Youtube Subtitle Downloader v32

Download Subtitles

目前为 2021-11-14 提交的版本。查看 最新版本

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Youtube Subtitle Downloader v32
// @include        https://**
// @author         Cheng Zheng
// @copyright      2009 Tim Smart; 2011 gw111zz; 2014~2021 Cheng Zheng;
// @license        GNU GPL v3.0 or later.
// @require
// @version        32
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @namespace
// @description   Download Subtitles
// ==/UserScript==

  [What is this?]
    This Tampermonkey script allows you to download Youtube "Automatic subtitle" and "closed subtitle".

    If it doesn't work (rarely), try to refresh the page.
    If problem still exists after refreshing, send an email to [email protected].

  [Who built this?]
    Author :  Cheng Zheng (郑诚)
    Email  :  [email protected]
    Github :
    If you want to improve the script, Github pull requests are welcome.

  [Note for Developers]
    Few things before you read the code:
    0. Some comments are written in Chinese.
    1. Youtube has 2 interfaces: Material Design and The Old Design.
    2. This code handles both "Auto" and "Closed" subtitles.

  [What is "Tampermonkey"?]
    "Tampermonkey script" means that you needs to install a browser extension called "Tampermonkey" before installing this script.
    Tempermonkey is available for most modern web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Opera.

  [Test Video]
    This videos only has a closed English subtitle, with no auto subtitles.
    no subtitle at all
    have a lot of subtitles
    1:36:33  super long subtitle

  [How does it work?]
    The code can be roughly divided into three parts:
      1. Add a button on the page. (UI)
      2. Detect if subtitle exists.
      3. Convert subtitle format, then download.
  [Test Enviroment]
    Works best on Chrome + Tampermonkey. 
    There are plenty Chromium-based Browser, I do not guarantee this work on all of them;

  个别情况下不能用是因为 jQuery 的 CDN 无法载入,解决办法是修改这一行
  // @require
  改成一个别的 jQuery 地址,比如

(function () {

  // Config
  var NO_SUBTITLE = 'No Subtitle';
  var HAVE_SUBTITLE = 'Download Subtitles';
  var TEXT_LOADING = 'Loading...';
  const BUTTON_ID = 'youtube-subtitle-downloader-by-1c7-last-update-2021-2-21'
  // Config


  // initialize
  var first_load = true; // indicate if first load this webpage or not
  var youtube_playerResponse_1c7 = null; // for auto subtitle
  unsafeWindow.caption_array = []; // store all subtitle

  // trigger when first load
  $(document).ready(function () {

  // Explain this function: we repeatly try if certain HTML element exist, 
  // if it does, we call init()
  // if it doesn't, stop trying after certain time
  function start() {
    var retry_count = 0;
    var RETRY_LIMIT = 30;
    // use "setInterval" is because "$(document).ready()" still not enough, still too early
    // 330 work for me.
    if (new_material_design_version()) {
      var material_checkExist = setInterval(function () {
        if (document.querySelectorAll('').length) {
        retry_count = retry_count + 1;
        if (retry_count > RETRY_LIMIT) {
      }, 330);
    } else {
      var checkExist = setInterval(function () {
        if ($('#watch7-headline').length) {
        retry_count = retry_count + 1;
        if (retry_count > RETRY_LIMIT) {
      }, 330);

  // trigger when loading new page 
  // (actually this would also trigger when first loading, that's not what we want, that's why we need to use firsr_load === false)
  // (new Material design version would trigger this "yt-navigate-finish" event. old version would not.)
  var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
  body.addEventListener("yt-navigate-finish", function (event) {
    // 2021-8-9 测试结果:yt-navigate-finish 可以正常触发
    if (current_page_is_video_page() === false) {
    youtube_playerResponse_1c7 = event.detail.response.playerResponse; // for auto subtitle
    unsafeWindow.caption_array = []; // clean up (important, otherwise would have more and more item and cause error)

    // if use click to another page, init again to get correct subtitle
    if (first_load === false) {

  // return true / false
  // Detect [new version UI(material design)] OR [old version UI]
  // I tested this, accurated.
  function new_material_design_version() {
    var old_title_element = document.getElementById('watch7-headline');
    if (old_title_element) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

  // return true / false
  function current_page_is_video_page() {
    return get_url_video_id() !== null;

