现在显示所有语言的结果。只显示 简体中文 的结果
中英文语音合成选读 JS - 调用responsivevoice.org的语音合成服务朗读选中文本
hatebu-counter JS - displays current page's Hatena Bookmark (http://b.hatena.ne.jp/) count and comments on a corner of the page.
Userstyles by TheArkive - Cleaner Images JS - Modify CSS for certain sites
It's Not Important JS - At least part of the world will became a bit less important now.
autoSign JS - 一些论坛的自动签到脚本,目前支持4个网站:sstm,2djgame,acfun,lightnovel
IPFS Hash Linker JS - Link IPFS hashes to the IPFS gateway
OneNote Clipper JS - The clipper Bookmarklet
GkPlugins Helper JS - This userscript assists all sites use plugins of GkPlugins in fetching data links. Mainly used as an alternative to the Java option currently provided.
Enable right click and Highlighting JS - try to take over the world!
Page Dimmer JS - Dims any webpages to ease your eyes when reading at night. CTRL + ALT + 0 to de/activate
YSlow JS - YSlow for Firefox Greasemonkey
CH Reload Frame Button JS - Adds a reload button on pages loaded in an iframe/frame. For more convenient access than the right-click menu, or for browser versions which don't have that menu command. Also shows the frame's URL in the button's mouseover text.
FastNav JS - Quickly navigate to the next page with your keyboard. Press n to go to the next page, press p to go to the previous page.
AntennaSkipper JS - アンテナサイトをGoogle 検索経由でスキップする
NightVision Mode (夜间模式) JS - Protect your EYE. (保护视力)
Image Map Fixer JS - Finds image maps where the image fails to load and add colored blocks to make them more visible.
Page Centering JS - ウェブページを中央配置
Rickrolled JS - Use this as a prank for your friends!
Libs for every page JS - make jquery can be used in every page
AutoTOC JS - Automatically creates a table of contents for all HTML-headers on a web page.
Clear Button For Almost Every Text Input Field JS - Adds clear button for almost every <input type="text">, like ms-clear.
有道划词翻译 JS - 极简
简繁转化 JS - 极简
URL_Shortener_Script JS - По нажатию клавиш ctrl+Q с любой веб страницы создает короткую ссылку на нее в сервисе goo.gl и копирует в буфер обмена
Fuck FuckAdBlock JS - Acts like FuckAdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected.
全局Arial雅黑 JS - 兼容所有图标字体
Fullwidth Letter Fixer JS - Replaces fullwidth letters with ASCII equivalents, making pages a bit more searchable
MerDB Extended JS - Fix up MerDB with this script that show's which movies are good enought to watch, how many seasons and episodes in a tv series and more.
Disable AutoRefresh JS - Disable AutoRefresh is a user script to override and disable meta refresh html tag on all websites to prevent the automatic refresh or redirection.
Javascript Link Fixer JS - Converts Javascript links that open new windows into regular old links
SaveTube+ JS - Download videos from web sites.
Javascript-css beautify JS - Beautify and syntax highlighting for source code JavaScript, JSON, CSS. From v4.1+, a few more formats are also supported.
viewsource JS - View and beautify page source. Shortcut: Alt+U.
Image viewer JS - Use grid wallpaper to highlight transparent image. Support to view the large image by holding the right mouse and drag.
Power Sensor JS - sensing words of web pages under mouse very quickly without selection&a web page links previewer
searchEngineJump-NextStage JS - 方便的在各个引擎之间跳转。可自定义搜索列表的 NLF 修改版。
谷歌翻译提示框扩展 JS - 谷歌翻译选中文本至提示框。Fork自https://greasyfork.org/scripts/662/
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Fork from https://greasyfork.org/scripts/5727/
全局鍵盤功能 JS - try to take over the world!
默认雅黑字体 JS - 修改默认字体为 微软雅黑(Microsoft YaHei)
dark-one-fix JS - Adding background color for sites that miss that attribute (see screenshots)
Instant Chimichanga FTW JS - Make Deadpool's dreams come true.
Onens.Clean.Player JS - Thanks to OpenGG, Harv.c, KaFan15536900
GW-Editer OFF JS - gives you 'leet hax0r powers :D
图片在Chrome中自动缩放 JS - 让大图在Chrome窗体内自动调整到适合的缩放大小,一览图片全貌(不会影响图片保存)
Aliexpress No Auto Translate JS - Aliexpress disable auto translate in title and description
Vimfari JS - try to take over the world!
