现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
显示二维码Plus JS - 在Alt+Q显示二维码的基础上增加了一个文本框
空格之王 自动为中英文之间添加一个空格 JS - 自动替你在网页中所有的中文字和半形的英文、数字、符号之间插入空白,让文字变得美观好看。
社会主义核心价值观 - 时刻提醒 JS - 中国共产党社会主义核心价值观 时时刻刻在你访问的每个页面飘出并提示!
刷新 JS - try to take over the world!
Hijack Worker JS - Hijack web workers in the browser to stop coin miner
Linkify plain-text GIDs, web+panda:// fallbacks everywhere. JS - Latest update: No more middle-click listeners.
AutoLink UBA JS - Wandelt ISBNs in Links auf den Katalog der UBA um und ermittelt, ob die Bücher in der Bibliothek vorhanden sind.
Fuck ReCaptcha JS - Reveal Captcha Token for Complete ReCaptchas!
Protected color JS - 添加文档保护色
WebSocket Logger JS - Log all the communication of every WebSocket
Highlight Listened Bandcamp Albums JS - Add highlights to listened Bandcamp albums. Note: All domains is required for the script, because some albums listed on bandcamp.com are not served on bandcamp.com. For albums served on sites other than bandcamp.com, the recognition of the album playback is possible only if the site uses bandcamp.com's document format.
AdSkipper JS - Skip adf.ly urls
Copy Markdown-Format Address JS - Copy current tab title and url, and convert to markdown syntax
Prompt On New Tab JS - Display a confirmation dialog when the site wants to open a new tab, so that user has the chance to cancel or allow it to open in a new or current tab. This script won't work if the user opens a link in a new tab using web browser's "Open in a new tab", "Open in background tab", or similar which are web browser internal or browser extension features.
Deluge WebUI remote torrent adder JS - This script adds a Deluge icon next to torrent and magnet links. Clicking on it adds the torrent to the WebUI without leaving the page.
自定义浏览器平台信息 JS - 自定义浏览器平台信息,以便于你可以自由访问目标网站的移动端或者桌面端。此脚本仅针对JavaScript检测有效,对于服务端检测无效。
closeDoublePage JS - Closes the old tab, if a new one with the same URL emerges
Prank JS - Makes pages difficult to read.
Unblock paste JS - Unblock the pasteroonies!
Prevent Spacebar Doing Page Down JS - When the Spacebar key is received outside a text entry area, discard it
mTurk HIT Fullscreen Crosshair CSS (as Userscript) JS - Userscript adapatation (and improvement) of code found at https://codepen.io/michaelsboost/pen/fnizu - applied to mTurk.
Show Character Codes JS - Display a dialog showing the character code(s) of the selected character(s). This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:scc_ujs()
html5 videos: Click To Play JS - Make "video" elements click to play
AutoLoginJu JS - Automatically submit autofilled login forms
Save Selected Text To File JS - Save selection into file as text or HTML code. The selected text or HTML code will be previewed and can be edited before it is saved. The file will be presented as a file download. This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:ssttf_ujs()
回到顶部/底部 JS - 便捷的全局回到顶部/底部按钮(Top and Down buttons everywhere)
informoTVBoT JS - informo.tv Bot
Link & Form Field Navigation Shortcuts JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts for focusing: previous form field (ALT+1), next form field (ALT+2), previous link (ALT+3), and next link (ALT+4).
No more “Read more...” JS - Prevent websites injecting a “Read more: www.site.com” into the copied content
Faris Handy Webdev JavaScript functions JS - A bunch of useful JavaScript functions
F JS - Userscript to retrieve archived versions of dead links
Shrug Inserter JS - Appends the shrug emoji to the currently-focused input. No jQuery.
Pixel Art Zoom JS - Add-on that allows the user to scroll images so they can view pixel art in browser
Solved Media JS - Autocompletion for Solve Media image CAPTCHAs.
HTTP Request Sniffer JS - log http requests made with javascript in the console.
BaiduSharePage JS - 按住Alt键选中度盘神秘代码快捷进入对应分享页!Press Alt on keyboard and Select a baidu_secret_code to enter target share page!
Disable Spellcheck Globally JS - disables nasty spellcheck that Edge refuses to disable
智能无图 JS - 隐藏图片,或显示一张默认图片,当你不便浏览该网页时
[Global] Image Zoomer JS - Allows zooming into images without changing pages. Hold Ctrl+Shift (Cmd+Shift on MAC) when clicking on an image to load it with the extension.
imgur to imgurp JS - replace imgur urls with imgurp
WTRS工数自动填写 JS - A script help you input work time automatically, enjoy!
Force Justify JS - In modern times there really is no reason not to use justified text alignment always!
Disable Notifications API JS - Disable Notifications API where sites may show popup notifications message at bottom-right of the web browser. Any sites which require Notifications API may cause the web browser to ask user for a permission to display notifications. This script disables both the notifications and the permission prompt. It is intended for users who find them annoying.
Chrome JS & CSS Highlighter JS - Highlight's CSS and JS code in tab
Search Selected text on Amazon .ca JS - Im Mahi , and this script helps people to select and search a product by name without having to download any new Search extension, with single click | Saves lot of time for e-commerce employees. CANADA version
HTML5 Video Frame Screenshot JS - Adds ability to take a screenshot from the current frame of a HTML5 video element and be saved to a file named "video_frame.jpg" or "video_frame.png" (image format is configurable). This script is intended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:hvfs_ujs()
Cookie clicker hacks. JS - loads o fun
伟大领袖习近平 JS - 全面贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义理论体系
WebBot to View 2 Sites Statically inputted JS - will be a bot and get you hits
Show Cangjie Codes Using Ruby Annotation JS - Display Cangjie Codes Automatically
bangumi new wiki helper JS - assist to create new subject
FC_Research Tool EU JS - Im Mahi, and this script helps people to select and seacrh EU-Bin ID Bin Research single click | Saves lot of time for VBI employees.
