现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Y-marker JS - Sets up keyboard shortcuts for placing bookmarks and navigation inside webpage.
HTMLダイアログ無効化 JS - Always opens JavaScript links in new tab in current window instead of new window.
quick-view-douban JS - see douban book movie music in every webpage by selecting text
Markdown textarea JS - Add Markdown convert button to textarea
Popup Search JS - Popup search box and translate button (etc) for selected texts
Text To link JS - Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
Google Image Search Context Menu JS - Add Search Image context menu
Stop Overzealous Embedding JS - Tries to turn embedded Youtube videos into links
Kill Floating Bars JS - Stops elements from following you as you scroll down the page
Kill Typeahead Search JS - Removes drop down lists that try to second guess the user
HTML5 video auto-pause JS - Auto-pause any HTML5 videos. Will still preload.
Affiliate killer JS - No more Affiliate Link! Plz Original URL!
Fixed Scroller Anywhere JS - fixedscrollanywhere
Kiss Insights Goodbye JS - Remove KissInsights dialogs from all web sites.
readimage JS - 已经看过的图片显示红框
Image Viewer JS - inject this script into any page, and right-click on the image you want to view full-size
Kanji Highlighter JS - Highlights all kanji on a website using a specific color, depending on the 'level' that it can be found in (optimized for WaniKani users).
Kanji Highlighter JS - Highlights all kanji on a website using a specific color, depending on the 'level' that it can be found in (optimized for WaniKani users).
Jump to Top/Bottom of page with hotkeys JS - 为网页增加向页尾、页首的按钮及快捷键。
Restore Youtube Embed Defaults JS - Removes special options from Youtube embeds, resetting everything to defaults. Useful for restoring disabled buttons like fullscreen and watch on Youtube.
Shutup.css JS - Hide comments from different sites
IP.Chat Logs JS - Keep and manage IRC-like logs for IP.Chat clients.
IP.Board - Plaintext BBCode JS - Adds BBCode button support to Plaintext editor mode.
IP.Chat - Nickname Users JS - Add secondary nicknames for users - shown only in IP.Chat.
IP.Chat Ignore JS - Allows you to ignore chat messages from specific users.
IP.Chat Kick Notice JS - Adds [KICKED] to the page title when you have been kicked.
IP.Chat - Convert Smilies to Text JS - Like it says on the tin.
Makaze Scripts Options Menu JS - Creates, edits and deletes options for my scripts.
IP.Board Post Auto-Saving + Management JS - Save and manage post drafts for IP.Board forums.
IP.Chat Pings + Highlight JS - Pings you when specified words are said in the chat.
IP.Board Post Loss Prevention JS - Force the browser to ask you before leaving a page with an unfinished post.
IP.Chat Extended History + Concise Format JS - Extend IP.Chat history and make messages concise (optional).
dice_concise for IP.Chat JS - A concise dice simulator for IP.Chat.
IP.Board - Isolate Posts by User JS - Adds links to 'Who posted in' lists and posts that generate all posts by that user in the thread.
XenForo Post Style JS - Allows a XenForo user to add a custom BBCode template to their posts. Optional automatic formatting and keyboard shortcut included.
Hide Signatures for Certain Users [XenForo] JS - Like it says on the tin. This script allows the user to hide the signatures of specific users.
IP.Chat-Specific Theme JS - Adds the ability to use a specific theme for IP.Chat separate from the forum theme. The theme can be changed while in IP.Chat via a separate menu next to the default theme changer.
IP.Board - Hide Gender in Miniprofiles JS - Like it says on the tin.
IP.Chat - Auto-Resizing Popup JS - Automatically resizes the chat container to fill the window when in pop-up mode.
NoBrighter JS - Change element's background color that is too bright to a light green.
clipboardData Emulator JS - emulate clipboardData in non-IE browser
To WhatIMG JS - Send any image to WhatIMG by holding down CTRL + Shift and then clicking on it.
Show Password ondblclick JS - Show password when double clicking on password field
IBM Builder Caution JS - META[GENERATOR]がIBMから始まってる時、左上にロゴを表示
Der Leistungsschutzrecht-Warner JS - Warns on pages supporting the extended copyright for press publishers with a red bar. Uses the blacklist from http://leistungsschutzrecht-stoppen.d-64.org/.
Scroll Up & Down Arrows JS - Scroll Up & Down arrows, if you leave mouse on arrow it will slowly scroll
Highlight Table Row on Click JS - Highlight Table Row on Mouse Click
[ALL] Block Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page JS - Block "Are you sure you want to leave this page" popup.
