现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
扩展生僻字 & 单字繁转简 JS - 主要用于扩展字并将这些字的繁体转换为简体。
Moon Client Beta (eine Werbung) JS - Adds a button to join a Discord server
A Universal Dark Theme JS - Universal Dark Mode to fix flashbang sites like fitgirl repacks or wikipedia
Anti Right-Click Hijaak JS - Prevent websites from changing or preventing your right click menu
Extra Video Control JS - Manipulate and center video elements on web pages. (Zoom, Invert, save per site, Move, Volume boost, Reset changes)
图床上传脚本 JS - 在右下角添加悬浮球,点击对应图床按钮弹出上传表单对话框(目前支持 imgURL/SMMS 图床)
medium bypass JS - bypass medium paywall by using archive.is
Autosoydueler 0.0.1. JS - Autosoyduels for (You).
OLED Pure Black Background JS - Change websites' background to pure black for OLED screens
Encode/Decode Base64 or Hex with Copy Option JS - Encode or decode Base64 or Hex strings and copy to clipboard
Capture bindSNS Request and Response JS - Capture and store the bindSNS request and response
Global Media Playback Speed Control JS - Control playback speed for any media on a webpage using keyboard shortcuts.
Site Locker (SL) JS - Lock sites with a code input on any site using "Ctrl + :" with a dark theme, persistent lock, and animations.
remove "Ваши темы" from profile JS - Удаляет блок 'Ваши темы' с профиля пользователя
remove "Ваши темы" from profile with button JS - Удаляет блок 'Ваши темы' с профиля пользователя. + кнопка
NEW. Remove "Ваши темы" from profile with button JS - Удаляет блок 'Ваши темы' с профиля пользователя. + кнопка
一键无图模式 JS - 为页面右下角添加一个按钮,点击后切换无图模式,再次点击切回。
Internet Speed Monitor JS - Monitors your internet speed in Mbps and displays it in a movable panel at the top of the page. The panel can be toggled to show or hide by clicking anywhere on the page. The speed is updated every second. Ideal for tracking internet performance in real-time while browsing.
emoji2emoticon JS - Replace emojis with traditional text emoticons
0.1% Chance Total Deletion JS - Gives a 0.1% chance to delete anything on the page, including elements, text nodes, comments, and attributes.
Global Element Deletion with Persistence JS - Delete elements globally with persistence across different pages and sites.
自动收集4everland JS - 自动收集4everland积分
嗚嗚嗚 JS - 替换页面上的大部分内容为“嗚”
视频加速器+音量设置 JS - 更强大地识别网页中的视频,在右下角显示倍速操作界面,可隐藏为一个淡色圆形图标并显示倍速数字,显示操作界面时圆形图标隐藏。同时自动将音量设置为 30%。
时间领主 JS - 在所有网页右下角加一个倍速操作界面
Block Official Rickroll Video JS - Block any content related to the official Rickroll YouTube video while allowing other content
Gplinks Bypass JS - Bypassing gplinks.co
全站搜索 JS - 给所有网页右上角加一个搜索框,搜索当前域名下搜索词信息
monkey-gpt JS - monkeygpt
Universal Time clock (All timezones) JS - Display the current time with a bigger and modern style. I made this cause i'm blind so i cant see the small time lol
记录位置 JS - 允许用户自定义快捷键记录滚动位置,记录快捷键默认 Ctrl+O,恢复位置快捷键默认 Ctrl+Shift+H。提供保存位置、恢复位置、一键清理记录的菜单选项。恢复时在记录中找到匹配的完整网址记录,跳转到最近的匹配网址并平滑滚动恢复位置。进入网页时检查是否有记录,如果有则自动跳转到保存位置,主页面不自动恢复位置。
Remove GIF Images JS - Menghapus semua gambar GIF dari halaman web
页面 返回顶部/底部 JS - 添加向上到顶部和向下到底部的翻页按钮(使用默认箭头图标)
Ultimate Night Mode JS - Change websites to pure black background with customization options
修改维吾尔文字体脚本 JS - 根据Unicode编码位置,设置独立自定义字体显示
再见TechGrow JS - 通过禁止techgrow的请求来阻止TechGrow强制公众号引流弹窗
Music Player for Open Directories JS - A full-page music player with a modern interface, including download buttons, time display, and interaction banners.
Obsidian Clipper JS - Clip url of current page to Obsidian existing note
悬停预览 JS - 悬停链接打开小窗并优化资源管理。重用打开的小窗以节省资源,同时保留其位置和大小。包含悬停时间和窗口大小设置,并改进了链接预取功能和资源管理效率。修复了鼠标移动到小窗时意外关闭的问题。支持 URL 路径和链接属性的排除。
Advanced Draggable Font Changer with Language Selector JS - Change fonts and translate text with a draggable GUI. Adjust font based on device (iPhone/iPad).
