// ==UserScript==
// @name U-NEXT Skip Intro
// @name:zh-CN U-NEXT 跳过片头
// @name:ja U-NEXT イントロスキップ
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @match https://*.unext.jp/*
// @run-at document-start
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @version 1.1
// @author DiruSec
// @license MIT
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=unext.jp
// @description Add missing skip intro/credit to U-NEXT player
// @description:zh-CN 给 U-NEXT 添加跳过片头/演职人员表的功能
// @description:ja U-NEXT に「イントロ/クレジットをスキップ」機能を追加
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
// define default variables
let introObject = {
startDuration: null,
endDuration: null
let creditObject = {
startDuration: null,
endDuration: null
let moviePartsPositionList = []
let episodeDuration = null
let lastPlayTimeThrottle = null
let playerPanelNode = null
let hideSkipButtonWithPanel = false
let moviePartsObjectInitialized = false
let nextEpisodeObject = {
titleCode: null,
episodeCode: null,
displayNo: null,
episodeName: null,
thumbnail: null,
getPlayUrl() { return this.titleCode && this.episodeCode ? `https://video.unext.jp/play/${this.titleCode}/${this.episodeCode}` : null},
getDisplayTitle() {return `${this.displayNo}\n${this.episodeName}`},
function initializeGlobalVar() {
introObject = {
startDuration: null,
endDuration: null
creditObject = {
startDuration: null,
endDuration: null
moviePartsPositionList = []
episodeDuration = null
lastPlayTimeThrottle = null
playerPanelNode = null
hideSkipButtonWithPanel = false
moviePartsObjectInitialized = false
nextEpisodeObject = {
titleCode: null,
episodeCode: null,
displayNo: null,
episodeName: null,
thumbnail: null,
getPlayUrl() { return this.titleCode && this.episodeCode ? `https://video.unext.jp/play/${this.titleCode}/${this.episodeCode}` : null},
getDisplayTitle() {return `${this.displayNo}\n${this.episodeName}`},
function listenReactUrlChange() {
// Save references to the original methods
const originalPushState = history.pushState;
const originalReplaceState = history.replaceState;
// Utility function to handle URL changes
function onUrlChange() {
console.log('React Router URL changed:', window.location.href);
// You can trigger a custom event or callback here
const urlChangeEvent = new Event('reactRouterUrlChange');
// Override pushState
history.pushState = function(...args) {
originalPushState.apply(this, args);
onUrlChange(); // Trigger the function on URL change
// Override replaceState
history.replaceState = function(...args) {
originalReplaceState.apply(this, args);
onUrlChange(); // Trigger the function on URL change
function preProcessRequest(requestOptions) {
// condition checks
if (!(requestOptions?.method === 'POST' && requestOptions?.headers['content-type'] === 'application/json' && requestOptions.body)) {
return requestOptions;
let requestBody;
try {
requestBody = JSON.parse(requestOptions.body);
} catch (e) {
console.error('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] invaild graphql request body found');
return requestOptions;
return requestOptions
function replaceGraphql(requestBody) {
// replaces graphql to add intro/credit parts query
const searchString = 'commodityCode\n movieAudioList {\n audioType\n __typename\n }\n ';
if (!requestBody.query || !requestBody.query.includes(searchString)) {
return requestBody;
const replaceString = `${searchString}moviePartsPositionList {\n hasRemainingPart\n to\n from\n __typename\n }\n `;
requestBody.query = requestBody.query.replace(searchString, replaceString);
return requestBody
async function handleGetNextEpisode(response) {
try {
const jsonData = await response.json();
const data = jsonData.data?.webfront_postPlay;
if (!data || !data.nextEpisode) {
console.warn('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] No next episode information found.');
return null;
const { titleCode, episodeCode, displayNo, episodeName, thumbnail } = data.nextEpisode;
return {
thumbnail: thumbnail.standard,
} catch (e) {
console.error('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] Error parsing response:', e);
return null;
async function handleGetSkipDuration(response) {
try {
const jsonData = await response.json();
const data = jsonData.data?.webfront_playlistUrl?.urlInfo && jsonData.data?.webfront_playlistUrl?.urlInfo[0];
if (!data || !data.moviePartsPositionList) {
console.warn('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] No moviePartsPositionList information found.');
return null;
return data.moviePartsPositionList || [];
} catch (e) {
console.error('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] Error parsing response:', e);
return [];
function handleParseSkipDuration() {
console.log('moviePartsPositionList', moviePartsPositionList)
if (moviePartsPositionList.length === 0) return;
// If there's only one part, compare 'from' with video duration/2
if (moviePartsPositionList.length === 1) {
const part = moviePartsPositionList[0];
part.startDuration = Number(part.fromSeconds);
