Fetch your IMVU CID with a minimal, sleek UI and avatar preview.
这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本
changed colour back to blue by default
added option to search CIDs, online status icon
changed the cid to be above everything else in avatar information
added country and also changed the ? to N/A
added gender and age and also max height with a scroll bar.
added interests and tagline
changed the name
made it find the avatar image png instead of a black background
changed the cid fetching so it's more consistent and doesnt rely on recent profile picture changes
forgot to add my name back while editing, added nicer buttons for homepage, shop and the original buttons too. (tried to make it less confusing looking)
accidently left old in title and spelled image wrong in the last update
added an iamge and for the user to change the colour of the gui