1. Greasemonkey Emulation

Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.

// ==UserScript==
// @run-at           document-start
// @name             1. Greasemonkey Emulation
// @description      Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.
// @version          2.0
// @author           Lil Devil
// @attribution      based on version 1.4.5 by ale5000 http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/88932
// @namespace        http://www.lildevil.org/greasemonkey/
// @include          http://*
// @include          https://*
// @filename         aab-greasemonkey-emulation.user.js
// @filename-IE      aab-greasemonkey-emulation.ieuser.js
// @filename-opera   aab-greasemonkey-emulation.js
// @uniquescriptname greasemonkey_emulation
// @license          GPL version 3 or any later version; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// ==/UserScript==

	// Settings, can be changed
	var enable_GM_registerMenuCommand = true,
		override_GM_registerMenuCommand = false,
		show_global_config_menu_item = false,
		enable_opera_scriptStorage = true,
		use_alert_as_fallback = true;

	// Internal variables, do not change
	var version = "2.0";
	var unique_script_name = "greasemonkey_emulation";

	var opera_obj = window.opera, hostname = location.hostname;
	var rnd = ( Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 );
	var chrome = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1), midori = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Midori") != -1);
	var unsfw = null, storage = null, storage_used = false, cross_domain_values = false, opera_script_storage_active = false;
	if(opera_obj && enable_opera_scriptStorage) // http://www.opera.com/docs/userjs/specs/#scriptstorage
		try { storage = opera_obj.scriptStorage; opera_script_storage_active = true; } catch(e) {}
		opera_script_storage_active = false;

			storage = localStorage;
			if(opera_obj) opera_obj.postError("Go on \"opera:config#PersistentStorage|UserJSStorageQuota\" and set a quota different from 0 like for example 5120 to enable window.opera.scriptStorage");
		else if(window.globalStorage)
			storage = globalStorage[hostname];
	if((typeof unsafeWindow) != "undefined") unsfw = unsafeWindow; else { unsfw = window; unsafeWindow = unsfw; }

	var base_obj, userscripts;
	var default_toString = function(){ return undefined; };
	if(opera_obj) base_obj = opera_obj; else base_obj = window;

	if((typeof base_obj.userscripts) == "undefined")
		userscripts = new Object();
		userscripts.toString = default_toString;
		base_obj.userscripts = userscripts;
		if(!opera_obj && !unsfw.userscripts) unsfw.userscripts = userscripts;
		userscripts = base_obj.userscripts;

	if(userscripts.GME) { userscripts.GME.GM_log("Double execution. Browser bug!!!"); return; }
	// https://bugs.launchpad.net/midori/+bug/707166

	userscripts.GME = new Object();
	var gm_extensions = userscripts.GME;

	if((typeof GM_log) != "undefined")		// Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_log = GM_log;
		var opera_postError = null, pro_log_present = false, console_enabled = false;
		if(opera_obj) opera_postError = opera_obj.postError;
		else if((typeof PRO_log) != "undefined") pro_log_present = true;
		else if((typeof console) == "object") console_enabled = true;

		gm_extensions.GM_log = function(message, displayed_script_name)
			if(displayed_script_name != undefined)	message = displayed_script_name + ":\n" + message;

			if(opera_postError)				// Opera
			else if(pro_log_present)		// Internet Explorer
			else if(console_enabled)		// Google Chrome - Midori
				try{ console.log(message); } catch(e){ if(use_alert_as_fallback) alert(message); }
			else if(use_alert_as_fallback)	// Fallback to an alert if other methods fail

	var native_getsetvalues_functions = false, is_GM_deleteValue_bultin = false, is_GM_listValues_bultin = false;
	gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name) { if(!name) return false; if(gm_extensions.GM_getValue(name, undefined, unique_script_name) === undefined) return; gm_extensions.GM_setValue(name, "", unique_script_name); try{ gm_extensions.GM_setValue(name, undefined, unique_script_name); } catch(e){} };
	gm_extensions.GM_listValues = function() { return []; }; // Dummy
	var get_full_name = function(name, unique_script_name) // unique_script_name is optional but recommended
		if(unique_script_name != undefined)
			return "UserJS_" + unique_script_name + "_" + name;
			return "UserJS__" + name;
	if((typeof GM_setValue) != "undefined" && GM_setValue.toString().indexOf("not supported") == -1) // Firefox
		cross_domain_values = true;
		native_getsetvalues_functions = true;
		var _GM_getValue = GM_getValue, _GM_setValue = GM_setValue, _GM_deleteValue = null, _GM_listValues = null;
		gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
			if(!name) return; return _GM_getValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), default_value);
		gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name)
			if(!name) return false; _GM_setValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), value);
		if((typeof GM_deleteValue) != "undefined")
			is_GM_deleteValue_bultin = true;
			_GM_deleteValue = GM_deleteValue;
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false; _GM_deleteValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
		if((typeof GM_listValues) != "undefined")
			is_GM_listValues_bultin = true;
			_GM_listValues = GM_listValues;
			gm_extensions.GM_listValues = _GM_listValues; // ToDO
		var get_recoverable_string = function(value)
			var type = (typeof value);
			if(type == "boolean")
				return "" + value;
			if(type == "number")
				if(isNaN(value)) return "Number.NaN";
				if(value == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY";
				if(value == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return "Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY";
				return "" + value;
			if(type == "string")
				var tmp = escape(value);
				if(value == tmp) return "'" + value + "'";
				return "unescape('" + tmp + "')";
			if(type == "null" || (type == "object" && value == null))
				return "null";
			if(type == "date")
				return "new Date(" + value.getTime() + ")";