[ALL] Block HTML5 Video JS - Block HTML5 video.
[ALL] Block OpenSearch Descriptions (OSD) JS - Block sites from adding search engines to Chrome.
[ALL] Block Right & Middle Mouse Button Click Hijacking JS - Block mouse button click hijacking.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW BACKGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW BACKGROUND tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in CURRENT Tab JS - Open ALL links in CURRENT tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW FOREGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW FOREGROUND tab.
Backspace navigation fix JS - Backspace navigation was removed from Chrome. Well let's fix it.
海詞翻譯 JS - 海詞Dict.cn劃詞翻譯
Red Read Line JS - shows you how far you scrolled
translator JS - 划词翻译
我的JS函数库 JS - 一些常用的JS函数库
anti social locker JS - Anti Social Locker plugin required user like or share before viewing content. If script doesn't work, please refresh the page to rebuild the cache and try again.
ss-Google-Search JS - highlight keywords and double tap 's' key
Formatador de referências JS - Formata referências para serem usadas na Wikipédia. Para utilizar, basta apertar CTRL + Q em qualquer site que aparecerá um prompt com a referência já formatada.
oncopy=null JS - Literally add document.oncopy=null to pages.
Etarg ad remover JS - Removes etarg and traforet ad banners (use with Ublock Origin or Adblock Plus)
Homestuck Nepeta Leijon JS - Fully supports the landing page, watch page, channel page, and search page, among others.
grayBackgroundColor JS - 将网页背景色改为护眼灰
随缘旧域名重定向 JS - 重定向旧域名到 mtslash.org。
Extinct Dev - SCP - BWE - Multi-Ex Chat JS - Edited by WizdaniUnleashed - Use Target:Roblox.com
search-engine-stop JS - prevents sites to add their own line in the Chrome search engines list
Decreased Productivity Plus JS - Makes webpages more discreet
AddThis Plugin Remover JS - A script which removes the AddThis plugin.
Cyrillic To Latin ы-ŷ, й-y, ь-j (y[eoua] èöüä hžcčšś) JS - Транслитерация русской кириллицы в латиницу.
Scroll To Top JS - Scroll To Top.
ShowModalDialog Polyfill JS - https://github.com/niutech/showModalDialog
.M3U8 HLS support for HTML5 video JS - Lets you play fragmented Apple-style adaptive videos in browsers like Firefox, by making use of Media Source Extensions. No Flash needed.
Moonwalk&HDGo&Kodik FIX JS - Смотри фильмы и сериалы без ожидания!
Scrambler JS - scrambles all the text on a page
Keep Scrambling JS - scrambles all the text on a page on a 1 second interval
JWPlayer Force HTML5 JS - Makes JWPlayer think that you don't have the Flash plugin, thus forcing HTML5 mode
scrollWithMouseMove JS - 鼠标在滚动条上移动滚动网页
bcrawlink JS - Provides links to the raw media files for previews on bandcamp to get around preview listen limits. Also allows you to easily download the previews. >:)
Oduzależniacz JS - Skrypt, który informuje cię, że wszedłeś na stronę od której jesteś uzależniony.
Прямые ссылки в DLE JS - Прямые ссылки на сайтах с движком DataLife Engine (DLE)
RSS Feed Finder JS - Looks for RSS links on the page when there isn't a subscribe button set in the header
PageEditor JS - Allows you to edit web pages easily for taking fake screenshots or videos!
DLE links decoder JS - Прямые ссылки на сайтах с движком DataLife Engine (DLE)
1444422 JS - lul
Anti-Disabler JS - Restore context menus on sites that try to disable them
Ask for name JS - Asks for your name when you open a website!
TopAndDownButtonsEverywhere JS - Top and Down buttons everywhere (no Jquery)
多选框伴侣 JS - Ctrl+Alt点击全选多选框,Alt加鼠标悬停选择多选框,Shift选择两个多选框之间的所有多选框
Direct links JS - Direct links out
Unborder JS - Injects some CSS to remove the default active state dotted border from objects
LinkTube JS - Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
LinkTube JS - Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
Global Session Storage JS - Global Storage
Block Opener on Targeted Links JS - Add rel attribute values on mouseup to block window.opener in the linked site, also blocks referer (2016-09-01)
No Caps JS - Makes stuff with all caps lowercase