// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatGPT-Pin-Helper
// @name:en ChatGPT-Pin-Helper
// @name:en-US ChatGPT-Pin-Helper
// @name:zh-CN ChatGPT-Pin助手
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1.2
// @description Enable users to easily pin important conversations to the top for quick access and better organization, enhancing productivity and user experience.
// @description:zh-CN 让用户能够轻松地将重要对话置顶,以便快速访问,从而提高生产力和用户体验。
// @author NevainK
// @license GPL-3.0
// @match https://chatgpt.com/*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_deleteValue
// @grant GM_listValues
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
"use strict";
const messages = {
pin: "Pin",
unpin: "Unpin",
pinnedChatsSidebarTitle: "Pinned Chats",
function getMessage(key) {
return messages[key] || key;
const PIN_PATH_D =
"M12 2C8.13401 2 5 5.13401 5 9C5 11.4087 6.71776 14.8163 12 22C17.2822 14.8163 19 11.4087 19 9C19 5.13401 15.866 2 12 2ZM12 11C13.1046 11 14 10.1046 14 9C14 7.89543 13.1046 7 12 7C10.8954 7 10 7.89543 10 9C10 10.1046 10.8954 11 12 11Z";
const UNPIN_PATH_D =
"M12 2C8.13401 2 5 5.13401 5 9C5 11.4087 6.71776 14.8163 12 22C17.2822 14.8163 19 11.4087 19 9C19 5.13401 15.866 2 12 2ZM12 11C13.1046 11 14 10.1046 14 9C14 7.89543 13.1046 7 12 7C10.8954 7 10 7.89543 10 9C10 10.1046 10.8954 11 12 11ZM4.70711 2.29289L21.7071 19.2929L20.2929 20.7071L3.29289 3.70711L4.70711 2.29289Z";
"M12 2C6.47715 2 2 6.47715 2 12C2 17.5228 6.47715 22 12 22C17.5228 22 22 17.5228 22 12C22 6.47715 17.5228 2 12 2ZM12 4C16.4183 4 20 7.58172 20 12C20 16.4183 16.4183 20 12 20C7.58172 20 4 16.4183 4 12C4 7.58172 7.58172 4 12 4Z";
const pinnedChatsSidebarID = "chatgpt-pinnedChats-1122334";
const pinnedChatsOrderListID = "chatgpt-pinnedChats-OL-1122334";
// 创建一个状态管理对象,用于处理绑定按钮触发的弹窗与对应会话条目的关联
const state = {
chatID: null,
associatedH3Text: null,
promiseResolve: null,
currentPromise: null,
setChatInfo(id, name) {
this.chatID = id;
this.associatedH3Text = name;
if (this.promiseResolve) {
this.promiseResolve({ id: this.chatID, name: this.associatedH3Text });
// oneshot: 设置完就立即重置所有状态
async waitForChatInfo() {
if (this.chatID !== null && this.associatedH3Text !== null) {
const info = { id: this.chatID, name: this.associatedH3Text };
this.reset(); // oneshot: 获取完就立即重置
return info;
if (!this.currentPromise) {
this.currentPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.promiseResolve = resolve;
const result = await this.currentPromise;
return result;
reset() {
this.chatID = null;
this.associatedH3Text = null;
this.promiseResolve = null;
this.currentPromise = null;
class sidebarManager {
constructor(db, state) {
this.pinnedChatsDB = db;
this.chatInfoState = state;
// 在处理点击事件时获取当前点击的聊天 ID 和对应的 H3 标题文本
addListenEventsOnClick() {
// 处理点击事件
const handleClick = (event) => {
const navElement = event.target.closest("nav");
if (navElement) {
const listItem = event.target.closest("li");
const link = listItem?.querySelector("a");
const chatId = link?.href?.split("/c/").pop();
const associatedH3Text =
this.chatInfoState.setChatInfo(chatId, associatedH3Text);
// 绑定点击事件监听器
document.addEventListener("click", handleClick, true);
// 当菜单弹窗弹出时绑定新建pin按钮事件,需要搭配 addListenEventsOnClick 获取当前点击的聊天ID和对应的H3标题文本
addDomMutationObserver() {
// 处理 DOM 变化
const handleMutation = (mutations) => {
mutations.forEach((mutation) => {
mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => {
if (
node instanceof HTMLElement &&
node.hasAttribute("data-radix-popper-content-wrapper") &&
node.getAttribute("dir") === "ltr"
) {
// 创建并绑定 MutationObserver
const observer = new MutationObserver(handleMutation);
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });
insertPinUnpinButton(node) {
const menu = node.querySelector('[role="menu"]');
if (!menu) return;
const newitem = menu.querySelector('[role="menuitem"]').cloneNode(true);
newitem.querySelector("path").setAttribute("d", WAITING_PATH_D);
