Dreamborn - Export missing cards

Export missing cards

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Export Missing Cards for Dreamborn


The Export Missing Cards for Dreamborn script is a Tampermonkey script designed for importing your missing cards in site like Cardmarket. This script helps you easily identify the missing cards in your decks and allows you to copy this information for sharing or using elsewhere.

Main Features:

  • Highlight Mode Check: The script first checks if the "Highlight" mode is activated on your collection page.

  • Extract Missing Cards: Once the "Highlight" mode is active, the script extracts the names of the missing cards and the quantities you still need to complete your collection.

  • Display in Modal: Instead of exporting to a file, the script opens a modal window on the webpage, displaying the missing cards and their quantities.

  • Copy to Clipboard: The modal contains a "Copy" button, allowing you to easily copy the list of missing cards to your clipboard for pasting into other applications.

How to Use:

  1. Activate the Script: Install the script using Tampermonkey on your browser.

  2. Navigate to Lorcana Deck Page

  3. Ensure Highlight Mode is On: Before exporting, make sure the "Highlight" mode is enabled. The script will remind you if it isn’t.

  4. Click "Export Missing Cards": A button labeled "Export missing cards" will appear at the bottom-right of the page. Click this button to open the modal with your missing cards.

  5. Copy the Information: In the modal, review the list of missing cards and click the "Copy" button to copy the contents to your clipboard.

  6. Paste the List: You can now paste the list of missing cards wherever you need, whether it’s in a message, a document, or another application.


  • Convenient: No need to manually track which cards are missing from your collection.
  • Quick Sharing: Easily copy and share the list of missing cards with friends, forums, or trading platforms.
  • User-Friendly: The modal interface is simple and intuitive, making it easy for any user to operate.


  1. Install the Tampermonkey extension for your browser (if you haven’t already).
  2. Create a new script in Tampermonkey and paste the code from this script.
  3. Save and enable the script.


  • A Cardmarket account with access to the Lorcana collection.
  • The Tampermonkey extension installed in your web browser.


This script is open-source and can be modified or distributed under the MIT License. Feel free to adapt it to your needs. If you appreciate my work, you can buy me a coffee on https://paypal.me/yeriat

This script is a handy tool for Lorcana collectors looking to keep their collection organized and easily accessible. Happy collecting!