part.endDuration = Number(part.endSeconds);
part.duration = part.endDuration - part.startDuration;
if (part.type === 'OPENING') {
introObject.startDuration = part.startDuration
introObject.endDuration = part.endDuration
part.label = 'Intro';
} else {
creditObject.startDuration = part.startDuration
creditObject.endDuration = part.endDuration
part.label = 'Credits';
part.hasRemainingPart === false && (creditObject.hasRemainingPart = false);
} else {
// Logic for more than one part
let introPart = moviePartsPositionList[0];
let creditsPart = moviePartsPositionList[0];
moviePartsPositionList.forEach(part => {
part.startDuration = Number(part.fromSeconds);
part.endDuration = Number(part.endSeconds);
part.duration = part.endDuration - part.startDuration;
// Find the earliest 'from' value for the intro
if (part.startDuration < introPart.startDuration) {
introPart = part;
// Find the latest 'to' value for the credits
if (part.endDuration > creditsPart.endDuration) {
creditsPart = part;
introObject.startDuration = introPart.startDuration
creditObject.startDuration = creditsPart.startDuration
introObject.endDuration = introPart.endDuration
creditObject.endDuration = creditsPart.endDuration
creditObject.hasRemainingPart = creditsPart.hasRemainingPart
// Assign labels
introPart.label = 'Intro';
creditsPart.label = 'Credits';
// Save the original fetch function
const originalFetch = window.fetch;
// Override the fetch function
const newFetch = async function (...args) {
const url = args[0];
// Check if the URL matches the pattern
const regex = /^https:\/\/cc\.unext\.jp\/\?/;
const getPlaylistUrlStr = 'operationName=cosmo_getPlaylistUrl';
const getPostPlayStr = 'operationName=cosmo_getPostPlay';
if (regex.test(url)) {
//let requestOptions = args[1];
//args[1] = preProcessRequest(requestOptions)
// need to get something from response
const response = await originalFetch(...args);
const responseClone = response.clone()
try {
//const requestBody = JSON.parse(requestOptions.body);
if (url.indexOf(getPlaylistUrlStr) !== -1) {
let skipDuration = await handleGetSkipDuration(responseClone);
moviePartsPositionList = skipDuration
moviePartsObjectInitialized = true
} else if (url.indexOf(getPostPlayStr) !== -1) {
let nextEpisode = await handleGetNextEpisode(responseClone);
nextEpisode && (
nextEpisodeObject.titleCode = nextEpisode.titleCode,
nextEpisodeObject.episodeCode = nextEpisode.episodeCode,
nextEpisodeObject.displayNo = nextEpisode.displayNo,
nextEpisodeObject.episodeName = nextEpisode.episodeName,
nextEpisodeObject.thumbnail = nextEpisode.thumbnail.standard
} catch (e) {
console.error('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] Error handling operationName:', e);
// Return original Response object with no modification
return response;
// If the URL doesn't match, return the original fetch call
return originalFetch(...args);
Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow, 'fetch', { value: newFetch, enumerable: false, writable: true });
// Function to create a button dynamically
function createSkipButton(text, onClick) {
const isPanelDisplayed = window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('button[data-ucn="player-header-back"]').parentElement.parentElement, null).getPropertyValue('opacity') === '1'
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.id = 'introskip-btn-skip';
button.innerText = text;
button.style.position = 'absolute';
button.style.bottom = isPanelDisplayed? '9.6rem': '3rem';
button.style.right = '2rem';
button.style.zIndex = '1000';
button.addEventListener('click', onClick);
return button;
function createButtonStyle() {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = `
#introskip-btn-skip {
background-color: #0F0F0FFF;
color: #EEE;
border: solid;
border-color: #666;
border-width: .1rem;
border-radius: .2rem;
cursor: pointer;
padding: 1rem 2rem;
opacity: 1;
transition: all 0.2s ease;
#introskip-btn-skip:hover {
background-color: #0F0F0F99;
transform: scale(1.05);
#introskip-btn-skip.hide {
opacity: 0;
display: none;
function removeButtonStyle() {
const styleSheets = document.head.querySelectorAll('style');
styleSheets.forEach(styleSheet => {
if (styleSheet.innerHTML.includes('#introskip-btn-skip')) {
function setHideSkipButtonWithPanel() {
hideSkipButtonWithPanel = true;
playerPanelNode = document.querySelector('button[data-ucn="player-header-back"]').parentElement.parentElement;
let isDisplayed = window.getComputedStyle(playerPanelNode, null).getPropertyValue('opacity') === '1'
document.querySelector('#introskip-btn-skip').className = hideSkipButtonWithPanel&&!isDisplayed?'hide':''
// Function to add event listeners to the video
function addSkipButtonsToVideo(video) {
let skipIntroButton = null;
let skipCreditsButton = null;
const callback = (mutationsList, observer) => {
mutationsList.forEach((mutationObj) => {
if (mutationObj.attributeName === 'class') {
// for mutationsObserver, when opacity starts change, value will be the last moment before changes.
