YouTube Auto-Resume

This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.

// ==UserScript==
// @name                YouTube Auto-Resume
// @icon      
// @author              ElectroKnight22
// @namespace           electroknight22_youtube_auto_resume_namespace
// @version             1.2.7
// @match               *://**
// @match               *://*
// @grant               GM.getValue
// @grant               GM.setValue
// @grant               GM.deleteValue
// @grant               GM.listValues
// @grant               GM_getValue
// @grant               GM_setValue
// @grant               GM_deleteValue
// @grant               GM_listValues
// @license             MIT
// @description         This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.
// ==/UserScript==

/*jshint esversion: 11 */

(function () {
    "use strict";

    let useCompatibilityMode = false;

    // script will save playback time for 3 days by default, edit this value to change. Old data is only cleared on script load. This value will be reset to 3 if the script is updated.
    const daysToRemember = 3;

    const GMCustomGetValue = useCompatibilityMode ? GM_getValue : GM.getValue;
    const GMCustomSetValue = useCompatibilityMode ? GM_setValue : GM.setValue;
    const GMCustomDeleteValue = useCompatibilityMode ? GM_deleteValue : GM.deleteValue;
    const GMCustomListValues = useCompatibilityMode ? GM_listValues : GM.listValues;

    async function resumePlayback(moviePlayer, videoId) {
        try {
            const playbackStatus = await GMCustomGetValue(videoId);
            if (!playbackStatus) return;
            const lastPlaybackTime = playbackStatus.timestamp;
            const timeDiff = Math.abs(moviePlayer.getCurrentTime() - lastPlaybackTime) || 99999999;
            if (!isNaN(lastPlaybackTime) && lastPlaybackTime !== 0 && timeDiff > 1) {
        } catch (error) {
            throw ("Failed to resume playback due to this error. Error: " + error);

    function handleVideoLoad(event) {
        const moviePlayer =;
        const videoElement ='video');
        videoElement.videoId = moviePlayer?.getVideoData().video_id;
        videoElement.isLive = moviePlayer?.getVideoData().isLive;
        videoElement.resumed = false;
        console.log('resumed1', videoElement.resumed);
        if (!videoElement.videoId || videoElement.autoResumeHandler) return;
        videoElement.autoResumeHandler = async () => {
            if (!videoElement.resumed && !videoElement.isLive) {
                const playerSize = moviePlayer.getPlayerSize();
                if (playerSize.width === 0 || playerSize.height === 0) return;
                videoElement.resumed = true;
                await resumePlayback(moviePlayer, videoElement.videoId);
            updatePlaybackStatus(videoElement, videoElement.videoId);
        videoElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', videoElement.autoResumeHandler, true);

    function updatePlaybackStatus(videoElement, videoId) {
        if (!videoId) return;
        try {
            const currentPlaybackTime = videoElement.currentTime;
            if (currentPlaybackTime > 0) {
                const currentPlaybackStatus = {
                    timestamp: currentPlaybackTime,
                GMCustomSetValue(videoId, currentPlaybackStatus);
        } catch (error) {
            throw ("Failed to update playback status due to this error. Error: " + error);

    async function cleanUpStoredPlaybackStatuses() {
        try {
            const keys = await GMCustomListValues();
            const threshold = daysToRemember * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
            for (const key of keys) {
                const storedStatus = await GMCustomGetValue(key);
                if (!storedStatus ||
                    typeof storedStatus.lastUpdated !== 'number' ||
           - storedStatus.lastUpdated > threshold ) {
                    await GMCustomDeleteValue(key);
        } catch (error) {
            throw ("Failed to clean up stored playback statuses due to this error. Error: " + error);

    function hasGreasyMonkeyAPI() {
        if (typeof GM !== 'undefined') return true;
        if (typeof GM_info !== 'undefined') {
            useCompatibilityMode = true;
            console.warn("Running in compatibility mode.");
            return true;
        return false;

    async function initialize() {
        try {
            if (!hasGreasyMonkeyAPI()) throw "Did not detect valid Grease Monkey API";
            await cleanUpStoredPlaybackStatuses();
            window.addEventListener('yt-player-updated', (event) => {
            }, true);
            window.addEventListener('yt-autonav-pause-player-ended', (event) => {
                const videoId =;
            }, true);
        } catch (error) {
            console.error(`Error when initializing script: ${error}. Aborting script.`);