Universal Draggable Live Chat Overlay JS - Adds a draggable overlay for live chat from any URL
Resizable Draggable Live Chat Overlay JS - Adds a draggable and resizable overlay for live chat from any URL
Oculus WebExcutor (prototype) JS - Create an accurate GUI replica with draggable features and dynamic buttons
全显文字 JS - ShowAllText
全显文字2 JS - ShowAllText2
Oculus GUI JS - Custom GUI for script execution
ꃳ꒤ꃳꃳ꒒ꏂꃳꋬ꓄ꁝꇙꋬꋊ꒯ꍌꏂ꓄ꂵꌦ40 JS - A script executor with a draggable GUI and copy/paste functionality that only works after injection
Spectrum Executor GUI JS - A script executor with a draggable GUI that executes code safely on any website
Golden Gate GUI JS - Inject a GUI to execute custom JavaScript on any webpage
Golden Gate GUI JS - Inject a GUI to execute custom JavaScript on any webpage
Golden Gate GUI JS - Inject a GUI to execute custom JavaScript on any webpage
最美字迹放大镜 JS - 在鼠标划过文本时显示悬浮放大的效果,带有亚克力模糊背景。提供更多个性化设置选项。
Mouse Throttler JS - Throttles your cursor to make it run at 20hz. Useful for websites that have lag induced by a high cursor polling rate. Also features auto-precision when your mouse stops moving to ensure unaltered cursor aim. Keywords: throttle mouse lag cursor lag starblast.io starblast dueling fps uncap bypass unlimiter unlock mod 60fps bugfix
53AI宽屏 JS - Remove right sidebar on 53AI website
Enhanced Faster Webpage Loading with Pjax JS - Preload subsequent pages, lazy load images and videos, and use Pjax for faster webpage loading with robust error handling and fallback navigation. Ensures no interference with other scripts enhancing media elements.
Arrow Keys Flip Pages JS - Trigger Pages Flips with custom arrow key shortcuts
Website Shortcut Maker JS - Adds a button to redirect based on user-defined rules
检测网址跳转 JS - 选中一个网址后在新标签页跳转,并添加 F2 弹出窗口功能
Remove Ad from M3U8 JS - 拦截m3u8请求并移除其中插入的广告ts片段
轻推WEB背景替换 JS - 允许用户通过Tampermonkey菜单动态更换背景图片
抖音小红书快捷主页搜索 JS - Add a compact Douyin search button that expands on hover
jkQuery JS - jkQuery库(模仿jQuery)
自动提取政和验证码 JS - 接着奏乐接着舞 Find an img with src containing "api-uaa/v1/validate/code", get Base64, and send it for captcha code
绚丽渐变美化网页表格 JS - 自动为表格所有列应用颜色渐变来美化
debugger_shortcut JS - debugger_shortcut_desc
YouTubeDrawaria Engine Pro JS - I Added a Hide Menu just press the 3 dots button!
链接打开方式提示增强器 JS - 根据链接打开方式显示提示,新标签页蓝色提示,当前页面红色提示,支持中英文切换同时调整支持左下角和右下角的显示。
黄金左右键 JS - 按住"→"键倍速播放,按住"←"键减速播放,松开恢复原来的倍速,轻松追剧,看视频更灵活,还能快进/跳过大部分网站的广告!~ 支持用户单独配置倍速和秒数,并可根据根域名启用或禁用脚本
划词菜单(搜索+翻译+保存+转到) JS - 搜索引擎和翻译接口可自定义;大范围划词,检测到划词文本包含网址(非超链接)出现“转到”按钮,多个网址只能跳转首个
Pure Black Background with Visible Text and Links JS - Apply a pure black background to any website, ensure text visibility, and differentiate links
Code Fonts Better JS - Change the fonts of code
allen-env-switch JS - Switch Web Environment
简易flash播放器模拟器(在线版) JS - 将网页中的flash内容替换为ruffle模拟器进行播放,可能对某些网站无效
更好的蔡徐坤 JS - 把所有检测到的图片替换为蔡徐坤图片,并支持动态加载
网页遮罩层 JS - 在网页上方添加一个可以自定义的遮罩层。可以用来遮挡隐私内容,或者用作屏保,又或是用来设置护眼模式... 等等等等
全网页右边栏笔记备注(升级版) JS - 在所有网页上添加右边栏笔记功能,数据保存在本地。如果有笔记内容,默认弹出2秒然后缩回。
删除节点 JS - remove any dom you hate
JavaScript网络执行器 JS - 轻松执行JavaScript!
JSON Response Formatter JS - Toggle between beautified and raw JSON display at top of the page, with copy functionality.
白话文转文言文 JS - 将网页中的白话文转换为文言文
URL Page ID Manipulator JS - Parse URL and manipulate page ID. Licensed under LGPL.
HIT 校园网站自动登录 JS - 自动登录并允许自定义ID和验证码
Dark Mode Toggle JS - Toggle dark mode on any website.
划词弹图标栏工具 JS - 划词分别弹图标栏,1链接打开,2划词超过30字符自动复制,3划词搜索,4打开常用网站,Alt+K进入设置,去掉delay,默认可复制
RickRoll JS - This script transforms every webpage in a big Rick Roll.
河南专技开启倍速播放,6倍速 JS - 河南专技开启倍速播放,6倍速,不过需要先点击播放之后才能开启
记住访问过的链接 JS - 记住网页上访问过的链接,并将其颜色设置为浅蓝色。脚本菜单支持单独域名启用/禁用脚本。
Disable scrolling when tapping on space button JS - Disable scrolling with space when not in input fields
3D Enhanced Thumbnail and Video Enhancer with HDR Enhancement JS - Enhance thumbnails and videos with high definition, HDR filter, and 3D effects
Scrollbar Hider JS - Hides scrollbars globally but keeps scrolling functionality
Block WebAdvisor Logo JS - Blocks the WebAdvisor logo element on every site
publink-arxiv-light JS - light arxiv
systemId解析 JS - 在网页中的系统id上方显示系统名称
Video and Image Quality Fixer for All Sites JS - Force highest quality playback for videos and images on all sites.
日期格式转换 JS - 将英文版的日期格式转换为2024年9月10日这种格式
Lazy Load Videos JS - Accelerate video loading by lazy loading videos
Slow In JS - help to make the world transition!
TransALot JS - make the world transition!
Typescript helpers JS - Special click, import and execute tesseract and opencv, alert blocking