			alert("Unsupported value in GM_set: " + value);
			return "{error: 'Unsupported value.'}";

		if((typeof PRO_setValue) != "undefined") // Internet Explorer
			cross_domain_values = true;
			gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return;
				var value = PRO_getValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), default_value);
				if(value == default_value) return default_value;

				try { eval("value = " + unescape(value)); } catch(e) { return default_value; }

				// If the value is equal to default, delete it so it won't waste space
				if(value == default_value) gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue(name, unique_script_name);

				return value;
			gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				PRO_setValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), escape(get_recoverable_string(value)));
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				if((typeof PRO_deleteValue) != "undefined")
					PRO_deleteValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
					PRO_setValue(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), "");
			if((typeof PRO_listValues) != "undefined") gm_extensions.GM_listValues = PRO_listValues; // ToDO
		else if(storage)
			storage_used = true;
			if(opera_script_storage_active) cross_domain_values = true;
			gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return;
				var value = storage.getItem(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
				if(value == null) return default_value;

				try { eval("value = " + unescape(value)); } catch(e) { return default_value; }

				// If the value is equal to default, delete it so it won't waste space
				if(value == default_value) gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue(name, unique_script_name);

				return value;
			gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				storage.setItem(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name), escape(get_recoverable_string(value)));
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return false;
				storage.removeItem(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
			gm_extensions.GM_listValues = function(unique_script_name)
				var list = [], count = 0, storage_length = storage.length, search = null, skip_length = 0; if(storage_length == undefined) return [];

				if(unique_script_name != undefined) search = "UserJS_" + unique_script_name + "_";
				else { search = "UserJS__"; gm_extensions.GM_log("You should avoid using GM_listValues without unique_script_name."); }
				skip_length = search.length;

				for(var i = 0; i < storage_length; i++)
					name = storage.key(i);
					if(name.indexOf(search) == 0) { list[count] = name.substring(skip_length); count++; }

				return list;
		/*else if(window.google && google.gears){ google.gears.factory.create('beta.database'); }*/
			gm_extensions.GM_getValue = function(name, default_value, unique_script_name)
				if(!name) return;
				var full_name = escape(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name));
				var cookies = document.cookie.split("; ");
				var cookies_length = cookies.length, one_cookie;
				for(var i = 0; i < cookies_length; i++)
					one_cookie = cookies[i].split("=");
					if(one_cookie[0] == full_name)
						var value;
						try { eval("value = "+unescape(one_cookie[1])); } catch(e) { return default_value; }

						// If the value is equal to default, delete it so it won't waste space
						if(value == default_value) gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue(name, unique_script_name);

						return value;
				return default_value;
			var life_time = 157680000000; // 31536000 * 5 * 1000
			gm_extensions.GM_setValue = function(name, value, unique_script_name, action)
				if(!name) return false;
				if(action == "delete") action = -10; else action = life_time;
				document.cookie = escape(get_full_name(name, unique_script_name))+"="+escape(get_recoverable_string(value))+";expires="+( new Date( (new Date()).getTime() + action ) ).toGMTString()+";path=/";
			gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue = function(name, unique_script_name) { return gm_extensions.GM_setValue(name, "", unique_script_name, "delete"); };
			gm_extensions.GM_listValues = function() { return []; }; // ToDO
	gm_extensions.GM_areStoredValuesCrossDomain = function()
		return cross_domain_values;

	if((typeof GM_addStyle) != "undefined") // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_addStyle = GM_addStyle;
	else if((typeof PRO_addStyle) != "undefined") // Internet Explorer
		gm_extensions.GM_addStyle = PRO_addStyle;
		gm_extensions.GM_addStyle = function(css_string)
			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head"),
				stylesheet = document.createElement("style");
		    stylesheet.type = "text/css";
				document.documentElement.insertBefore(stylesheet, document.documentElement.firstChild);

