现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
蜘蛛磁力搜索 JS - 搜索想看的视频,书籍,软件的磁力链接,方便,节省时间
remember input JS - remember input content, when reopen will auto filled
网页自动滑动,自动阅读 JS - 自定义速度,速度范围-10~10(默认速度为1),空格键随时开始/暂停,上下键实时调节速度,反方向运动。
磁力猪搜索 JS - 磁力猪随时随地搜索磁力信息,一键搜索,超高效
超多选项Select附加搜索框 JS - try to take over the world!
RSSHelper JS - A way to add a rss feed button on webpage
蜘蛛磁力搜索弹窗版 JS - 搜索想看的视频,书籍,软件的磁力链接,方便高效,想搜什么搜什么
磁力猪搜索弹窗版 JS - 磁力猪随时随地搜索磁力信息,一键搜索,超高效,
Link Sanitizer JS - Clean up unnecessary hyperlink redirections and link shims
FSFE Affiliate Programs + extras (auto-SSL...) JS - Modify Amazon links to support the FSFE, always use SSL and shorten links
faviconizer JS - Show favicons for links.
faviconizer JS - Show favicons for links.
YT2Invidio JS - Point YouTube links to Invidious, Twitter to Nitter, Instagram to Bibliogram, Reddit to Teddit, Medium to Scribe
background JS - enter something useful
富聊审核脚本 JS - try to make work easy
AnnoyScript JS - Confirms that you are viewing a webpage.
Avoid_source JS - try to take over the world!
Doppelte Fenster JS - Synchronisiert Aktionen über Fenster/Tabs der gleichen Domain hinweg. Drücke C L O N E, um zu (de)aktivieren
MiniClock JS - simple clock for full screen mode
Block OpenSearch Descriptions JS - Block sites from adding search engines to Chrome.
阅读csdn博客登录限制解除 JS - try to take over the world!
Youtube to Invidious JS - Scan page for Youtube embeds and urls and replace with Invidious.
Dom image downloader JS - download dom node as image.
VPN'siz Vikipedi ve Imgur JS - Wikipedia sayfaları için Wikiwand'a ve Imgur fotoğrafları için Imgurp'a yönlendirerek içeriğe erişebilmenizi sağlar. Bu hizmetin asıl sahibi olan sunucu sahiplerine teşekkürler.
HTML5画中画 JS - 向兼容浏览器中的HTML5视频添加画中画按钮
Easy change speed Youtube JS - try to take over the world!
Unfix Fixed Elements JS - Intelligently reverses ill-conceived element fixing on sites like Medium.com
强制使用思源简宋(Noto Serif CJK SC) JS - 使用谷歌思源简宋字体
强制使用思源简黑(Noto Sans CJK SC) JS - 使用谷歌思源简黑字体
Website to editor JS - Easy to edit anything in website.
F2改变网页背景色(for Chrome) JS - Changes color of page to grey text on black background to make pages easier to read. Uses F2 to toggle colors on and off.
RSSフィードに見えるリンクからRSS Autodiscoveryを作って埋め込む JS - Firefox64-向き
禁用input自动完成功能 JS - 禁用所有网站中input输入框的自动完成功能
TypeShower JS - 动态弹幕实时显示按下的按键
Popup Search JS - Popup search box and translate button (etc) for selected texts
TypeSounder JS - 给按键加入机械键盘的触发声音
防掉线刷新助手 JS - 定期ajax刷新你的网页,防止你被session过期掉线。如果你登录的系统session过期很快,那么这将是神器。
GREGuru JS - try to take over the world!
关键字高亮 JS - 文档高亮
网页复制解除(浮游 bug 版) JS - 编辑当前页面,使之可以自由编辑,复制,黏贴。
Surrounded JS - Surrounds selected text on web pages with pairs of characters when typed, keeps selection unchanged.
Easy Picture-in-Picture JS - Picture in Picture を簡単に利用できるようにポップアウト ボタンを追加します。
Disable Google Optimize page-hiding CSS JS - Disable Google Optimize page-hiding CSS.The homepage using Google Optimize will show up quickly.
Dark++ JS - CSS 实现夜间模式; 代码是从贴吧抄的, 嗯 ... over; 由于该实现本质上是覆盖一层, 可能会有未知问题出现: 如 sortTable.js 拖拽无效
划词翻译:多词典查询 JS - 划词翻译调用“有道词典(有道翻译)、金山词霸、Bing 词典(必应词典)、剑桥高阶、沪江小D、谷歌翻译”
Clock figuccio JS - clock ore minuti secondi millesimi data
eBonus.gg Skip ad JS - Bypass Ads
eBonus.gg [Captcha Skip] JS - Resolve o captcha automaticamente em alguns segundos.
AutoClicker JS - 一个自动对网页元素(按钮,链接等)进行重复点击的脚本,可以利用到春节刷票,大学选课,双十一抢购等场景中。
video watch page url JS - Display "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=***********" of embedded YouTube videos.
fか[で全画面化 JS - Firefoxで全画面化のアラートを消すにはabout:config→full-screen-api.warning.timeout→-1
茄子去广告 JS - try to take over the world!
