现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
Ulepszenia dla domyślnego odtwarzacza wideo HTML5 JS - Skrypt zawiera kilka ulepszeń dla domyślnego odtwarzacza HTML5.
通用去广告(比较暴力,慎用)V0.1 JS - 专治广告联盟的iframe
外挂弹幕系统 JS - 在页面中实现类似直播的弹幕系统
Insert Lorem ipsum JS - Input l or lorem followed by p for paragraphs, s for sentences or w for words followed by a number (max 4) then press right arrow. e.g. l s 2 → (gives you two sentences)
Harlem Shake JS - github.com/Matanatr96 thelastmattapalli.com rmccurdy.com
中键选择文本 JS - 用鼠标中键选择文本
屏蔽畅言广告 JS - 屏蔽畅言评论框下广告
Accented Character Input JS - Add functionality to input accented characters for non accented keyboards when the current input focus is on a text input element, or a content-editable element.
Console.Global.Varibles.Infos JS - Show globale variables declared in window object
Ctrl+CでタイトルとURLをコピー JS - Shift+C:除去文字列設定 Shift+T:後回しタイトル設定 (YouTube)Alt+c/Ctrl+x:列挙
A11y JS - Test for assessibility problems
划词搜索(手机版)() JS - 划词搜索,快速选择搜索引擎,一键搜索,跳转百度,谷歌,必应等。注:第一个图标为打开网址的按钮,仅当选中文本为链接时可用。
划词搜索(pc版) JS - 划词搜索,快速选择搜索引擎,一键搜索,跳转百度,谷歌,必应等。注:第一个图标为打开网址的按钮,仅当选中文本为链接时可用。
Macro AGMA.IO JS - Editado por CrossOv3r
网页标题笔记 JS - 将选中文字添加到网页标题最前面,以便在浏览器标签栏快速识别
Manu Auto Correct JS - Changer toute référence à "Emmanuel Macron" en "Manu".
HighlightSelected JS - Highlight selected text on doubleclick
Test 1 JS - Adds link to original size below each image
百度网盘提取工具(BaiduyundiskLinkCodeExtract) JS - 点击按钮扫描,如果页面上有百度云盘的资源网址,则将文字转换为链接;如果页面上有百度云盘资源链接和提取码,则在点击链接后自动填入提取码并提交
Linkify·改 JS - 文本转超链接
MS-Word DOCX Reader JS - Adds Microsoft Office Word DOCX document viewing functionality without using or involving any third party website. To view a Word document, use the mouse shortcut to click the link on a web page which points to a DOCX file. By default, the mouse shortcut is Alt+LeftClick, and it's configurable in the script.
Felix Test JS - try to take over the world!
Replace Numbers on Webpages JS - Apply a math function of your choice to all numbers from 0-99 on a webpage. Inspired by JoeSimmons' "Replace Text On Webpages".
HookAjax Test JS - ww.soundsnap.com 铃声免费下载
Closing Confirmation JS - Prevents the page from being closed without your consent
Hiragana and Katakana learning JS - Teach the alphabet...
AddToFavorite JS - Сохраняй интересные тебе страницы сайта, не пребегая к закладкам!
手机看网页(地址生成二维码) JS - 将网页链接转化成二维码,方便使用手机浏览*__*
Save As Text JS - Save the Page as Plain text file
Adapt to Screen JS - Make the computer version of the webpage use the phone
复制为Markdown格式 JS - 复制网页内容为Markdown格式。点击右上角copy按钮开始选择内容,点击鼠标或按Enter进行复制。按Esc取消选择,上箭头选择父级,下箭头选择子级,左箭头选择前面的相邻元素,右箭头选择后面的相邻元素。按钮可以拖动。Ctrl+c+c激活。
MathJax compiler and decompiler JS - Ctrl-m compiles LaTeX code with inline math delimiters $ ... $ and [; ... ;], and display math delimiters $$ ... $$ and [(; ... ;)]. Ctrl-, decompiles.
Invidio.us embed JS - Replace YouTube embeds with Invidio.us embeds.
一个返回顶部和到达底部的按钮 JS - 在网页上添加一个按钮,可以快速返回顶部和到达底部,有滑动效果
银杏 JS - Quick copy & send magnet links
Optimize Browser JS - Have a better experience to use browser.
Mediawiki <br> adder JS - Adds a button to add <br> in mediawiki form
HTML5视频截图器 JS - 基于HTML5的简单原生视频截图,可控制快进/逐帧/视频调速,支持自定义快捷键
Mastoshare Replacer JS - Replace Mastoshare Links to Your Instance Share Form.
词频统计 JS - 利用COCA一万五词频表分析网页文单词词频,建议手动替换为五万词库。
Add view port mobile meta to all pages JS - Add view port mobile meta to all pages (mobile enable) - Install on FF Mobile
Use My Amazon Affiliate Code JS - Puts your own Amazon affiliate ID in Amazon links
Mturk Group IDs JS - Adds group ID to mturk hit frames
58核心价值观 - 时刻提醒 JS - 58集团核心价值观 时时刻刻在你访问的每个页面飘出并提示!
Google Recaptcha Dark Theme Night Mode JS - Google Recaptcha Dark Theme Night Mode - currently undergoing build
Slightly darken all website BG-color - Body/HTML #ccc JS - Slightly darken all website BG-color - Body/HTML #ccc build
强制使用微软雅黑 - 非强制版 JS - 我就是喜欢微软雅黑!【兼容性更强的非强制版】
网页字体替换[苹方]并加阴影 JS - 个人向
dict.cn JS - englist dictionary
搜索增强 JS - 使视障人士更方便的使用百度搜索和网页内搜索,更容易的获取所搜索到的网页的内容,并能快速判断网页的有用程度。
網頁國名糾錯插件 JS - 糾正錯誤的國家名
DragDown to Refesh JS - 手机浏览器,下拉刷新,测试中
console.save JS - A simple way to save objects as .json files or to save blobs as files from the console.