	gm_extensions.GM_renameMenuCommand = function(){}; // Dummy
	if((typeof GM_registerMenuCommand) != "undefined" && GM_registerMenuCommand.toString().indexOf("not supported") == -1 && !override_GM_registerMenuCommand) // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = GM_registerMenuCommand;
	else if((typeof PRO_registerMenuCommand) != "undefined" && !override_GM_registerMenuCommand) // Internet Explorer
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = PRO_registerMenuCommand;
	else if(!enable_GM_registerMenuCommand)
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = function(){}; // Dummy
		gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand = function(caption, command_func, access_key)
			if (arguments.length === 5) {
				// GM 0.9.1 & earlier - http://wiki.greasespot.net/GM_registerMenuCommand
				access_key = arguments[4];
			gm_menu.add_item(caption, command_func, access_key);
		gm_extensions.GM_renameMenuCommand = function(old_caption, new_caption, new_access_key) {
			var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu"),
				re = new RegExp("^" + old_caption + "(\\s\\(.\\))?$", "i");

			// find menu item with old_caption
			for (var i=0, len=gm_menu_list.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
				var this_caption = gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].textContent || gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].innerText;
				if (re.test(this_caption)) {
					matching_menu_item = gm_menu_list.childNodes[i];
			if (matching_menu_item) {
				gm_menu.add_access_key(matching_menu_item, new_caption, new_access_key, i);
				return true;
			} else {
				gm_extensions.GM_log('caption: "' + old_caption +'" not found in GM_renameMenuCommand.');
				return false;

		var gm_menu = {};
		gm_menu.add_access_key = function(obj, menu_text, access_char, skip) {
			var menu_updated = false;
			if ((typeof access_char == "string") && (access_char.length > 0)) {
				access_char = access_char.substr(0,1).toUpperCase();
				var gm_menu_list = obj.parentNode,
					keycode = access_char.charCodeAt(0),
					keycode_in_use = false,
					menu_label = menu_text;

				// see if another menu item uses the same keycode
				for (var i=0, len=gm_menu_list.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
					if ((i !== skip) &&
					    (gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].getAttribute("accesskeycode") == keycode)) {
						keycode_in_use = true;

				if (!keycode_in_use) {
					var reg_exp = new RegExp("(" + access_char + ")", "i");
					menu_label = menu_text.replace(reg_exp, "<u>$1</u>");
					if (menu_label == menu_text) {
						menu_label += " (<u>" + access_char + "</u>)";
					obj.innerHTML = menu_label;
					obj.setAttribute("accesskeycode", keycode);
					menu_updated = true;
			if (!menu_updated) {
				obj.innerHTML = menu_text;

		var node_contains = function(outer, innie) {
			if (outer.contains) {
				return outer.contains(innie); // a node is considered to contain itself
			} else if (outer.compareDocumentPosition) {
				var bitmask = outer.compareDocumentPosition(innie);
				return ((bitmask === 0) ||  // innie "is equal to" outer
				        !!(bitmask & 16));  // innie "is contained by" outer
			return false; // unknown
		gm_menu.create = function() {
			gm_menu.icon = document.getElementById("gme_menu_icon");
			if (gm_menu.icon) return; // another extension has already created the menu

			var menu_icon = 'data:image/png;base64,' +
				'gr+QOU6EJneU7X5Y6Obz09Pd+e7/v7/Xzqm+Xz+Yo/RDuEELJWimOMlba/dP+aoI7aiW0sYQQ5POIchRD' +
				'CfVMADrGMV0ym3B7WMIWxhoAYY2/qDF0JUkyTwNtPEgZR9SXDDmYxgA5c1wPqTbzDGcrpvYgHlHCBmxjj' +
				'RMMJQgjvWKiRlMNq8iXDKDaw3siDeRQwjGecYBO76EvfPppJOMI4utGPuRBCJUmoRqkZoJjuFxxgOsbYg' +
			// http://webdesign.about.com/od/colorcharts/l/blsystemcolors.htm
				"#gme_menu_icon { z-index:900000;" +
				"  height:16px; width:16px; position:fixed; right:0; bottom:0;" +
				"  background-color:transparent; }" +

				"#gme_menu_icon { cursor:pointer; }" +
				"#gme_menu_icon.open, #gme_menu_icon.closed {" +
				"  background:url('" + menu_icon + "') no-repeat center center; }" +
				"#gme_menu_icon.open { background-color:Highlight; }" +
				"#gme_menu_icon.closed:hover { background-color:Highlight; }" +
				"#gme_menu_icon.open ul { display:block; }" +

				"#gme_menu { display:none; width:auto; padding:2px; margin:0; position:fixed;" +
				"  background-color:Menu; right:0; bottom:15px; border:1px solid ThreeDShadow;" +
				"  -moz-box-shadow:0px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);" +
				"  -webkit-box-shadow:0px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);" +
				"  box-shadow:0px 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.5); }" +

