- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Enhanced Context Menu
- // @author ALFHAZERO
- // @namespace http://
- // @version 2.1.1
- // @description Enhanced context menu with additional features and customization
- // @match *://*/*
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- const STORAGE_KEYS = {
- PREFERENCES: 'userPreferences',
- HIDDEN_ELEMENTS: 'hiddenElements',
- BOOKMARKS: 'globalBookmarks'
- };
- /* 2. STYLES */
- const styles = {
- contextMenu: {
- position: 'fixed',
- backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
- border: '1px solid #cccccc',
- borderRadius: '4px',
- padding: '5px 0',
- minWidth: '200px',
- boxShadow: '0 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
- zIndex: '9999999',
- fontSize: '14px',
- fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif'
- },
- menuItem: {
- padding: '8px 20px',
- cursor: 'pointer',
- listStyle: 'none',
- margin: '0',
- color: '#333333',
- transition: 'background-color 0.2s',
- display: 'flex',
- alignItems: 'center',
- gap: '8px'
- },
- divider: {
- height: '1px',
- backgroundColor: '#e0e0e0',
- margin: '5px 0'
- }
- };
- const defaultPreferences = {
- showBookmark: true,
- showShare: true,
- showOpen: true,
- showViewImage: true,
- showHideElement: true,
- showSaveImage: true,
- showReload: true,
- showPrint: true,
- showOpenInNewTab: true,
- showCopyOptions: true,
- menuPosition: 'right',
- darkMode: false,
- fontSize: 'normal',
- menuStyle: 'default',
- menuAnimation: true,
- menuTransparency: 1,
- timeoutDuration: 3000,
- vibrateOnLongPress: true,
- swipeGestures: true,
- longPressDelay: 500,
- preventDefaultContextMenu: true,
- touchMoveThreshold: 10
- };
- let userPreferences = { ...defaultPreferences };
- let hiddenElements = [];
- let globalBookmarks = [];
- function applyStyles(element, styleObject) {
- Object.assign(element.style, styleObject);
- }
- function removeContextMenu() {
- const existingMenu = document.querySelector('.context-menu');
- if (existingMenu) {
- existingMenu.remove();
- }
- }
- function vibrate(duration = 50) {
- if (userPreferences.vibrateOnLongPress && navigator.vibrate) {
- navigator.vibrate(duration);
- }
- }
- async function copyToClipboard(text) {
- try {
- await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);
- showNotification('Berhasil disalin!');
- } catch (err) {
- // Fallback method for browsers that don't support clipboard API
- const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
- textarea.value = text;
- document.body.appendChild(textarea);
- textarea.select();
- try {
- document.execCommand('copy');
- showNotification('Berhasil disalin!');
- } catch (e) {
- showNotification('Gagal menyalin teks');
- }
- document.body.removeChild(textarea);
- }
- }
- function showNotification(message, duration = 2000) {
- const notification = document.createElement('div');
- applyStyles(notification, {
- position: 'fixed',
- bottom: '20px',
- left: '50%',
- transform: 'translateX(-50%)',
- backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)',
- color: '#ffffff',
- padding: '10px 20px',
- borderRadius: '4px',
- zIndex: '10000',
- transition: 'opacity 0.3s'
- });
- notification.textContent = message;
- document.body.appendChild(notification);
- setTimeout(() => {
- notification.style.opacity = '0';
- setTimeout(() => notification.remove(), 300);
- }, duration);
- }
- function getSelectedText() {
- const selection = window.getSelection();
- return selection ? selection.toString().trim() : '';
- }
- function getLinkUrl(element) {
- const linkElement = element.closest('a') || (element.tagName === 'A' ? element : null);
- return linkElement ? linkElement.href : null;
- }
- function getImageUrl(element) {
- if (element.tagName === 'IMG') {
- return element.src;
- } else if (element.style.backgroundImage) {
- const match = element.style.backgroundImage.match(/url\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?\)/);
- return match ? match[1] : null;
- }
- return null;
- }
- function getElementText(element) {