  // return string like "RW1ChiWyiZQ",  from ""
  // or null
  function get_url_video_id() {
    return getURLParameter('v');

  function getURLParameter(name) {
    return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec( || [null, ''])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;

  function remove_subtitle_download_button() {

  function init() {
    first_load = false;

  function inject_our_script() {
    var div = document.createElement('div'),
      select = document.createElement('select'),
      option = document.createElement('option'),
      controls = document.getElementById('watch7-headline'); // Youtube video title DIV

    var css_div = `display: table; 
    border: 1px solid rgb(0, 183, 90); 
    cursor: pointer; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); 
    border-top-left-radius: 3px; 
    border-top-right-radius: 3px; 
    border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; 
    border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; 
    background-color: #00B75A;
    div.setAttribute('style', css_div); = BUTTON_ID; = 'captions_selector';
    select.disabled = true;
    let css_select = `display:block; 
    border: 1px solid rgb(0, 183, 90); 
    cursor: pointer; 
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255); 
    background-color: #00B75A;
    padding: 4px;
    select.setAttribute('style', css_select);

    option.textContent = TEXT_LOADING;
    option.selected = true;

    // 下拉菜单里,选择一项后触发下载
    select.addEventListener('change', function () {
    }, false);

    div.appendChild(select); // put <select> into <div>

    // put the div into page: new material design
    var title_element = document.querySelectorAll('');
    if (title_element) {
    // put the div into page: old version
    if (controls) {


    // <a> element is for download
    var a = document.createElement('a'); = 'display:none;';
    a.setAttribute("id", "ForSubtitleDownload");
    var body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];

  // trigger when user select <option>
  async function download_subtitle(selector) {
    // if user select first <option>, we just return, do nothing.
    if (selector.selectedIndex == 0) {

    var caption = caption_array[selector.selectedIndex - 1];
    // because first <option> is for display, so index - 1 

    var result = null;
    var filename = null; // 保存文件名

    // if user choose auto subtitle
    if (caption.lang_code == 'AUTO') {
      result = await get_auto_subtitle();
      filename = get_file_name(get_auto_subtitle_name());
    } else {
      // closed subtitle
      let lang_code = caption.lang_code;
      let lang_name = caption.lang_name;
      result = await get_closed_subtitle(lang_code);
      filename = get_file_name(lang_name);

    let srt = parse_youtube_XML_to_SRT(result);
    downloadString(srt, "text/plain", filename);

    // After download, select first <option>
    selector.options[0].selected = true;

  // Return something like: "(English)How Did Python Become A Data Science Powerhouse?.srt"
  function get_file_name(x) {
    // var method_1 = '(' + x + ')' + document.title + '.srt'; // 如果有通知数,文件名也会带上,比较烦,这种方式不好
    // var method_2 = '(' + x + ')' + get_title() + '.srt';
    var method_3 = `(${x})${get_title()}_video_id_${get_video_id()}.srt`;
    return method_3

  // 拿完整字幕的 XML
  // async function get_closed_subtitles() {
  //   var list_url = '' + get_url_video_id() + '&type=list';
  //   // Example:
  //   return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
  //     GM_xmlhttpRequest({
  //       method: 'GET',
  //       url: list_url,
  //       onload: function (xhr) {
  //         resolve(xhr.responseText)
  //       }
  //     })
  //   })
  // }

  // detect if "auto subtitle" and "closed subtitle" exist
  // and add <option> into <select>
  async function load_language_list(select) {
    // auto
    var auto_subtitle_exist = false;

    // closed
    var closed_subtitle_exist = false;

    // get auto subtitle
    var auto_subtitle_url = get_auto_subtitle_xml_url();
    if (auto_subtitle_url != false) {
      auto_subtitle_exist = true;

    var captionTracks = get_captionTracks()
    if (captionTracks != undefined && typeof captionTracks === 'object' && captionTracks.length > 0) {
      closed_subtitle_exist = true;

    // if no subtitle at all, just say no and stop
    if (auto_subtitle_exist == false && closed_subtitle_exist == false) {
      select.options[0].textContent = NO_SUBTITLE;
      return false;

    // if at least one type of subtitle exist
    select.options[0].textContent = HAVE_SUBTITLE;
    select.disabled = false;

    var option = null; // for <option>
    var caption_info = null; // for our custom object

    // if auto subtitle exist
    if (auto_subtitle_exist) {
      caption_info = {
        lang_code: 'AUTO', // later we use this to know if it's auto subtitle
        lang_name: get_auto_subtitle_name() // for display only

      option = document.createElement('option');
      option.textContent = caption_info.lang_name;