				".gme_menu_item { background-color:Menu; color:MenuText;" +
				"  list-style-type:none; padding:0 10px; white-space:pre;" +
				"  font:11px sans-serif; text-align:left; }" +

				"#gme_menu li.hover { background-color:Highlight; color:HighlightText; }");

			gm_menu.icon = document.createElement("div");
			gm_menu.icon.id = "gme_menu_icon";

			var gm_menu_list = document.createElement("ul");
			gm_menu_list.id = "gme_menu";
			var doc_body = document.body || document.documentElement.lastChild || document.documentElement; // HTML.body || HTML.body || HTML

			var is_open_query = function() {
				return (gm_menu.icon.className == "open");
			var simulate_click = function(obj) {
				// the menu item may have been added by another invocation of this script
				// so when an access_key or enter is pressed, the only way to call the
				// command_func is to trigger the click event on the menu item.
				if (obj.dispatchEvent) {
					var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
					evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window,
						0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
				} else if (obj.fireEvent) {
			var window_mousedown_event = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var targ = (e.target || e.srcElement);
				if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // Safari

				if (!node_contains(gm_menu.icon, targ)) {
					// not over menu
					if (is_open_query()) gm_menu.close();
				} else //if (targ.className.indexOf("gme_menu_item") >= 0) {
				if (targ.nodeName == "LI") {
					// over a menu item - prevent text selection within menu
					if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
					e.returnValue = false;
				} else {
					// over some other part of the menu
					if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
					e.cancelBubble = true;
					if (is_open_query()) gm_menu.close();
					else gm_menu.open();
			var window_blur_event = function() {
				if (is_open_query()) gm_menu.close();
			var window_key_event = function(e) {
				// Note: In the keydown and keyup events you will get the keycode of the letters
				// always in uppercase
				// but in the keypress events you will get them in the same case the user typed them.
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which;
				if (keyCode == 0) return; // Unknown key

				if (is_open_query()) {
					// while the menu is open, prevent all keypresses from doing anything else
					if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
					e.returnValue = false;

					var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu"),
						numItems = gm_menu_list.childNodes.length,
					if (keyCode == 38) {	// up arrow
						// find which item is currently highlighted
						menu_item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

						// un-highlight the item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, false);

						// get the next item up
						if (menu_item && menu_item.previousSibling) {
							menu_item = menu_item.previousSibling;
						} else {
							menu_item = gm_menu_list.lastChild;

						// highlight the new item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, true);

					} else if (keyCode == 40) {	// down arrow
						// find which item is currently highlighted
						menu_item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

						// un-highlight the item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, false);

						// get the next item down
						if (menu_item && menu_item.nextSibling) {
							menu_item = menu_item.nextSibling;
						} else {
							menu_item = gm_menu_list.firstChild;

						// highlight the new item
						gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item, true);

					} else if (keyCode == 27) {	// esc
					} else if (keyCode == 13) {	// enter
						menu_item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();
					} else {
						// see if one of the menu items uses this keycode
						var menu_item_to_handle;
						for (var i=0; i<numItems; i++) {
							if (gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].hasAttribute("accesskeycode") &&
								gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].getAttribute("accesskeycode") == keyCode) {
								menu_item_to_handle = gm_menu_list.childNodes[i];
						if (menu_item_to_handle) {
							gm_menu.highlight_item(gm_menu.highlighted_item_query(), false);
							gm_menu.highlight_item(menu_item_to_handle, true);
							window.setTimeout(function() {
							}, 100);
				} else {	// menu is not open
					if ((keyCode == 220) && e.ctrlKey) {	// ctrl+\
						if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
						else e.returnValue = false;
			var prevent_selection = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
				e.returnValue = false;
			if (document.addEventListener) {
				document.addEventListener("mousedown",	window_mousedown_event,	false);
				document.addEventListener("keydown",	window_key_event,		false);
				window.addEventListener  ("blur",		window_blur_event,		false);
			} else {
				gm_menu.icon.attachEvent("onselectstart",	gm_menu.prevent_selection);
				document.attachEvent	("onmousedown",		window_mousedown_event);
				document.attachEvent	("onkeydown",		window_key_event);
				window.attachEvent		("onblur",			window_blur_event);

		gm_menu.add_item = function(caption, command_func, access_key) {
			var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu"),
				gm_menu_item = document.createElement("li");
			gm_menu_item.innerHTML = caption;
			gm_menu_item.className = "gme_menu_item";
			gm_menu.add_access_key(gm_menu_item, caption, access_key);

			var click_event = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
				e.cancelBubble = true;

				if ("function" == typeof command_func) command_func();
			var mouseover_event = function(e) {
				// find which item is currently highlighted (in case highlighted via keyboard)
				var item = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

				// un-highlight that item
				gm_menu.highlight_item(item, false);

