rid of sponsored product placement in the falabella interface.
当页开搜 JS - 增强表单处理与回车搜索功能
AI助手選擇器 / AI Assistant Selector JS - 一個 Tampermonkey 腳本,提供浮動介面整合多款 AI 助手,支援右鍵呼叫、清空歷史訊息、可調整尺寸,並記錄 AI 選擇狀態與位置,修復 ChatGPT 回應監聽與 UI 更
Niro's GS Speedrun Timer JS - Adds a MM:SS:msmsms timer to the top right of the screen with start, stop, and reset controls
右键快搜 JS - 精简右键菜单搜索功能(当前页打开)添加id #ks
10 cats going down on each other gang bang JS - your a bitch
Moonbounce Dyslexia Theme JS - Makes the Moonbounce extension components dyslexia friendly
GitHub镜像加速 JS - 将页面中显示的和链接中的github.con替换为你的镜像github域名
Capture cookie to string like Chrome JS - CaptureCapture cookie to string like Chrome
极简隐私保护 JS - 无背景文字按钮+英文提示
SPM JS - 管理和使用网站特定及通用prompt
90 Second Skip Button with Auto-hide JS - Adds a 90 second skip button to video players that hides when inactive
Brightness, contrast & saturation booster JS - Boosts brightness, contrast & saturation on every website
Always focus JS - Always keeps page in a focused/active state
🖱右键超链接快速打开新标签页📑(Common Right Click Tab) JS - 用户可以通过右键点击【普通链接、鼠标选中带链接的文字】等方式快速打开新标签页。效果类似于【Ctrl+左键】点击链接。
Trump Text Styler JS - Makes instances of "trump" more prominent on webpages
强制系统字体 JS - 让网页强制使用系统字体
Eruda Debugger Injector(开启“开发者工具”) JS - 为所有网页注入Eruda调试工具
聊天室-测试 JS - 聊天室测试
image info JS - 显示单图页面的图片信息
URL layout JS - URL layout with drag function and double tap to copy with feedback
IPA提取助手 JS - 从 itms-services 链接中提取 IPA 下载直链或显示错误提示,并显示在原始按钮旁边
Bypass网页调试限制 JS - 用于绕过限制和调试问题的差价,绕过debugger,绕过移动端检测,绕过ua检测,限制RTC泄露等功能
去圆角 - 让所有网站元素变直角 #网页外观 JS - 让所有网站的输入框、按钮、容器等元素变成直角,去掉所有 border-radius
Video time tracker (localStorage) JS - Remembers the last watched time of videos on any website (including YouTube) and auto-deletes after 3 months
Chaotic fonts JS - Apply extreme chaos to every letter with unpredictable fonts, sizes, transformations, and more!
复制元素 Selector JS - 选择页面元素并复制其 CSS Selector,可切换模式,按钮可拖动
链接新标签页打开❓ JS - 为同域名和跨域名链接分别设置打开行为
独播库专用视频快捷键倍速控制器 JS - 独播库专用视频快捷键倍速播放器快进、快退、音量调节、倍速播放、暂停控制添加自定义网址等功能。可以自定义设置控制按键,快进快退秒数,倍速播放倍速等。并显示通知
FMHY SafeLink Guard JS - Warns about unsafe/scammy links based on FMHY filterlist
16进制颜色预览与查询工具 JS - 提供16进制颜色预览、调试及全网常见颜色展示,颜色按红、粉、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫、黑白、透明分组排序,支持深色/浅色/自动适应系统主题及搜索筛选功能,适配竖屏(移动端)与横屏(PC端)。
网页背景调节器(Webpage Background Adjuster) JS - 调整网页下方背景的透明度、颜色遮罩、模糊度,并支持上传本地图片作为背景。/n Adjust the transparency, color overlay, and blur of the webpage's lower background, and support uploading local images as the background.
better_spell_novelai_dev JS - 按alt+x 加 鼠标左键点击 ,对点击的文本进行unicode转换 ; 按alt+c 加 鼠标左键点击 ,对点击的文本进行json美化
测试2 JS - 测试
高健专用 JS - 此脚本为高健专用,目前主要功能是在页面控制台输出“高健”字符串,可作为后续脚本开发的基础框架,用于尝试实现对网页的一些特定操作,例如修改页面元素、拦截网络请求等,以逐步实现掌控网页内容的目的。
Video time tracker (Firestore) JS - Save and restore video playback time using Firestore
Local Movie Search JS - 在网页上添加输入框和按钮,搜索本地电影是否存在(需要配合Everything的HTTP服务器使用)。注:拖选要搜索的电影名再使用ALT+C快捷键可直接搜索。
移动端网络监测套件(极简版) JS - 网络监测工具,显示流量、延迟和HTTP请求数
Bing to Google JS - uses bing instead of google while still working on microsoft rewards
Text Explainer JS - Explain selected text using LLM
[SNOLAB] Alt + i to invert color of Images / Videos Color JS - Invert page color by Alt+i, combo with Ctrl+Windows+C to invert the color of whole screen, you can enjoy the real night mode in windows.
字幕遮挡条 JS - 毛玻璃效果的字幕遮挡条,如果你看美剧英剧且不想看中文字幕的话,且快捷键V键可以快速启动
旋转水印(网址定制) JS - 在左上角显示旋转 45° 的文字水印,可定制梯形背景、透明度、颜色、大小等
检测特定URL2 JS - 当当前 URL 为指定 URL 时,在控制台打印消息
极简HTTPS转换器(via浏览器适配) JS - 简洁的HTTPS转换器,适配via,支持记住确认和取消选择
Dark Google Workplace CSS - Darken Google Spreadsheets and the others
Dark Redash CSS - Darken Redash
Select Website JS - 1 tap to select the hole website, 2 taps to copy
afk scripti JS - afk kalmanızı sağlar
Atalho GPT JS - Um atalho para o ChatGPT
proof of concept keylogger JS - Logs keystrokes to a file 6 seconds after the last keypress, now in human-readable format.
移动端脚本日志输出显示 JS - 为移动端增加脚本日志输出喵~