// ==UserScript==
// @name 小丑牌 Balatro 卡牌定位工具
// @namespace balatro-soul-util
// @version 0.0.6
// @description The Soul 的搜索增强版,帮助快速定位目标牌和位置。内置 蓝图、头脑、可乐的搜索,其他自行调用函数找到 `window.findCardInAnte(底注, 英文牌名)`
// @author liam61
// @match mathisfun0.github.io/The-Soul/
// @license MIT
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM.getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM.setValue
// @charset UTF-8
// @github https://github.com/liam61/the-soul-card-util
// ==/UserScript==
;(function (global) {
const minAnte = 1
const maxAnte = 40
const presetCardsMap = {
FlushFive: ['Blueprint', 'Brainstorm', 'Diet Cola', 'Showman', 'The Idol', 'Sock and Buskin'],
同花五条流: ['Blueprint', 'Brainstorm', 'Diet Cola', 'Showman', 'The Idol', 'Sock and Buskin'],
HighCard: ['Blueprint', 'Brainstorm', 'Diet Cola', 'Showman', 'Baron', 'Mime'],
高牌流: ['Blueprint', 'Brainstorm', 'Diet Cola', 'Showman', 'Baron', 'Mime'],
// Juggler, Troubadour
LiamsFlushFive: [
'Diet Cola',
{ card: 'Scary Face', range: [1, 10] },
{ card: 'Hanging Chad', range: [1, 18] },
{ card: 'Photograph', range: [1, 18] },
{ card: 'Midas Mask', range: [6, 9] },
{ card: 'Golden Ticket', range: [8, 33] },
{ card: 'Seance', range: [8, 10] },
{ card: 'Showman', range: [10, 33] },
{ card: 'Sock and Buskin', range: [16, 33] },
{ card: 'The Idol', range: [18, 33] },
* @param {number} ante 底注
* @param {string | string[]} targets 目标牌,可以是单张牌,也可以是多张牌数组。可选参数
* @param {object} config 可选参数
* @param {'index' | 'card'} config.orderBy 排序方式,index: 按照位置顺序,card: 按照牌的顺序
* @param {'FlushFive' | 'HighCard'} config.preset 预设的牌组,FlushFive: 同花五条流,HighCard: 高牌流
* @param {2 | 3 | 4} config.stockSize 牌库大小,默认 3
const findCardsInAnte = (ante, targets = [], config) => {
if (typeof ante !== 'number') {
console.error('[ante error]: should be a number')
alert('[ante error]: 底注应该是一个数字')
// 兼容未传 targets,TODO: 考虑其他优雅传参
if (targets && typeof targets === 'object' && !Array.isArray(targets) && config == null) {
config = targets
targets = []
if (!(Array.isArray(targets) || typeof targets === 'string' || targets == null)) {
console.error('[targets error]: should be an array or string')
alert('[targets error]: 目标牌应该是一个数组或字符串')
if (!(typeof config === 'object' || config == null)) {
console.error('[config error]: should be an object')
alert('[config error]: 配置选项应该是一个对象')
const { orderBy = 'index', preset = 'FlushFive', stockSize = 3 } = config || {}
// ==Utils==
const parsePresetCard = (item) => {
if (typeof item === 'object' && Array.isArray(item?.range)) {
return {
card: item.card,
min: ~~+item.range[0] || minAnte,
max: ~~+item.range[1] || maxAnte,
if (typeof item === 'string') {
return {
card: item,
min: minAnte,
max: maxAnte,
return {}
* @param {number} ante
* @param {( string | { card: string, range: [number, number] } )} target
const findIndexOfCard = (ante, target) => {
const { card, min, max } = parsePresetCard(target)
if (typeof card !== 'string' || !(min <= ante && ante <= max)) return []
const anteEl = document.querySelector('#scrollingContainer').children[ante - 1]
if (!anteEl) return []
const cardListEl = anteEl.querySelector('.scrollable')
const arr = [...cardListEl.children].reduce((arr, cardEl, index) => {
const el = cardEl.querySelector('div')
if (el.textContent.includes(card)) {
arr.push({ card, index })
return arr
}, [])
return arr
const print = (targetCardList) => {
const msgArr = targetCardList.map(({ card, index }) => {
const realIndex = index + 1
const order = realIndex % stockSize
return `[ante ${ante}] ${card.padEnd(20, ' ')}\tindex: ${realIndex}, round: ${Math.ceil(
realIndex / stockSize
)}, order: ${order != 0 ? order : stockSize}`
if (targetCardList.length) {
// ==/Utils==
// ==Output==
const finalTargets = targets?.length
? Array.isArray(targets)
? targets
: [targets]
: presetCardsMap[preset]
// TODO: optimize algorithm
const targetLists = finalTargets.map((target) => findIndexOfCard(ante, target))
let results = []
if (orderBy === 'card') {
results = targetLists.sort((list1, list2) => list1[0]?.index - list2[0]?.index)
} else if (orderBy === 'index') {
results = targetLists
.reduce((arr, item) => {
return arr
}, [])
.sort((item1, item2) => item1.index - item2.index)
return results
// ==/Output==
// ==Export==
global.findCardsInAnte = findCardsInAnte
global.findCardsInAllAntes = (targets, config) => {
return Array.from({ length: maxAnte }, (_, i) => i + 1).map((ante) =>
findCardsInAnte(ante, targets, config)
// ==/Export==
global.findCardsInAllAntes({ preset: 'LiamsFlushFive' })
})(typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : window)