				// highlight this item
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var targ = (e.target || e.srcElement);
				if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // Safari
				if (targ.nodeName != "LI") targ = targ.parentNode; // underlined access_key
				gm_menu.highlight_item(targ, true);

			var mouseout_event = function(e) {
				if (!e) e = window.event;
				var targ = (e.target || e.srcElement);
				if (targ.nodeType == 3) targ = targ.parentNode; // Safari
				if (targ.nodeName != "LI") targ = targ.parentNode; // underlined access_key
				gm_menu.highlight_item(targ, false);

			if (document.addEventListener) {
				gm_menu_item.addEventListener("mouseover", mouseover_event, false);
				gm_menu_item.addEventListener("mouseout",  mouseout_event, false);
				gm_menu_item.addEventListener("click",     click_event, false);
			} else {
				gm_menu_item.attachEvent("onmouseenter", mouseover_event);
				gm_menu_item.attachEvent("onmouseleave", mouseout_event);
				gm_menu_item.attachEvent("onclick",      click_event);
		gm_menu.close = function(e) {
			// find which item is currently highlighted
			var obj = gm_menu.highlighted_item_query();

			// close the menu
			var gm_menu_icon = document.getElementById("gme_menu_icon");
			if (gm_menu_icon) {
				gm_menu_icon.className = "closed";

			// un-highlight the item
			gm_menu.highlight_item(obj, false);

			return obj;
		gm_menu.open = function(e) {
			var gm_menu_icon = document.getElementById("gme_menu_icon");
			if (gm_menu_icon) {
				gm_menu_icon.className = "open";
		gm_menu.highlight_item = function(obj, state) {
			if (obj) {
				obj.className = (state ? "gme_menu_item hover" : "gme_menu_item");
		gm_menu.highlighted_item_query = function() {
			var gm_menu_list = document.getElementById("gme_menu");
			for (var i=0, len=gm_menu_list.childNodes.length; i<len; i++) {
				if (gm_menu_list.childNodes[i].className.indexOf(" hover") > 0) {
					return gm_menu_list.childNodes[i];
	var GlobalConfiguration = function()
		var global_variables = {"Script managment":[], "Unknown script":[], "Web page":[]};
		var output = "";

			var storage_length = storage.length, name, value, pos;
			if(storage_length != undefined)
				for(var i = 0; i < storage_length; i++)
					name = storage.key(i);
					value = storage.getItem(name);
					if(name.indexOf("UserJS_") != 0)
						global_variables["Web page"][(global_variables["Web page"].length)] = [name, value];
						name = name.substring(7);
						if(name.indexOf("Script_managment-") == 0)
							global_variables["Script managment"][(global_variables["Script managment"].length)] = [name.substring(17), value];
							pos = name.indexOf("_");
							if(pos == 0)
								global_variables["Unknown script"][(global_variables["Unknown script"].length)] = [name.substring(1), value];
								var temp = name.substring(0, pos);
								if(!global_variables[temp]) global_variables[temp] = [];
								global_variables[temp][(global_variables[temp].length)] = [name.substring(pos+1), value];

			output += "Cross-domain values => " + cross_domain_values + "<br>";
			output += "opera.scriptStorage active => " + opera_script_storage_active + "<br>";
			output += "window.localStorage => " + (!!window.localStorage) + "<br><br>";
			if(storage_length == undefined) output += "Warning: Missing length property in the storage array.<br><br>";
			var value, i, global_variables_script_length;
			for(var script_name in global_variables)
				if(script_name == "Script managment") continue;
				for(i = 0, global_variables_script_length = global_variables[script_name].length; i < global_variables_script_length; i++)
					if(script_name != "Web page")
						try { eval("value = " + unescape(global_variables[script_name][i][1])); } catch(e) { value = {error: "Failed."}; }
						value = global_variables[script_name][i][1];
					output += script_name + " => " + global_variables[script_name][i][0] + " = " + value + "<br>";
				if(global_variables_script_length > 0) output += "<br>";
			global_variables = null;
			output = null;
			alert("Not yet implemented.");

	if (show_global_config_menu_item && storage_used) {
		// In Opera, this script runs at document-start, before the DOM is fully created.
		// Attempting to add the GM_menu to the DOM would fail.
		// This delays the menu creation until the DOM is loaded.
		if (opera_obj && document.addEventListener) {
			document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
				gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand("Global configuration", GlobalConfiguration, "G");
			}, false);
		} else {
			gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand("Global configuration", GlobalConfiguration, "G");

	gm_extensions.unsafeWindow = unsfw;
	if(!window.wrappedJSObject) window.wrappedJSObject = unsfw;
	if(!window.content) window.content = window.top; // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.content
	if(!unsfw.content) unsfw.content = unsfw.top;
	if(!unsfw._content) unsfw._content = unsfw.content;