- // Get only the text directly contained by this element, excluding child elements
- let text = '';
- for (let node of element.childNodes) {
- if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- text += node.textContent.trim();
- }
- }
- return text || element.innerText.trim() || '';
- }
- function createBookmarkManager() {
- removeContextMenu();
- const manager = document.createElement('div');
- applyStyles(manager, {
- position: 'fixed',
- top: '50%',
- left: '50%',
- transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
- backgroundColor: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#333' : '#fff',
- color: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#fff' : '#333',
- padding: '20px',
- borderRadius: '8px',
- boxShadow: '0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
- zIndex: '10000',
- maxWidth: '80%',
- maxHeight: '80vh',
- overflow: 'auto'
- });
- const title = document.createElement('h3');
- title.textContent = 'Bookmark Manager';
- title.style.marginTop = '0';
- manager.appendChild(title);
- const closeBtn = document.createElement('button');
- closeBtn.textContent = '×';
- applyStyles(closeBtn, {
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '10px',
- top: '10px',
- border: 'none',
- background: 'none',
- fontSize: '20px',
- cursor: 'pointer',
- color: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#fff' : '#333'
- });
- closeBtn.onclick = () => manager.remove();
- manager.appendChild(closeBtn);
- if (globalBookmarks.length === 0) {
- const emptyMsg = document.createElement('p');
- emptyMsg.textContent = 'Tidak ada bookmark';
- manager.appendChild(emptyMsg);
- } else {
- const list = document.createElement('ul');
- applyStyles(list, {
- listStyle: 'none',
- padding: '0',
- margin: '0'
- });
- globalBookmarks.forEach((bookmark, index) => {
- const item = document.createElement('li');
- applyStyles(item, {
- padding: '10px',
- borderBottom: '1px solid ' + (userPreferences.darkMode ? '#555' : '#eee'),
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- alignItems: 'center'
- });
- const link = document.createElement('a');
- link.href = bookmark.url;
- link.textContent = bookmark.title;
- link.target = '_blank';
- applyStyles(link, {
- color: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#fff' : '#333',
- textDecoration: 'none'
- });
- const deleteBtn = document.createElement('button');
- deleteBtn.textContent = 'Hapus';
- applyStyles(deleteBtn, {
- padding: '5px 10px',
- border: 'none',
- borderRadius: '4px',
- backgroundColor: '#ff4444',
- color: '#fff',
- cursor: 'pointer'
- });
- deleteBtn.onclick = () => {
- globalBookmarks.splice(index, 1);
- saveAllData();
- item.remove();
- if (globalBookmarks.length === 0) {
- manager.querySelector('ul').remove();
- const emptyMsg = document.createElement('p');
- emptyMsg.textContent = 'Tidak ada bookmark';
- manager.appendChild(emptyMsg);
- }
- };
- item.appendChild(link);
- item.appendChild(deleteBtn);
- list.appendChild(item);
- });
- manager.appendChild(list);
- }
- document.body.appendChild(manager);
- }
- function createHiddenElementsManager() {
- removeContextMenu();
- const manager = document.createElement('div');
- applyStyles(manager, {
- position: 'fixed',
- top: '50%',
- left: '50%',
- transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
- backgroundColor: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#333' : '#fff',
- color: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#fff' : '#333',
- padding: '20px',
- borderRadius: '8px',
- boxShadow: '0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
- zIndex: '10000',
- maxWidth: '80%',
- maxHeight: '80vh',
- overflow: 'auto'
- });
- const title = document.createElement('h3');
- title.textContent = 'Hidden Elements Manager';
- title.style.marginTop = '0';
- manager.appendChild(title);
- const closeBtn = document.createElement('button');
- closeBtn.textContent = '×';
- applyStyles(closeBtn, {
- position: 'absolute',
- right: '10px',
- top: '10px',