图书查找 JS - 鼠标选中文字,快捷键alt+1/2/3/4,依次跳转到豆瓣,当当,图灵,京东图书界面,并进行搜索
Filter Out Rotten Tomatoes JS - Removes links, images, and text which refer to Rotten Tomatoes or its rottentomatoes.com website, on any website.
Amazon Multi-Country Check JS - Check amazon products in multiple other countries.
点击时显示文字 JS - 用于在每次点击鼠标时漂浮文字,原名《社会主义核心价值观 - 点击时提醒》
JIRA Subtask Move Plugin JS - Plugin to allow moving of sub-tasks in JIRA
ImgURL上传脚本 JS - ImgURL快捷上传工具
绿色下载 JS - 去掉下载网站无关内容(高速下载/下载器/页面广告),持续更新中
1024Img图片上传脚本 JS - 任意页面上传图片
Comments Everywhere JS - Pissed about media outlets that choose on what news you can or not comment? No more, this script will put a small "C" button on all pages footers, upon clicking on it you'll gain the ability to comment and read comments from other people on any page!
CopyFixerfix JS - Copy Title and URL by Ctrl-C
copyright JS - 修改为仅仅去除所有网站复制带来的小尾巴数据、破解复制权限
去除各种网站的复制后缀,比如:CSDN,简书 JS - 自用脚本,在pf kong作者的源码基础上,修改成支持去除各种网站的复制后缀,比如:CSDN,简书,知乎
图书与资料查找-基于“图书查找”脚本制作 JS - 基于@You的脚本“图书查找”修改,与原脚本互斥!新增对中文维基百科、百度百科的搜索支持,调整快捷键顺序使之更适合所有资料的查找。鼠标选中文字,快捷键alt+1/2/3/4/5,依次跳转到中文维基百科,百度百科,豆瓣,当当,图灵,京东,天猫界面,并进行搜索
HTTP Request/Response logger JS - Listen to all ajax http requests and responses and renders a button on screen that allows it's download (groups by request). Exports in mockserver format.
urzednicza remover JS - try to take over the world!
预览网页,悬停1.5s在本页面预览将要跳转的网页 JS - 来回切换窗口麻烦?该脚本能够让你不点击链接的情况下,在本页面预览链接的页面内容,你只需要鼠标悬停在超链接上1.5s即可。
Pony Party JS - You left your computer unlocked!
Wiz助手 JS - 在网页上添加一个按钮,可以保存页面内容到Wiz
background-color JS - Change the white elements to your wanted color!
Scroll to empty text box JS - Press F2 to scroll to an empty text box and focus it
链接地址洗白白 JS - 把链接地址缩减至最短可用状态,并复制到剪切板,以方便分享。【在每个页面的底部中间,有一个小小的按钮,用来呼出面板】
Remove Baidu.pos JS - 百度广告
隐心百度云盘钥匙 JS - 百度云盘钥匙,主要功能有:1、打开百度云盘链接地址时,会自动获取提取码填入,并会自动提交,一键打开分享链接,方便快捷;2、浏览任何网页时,只要包含百度云盘分享链接,都会在页面左上角显示链接是否有效,如果有效则会显示提取码。
Video Volume Control JS - Adds volume control with mouse scroll on page video.
Simple HTML5 video player JS - Replaces any default HTML5 player with custom controls
巴哈廣告欄位刪除 JS - try to take over the world!
canvas直接转图片下载 JS - canvas图表直接下载-将网页上的canvas内容直接转化为png图片并进行下载,可以在图表秀等网站使用。
替换网页字体为微软雅黑,英文及代码字体为Fira Code JS - 替换网页字体为微软雅黑,代码字体为Fira Code
css-巴哈姆特文章列表廣告欄位刪除 JS - BAHA NO AD
AutoClickPagerize JS - just click more-load or next-page button
Scam Site Blocker JS - Block potential tech support scam popups and redirects
Tab输入 JS - 按TAB键在输入框之间快速切换
Save to Zotero JS - Make Zotero's boorkmarklet a user script (click the button 'Zotero!' on bottom right)
oneindex辅助 JS - 1.打开外部播放器 2.点击右下角蓝色图标 切换大图模式 3.可自动壁纸 需要手工打开代码
字母导航 JS - 提供网页元素的字母导航
BlockBlockAdBlock JS - Blocks BlockAdBlock scripts. Toggleable if required.
Remove position fixed and sticky on top navbar JS - Decline top menu move on page
Giddy Mouse JS - The cursor will rotate naturally, following your movements
Improve Image Rendering JS - ""
图片采集下载工具 JS - 测试一下
¥+クリックした要素を削除 JS - ¥+^:指した要素を非表示登録 Ctrl+^:非表示登録をundo Shift+^:非表示登録を編集 ¥+左クリック:要素を削除 ^+左クリック:親要素を削除 Shift+Alt+¥:見えない要素を削除 ¥+@:要素のtextを編集可能化 ¥+BS:要素の横幅を拡大 ¥+.:指した要素を画像として保存
Hi, 谷歌翻译,不要翻译代码块 (*) JS - 谷歌翻译不翻译代码块
Suspicious Website TLD Blocker JS - Block websites that use domain extensions often associated with spam, scams, and malware.
switch content editable JS - open/close content editable (by alt+e)
Turn on spellcheck JS - Turns spellcheck on in CrowdSurf transcription.
font@Hedes JS - try to take over the world!