现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
划词翻译(谷歌有道) JS - 支持在移动端设备上单击自动翻译功能,点击文本后自动显示翻译结果、音标、例句、释义并朗读文本,点击页面隐藏翻译框
DisableScrollScript JS - 禁止滚动
Enhanced Conceptual Web VPN JS - An improved conceptual Web VPN interface
打开任何网址都自动跳转百度 JS - Any_Page_Back_To_Baidu
同源下载 JS - 应用场景:当我们想下载某个网站的资源时,很多时候,由于同源策略问题,并不能通过直接访问下载链接进行下载\n使用方法:打开控制台,调用downloadResource函数,传入参数为下载地址
Markdown en Jira con Tampermonkey JS - Permite escribir en Markdown en issues y comentarios de Jira usando J2M y VanJS.
日期格式转换 JS - 将多种英文日期格式转换为“年月日”格式
一键默哀 JS - Turn the entire page black and white on mobile devices
HTML Preview Tool JS - Preview HTML code blocks with enhanced security and support for CSS animations
对照翻译 JS - Display bilingual translations, enable word lookup and pronunciation for English learners on BBC mobile, with a toggle switch using two-finger touch.
ImageSnatcher JS - Quickly download images by hovering over them and pressing the S key.
All Anonymizer JS - Hide your name and icon from all pages.
全局复古旧报纸风格 JS - 让所有网页呈现复古旧报纸的视觉效果
图片多风格 JS - 给移动端图片添加多种滤镜风格,用户通过编号调整喜欢的效果
HTML Warper JS - Warps and messes around with the HTML of a site, with a protected GUI at the top of the page.
토끼 광고차단 JS - 마나토끼, 뉴토끼, 북토끼 광고차단
Xo so mien nam ba dai choi XS MN co co hoi trung lon | Tắt bộ đếm JS - Tắt bộ đếm theo dõi 𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗹𝗲.
定时刷新 JS - 如题
Image Search Script JS - 长按滑鼠右键呼叫图片搜寻选单,提供流畅且简洁的使用体验。
英语单词高亮关键词并支持多种变形 JS - 高效高亮关键词,支持单词变形匹配和删除标记规则,优化性能防止卡死
Magnet Link Extractor JS - Extract and display magnet links with a single click
zbetcab JS - 禁用跟踪计数器𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗹𝗲.
publink-deepl-beautify JS - deepl 样式美化
鼠标右键获取DOM&元素选择器(开关版) JS - 从luhuipeng代码上修改(https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/460376),1. 增加开关 2. 支持mac control + 右键 唤起插件功能
去除所有学习通文本框的禁止粘贴 JS - 去除所有iframe的禁止粘贴功能
Auto click Claim Button JS - 自動點擊所有帶有 "Claim" 字眼的按鈕,直到按鈕可用為止,並等待 CAPTCHA 解決。
MyConsole JS - 记录所有 window._console.log 即使控制台被清除也能查看
Aniworld.to & S.to Autoplay JS - Autoplay for Aniworld.to and S.to VIOLENTMONKEY ONLY
Random Word in Title JS - 随机将JSON数据中的单词与释义显示在所有网页的标题中
快捷导航栏 JS - 添加常用网站导航
Web Statistics Monitor [BETA] JS - Advanced real-time web page and video statistics monitoring
Scroll to Top JS - Add a button to scroll to the top of the page
Download via qBittorrent JS - Download links or magnet links via qBittorrent (Web UI), you can input url manually or right-click on the link and then hit on "Download from Last Link"
热门新闻抓取系统 (滚动隐藏按钮,带翻译) JS - 点击按钮获取当天最热门新闻,并显示中文翻译。按钮在滚动时隐藏。
秒杀自动点击脚本 JS - 适用于购物网站秒杀场景,支持动态监控购买按钮、精准时间对齐、自动点击操作。
kickでコメントの名前消すだけのCSS CSS - This is your new file, start writing code
Redirecting2Frontend JS - This script links to the frontend of prominent services including YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Imgur, Instagram, and TikTok. Updated from older script and reworked for newer frontends/frontend changes
Шифратор текста 2.0 JS - Шифрование и расшифровка текста с интерфейсом выбора
Камень ножницы бумага JS - Простой интерфейс игры Камень, ножницы, бумага
Ревёрс текста JS - Реверсирование текста без смещения букв
一键文本转图片 JS - 按下快捷键将选中文字转为图片并复制到剪贴板,
页面隐藏 JS - 键盘大写锁定键开启时,按下 Shift 和 Ctrl 显示遮罩页面,关闭大写锁定还原页面。
图片悬停放大工具 JS - 鼠标悬停显示放大按钮,点击放大并支持滚轮缩放
仿安卓拉伸回弹 + 页面抗锯齿 JS - 仿安卓拉伸回弹
隐藏标题/安全标题/Title SFW JS - 避免上班摸鱼的时候网页标题过于“炸裂”导致社死
Android Double Tap to Seek Video JS - Adds double-tap seeking to Firefox android or any other browser efficiently
Show Server Errors with Time / by leizingyiu with gpt JS - Display a floating layer for server errors with time and animations, and fix unnecessary alerts.
Zoom on Hover JS - Zoom on Hover enlarges images when you hover over them.
