triep games played grinder

use it in ffa or 2teams - i will give you 250,069,420,000 stars if you grind to 100,000 games played

// ==UserScript==
// @name         triep games played grinder
// @namespace
// @version      6.99
// @description  use it in ffa or 2teams - i will give you 250,069,420,000 stars if you grind to 100,000 games played
// @author       Zert
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

let fakeEvent = new Event(''), realEvent = window.r = new Proxy({ __proto__:fakeEvent }, { get:(a, b, c) => b === 'isTrusted' || fakeEvent[b] })
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let buttons = ['leave-game', 'continue-btn', 'play-btn'], click = function(e) {
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  onclick[id] && onclick[id](realEvent)
HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener = new Proxy(HTMLElement.prototype.addEventListener, { apply:function(a, b, c) {
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