this.#updateSubTextNodeContent(newitem, "Loading...");
const s = menu.firstChild;
.then(({ id: currentChatId, name: associatedH3Text }) => {
if (this.pinnedChatsDB.has(currentChatId)) {
newitem.querySelector("path").setAttribute("d", UNPIN_PATH_D);
this.#updateSubTextNodeContent(newitem, getMessage("unpin"));
} else {
newitem.querySelector("path").setAttribute("d", PIN_PATH_D);
this.#updateSubTextNodeContent(newitem, getMessage("pin"));
newitem.addEventListener("click", () => {
if (newitem.textContent === getMessage("pin")) {
this.pinnedChatsDB.insert(currentChatId, associatedH3Text);
newitem.querySelector("path").setAttribute("d", UNPIN_PATH_D);
this.#updateSubTextNodeContent(newitem, getMessage("unpin"));
} else {
newitem.querySelector("path").setAttribute("d", PIN_PATH_D);
this.#updateSubTextNodeContent(newitem, getMessage("pin"));
s.insertBefore(newitem, s.firstChild);
initPinnedChatsSidebar() {
const sidebarSection = document.querySelector("nav").querySelector("h3")
if (!sidebarSection) return;
this.sidebarSectionTemplate = sidebarSection?.cloneNode(true);
this.menuSectionParent = sidebarSection?.parentNode;
const menu = document.querySelector("nav").querySelector("h3");
const menuParent = menu?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement;
// 如果找不到目标父元素,则退出
if (!menuParent) return;
// 克隆菜单部分的模板,并设置其 ID 和标题
const pinnedChatsSection = this.sidebarSectionTemplate.cloneNode(true);
pinnedChatsSection.id = pinnedChatsSidebarID;
pinnedChatsSection.querySelector("h3").textContent = getMessage(
// 将新的固定聊天区域插入到菜单容器中
this.menuSectionParent.insertBefore(pinnedChatsSection, menuParent);
// 获取固定聊天区域的列表容器,并克隆第一个列表项作为模板
const pinnedChatsOl = pinnedChatsSection.querySelector("ol");
pinnedChatsOl.innerHTML = "";
pinnedChatsOl.id = pinnedChatsOrderListID;
// 遍历历史固定聊天数据,生成列表项
const pinnedChatsInfo = this.pinnedChatsDB.getAll();
Object.keys(pinnedChatsInfo).forEach((chatId) => {
try {
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error moving chat ${chatId} to pinned section:`, error);
// 可以选择继续处理后续的 chatId
#updateSubTextNodeContent(domNode, newText) {
// 创建 TreeWalker
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(
domNode, // 根节点
NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, // 只筛选文本节点
// 遍历文本节点
while (walker.nextNode()) {
const textNode = walker.currentNode;
textNode.textContent = newText; // 修改文本内容
#moveChatToPinnedSection(chatId) {
const chatItem = document.querySelector(`a[href$='/c/${chatId}']`)
const pinnedChatsOl = document.getElementById(pinnedChatsOrderListID);
#moveChatOutOfPinnedSection(chatId, associatedH3Text) {
const chatItem = document.querySelector(`a[href$='/c/${chatId}']`)
const h3Node = this.#findH3ByText(associatedH3Text);
const preChatOl =
// 大小写敏感的文本查找
#findH3ByText(text) {
const h3Elements = document.querySelectorAll("h3");
const targetH3 = [];
for (const h3 of h3Elements) {
if (h3.textContent.trim() === text) {
return targetH3;
class DBService {
* 添加一个键值对, 如果键已存在则覆盖
* @param {string} key 键
* @param {*} value 值
insert(key, value) {
GM_setValue(key, value);
* 获取指定键的值
* @param {string} key 键
* @returns {*} 存储的值,如果键不存在则返回 undefined
get(key) {
return GM_getValue(key, undefined);
* 检查键是否存在
* @param {string} key 键
* @returns {boolean} 是否存在
has(key) {
return this.get(key) !== undefined;
* 删除指定键
* @param {string} key 键
remove(key) {
* 获取所有键值对
* @returns {Object} 包含所有键值对的对象
getAll() {
const allKeys = GM_listValues();
const result = {};
allKeys.forEach((key) => {
result[key] = GM_getValue(key);
return result;
* 清空所有键值对
clear() {
const allKeys = GM_listValues();
allKeys.forEach((key) => {
const db = new DBService();
const manager = new sidebarManager(db, state);
const run = () => {
const observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const nav = document.querySelector("nav");
const h3 = nav?.querySelector("h3");
if (h3) {
observer.disconnect(); // 停止观察
// 开始观察文档根节点的子树变化
observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true });