Leia-me basic cheat JS - Cheat para leia-me basic
Custom Change Color Script JS - Заменяет указанные цвета на других доменах
EXIF Info JS - Displays EXIF information for images
滚动条美化 JS - 移植于Scroll Style插件,且使用🌈彩虹滚动条🌈脚本的CSS样式
Copy Jina.ai Page Source / 复制 Jina.ai 网页源代码 JS - Add context menu to copy page source from Jina.ai for the current page / 为当前页面添加右键菜单以复制 Jina.ai 的网页源代码
Reject cookie banners JS - Automatically rejects cookies and legitimate interest
Ultimate FPS Booster JS - Boosts the frame rate of websites to 200 FPS and no input delay
请不要污染我的剪贴板 JS - 保护用户剪贴板内容,允许或禁止网站污染剪贴板。
PWA Titlebar JS - Changes the color of your PWA Titlebar to any color you like!
Editio JS - 将 Visual Studio Code 的部分实用功能移植到 Web 上!
HideImages JS - Add a button to hide or show web images. Hide/show status will be remember by domain.
Elon Musk Replacer JS - Replaces mentions of Elon Musk with a more accurate representation 🤏🍆
青壹科技 JS - 控制网页速度|加速跳过页面计时广告|视频快进(慢放).
Time Hooker JS - Hook the wait timers for websites that use them to delay content
Site Search for Arc Browser JS - Enables site search for Arc browser and others using shortcuts
Site Search for Arc Browser for Google users JS - Enables site search for Arc browser and others using shortcuts
Letterpress image flip JS - Flips all images horizontally when both shift keys are pressed simultaneously. Useful for shopping for letterpress cuts.
PromtEx JS - Un prompteur pour exposés
Real Key Press Simulation JS - Simulate actual key presses (0 and 9) with a delay of 2.89 seconds each, start/stop with buttons
Real Key Press Simulation (Toggle with Q and E) JS - Simulates pressing keys 0 and 9 repeatedly. Activate with Q and deactivate with E.
zlibrary盗版链接警告 JS - 检查并提示访问盗版链接
视频字幕遮罩条 JS - 创建一个磨砂半透明遮罩条来遮挡视频字幕
Matrix Element Media Navigation JS - Enables navigation through images and videos in timeline (up/down & left/right & a/Space keys) and lightbox (same keys + mousewheel) view. Its also a workaround helping against the jumps on timeline pagination/scrolling issue #8565
Safari Fingerprint blocker JS - Hide browser fingerprint. Derived from "No Fingerprint"
佛历-佛菩萨高僧纪念倒数日(每天显示3次) JS - 只有4kb,打开任意网页右上角自动显示最近的佛菩萨高僧大德纪念日倒数日,每天显示3次,每次10秒。
取色器 JS - 网页取色器
AI Image Description Generator JS - 使用AI生成网页图片描述
税务助手 JS - 智能插件,提升企业办公效率!
删除所有有小说的页面 JS - 强制自己不要看小说
一个网页翻译插件 JS - 当前脚本只是动态接入 https://github.com/xnx3/translate 项目翻功能
点击屏幕生成爱心特效 JS - 点击屏幕时显示爱心特效
图片隐藏 JS - 单张或者全局图片隐藏与显示
Auto click Login and Verify Button JS - 自動點擊 Login 和 Verify 按鈕,直到按鈕可用為止,並等待 CAPTCHA 解決。
剪贴板历史记录助手 JS - 在页面右侧显示剪贴板历史记录
Git Helper JS - Guide git de l'installation aux commandes usuelles
🔥🔥🔥移除页面水印🔥🔥🔥 JS - 移除常见网页的水印
Word and Character Counts for Selected Text. JS - Display word and character count for all selected text using icons, including and excluding whitespace in character count
通用ai插图脚本ios版 JS - 免费或者使用sd的api或使用novelai3 以及comfyui 配合ai 在酒馆生成插图 投喂咖啡:https://afdian.com/a/cqgnyy
Webpage Source Viewer and API Data Fetcher JS - Fetch, display, and improve HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or API data of a webpage with a clean white theme. Now supports various API response types.
j88now JS - 禁用跟踪计数器𝗚𝗼𝗼𝗴𝗹𝗲.
随机元素旋转器 - Random Element Rotator JS - 随机旋转网页元素 - Randomly rotate elements on webpage
Remove All Neat Download Bars (移除NDM的视频下载条) JS - 智能移除 Neat Download Manager 的视频下载条
Universal Site Search for Arc Browser JS - Enables site-specific searches with shortcuts for Arc Browser or others. Efficiently handles search queries for various websites.
Open_Links JS - 自动打开链接列表
网页操作录制器 JS - 记录并回放鼠标点击操作
Auto-Clicker Universel JS - Script qui clique automatiquement sur tous les boutons d'une page toutes les millisecondes.
Auto-Clicker Universel JS - Script qui clique automatiquement sur tous les boutons d'une page toutes les millisecondes.
Firefox Speed Optimizer JS - Optimizes web pages for faster loading by disabling animations, blocking ads, and optimizing images
Edge翻译器代码和键盘标签修复 JS - 修复Edge翻译器代码和键盘标签的翻译错误
Speed Up Time Script JS - Tăng tốc thời gian trên trang web khi nhấp vào phần tử cụ thể
downloadMagnet JS - download magnet