	if((typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest) != "undefined") // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest;
		var error_text = "GM_xmlhttpRequest failed, URL: ";
		var cross_domain_note = "\nNote: Cross-domain GM_xmlhttpRequest is disabled, if you are using Opera you must install the \"Cross-domain XMLHttpRequest\" userscript to enable it.";
		var cross_domain_opera_xmlhttprequest = (opera_obj ? opera_obj.XMLHttpRequest : null);
		var iepro_xmlhttprequest_exist = ((typeof PRO_xmlhttpRequest) != "undefined" ? true : false);
		var is_cross_domain_http_request = function(url_req)
			//gm_extensions.GM_log("is_cross_domain_http_request(" + url_req + ");");
			var pos = url_req.indexOf("://");
			if( url_req.substring(0, pos + 1) != location.protocol ) return true;

			url_req = url_req.substring(pos + 3);
			pos = url_req.indexOf("/");
			if(pos != -1) url_req = url_req.substring(0, pos);
			if( url_req != location.host ) return true;

			return false;

		gm_extensions.GM_xmlhttpRequest = function(details) // http://www.w3.org/Protocols/HTTP/HTRESP.html
			//gm_extensions.GM_log("XMLHttpRequest of: " + details.url);
			var xml_http = null, cross_domain_used = true, cross_domain_req = is_cross_domain_http_request(details.url);
			//gm_extensions.GM_log("cross_domain_req => " + cross_domain_req);

			if(cross_domain_req && cross_domain_opera_xmlhttprequest)	// Opera (cross-domain requests only)
				xml_http = new cross_domain_opera_xmlhttprequest();
			else if(iepro_xmlhttprequest_exist)					// Internet Explorer + IEPro
				xml_http = PRO_xmlhttpRequest();
				cross_domain_used = false;
				if(window.XMLHttpRequest)		// The standard
					xml_http = new XMLHttpRequest();
				else if(window.createRequest)	// IceBrowser
					xml_http = window.createRequest();
			{	// Simulate a real error
				if(details.onerror) details.onerror({ responseText: "", readyState: 4, responseHeaders: "", status: 0, statusText: "GM_xmlhttpRequest failed (missing xml_http object)", finalUrl: details.url });
				else gm_extensions.GM_log("GM_xmlhttpRequest failed (missing xml_http object), URL: " + details.url);

			xml_http.onreadystatechange = function()
				var ready_state = xml_http.readyState;
				var status3or4 = (ready_state == 3 || ready_state == 4);
				var response =
					responseText: (status3or4 ? xml_http.responseText : ""),
					readyState: ready_state,
					responseHeaders: (status3or4 ? xml_http.getAllResponseHeaders() : null),
					status: (status3or4 ?  xml_http.status : null),
					statusText: (status3or4 ? xml_http.statusText : null),
					finalUrl: (ready_state == 4 ? details.url : null)

				if(details.onreadystatechange) details.onreadystatechange(response);
				if(ready_state == 4)
					if(xml_http.status >= 200 && xml_http.status < 300) { if(details.onload) details.onload(response); }
					else { if(details.onerror) details.onerror(response); }

			xml_http.open(details.method, details.url, true);
				for(var this_header in details.headers) xml_http.setRequestHeader(this_header, details.headers[this_header]);

			try { xml_http.send(details.data); }
			{	// Simulate a real error
				if(details.onerror) details.onerror({ responseText: "", readyState: 4, responseHeaders: "", status: 403, statusText: "Forbidden", finalUrl: details.url });
				else gm_extensions.GM_log(error_text + details.url + (opera_obj && !cross_domain_used && cross_domain_req ? cross_domain_note : ""));

	if((typeof GM_openInTab) != "undefined") // Firefox
		gm_extensions.GM_openInTab = GM_openInTab;
	else if((typeof PRO_openInTab) != "undefined") // Internet Explorer
		gm_extensions.GM_openInTab = PRO_openInTab;
		gm_extensions.GM_openInTab = function(url) { return window.open(url, "_blank"); };

	var gm_emulation_enhanced_scripts = [];
	gm_extensions.GM_announcePresence = function(unique_script_name, displayed_name, version)
		if(unique_script_name.length <= 4) { alert("GM_announcePresence => The \"unique_script_name\" is missing or too short."); return false; }
		gm_emulation_enhanced_scripts[gm_emulation_enhanced_scripts.length] = [unique_script_name, displayed_name, version];
		return gm_extensions.GM_getValue("is_enabled", true, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
	gm_extensions.GM_updateCheck = function(update_check_url, installed_version, update_check_every, handle_update_function, unique_script_name)
		if(!cross_domain_values) return null;
		var now = Math.round( ( (new Date()).getTime() ) / 60000 ); // 60000 (1000 * 60) From milliseconds to minutes

		var last_update_check_global = gm_extensions.GM_getValue("last_update_check", 0, "Script_managment-GLOBAL_SHARED");
		if(now - last_update_check_global < 3) return false; // Only one time every 3 minutes maximum