FPS Counter JS - Check your FPS count
authorsmith JS - Authorsmith 自动化
Keyboard navigator JS - Keyboard navigation
👏👏 *** review 👏👏 JS - This userscript replaces most references of <word> review with 👏👏 <word> review 👏👏
Google Homepage Script - Add or replace text... JS - Show a string in Google below the search bar if "alternate language notice" exists, otherwise: Text in searchbox
Google Homepage Script - Prompt For Text JS - Show a string in Google below the search bar if "alternate language notice" exists, otherwise: Text in searchbox
All the boxes JS - more boxes
保持专注_keepFocused JS - 临时屏蔽指定url,给自己一个清净(只屏蔽首页,防止摸鱼,但详情页不屏蔽,便于从搜索引擎进入查找资料)
Page Filter JS - Removes links, images, and text which refer to specific keywords. When a keyword is found in an URL of a link or image, the link/image will be removed. When a keyword is found in a text, the whole text in its container element, will be removed.
Hi-history JS - 获取网站浏览历史
CollectMissingSrc JS - 收集console的error数据!
ad bind JS - Bind AD to <- ->
Enable Vertical and Horizontal Scrollbar Everywhere JS - Enable vertical and horizontal page BODY scrolling (for example, where it is disabled if a modal is open).
替换网页中的内容 JS - 替换网页中的文本内容
i,o,pでXPath生成ツール JS - i:生成 o:除外条件付き生成 p:除外条件+1つの要素のみを生成 Shift+i:除外条件変更 Shift+o:要求条件入力 Shift+p:要求Hits数変更
-で指定した要素をオートフォーカス JS - [-]:Escで戻る+オートフォーカス要素に登録(上端) Shift+[-]:Escで戻る+オートフォーカス要素に登録(中央) Shift+Ctrl+[-]:Escで戻る要素に登録(中央) Esc:そこに戻る
Copy as cp1251 JS - try to take over the world!
Edit Everything JS - Edit every webpage
Pause LastPass! JS - Pause LastPass by adding 'lpignore' to every input of type text or password.
CAPTCHA SKIP BY ЦEZ4P6 JS - Captcha Skip Pro By ЦEZ4P6
Navigational Keyboard Shortcuts SFW JS - Navigate through websites using keyboard buttons N/B for next/previous pages.
回到顶部/底部 JS - 快速滚到页面顶部或底部
磁力mp4搜索 JS - 快速搜索想看的视频,书籍,软件的磁力链接,方便,节省时间
ClearNotes JS - remove all notes and custom colours from planets and ships (notes type 1 & 2).
全网站视频画中画模式 JS - 使用画中画模式观看视频,适合谷歌70以上版本
去繁留简-繁简转换 JS - 网页上的繁体中文字转为简体。
Яндекс ИКС JS - Отображает на каждом сайте иконку Яндекс ИКС
天猫京东苏宁淘宝电脑手机页面互转工具V1.1 Tony JS - 苏宁秒杀助手,秒杀产品购买助手
Sugg JS - Provides link suggestions based on the current page, similar to youtube
快点做正事! 结合Todoist帮助你专心工作 JS - 帮助提醒你限制娱乐时长,专心工作,同时提醒你每日任务,需要注册Todoist(https://todoist.com)
杀死“麦欧兔” JS - 如题
Force Full Editor JS - Forces WYSIWYG editors to always use the full editor if possible
Social Limit JS - Prevents being on social media too long
Show me now time JS - 在打开每个网页的时候显示一下当前时间,以及今天已经过去的百分比
Dissonant JS - Dissonant web chat, for every page on the internet
COS图床上传脚本 JS - ImgURL快捷上传工具
Node Auto proxy JS - Auto redirects you to a proxy
Make page editable JS - Make page editable with keyboard shortcut (contenteditable="true" feature)
双击显示密码 JS - 双击显示密码,失去焦点隐藏.不覆盖 onload,支持密码框后生成的网站
Always Open Telegram Link with tp Protocol JS - convert the URL from "http://t.me" or "http://telegram.me" to "tp://"
Enhanced word highlight JS - Enhanced keywords highlight for Search Engines and All !
Counter for any page JS - React on title of page
Депереименование Астаны JS - Заменяет Нур-Султан на Астану
Browser Notification Filter JS - Filter out browser notifications by title or body of the notification. Edit script configuration before use, and backup script before updating.
Incognito trick JS - Prevent sites detecting if you're in incognito by calling the success callback of webkitRequestFileSystem even if it's failing.
Github anchor enhance JS - Enhance github repository link with badges
Emoji & Symbol Picker JS - Adds ability to input emoji and symbol characters via picker popup which is accessible using ALT+` (ALT and backquote) keyboard shortcut (configurable in the script). Character will be generated at the (blinking) cursor. If there's text selected, the character will replace the selection. Note: this script will not work on inputboxes whose keyboard inputs is script driven. e.g. WYSIWYG text boxes.