在您安装前,Greasy Fork 希望您知道此脚本包含可能不受欢迎的功能,也许会帮助脚本作者获利,而不能给你带来任何收益。
Directs to a referral link when not logged in
Automatically Login and Click Faucet
// ==UserScript== // @name Cryptocoil Auto Faucet // @namespace bekerja pada tampermonkey maupun violentmonkey // @version 0.3 // @autor Ojo Ngono // @description Automatically Login and Click Faucet // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/439099/1203718/MonkeyConfig%20Modern%20Reloaded.js // @match https://cryptocoil.com/* // @antifeature referral-link Directs to a referral link when not logged in // @license Copyright OjoNgono // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const bonusUrl = "https://cryptocoil.com/bonus"; const faucetUrl = "https://cryptocoil.com/faucet"; const linksUrl = "https://cryptocoil.com/links"; function scrollToMiddle() { window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight / 2); } function clickFaucetButton() { let button = document.querySelector('button.btn.btn-success.claim-button'); if (button && !button.disabled) { button.click(); } } if (window.location.href === "https://cryptocoil.com/dashboard") { window.location.href = bonusUrl; } if (window.location.href === bonusUrl) { setTimeout(() => { const errorMessage = document.querySelector('div.swal2-popup.swal2-modal.swal2-icon-error .swal2-html-container'); if (errorMessage && errorMessage.textContent.trim() === "Invalid claim") { window.location.href = faucetUrl; return; } const claimButton = document.querySelector('button.btn.btn-success.btn-block'); if (claimButton) { claimButton.click(); } }, 2000); } if (window.location.href === faucetUrl) { window.addEventListener('load', function() { const limitMessage = document.querySelector('div.alert.alert-warning.text-center'); if (limitMessage && limitMessage.textContent.trim() === "Daily limit reached, claim from Shortlink Wall to earn energy") { window.location.href = linksUrl; return; } scrollToMiddle(); let interval = setInterval(() => { clickFaucetButton(); if (document.querySelector('button.btn.btn-success.claim-button') === null) { clearInterval(interval); } }, 2000); }); } })();