在您安装前,Greasy Fork 希望您知道此脚本包含可能不受欢迎的功能,也许会帮助脚本作者获利,而不能给你带来任何收益。
Directs to a referral link when not logged in
Automatically login and click faucet
// ==UserScript== // @name Altcryp.com auto faucet // @namespace bekerja pada tampermonkey maupun violentmonkey // @version 0.4 // @description Automatically login and click faucet // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant window.onurlchange // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/439099/1203718/MonkeyConfig%20Modern%20Reloaded.js // @match https://altcryp.com/* // @license Copyright OjoNgono // @antifeature referral-link Directs to a referral link when not logged in // ==/UserScript== const cfg = new MonkeyConfig({ title: 'Input Email Faucetpay:', menuCommand: true, params: { Email: { label: "Email Faucetpay", type: "text", default: '' }, } }); (function() { 'use strict'; const rotateUrls = () => { const isLoggedIn = document.querySelector("#logoutModal") !== null; const baseUrl = "https://altcryp.com/"; if (window.location.href.startsWith(baseUrl) && isLoggedIn) { const urls = [ "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/ltc", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/usdt", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/bnb", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/bch", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/dash", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/doge", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/dgb", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/matic", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/sol", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/trx", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/xrp", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/zec", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/pepe", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/shib", "https://altcryp.com/faucet/currency/ton" ]; let currentIndex = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('currentIndex')) || 0; window.location.href = urls[currentIndex]; currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % urls.length; localStorage.setItem('currentIndex', currentIndex); } else if (!isLoggedIn) { } }; window.addEventListener('load', () => { const email = cfg.get('Email'); if (!email || email.trim() === '') { enforceLogoutWithWarning(); } else { enforceReferralUrl(); setTimeout(() => { clickLoginRegisterButton(); }, 2000); const loginInterval = setInterval(() => { handleLoginPopup(); }, 1000); setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(loginInterval); if (document.querySelector("#logoutModal")) { rotateUrls(); checkTurnstileAndClick(); } }, 10000); } }); function enforceReferralUrl() { const loggedIn = document.querySelector("#logoutModal"); if (loggedIn) { return; } if (window.location.href === "https://altcryp.com/" && !window.location.href.includes("?r=25413")) { window.location.replace("https://altcryp.com/?r=25413"); } } function enforceLogoutWithWarning() { const loggedIn = document.querySelector("#logoutModal"); if (loggedIn) { alert('Please enter your email in the settings menu before using my script.'); const logoutButton = document.querySelector('a[href="https://altcryp.com/auth/logout"]'); if (logoutButton) { logoutButton.click(); } else { window.location.replace("https://altcryp.com/auth/logout"); } } } function clickLoginRegisterButton() { const loginButton = document.querySelector('span.mb-0'); if (loginButton && loginButton.textContent.includes('Login / Register')) { loginButton.click(); } } function handleLoginPopup() { setTimeout(() => { const modal = document.querySelector('#login'); if (modal && modal.classList.contains('show')) { const emailInput = document.querySelector('#InputEmail'); if (emailInput) { emailInput.value = cfg.get('Email'); } const loginButton = document.querySelector('button[type="submit"].d-flex.align-items-center.btn.btn-outline.border.text-secondary'); const checkTurnstileAndLogin = setInterval(() => { const turnstileResponse = document.querySelector('input[name="cf-turnstile-response"]'); if (turnstileResponse && turnstileResponse.value.trim().length > 0) { loginButton.click(); clearInterval(checkTurnstileAndLogin); } }, 1000); } }, 1500); } const scrollToButton = () => { const submitButton = document.querySelector("#subbutt"); if (submitButton) { const isVisible = () => { const rect = submitButton.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) ); }; if (!isVisible()) { submitButton.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }); } } }; scrollToButton(); function checkTurnstile() { let turnstileResponse = document.querySelector('input[name="cf-turnstile-response"]'); return turnstileResponse && turnstileResponse.value !== ''; } function checkRecaptcha() { let recaptchaFrame = document.querySelector("iframe[title='reCAPTCHA']"); if (recaptchaFrame) { return window.grecaptcha.getResponse().length !== 0; } return false; } function clickClaimNow() { let claimNowButton = document.querySelector('#subbutt'); if (claimNowButton && claimNowButton.innerText.includes('Claim Now')) { claimNowButton.click(); } } function clickUnlock() { let unlockButton = document.querySelector('button.btn.btn-primary.w-md'); if (unlockButton && unlockButton.innerText.includes('Unlock')) { unlockButton.click(); } } let intervalId = setInterval(function() { if (checkTurnstile() || checkRecaptcha()) { clickClaimNow(); clickUnlock(); clearInterval(intervalId); clearTimeout(timeoutId); } }, 1000); let timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { clickClaimNow(); clickUnlock(); clearInterval(intervalId); }, 25000); function checkForMessage() { const swalContainer = document.querySelector('#swal2-html-container'); if (swalContainer && swalContainer.style.display === 'block') { const pageText = swalContainer.innerText || ""; const successMessage1 = "has been sent to your FaucetPay account!"; const successMessage2 = "has been added to your Main account!"; const invalidCaptchaMessage = "Invalid Captcha"; setTimeout(() => { const cleanedText = cleanText(pageText); if (cleanedText.includes(successMessage1) || cleanedText.includes(successMessage2) || cleanedText.includes(invalidCaptchaMessage)) { window.location.replace("https://altcryp.com/"); } else { } }, 1000); } else { } } function cleanText(text) { return text.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); } setInterval(checkForMessage, 1000); })();