		if(unique_script_name.length <= 4) { alert("GM_updateCheck => The \"unique_script_name\" is missing or too short."); return false; }

		var last_update_check = gm_extensions.GM_getValue("last_update_check", 0, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
		if(now - last_update_check < update_check_every * 1440) return false; // 1440 (60 * 24) From days to minutes - Only one time every X days maximum

		gm_extensions.GM_setValue("last_update_check", now, "Script_managment-GLOBAL_SHARED");
		gm_extensions.GM_setValue("last_update_check", now, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
			method: "GET", url: update_check_url, onload: function(result)
				var new_version = /\/\/\s*@version[\t\s]+([^\s\t\r\n]+)\s*\r?\n/i.exec(result.responseText);
				var new_unique_script_name = /\/\/\s*@uniquescriptname[\t\s]+([^\s\t\r\n]+)\s*\r?\n/i.exec(result.responseText);

				if(new_version == null)
					var error = unique_script_name + " => Failed checking the new version, URL: " + update_check_url;
					return null;
				new_version = new_version[1];
				if(new_unique_script_name == null)
					gm_extensions.GM_log(unique_script_name + " => The \"uniquescriptname\" is missing on the update server, URL: " + update_check_url);
				else if(new_unique_script_name[1] != unique_script_name)
					var error = unique_script_name + " => The unique script name passed doesn't match the unique script name on the update server, maybe the update_check_url is wrong, URL: " + update_check_url;
					return null;
				gm_extensions.GM_setValue("last_new_version", new_version, "Script_managment-" + unique_script_name);
				if(new_version == installed_version) handle_update_function(false);
				else handle_update_function(new_version);

		return true;
	gm_extensions.GM_getEmulationVersion = function()
		return version;

	gm_extensions.GM_exposeAPIs = function()
		GM_log = gm_extensions.GM_log;
			GM_getValue = gm_extensions.GM_getValue;
			GM_setValue = gm_extensions.GM_setValue;
		if(!is_GM_deleteValue_bultin) GM_deleteValue = gm_extensions.GM_deleteValue;
		if(!is_GM_listValues_bultin) GM_listValues = gm_extensions.GM_listValues;
		GM_areStoredValuesCrossDomain = gm_extensions.GM_areStoredValuesCrossDomain;
		GM_addStyle = gm_extensions.GM_addStyle;
		GM_registerMenuCommand = gm_extensions.GM_registerMenuCommand;
		GM_renameMenuCommand = gm_extensions.GM_renameMenuCommand;
		GM_xmlhttpRequest = gm_extensions.GM_xmlhttpRequest;
		GM_openInTab = gm_extensions.GM_openInTab;
	if (window == window.top)
		window.setTimeout(function() {
			var TarquinWJ = (typeof doGMMeenoo != "undefined"),
				ale5000 = ( (typeof window.opera != "undefined") &&
							(typeof window.opera.userscripts != "undefined") &&
							(typeof window.opera.userscripts.GM != "undefined") ) // version 1.4.5 on Opera
						  ( (typeof window.userscripts != "undefined") &&
						    (typeof window.userscripts.GM != "undefined") )	// version 1.4.5
						  ( (typeof window.userjs != "undefined") &&
						    (typeof window.userjs.GM != "undefined") ),	// versions 1.3.7 through 1.4.4
				str = '';
			if (TarquinWJ) str += '"Emulate GM functions" by TarquinWJ\n';
			if (ale5000) str += '"Greasemonkey Emulation" by ale5000\n';
			if (str) alert("You have multiple Greasemonkey emulation scripts installed:\n\n" + str + '"Greasemonkey Emulation" by Lil Devil\n\nOnly the one by Lil Devil should be installed for proper operation.');
		}, 5000);

	var compat_array_indexof = false, compat_array_foreach = false;
	gm_extensions.BrowserCompat_Add = function()
		var result = false;
			result = true;
			compat_array_indexof = true;
			Array.prototype.indexOf = function(find, i /*opt*/)
				var array_length = this.length;
				if(!i) i = 0; else { if(i < 0) i+= array_length; if(i < 0) i= 0; }

				for(; i < array_length; i++) if(this[i] == find) return i;
				return -1;
			result = true;
			compat_array_foreach = true;
			Array.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisObject /*opt*/)
					for(var i = 0, array_length = this.length; i < array_length; i++) if (i in this) callback(this[i]);
					for(var i = 0, array_length = this.length; i < array_length; i++) if (i in this) callback.call(thisObject, this[i]);
		return result;

	gm_extensions.BrowserCompat_Restore = function()
		if(compat_array_indexof) { delete Array.prototype.indexOf; compat_array_indexof = false; }
		if(compat_array_foreach) { delete Array.prototype.forEach; compat_array_foreach = false; }

	var handle_update_function = function(new_version)
		if(new_version != null && new_version != false)
			GM_log("Greasemonkey Emulation => New version detected: " + new_version);
			var result = confirm("A new version of the \"Greasemonkey Emulation\" userscript is available.\nCurrent version: " + version + "\nNew version: " + new_version + "\n\nDo you want to update it now?\nThe update check will run again in 10 days.");
				try { location.href = "http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/105153.user.js"; } catch(e) {}