    // if closed_subtitle_exist
    if (closed_subtitle_exist) {
      for (var i = 0, il = captionTracks.length; i < il; i++) {
        var caption = captionTracks[i];
        if (caption.kind == 'asr') {
        let lang_code = caption.languageCode
        let lang_translated =
        let lang_name = lang_code_to_local_name(lang_code, lang_translated)
        caption_info = {
          lang_code: lang_code,
          lang_name: lang_name,
        // 加到 caption_array 里, 一个全局变量, 待会要靠它来下载
        option = document.createElement('option');
        option.textContent = caption_info.lang_name;

  function disable_download_button() {
      .css('border', '#95a5a6')
      .css('cursor', 'not-allowed')
      .css('background-color', '#95a5a6');
      .css('border', '#95a5a6')
      .css('cursor', 'not-allowed')
      .css('background-color', '#95a5a6');

    if (new_material_design_version()) {
      $(HASH_BUTTON_ID).css('padding', '6px');
    } else {
      $(HASH_BUTTON_ID).css('padding', '5px');

  // 处理时间. 比如 start="671.33"  start="37.64"  start="12" start="23.029"
  // 处理成 srt 时间, 比如 00:00:00,090    00:00:08,460    00:10:29,350
  function process_time(s) {
    s = s.toFixed(3);
    // 超棒的函数, 不论是整数还是小数都给弄成3位小数形式
    // 举个柚子:
    // 671.33 -> 671.330
    // 671 -> 671.000
    // 注意函数会四舍五入. 具体读文档

    var array = s.split('.');
    // 把开始时间根据句号分割
    // 671.330 会分割成数组: [671, 330]

    var Hour = 0;
    var Minute = 0;
    var Second = array[0]; // 671
    var MilliSecond = array[1]; // 330
    // 先声明下变量, 待会把这几个拼好就行了

    // 我们来处理秒数.  把"分钟"和"小时"除出来
    if (Second >= 60) {
      Minute = Math.floor(Second / 60);
      Second = Second - Minute * 60;
      // 把 秒 拆成 分钟和秒, 比如121秒, 拆成2分钟1秒

      Hour = Math.floor(Minute / 60);
      Minute = Minute - Hour * 60;
      // 把 分钟 拆成 小时和分钟, 比如700分钟, 拆成11小时40分钟
    // 分钟,如果位数不够两位就变成两位,下面两个if语句的作用也是一样。
    if (Minute < 10) {
      Minute = '0' + Minute;
    // 小时
    if (Hour < 10) {
      Hour = '0' + Hour;
    // 秒
    if (Second < 10) {
      Second = '0' + Second;
    return Hour + ':' + Minute + ':' + Second + ',' + MilliSecond;

  // copy from:
  // Thanks!
  // work in Chrome 66
  // test passed: 2018-5-19
  function downloadString(text, fileType, fileName) {
    var blob = new Blob([text], {
      type: fileType
    var a = document.createElement('a'); = fileName;
    a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    a.dataset.downloadurl = [fileType,, a.href].join(':'); = "none";
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 1500);

  // turn HTML entity back to text, example: &quot; should be "
  function htmlDecode(input) {
    var e = document.createElement('div');
    e.class = 'dummy-element-for-tampermonkey-Youtube-Subtitle-Downloader-script-to-decode-html-entity';
    e.innerHTML = input;
    return e.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : e.childNodes[0].nodeValue;

  // return URL or null;
  // later we can send a AJAX and get XML subtitle
  function get_auto_subtitle_xml_url() {
    try {
      var captionTracks = get_captionTracks()
      for (var index in captionTracks) {
        var caption = captionTracks[index];
        if (caption.kind === 'asr') {
          return captionTracks[index].baseUrl;
        // ASR – A caption track generated using automatic speech recognition.
      return false;
    } catch (error) {
      return false;

  async function get_auto_subtitle() {
    var url = get_auto_subtitle_xml_url();
    if (url == false) {
      return false;
    var result = await get(url)
    return result

  async function get_closed_subtitle(lang_code) {
    try {
      var captionTracks = get_captionTracks()
      for (var i in captionTracks) {
        var caption = captionTracks[i];
        if (caption.languageCode === lang_code && caption.kind != 'asr') {
          // 必须写 caption.kind != 'asr'
          // 否则会下载2个字幕文件(也就是这个分支会进来2次)
          // 因为 lang_code 是 "en" 会 match 2条纪录,一条是自动字幕,一条是完整字幕
          // "自动字幕"那条是 kind=asr
          // "完整字幕"那条没有 kind 属性
          let url = captionTracks[i].baseUrl;
          let result = await get(url)
          return result
      return false;
    } catch (error) {
      return false;