阻止百度统计和嵌入窗口 JS - 使用Hook技术阻止百度统计和嵌入窗口
YoutubeVR JS - YoutubeVR Plugin
colorDate JS - "Set date color according to date 根据网页上日期的新旧程度, 给日期进行着色, 比如说已经是5年前的一个日期会成为红色, 以便提醒阅览者,注意信息可能过于陈旧。"
Hola Mundo JS - does nothing, just writes a welcome message to the console. a very simple userscript that illustrates the use of the GM_config library, remote resources, themes and some common userscript mechanics
informo.ty (BoT) JS - informo.tv Bot
Active Tab Arrow Display JS - Display an arrow on the title of the currently active tab
Vidpaw Downloader JS - The script assist Vidpaw to convert video links.
External link newtaber JS - opens external links in a new tab on all sites (now can work with dynamic link lists, such as search results)
Automatic URL Decoder JS - Декодирует все найденные на странице ссылки, похожие на "%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%20%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80", в удобочитаемое "привет мир"
Avengers: Infinity War Spoiler Blocker JS - Notifies the user if any keywords related to Infinity Wars are detected on the page.
替代新时代为后现代 JS - try to take over the world!
EugeneLiu JS - 自动推荐智能的标签
NNM-Club Open Spoilers JS - Создаёт кнопку над первым спойлером, при нажатии на которую открываются все спойлеры на странице NNM-Club. Можно (не проверял, но по логике должно) переделать для другого сайта. Для этого нужно вместо (или добавить через запятую) CSS-класса .spoiler-wrap вставить селектор спойлера с нужного сайта. Добавлено для USBTor.Ru Новое в 0.4: Исключены от открытия скриптом спойлеры - "Список файлов в торренте" и "Похожие темы"
markdown生成带网页标题的链接 JS - try to take over the world!
AnimalQueryJS JS - Tries to speedup browsing by disabling JS (jQuery) animations
Flash 简单优化 JS - 略微提升 Flash 元素的性能。
Shaniqua - Big Ol' Butts in your Projects JS - Latest update: Updates for Qualtrics.
.M3U8 HLS Player JS - Lets you play .m3u8 with hls player.
链接自动填表 JS - 自动根据连接填充页面表单 方法网页追加 #field=选择器1:值,选择器2:值...&submit=#提交选择器,触发事件
SokBar JS - Search bar selection by key shortcut.
E-mail reply highlighting (manual) JS - Highlights e-mail replies with different colours per quotation level in lines preceded by ">", ">>" etc.
以太坊日志翻译器 JS - 将以太坊的16进制data数据转换成原文
解除网页禁止拷贝 JS - 去除百度分享、解除网页禁止拷贝
accessibility_网页工具箱 JS - 提供一些小功能,增强使用屏幕阅读器访问网页的体验
快速打开粘贴的多个网址 JS - 批量打开多个网址,支持设置时间间隔
Ci-AiCloud JS - 通过AiCloud外网访问斐讯天天链N1,上传下载文件,支持多站点,安装后自己打开脚本文件编辑,在Configs中配置你自己的域名及内网IP信息
Auto Scroll Mouse [fork] JS - No mousewheel? No problem! This script will scroll the page if you place your mouse near the top or bottom of the window and wiggle it.
DevTools Anti-Detector JS - Simple tool to temporarily prevent site from using popular methods of DevTools detection. Do not leave enabled!
Remove HTML5 Audio/Video and Flash JS - Remove HTML5 Video (and optionally Audio too) and Flash from any web page. This is somewhat an aggresive measure to disable audio, video and Flash when there's no other option is available.
EasyNotes.Title.fix JS - 一个通用的网页标题栏自动修正工具
Image Proxier JS - Replaces images from certain websites with a proxied version.
Case converter JS - swap the case of the selected text
Highlight non-native (resized) pictures JS - Draws an outline around img elements, which have been resized by the browser
MLG Web Design JS - Turn websites you visit in a hypnotic mess only true 360° quickscopers can use.
Reverse TinEye Image Search JS - Dragging any image allows you to do a TinEye image search.
自用 JS - 自用1.0
YouTube Embedder JS - Convert links and optionally URL text which points to a YouTube video, into embedded YouTube frame. For URL text, it can be converted to a link only. The main function can be configured for on-demand-only for slow computers. If enabled, the main function can be executed via bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:yte_ujs()
System Fonts JS - Use system default fonts across the web
设置以及获取浏览器缓存 JS - 第一个测试脚本。
Text to URL JS - Конвертирует текст в виде ссылок в реальные ссылки, на которые можно кликнуть.
AutoSave to Internet Archive - Wayback Machine JS - Automatically save the page you visited (or all links you can see) to "Wayback Machine".
DOGGO JS - Replace all images on a page with dogs
CATTO JS - Replace all images on a page with cats
按⬅➡键自动翻页 JS - 在需要翻页的网页中,使用按⬅➡键向前向后翻页
White background replacer JS - Replaces the background white color with a darker one in order to decrease eye strain
FindDownloadLink JS - 侦测页面中的磁力链接&&下载地址并生成到按钮中
Office Online Viewer JS - View office documents in your browser with Microsoft Office Online. Previously made by ogzergin