现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
网页字体替换[苹方]并加阴影 JS - 个人向
强制使用Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3 JS - 强制使用Hiragino Kaku Got
禁止图片加载 JS - clear image
Clock1 JS - Clock in basso alle pagine colore blu e rosso
Clock2 JS - Show time drag
Back to Top figuccio JS - Aggiungi pulsante per tornare all'inizio di ogni pagina.
Scrollbars figuccio JS - scrollbars for Chrome 2024
mask fix screen JS - 添加水印层,修复联想显示器,灰色色值显示问题
点击显示爱心 JS - 鼠标移动或点击,浏览器中显示爱心
Disable Hyperlink Auditing JS - A simple script that removes hyperlink auditing from all websites.
Correcteur de frappe JS - Rempalce les erreursd e frappe
HZAU自动思想测评 JS - 允许脚本,打开测评页面,刷新一次,自己提交
Drag Link to Copy Text JS - Copy text of any link by simply dragging it.
Paste Enabler JS - Enables pasting on every site, useful for ourworldoftext.com
Don't fuck with my scroll!!! JS - Whenever the user scrolls using the mouse wheel it will disable all methods to programmatically scroll for 500 ms (0.5 seconds). Basically preventing websites to implement custom scrolling behaviors like smooth scrolling.
GitLab Jira Issue Extractor JS - GitLab Jira Issue Exactor: You can extract jira issues in GitLab after you enable the plugin "jira-issue-tracker".
mini clock 2020figuccio JS - clock 2024 dragabile
免註冊看蘋果新聞(已失效) JS - try to take over the world!
Canvas Fingerprint Blocker JS - Block HTML canvas element from being used for fingerprinting purposes
获取网页链接地址 JS - 获取网页中的所有超链接地址,自动生成 json 格式。无开启关闭按钮,网页加载自动获取链接。支持拖动,双击关闭。
CAPTCHAs.IO OnlineBooking UserScript JS - This script is a UserScript to auto solve captchas in http://onlinebooking.sand.telangana.gov.in/Masters/Home.aspx the SSMMS or Sand Sale Management and Monitoring System website.
防QQ弹窗 JS - 阻止自动弹出QQ聊天窗口.
Vim-like Navigation JS - Use (h,j,k,l) to scroll around. gg to go to top G to to bottom
Local File Link convert For FF JS - Change link 'file://' to 'file://///'
Scroll To Top-Bottom Button JS - Add Scroll To Top-Bottom Button in the lower right corner of the page
Select & Delete JS - deletes selected elements. shift+click: select or deselect, ctrl+click: delete.
自定义AJAX请求发送 JS - 调试用
屏蔽一切关于复联!!!六亲不认 慎用 JS - 防止剧透,强行屏蔽一切关于复联的信息
altadefinizione JS - altadefinizione fake intro skip
Heroes Profile中文化 JS - try to take over the world!
返回顶部、生成二维码脚本 JS - 返回顶部、生成二维码
hypothes.isFloatingButton JS - This is a shortcut for using hypothes.is service. It combines the hypothes.is bookmarklet to the page directly for a further convience.
Word and Text Replace JS - Replaces text with other text.
掌阅自动签到 JS - 省掉在手机上点击步骤
Invidious (vid.wxzm.sx) embed JS - Replace YouTube embeds with vid.wxzm.sx embeds.
Set HTML5 video volume JS - Script to set the volume of <video> elements to 10%.
Almost-All-Sites-Shrekifier JS - Shrekifies almost all the websites you visit
No disabled JS - try to take over the world!
Auto Rate Photo and Auto ReCaptcha JS - O script deixa automatico a função de avaliar as fotos e resolver o captcha e ir pra próxima página
智能划词翻译,可替换原文版 JS - 划词翻译,翻译后可以替换原来的文字,可朗读翻译结果,适应移动端
Year Process JS - try to take over the world!
点击删除 JS - 在页面加载一个悬浮窗,双击后可以任意消除网页内的元素,包括广告等,不会影响网页的原本功能。
Dank-frog JS - Memeifies almost all the websites you visit
仅允许打开智适应和魔方格 JS - try to take over the world!
Default Dancing JS - Defaultifies almost all the websites you visit
Dank Meme With Weird Face JS - Memeifies almost all the websites you visit
Thanos JS - Thanosifies almost all the websites you visit
Sub to Pewdiepie JS - PewDiePieifies almost all the websites you visit
Shrek Is Love JS - Shrekifies almost all the websites you visit
PSO2 swiki redirect. JS - Redirect PSO2 swiki to mirror site in google search for oversea users.
Stylus Auditor JS - Audit Stylus styles for the current page to list all applied styles, and list any CSS rules which have mismatched selectors or overridden styles. This script is designed to be used as a bookmarklet. To use this script, create a new bookmark with this URL (no quote): "javascript:ujs_stylusAuditor()", then use the bookmark on a website with UserStyle applied using Stylus.