- border: 'none',
- background: 'none',
- fontSize: '20px',
- cursor: 'pointer',
- color: userPreferences.darkMode ? '#fff' : '#333'
- });
- closeBtn.onclick = () => manager.remove();
- manager.appendChild(closeBtn);
- if (hiddenElements.length === 0) {
- const emptyMsg = document.createElement('p');
- emptyMsg.textContent = 'Tidak ada elemen tersembunyi';
- manager.appendChild(emptyMsg);
- } else {
- const list = document.createElement('ul');
- applyStyles(list, {
- listStyle: 'none',
- padding: '0',
- margin: '0'
- });
- hiddenElements.forEach((selector, index) => {
- const item = document.createElement('li');
- applyStyles(item, {
- padding: '10px',
- borderBottom: '1px solid ' + (userPreferences.darkMode ? '#555' : '#eee'),
- display: 'flex',
- justifyContent: 'space-between',
- alignItems: 'center'
- });
- const text = document.createElement('span');
- text.textContent = selector;
- const showBtn = document.createElement('button');
- showBtn.textContent = 'Tampilkan';
- applyStyles(showBtn, {
- padding: '5px 10px',
- border: 'none',
- borderRadius: '4px',
- backgroundColor: '#4CAF50',
- color: '#fff',
- cursor: 'pointer',
- marginRight: '5px'
- });
- showBtn.onclick = () => {
- try {
- const elements = document.querySelectorAll(selector);
- elements.forEach(el => {
- el.style.display = '';
- });
- hiddenElements.splice(index, 1);
- saveAllData();
- item.remove();
- if (hiddenElements.length === 0) {
- manager.querySelector('ul').remove();
- const emptyMsg = document.createElement('p');
- emptyMsg.textContent = 'Tidak ada elemen tersembunyi';
- manager.appendChild(emptyMsg);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Error showing element:', e);
- }
- };
- item.appendChild(text);
- item.appendChild(showBtn);
- list.appendChild(item);
- });
- manager.appendChild(list);
- }
- document.body.appendChild(manager);
- }
- function createContextMenu(target, x, y) {
- removeContextMenu();
- const menu = document.createElement('ul');
- menu.className = 'context-menu';
- applyStyles(menu, {
- ...styles.contextMenu,
- ...(userPreferences.darkMode ? {
- backgroundColor: '#333333',
- border: '1px solid #555555',
- color: '#ffffff'
- } : {}),
- opacity: userPreferences.menuTransparency
- });
- // Menu Items Array
- const menuItems = [];
- // Copy Options
- const selectedText = getSelectedText();
- if (selectedText) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Salin Teks Terpilih',
- icon: '📋',
- action: () => copyToClipboard(selectedText)
- });
- }
- // Get element text (excluding child elements)
- const elementText = getElementText(target);
- if (elementText && elementText !== selectedText) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Salin Teks Elemen',
- icon: '📝',
- action: () => copyToClipboard(elementText)
- });
- }
- // Image Options
- const imageUrl = getImageUrl(target);
- if (imageUrl) {
- if (userPreferences.showViewImage) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Lihat Gambar',
- icon: '🖼️',
- action: () => window.open(imageUrl, '_blank')
- });
- }
- if (userPreferences.showSaveImage) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Simpan Gambar',
- icon: '💾',
- action: () => {
- const link = document.createElement('a');
- link.href = imageUrl;
- link.download = imageUrl.split('/').pop() || 'image';
- link.click();
- }
- });
- }
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Salin URL Gambar',
- icon: '🔗',
- action: () => copyToClipboard(imageUrl)
- });
- }
- // Link Options
- const linkUrl = getLinkUrl(target);
- if (linkUrl) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Salin Link',
- icon: '🔗',
- action: () => copyToClipboard(linkUrl)
- });
- if (userPreferences.showOpenInNewTab) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Buka di Tab Baru',
- icon: '📑',
- action: () => window.open(linkUrl, '_blank')
- });
- }
- }
- // Standard Menu Items
- if (userPreferences.showBookmark) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Bookmark',
- icon: '⭐',
- action: () => {