Embed to HTML5 JS - Replaces media embed tags with HTML5 equivalents
AdDefend Klatsche JS - Sucht global nach Skripten von AdDefend und macht diese unwirksam.
mock ddos to attack the fake website JS - ddos钓鱼网站
Aliexpress remove localized links JS - Remove localized links to Aliexpress and replaces them to English site
localstorage_spoofing JS - disable localstorage
Decodificador JS - try to take over the world!
Hold to new tab JS - Hold mouse button over link to open it in new tab. Requires to release mouse to take effect due to popup restrictions.
Narrow Browser JS - Remove horizontal scrolling by setting max-width on scripts
Disable HTML5 Videos autoplay/autopreload JS - Prevent webbrowser from automatically playing/downloading HTML5 videos
ScrollTo_Y | Vivre JS - Autoscroll to set Y-position on specific Hosts
多账号登录切换 JS - 可以快速在不同马甲间切换
Autocomplete Enabler JS - Enables autocompletion on most websites.
Universal metric translator JS - Automatically converts imperial units to metric units
Anti-Unblocker JS - Blocks unblocked game sites
WME Change Segment Display JS - Change display of edited segments
Fix bad CSS foreground color JS - If you use a dark theme defective CSS styles will give you white on white text color. This is a fix for that.
Post Count for IPB JS - Adds post numbers back to any forums running IPBv4+
AutoScroll JS - AutoScroll - 双击切换自动滚屏
Lazy Embedded Video JS - Lazy load embedded videos from Youtube/Dailymotion/Vimeo/Rutube/Twitch/Coub/Rumble
Remove Promoted Tweets JS - Block promoted tweets on Twitter
Linky Square JS - Grab links by dragging a square.
Bum Marks JS - Changes Cutie Marks into Bum Marks
AdBlock+ Press Alt+Shift+B JS - AdBlock+. Press Alt+Shift+B for blocking ads and Alt+Shift+U for unblocking. Press Alt+Shift+E for editing styles.
miterunau_bottom JS - looking this page
Japanese Furigana and Ruby Tag Hider JS - Automatically hide ruby tags (used for Japanese Furigana) on text (small text above sentences), and show them with the mouse.
Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes in web pages JS - Change words/phrases/advanced syntaxes/regular expressions in web pages
pr0color for News-sites JS - Changes the color of news-sites according to the pr0gramm colors
Redirector JS - enter something useful
StrayKitty JS - A cat toy
[TS] Generic Image Viewer JS - A more Powerful Image Viewer with info panel support for Pixiv, deviantArt, imgur, Seiga Nico and nijie.info. Support numpad keys now.
按Alt复制链接上文字 JS - 按Alt复制链接上文字;select_link_text_with_AltKey
Rickblock (WORKING VERSION) JS - The (WORKING) Rickroll blocker
lazyFingers JS - Tính năng: hiện 1 số button khi bôi đen text
Relativize Fixed JS - Turns fixed elements (navbars and such) into relative positioned elements. Good for small screens.
Telegram tg:// to web+tg:// JS - Converts "tg://" links to "web+tg://". See https://github.com/zhukov/webogram/issues/594
AnIppo JS - Internet positif is fuckin annoying
Compucalitv Remove Links Counter JS - Elimina el contador para ver enlaces en CompucaliTV!
Inject2Download JS - Simple media download script
网盘提取工具 JS - 尽可能在支持的网盘自动输入提取码,省去下载的烦恼。
Imgur Mirror JS - Switches all imgur links to the mirror site http://kageurufu.net/imgur
115lixian JS - alt单击 添加115离线任务
Delay removal Moonwalk JS - отключение задержки перед воспроизведением
Add blank space below all pages JS - Allows you to scroll further down on all pages
AutoPagerize_Console_simple JS - AutoPagerizeをサポートするボタン(シンプルバージョン)
Convert Page to IPA Pronunciation JS - Replaces all English words on a webpage with their pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet. American and British English flavors available!
URL as PAGE TITLE JS - Shows address bar url as page title everywhere.
nfart JS - Turns all text on page to Fart
Noot Noot JS - Pingu is trying to take over the world!
Google +1 Remover JS - A script which removes the google plus +1 sign
XKCD Text Replacer JS - Replaces text (mostly) according to http://xkcd.com/1288/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1625/ , and http://www.xkcd.com/1679/ , as well as http://www.xkcd.com/821/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1004/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1025/ , http://www.xkcd.com/1031/ , and http://www.xkcd.com/1418/ . This script is just an update of https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/1322-xkcd-text-replacer