let isDisplayed = window.getComputedStyle(playerPanelNode, null).getPropertyValue('opacity') === '0'
let skipBtnDom = document.querySelector('#introskip-btn-skip')
skipBtnDom && (skipBtnDom.className = hideSkipButtonWithPanel&&!isDisplayed?'hide':'')
skipBtnDom && (skipBtnDom.style.bottom = isDisplayed?'9.6rem':'3rem')
const observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
const config = { attributes: true, childList: false, subtree: false };
const skipIntroPress = event => {
event.code === 'KeyS' && (video.currentTime = introObject.endDuration);
const skipCreditPress = event => {
event.code === 'KeyS' && (video.currentTime = creditObject.endDuration);
const nextEpisodePress = event => {
event.code === 'KeyS' && (window.location.href = nextEpisodeObject.getPlayUrl());
// Get the episode duration
video.ondurationchange = function () {
episodeDuration = video.duration;
console.log(`Episode Duration: ${episodeDuration}`);
// Listen to ontimeupdate event
video.ontimeupdate = function () {
const currentTime = video.currentTime;
// Skip Intro Button
if (currentTime >= introObject.startDuration && currentTime <= introObject.endDuration) {
if (introObject.endDuration - currentTime >= 5 && !lastPlayTimeThrottle) {
lastPlayTimeThrottle = setTimeout(setHideSkipButtonWithPanel, 5000)
if (!skipIntroButton) {
playerPanelNode = document.querySelector('button[data-ucn="player-header-back"]').parentElement.parentElement;
skipIntroButton = createSkipButton('SKIP INTRO', ()=> {
video.currentTime = introObject.endDuration;
window.addEventListener('keyup', skipIntroPress)
if (playerPanelNode) {
observer.observe(playerPanelNode, config);
} else {
console.error("Target node not found.");
} else if (skipIntroButton) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] Cannot remove skip button. Page content maybe changed?', e);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', skipIntroPress)
lastPlayTimeThrottle = null;
skipIntroButton = null;
// Skip Credits or Next Episode Button
if (currentTime >= creditObject.startDuration && currentTime <= creditObject.endDuration) {
const timeDifference = episodeDuration - creditObject.endDuration;
playerPanelNode = document.querySelector('button[data-ucn="player-header-back"]').parentElement.parentElement;
if (creditObject.endDuration - currentTime >= 5 && !lastPlayTimeThrottle) {
lastPlayTimeThrottle = setTimeout(setHideSkipButtonWithPanel, 5000)
// Show "Next Episode" if the time difference is <= 10 seconds
if (creditObject.hasRemainingPart === false) {
if (!skipCreditsButton || skipCreditsButton.innerText !== 'NEXT EPISODE') {
if (skipCreditsButton) document.querySelector('#videoFullScreenWrapper').removeChild(skipCreditsButton);
skipCreditsButton = createSkipButton('NEXT EPISODE', () => {
window.location.href = nextEpisodeObject.getPlayUrl();
window.addEventListener('keyup', nextEpisodePress)
if (playerPanelNode) {
observer.observe(playerPanelNode, config);
} else {
console.error("Target node not found.");
// Otherwise, show "Skip Credits"
else {
if (!skipCreditsButton || skipCreditsButton.innerText !== 'SKIP CREDITS') {
if (skipCreditsButton) document.querySelector('#videoFullScreenWrapper').removeChild(skipCreditsButton);
skipCreditsButton = createSkipButton('SKIP CREDITS', () => {
video.currentTime = creditObject.endDuration;
window.addEventListener('keyup', skipCreditPress)
if (playerPanelNode) {
observer.observe(playerPanelNode, config);
} else {
console.error("Target node not found.");
} else if (skipCreditsButton) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.error('[U-NEXT Skip Intro] Cannot remove skip button. Page content maybe changed?', e);
window.removeEventListener('keyup', skipCreditPress)
window.removeEventListener('keyup', nextEpisodePress)
lastPlayTimeThrottle = null;
skipCreditsButton = null;
window.addEventListener('reactRouterUrlChange', () => {
setTimeout(waitForVideoElement, 1000);
// Function to wait until the video element is available
function waitForVideoElement() {
const video = document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
if (video && moviePartsObjectInitialized) {
console.log(introObject, creditObject)
} else {
// Retry after 500ms if video element is not found
setTimeout(waitForVideoElement, 500);