  // Youtube return XML. we want SRT  
  // input: Youtube XML format
  // output: SRT format
  function parse_youtube_XML_to_SRT(youtube_xml_string) {
    if (youtube_xml_string === '') {
      return false;
    var text = youtube_xml_string.getElementsByTagName('text');
    var result = '';
    var BOM = '\uFEFF';
    result = BOM + result; // store final SRT result
    var len = text.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      var index = i + 1;
      var content = text[i].textContent.toString();
      content = content.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, ""); // remove all html tag.
      var start = text[i].getAttribute('start');
      var end = parseFloat(text[i].getAttribute('start')) + parseFloat(text[i].getAttribute('dur'));

      // 保留这段代码
      // 如果希望字幕的结束时间和下一行的开始时间相同(连在一起)
      // 可以取消下面的注释
      // if (i + 1 >= len) {
      //   end = parseFloat(text[i].getAttribute('start')) + parseFloat(text[i].getAttribute('dur'));
      // } else {
      //   end = text[i + 1].getAttribute('start');
      // }

      // we want SRT format:
          00:00:01,939 --> 00:00:04,350
          everybody Craig Adams here I'm a

          00:00:04,350 --> 00:00:06,720
          filmmaker on YouTube who's digging
      var new_line = "\n";
      result = result + index + new_line;
      // 1

      var start_time = process_time(parseFloat(start));
      var end_time = process_time(parseFloat(end));
      result = result + start_time;
      result = result + ' --> ';
      result = result + end_time + new_line;
      // 00:00:01,939 --> 00:00:04,350

      content = htmlDecode(content);
      // turn HTML entity back to text. example: &#39; back to apostrophe (')

      result = result + content + new_line + new_line;
      // everybody Craig Adams here I'm a
    return result;

  // return "English (auto-generated)" or a default name;
  function get_auto_subtitle_name() {
    try {
      var captionTracks = get_captionTracks();
      for (var index in captionTracks) {
        var caption = captionTracks[index];
        if (typeof caption.kind === 'string' && caption.kind == 'asr') {
          return captionTracks[index].name.simpleText;
      return 'Auto Subtitle';
    } catch (error) {
      return 'Auto Subtitle';

  // return player_response or return null
  // function get_json() {
  //   var json = null
  //   try {
  //     // 如果有缓存,返回缓存
  //     if (typeof youtube_playerResponse_1c7 !== "undefined" && youtube_playerResponse_1c7 !== null && youtube_playerResponse_1c7 !== '') {
  //       json = youtube_playerResponse_1c7;
  //     }
  //     // 尝试方法1
  //     if (ytplayer.config.args.player_response) {
  //       let raw_string = ytplayer.config.args.player_response;
  //       json = JSON.parse(raw_string);
  //     }
  //     // 尝试方法2
  //     if (ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response) {
  //       json = ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response;
  //     }
  //     return json
  //   } catch (error) {
  //     return null
  //   }
  // }

  function get_youtube_data(){
    return document.getElementsByTagName("ytd-app")[0].data.playerResponse

  function get_captionTracks() {
    let data = get_youtube_data();
    var captionTracks = data?.captions?.playerCaptionsTracklistRenderer?.captionTracks
    return captionTracks

  // Input a language code, output that language name in current locale
  // 如果当前语言是中文简体, Input: "de" Output: 德语
  // if current locale is English(US), Input: "de" Output: "Germany"
  function lang_code_to_local_name(languageCode, fallback_name) {
    try {
      var captionTracks = get_captionTracks()
      for (var i in captionTracks) {
        var caption = captionTracks[i];
        if (caption.languageCode === languageCode) {
          let simpleText = captionTracks[i].name.simpleText;
          if (simpleText) {
            return simpleText
          } else {
            return fallback_name
    } catch (error) {
      return fallback_name

  // 获取视频标题
  function get_title() {
    // 方法1:先尝试拿到标题
    var title_element = document.querySelector(
    if (title_element != null) {
      var title = title_element.innerText;
      // 能拿到就返回
      if (title != undefined && title != null && title != "") {
        return title;
    // 方法2:如果方法1失效用这个
    return ytplayer.config.args.title; // 这个会 delay, 如果页面跳转了,这个获得的标题还是旧的

  function get_video_id() {
    return ytplayer.config.args.video_id;

  // Usage: var result = await get(url)
  function get(url) {
    return $.ajax({
      url: url,
      type: 'get',
      success: function (r) {
        return r
      fail: function (error) {
        return error