- const url = imageUrl || linkUrl || window.location.href;
- const title = elementText || document.title;
- globalBookmarks.push({ url, title });
- saveAllData();
- showNotification('Bookmark ditambahkan!');
- }
- });
- }
- if (userPreferences.showShare) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Bagikan',
- icon: '📤',
- action: () => {
- const url = imageUrl || linkUrl || window.location.href;
- if (navigator.share) {
- navigator.share({
- title: document.title,
- url: url
- }).catch(console.error);
- } else {
- copyToClipboard(url);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (userPreferences.showHideElement) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Sembunyikan Elemen',
- icon: '👁️',
- action: () => {
- target.style.display = 'none';
- const selector = target.tagName.toLowerCase() +
- (target.className ? '.' + target.className.replace(/\s+/g, '.') : '');
- hiddenElements.push(selector);
- saveAllData();
- showNotification('Elemen disembunyikan!');
- }
- });
- }
- // Management Options
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Kelola Bookmark',
- icon: '📚',
- action: () => createBookmarkManager()
- });
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Kelola Elemen Tersembunyi',
- icon: '👁️',
- action: () => createHiddenElementsManager()
- });
- if (userPreferences.showReload) {
- menuItems.push({
- text: 'Muat Ulang',
- icon: '🔄',
- action: () => location.reload()
- });
- }
- // Create Menu Items
- menuItems.forEach((item, index) => {
- if (index > 0) {
- const divider = document.createElement('li');
- applyStyles(divider, styles.divider);
- menu.appendChild(divider);
- }
- const menuItem = document.createElement('li');
- applyStyles(menuItem, styles.menuItem);
- menuItem.innerHTML = `<span class="menu-icon">${item.icon}</span><span>${item.text}</span>`;
- if (userPreferences.darkMode) {
- menuItem.style.color = '#ffffff';
- }
- menuItem.addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
- menuItem.style.backgroundColor = userPreferences.darkMode ? '#444444' : '#f0f0f0';
- });
- menuItem.addEventListener('mouseout', () => {
- menuItem.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
- });
- menuItem.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- e.stopPropagation();
- item.action();
- removeContextMenu();
- });
- menu.appendChild(menuItem);
- });
- // Position Menu
- const viewportWidth = window.innerWidth;
- const viewportHeight = window.innerHeight;
- const menuWidth = 200; // Estimated menu width
- const menuHeight = menuItems.length * 40; // Estimated menu height
- let posX = x;
- let posY = y;
- // Check horizontal position
- if (x + menuWidth > viewportWidth) {
- posX = viewportWidth - menuWidth - 10;
- }
- // Check vertical position
- if (y + menuHeight > viewportHeight) {
- posY = viewportHeight - menuHeight - 10;
- }
- applyStyles(menu, {
- left: posX + 'px',
- top: posY + 'px'
- });
- document.body.appendChild(menu);
- // Auto hide menu after timeout
- if (userPreferences.timeoutDuration > 0) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (document.body.contains(menu)) {
- menu.style.opacity = '0';
- setTimeout(() => removeContextMenu(), 300);
- }
- }, userPreferences.timeoutDuration);
- }
- return menu;
- }
- function setupLongPress(element) {
- if (element.hasAttribute('data-longpress-initialized')) return;
- let timeoutId;
- let startX, startY;
- let isLongPress = false;
- const moveThreshold = userPreferences.touchMoveThreshold;
- const startLongPress = (e) => {
- const coords = e.type.includes('touch') ?
- { x: e.touches[0].clientX, y: e.touches[0].clientY } :
- { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY };
- startX = coords.x;
- startY = coords.y;
- isLongPress = false;
- timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
- isLongPress = true;
- vibrate();
- createContextMenu(e.target, coords.x, coords.y);
- }, userPreferences.longPressDelay);
- };
- const moveHandler = (e) => {
- if (!timeoutId) return;
- const coords = e.type.includes('touch') ?