	// this will only run in Firefox, IE and Opera (with scriptStorage active)
	gm_extensions.GM_updateCheck("http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/105153.meta.js", version, 10, handle_update_function, unique_script_name);

        var Base64 = {
            _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
            encode: function (input) {
                var output = "";
                var chr1, chr2, chr3, enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
                var i = 0;
                input = Base64._utf8_encode(input);
                while (i < input.length) {
                    chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
                    chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
                    chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
                    enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
                    enc2 = (chr1 & 3) << 4 | chr2 >> 4;
                    enc3 = (chr2 & 15) << 2 | chr3 >> 6;
                    enc4 = chr3 & 63;
                    if (isNaN(chr2)) enc3 = enc4 = 64;
                    else if (isNaN(chr3)) enc4 = 64;
                    output = output + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc1) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc2) +
                        Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc3) + Base64._keyStr.charAt(enc4)
                return output
            decode: function (input) {
                var output = "";
                var chr1, chr2, chr3;
                var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
                var i = 0;
                input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
                while (i < input.length) {
                    enc1 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    enc2 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    enc3 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    enc4 = Base64._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
                    chr1 = enc1 << 2 | enc2 >> 4;
                    chr2 = (enc2 & 15) << 4 | enc3 >> 2;
                    chr3 = (enc3 & 3) << 6 | enc4;
                    output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
                    if (enc3 != 64) output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
                    if (enc4 != 64) output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3)
                output = Base64._utf8_decode(output);
                return output
            _utf8_encode: function (string) {
                string = string.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
                var utftext = "";
                for (var n = 0; n < string.length; n++) {
                    var c = string.charCodeAt(n);
                    if (c < 128) utftext += String.fromCharCode(c);
                    else if (c > 127 && c < 2048) {
                        utftext += String.fromCharCode(c >> 6 | 192);
                        utftext += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128)
                    } else {
                        utftext += String.fromCharCode(c >> 12 | 224);
                        utftext += String.fromCharCode(c >>
                            6 & 63 | 128);
                        utftext += String.fromCharCode(c & 63 | 128)
                return utftext
            _utf8_decode: function (utftext) {
                var string = "";
                var i = 0;
                var c = c1 = c2 = 0;
                while (i < utftext.length) {
                    c = utftext.charCodeAt(i);
                    if (c < 128) {
                        string += String.fromCharCode(c);
                    } else if (c > 191 && c < 224) {
                        c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                        string += String.fromCharCode((c & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63);
                        i += 2
                    } else {
                        c2 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 1);
                        c3 = utftext.charCodeAt(i + 2);
                        string += String.fromCharCode((c & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63);
                        i += 3
                return string
        var getCroppedDomain = function () {
            if (!settings.croppedDomain) settings.croppedDomain = utils.cropDomain(getUrlInfo().host);
            return settings.croppedDomain
        var getUrlInfo = function () {
            if (!settings.urlInfo) settings.urlInfo = utils.getUrl(document.location);
            return settings.urlInfo
        var sendGetRequest = function (path, async) {
            var url = settings.testDomain ? settings.testDomain : utils.getHostWithProtocol();
            url += path;
            if (typeof async == "undefined") async = false;
            var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest;
            xmlhttp.open("GET", url, async);
            if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
                if (xmlhttp.status != 200) throw xmlhttp.statusText;
            return xmlhttp.responseText
        var sendPostRequest = function (path, params) {
            var url = settings.testDomain ? settings.testDomain : utils.getHostWithProtocol();
            url += path;
            var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest;
            xmlhttp.open("POST", url, false);
            if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4)
                if (xmlhttp.status != 200) throw xmlhttp.statusText;
            return xmlhttp.responseText

function GM_getResourceText(resourceName) {
            return Base64.decode(GM_getResourceURL(resourceName))

        function GM_openInTab(url) {

        function GM_getResourceURL(resourceName) {
            var result = GM_Resources[resourceName];
            if (typeof result === "undefined") throw "Resource " + resourceName + " not found";
            return result

// http://mths.be/unsafewindow
window.unsafeWindow || (
unsafeWindow = (function() {
var el = document.createElement('p');
el.setAttribute('onclick', 'return window;');
return el.onclick();
// You can now use `unsafeWindow`, ehm, safely.
// If the current document uses a JavaScript library, you can use it in
// your user script like this:

		function GM_setClipboard(text) {
            window.prompt("Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter", text);