YingYingYing JS - Replace Yings in Chinese
质感字体&&页面平滑滚动 JS - 让每个页面的字体变得有质感 页面滚动更平滑 字体换为萍方字体并添加字体阴影
灭霸脚本 JS - 鼠标三击页面的时候,随机移除页面上的一半元素
HTTPOnly Password Protection JS - Скрипт защищает все парольные поля от доступа со стороны JavaScript.
video-snapshot JS - Capture video snapshot
Choppy Orc Framestepper JS - Press `q` to toggle pause and `z` to frame-advance within pause mode.
[Captcha Skip] JS - This solve google recaptcha automatic after sec.
Filter, Highlight & Delete JS - Highlights, Lowlights, or Deletes page elements based on their text.
Inverted Webpage JS - Invert pages
返回顶部和底部 JS - 在网页生成返回顶部和底部按钮,点击按钮即可返回顶部或底部。
所有超链接跳转新页面打开 JS - 将所有的连接变为点击跳转新页面打开
Flash iframe allowfullscreen JS - 解决某些网页flash播放器点击全屏无效的问题 (请求全屏已拒绝,至少一个文档包含的元素不是一个 iframe,或没有"allowfullscreen"属性。 index TypeError: The expression cannot be converted to return the specified type.)
Focus Input Keybind JS - Focus to search or a certain text input with forward slash (/) key similar to YouTube.
Blocker for Autosurf JS - Prevents autosurf websites from opening websites specified (by you) in blocklist
Automatica 04167512965 davo JS - Agrega un embed recaptcha a cada pagina que visites!
Linkify Plain Text URLs JS - Turn plain text URLs into clickable links
Auto scroller JS - use alt= to scroll down, alt- to scroll up(both can be faster by pressing more), and alt+0 to stop.
US-amerikanisch muss lauten amerikanisch JS - Entfernt das idiotische und einfach falsche "US-" vor dem Adjektiv "amerikanisch". Besonders die Wikipedia ist (von Bots?) vollkommen verhunzt worden. Basiert auf dem Userscript von JOeSimmons
hide all image tags on a page JS - Hide all image tags
Rainbow Selection JS - Adapted from Shadow Selection by Anveshak. Create custom dynamic text shadows for highlighted text.
通用Cleaner&Consor页面内容防火墙 JS - 通用Cleaner&Consor页面内容防火墙。已完善名单,对网页内容进行过滤,普适性常用标题党、缺德媒体,过滤替换,误导,极端,情绪化等单词提示。而对技术类、工具类、高质量平台白名单。
GCK JS - 快速复制当前页面cookie
shrtz.me Ad Patch JS - Patches most Shortzon shrtz.me/shrink.me clones to remove ads, timer, and make them automatically proceed after captcha is solved.
自动跳转百度智能小程序至真实地址 JS - 在百度智能小程序的mbd.baidu.com和po.baidu.com域名中自动跳转至真实地址。
HTML5 Video Playback Speed Control Keyboard Shortcut JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to control HTML5 video playback rate. Available keyboard shortcuts are: <CTRL+[> = Decreate playback rate, <CTRL+]> = Increase playback rate, <CTRL+\> = Set playback rate increment/decrement unit, <CTRL+'> = Set playback to specific rate, <CTRL+;> Reset playback rate to default (to 1.0). Default playback rate incement/decrement is configurable via script.
SSL Redirect JS - Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
navigate-canonical JS - Go to the canonical page
page editor JS - works if you can find the buttons, allows you to edit the page.
button clicker JS - presses a button
Prevent Right-Click Context Menu Hijaak JS - Prevent websites from entirely disable web browser's Right-Click context menu by allowing use of SHIFT+RightClick, CTRL+RightClick, or CTRL+SHIFT+RightClick (configurable in the script code). This script is designed for Chrome and Chromium based web browsers. Firefox already has this feature built in via SHIFT+RightClick.
Circle Calculater JS - This script make the nice environment of calculate circles for console of the developer tools.
https://www.paginas.com JS - Agrega un embed recaptcha a cada pagina que visites!
Scroll Bar Enabler JS - Re-enables the scroll bar for sites that use anti-adblock scripts.
https://www.paginas.com JS - Agrega un embed recaptcha a cada pagina que visites!
Remove Redundant URL Search Parameters JS - Remove Redundant URL Search Parameters like fbclid
游石-脚本 JS - try to take over the world!
id changer JS - changes a html object's id to whatever you want without inspect. works great with my button clicker
王永杰图片管理添加背景 JS - 图片管理添加背景插件
Web Archive JS - archive current page on archive.is and archive.org
nOwOtify JS - Yes
website name changer JS - Change a website name to whatever you want! (not the url, just the title)
取消所有輸入框禁用狀態 JS - 定時每隔1秒,檢測網頁是否有禁用的輸入框,並取消禁用狀態。
我真帅 JS - try to take over the world!
Enable Picture In Picture For Every Sites ( 启用画中画 ) JS - enable the picture in picture feature by holding down mouse for 1 second
Fuck FuckAdBlock JS - Acts like FuckAdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected.
磁力搜索 JS - 磁力搜索,基于“磁力mp4搜索 ”修改而成
ReCaptchas JS - https://www.facebook.com/kolotibablagregar un exclude a los domios malos
DarkReader JS - turn reading articles in a monochrome pleasure for your eyes