- { x: e.touches[0].clientX, y: e.touches[0].clientY } :
- { x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY };
- if (Math.abs(coords.x - startX) > moveThreshold ||
- Math.abs(coords.y - startY) > moveThreshold) {
- clearTimeout(timeoutId);
- timeoutId = null;
- }
- };
- const endLongPress = (e) => {
- clearTimeout(timeoutId);
- if (!isLongPress) return true;
- e.preventDefault();
- return false;
- };
- // Touch Events
- element.addEventListener('touchstart', startLongPress, { passive: true });
- element.addEventListener('touchmove', moveHandler, { passive: true });
- element.addEventListener('touchend', endLongPress);
- element.addEventListener('touchcancel', endLongPress);
- // Mouse Events
- element.addEventListener('mousedown', startLongPress);
- element.addEventListener('mousemove', moveHandler);
- element.addEventListener('mouseup', endLongPress);
- element.addEventListener('mouseleave', endLongPress);
- // Context Menu Prevention
- if (userPreferences.preventDefaultContextMenu) {
- element.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => e.preventDefault());
- }
- element.setAttribute('data-longpress-initialized', 'true');
- }
- function setupGlobalEvents() {
- document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
- const contextMenu = document.querySelector('.context-menu');
- if (contextMenu && !contextMenu.contains(e.target)) {
- removeContextMenu();
- }
- });
- document.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
- removeContextMenu();
- });
- document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- if (e.key === 'Escape') {
- removeContextMenu();
- }
- });
- }
- function loadAllData() {
- try {
- const savedPreferences = GM_getValue(STORAGE_KEYS.PREFERENCES);
- if (savedPreferences) {
- userPreferences = { ...defaultPreferences, ...JSON.parse(savedPreferences) };
- }
- const savedHiddenElements = GM_getValue(STORAGE_KEYS.HIDDEN_ELEMENTS);
- if (savedHiddenElements) {
- hiddenElements = JSON.parse(savedHiddenElements);
- }
- const savedBookmarks = GM_getValue(STORAGE_KEYS.BOOKMARKS);
- if (savedBookmarks) {
- globalBookmarks = JSON.parse(savedBookmarks);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Error loading data:', e);
- }
- }
- function saveAllData() {
- try {
- GM_setValue(STORAGE_KEYS.PREFERENCES, JSON.stringify(userPreferences));
- GM_setValue(STORAGE_KEYS.HIDDEN_ELEMENTS, JSON.stringify(hiddenElements));
- GM_setValue(STORAGE_KEYS.BOOKMARKS, JSON.stringify(globalBookmarks));
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Error saving data:', e);
- }
- }
- function init() {
- loadAllData();
- setupGlobalEvents();
- const supportedElements = [
- 'a', 'img', 'video',
- '[style*="background-image"]',
- '.product__sidebar__view__item',
- 'div', 'span', 'p',
- 'article', 'section',
- '.clickable',
- '[role="button"]',
- 'button',
- 'input[type="button"]',
- 'input[type="submit"]',
- 'iframe'
- ];
- supportedElements.forEach(selector => {
- document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(el => {
- if (!el.hasAttribute('data-longpress-initialized')) {
- setupLongPress(el);
- }
- });
- });
- // Apply hidden elements
- hiddenElements.forEach(selector => {
- try {
- document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach(el => {
- el.style.display = 'none';
- });
- } catch (e) {
- console.error('Error applying hidden element:', e);
- }
- });
- // Auto save data every 5 minutes
- setInterval(saveAllData, 300000);
- }
- // Start initialization
- if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);
- } else {
- init();
- }
- // Cleanup on page unload
- window.addEventListener('unload', saveAllData);
- })();