LessonUp Bot

A bot script for LessonUp

// ==UserScript==
// @name         LessonUp Bot
// @namespace    http://your-namespace-here
// @version      0.1
// @description  A bot script for LessonUp
// @author       Your Name
// @match        *://*/*
// @license      MIT
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    let Running = true;

    function sleep(ms) {
        return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

    async function Intro() {
        console.log("Welcome to LessonUp Bot!!!");
        await sleep(1500);
        console.log("This bot is able to perform");
        await sleep(1500);
        console.log("A lot of actions really fast");
        await sleep(1500);
        console.log("It is able to answer randomly.");
        await sleep(1500);
        console.log("And give custom answers");
        await sleep(2500);
        console.log("Start-Up Complete");
        await sleep(1000);
        console.log("This is a list of all the commands.");
        await sleep(1000);
        console.log("Type the number of your command.");
        await sleep(1000);
        console.log("And you will go to the menu of your command!");

    function CommandList() {
        console.log("1. Flooder (Fills the Lesson-Up with bots that give random answers.)");
        console.log("To stop type stop.");

    async function MainMenu() {
        const UserInput = prompt("Enter the number of your command:");
        if (UserInput && UserInput.toLowerCase() === "stop") {
            Running = false;
        } else if (UserInput) {
            const UserInputNum = parseInt(UserInput);
            // Add logic for handling user input

    (async function() {
        await Intro();
        await sleep(3000);
        while (Running) {
            await MainMenu();