YouTube no shorts player

Redirects YouTube shorts videos to proper YouTube player.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         YouTube no shorts player
// @description  Redirects YouTube shorts videos to proper YouTube player.
// @author       Can Kurt
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @match        *://*
// @license      MIT
// ==/UserScript==

function matchShorts(url) {
    const pattern = /^(.*)\/shorts\/([^/?#]+)([/?#].*)?$/;
    return url.match(pattern);

function overrideUrl(url) {
    const match = matchShorts(url)
    if (match) {
        const base = match[1];
        const id = match[2];
        const tail = match[3] || '';
        return `${base}/watch?v=${id}${tail}`;
    return url;

let isRedirecting = false;

setInterval(() => {
    if(!isRedirecting && matchShorts(window.location.pathname)) {
        const newUrl = overrideUrl(window.location.pathname);
        isRedirecting = true;
        window.location = newUrl;
}, 300);