- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Komica Save
- // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
- // @version 2024-08-24_25h40m
- // @description Save the Komica thread
- // @author hangjeff
- // @match https://gita.komica1.org/00b/*
- // @match https://2cha.org/*
- // @match https://gaia.komica1.org/*/*
- // @grant none
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function() {
- 'use strict';
- // Your code here...
- $('.thread').each(function(){
- let Komica_Thread_Url = window.location.href;
- if(!Komica_Thread_Url.includes('res')){
- Komica_Thread_Url = Komica_Thread_Url.substring(0, Komica_Thread_Url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
- if(!($(this).find('.threadpost').find('.post-head').find('.rlink').find('a').first().attr('href') === undefined) )
- Komica_Thread_Url = Komica_Thread_Url + $(this).find('.threadpost').find('.post-head').find('.rlink').find('a').first().attr('href');
- else
- Komica_Thread_Url = Komica_Thread_Url + $(this).find('.threadpost').find('.category a:last').attr('href');
- }
- $(this).find('.threadpost').after(ArchiveIs_Create(Komica_Thread_Url, 'Thread'));
- $(this).find('.threadpost').after(WebArchive_Create(Komica_Thread_Url, 'Thread'));
- if($(this).find('.file-thumb').length){
- let Komica_File_Url = 'https:' + $(this).find('.file-thumb').attr('href');
- if($(this).find('.file-thumb').attr('href').includes('.webm') || $(this).find('.file-thumb').attr('href').includes('.mp4')){
- $(this).find('.file-text').first().append(WebArchive_Create(Komica_File_Url, 'Video'));
- }
- else{
- $(this).find('.file-text').first().append(WebArchive_Create(Komica_File_Url, 'Image'));
- $(this).find('.file-text').first().append(GhostArchive_Create(Komica_File_Url, 'Image'));
- }
- }
- })
- reply_Class_Read();
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $(document).on('click', '.-expand-thread', function() {
- setTimeout(function(){
- reply_Class_Read();
- console.log('Done!');
- }, 1000);
- });
- });
- function reply_Class_Read(){
- $('.reply').each(function(){
- if($(this).find('.file-thumb').length){
- if(!$(this).find('form').length){
- let Komica_File_Url = 'https:' + $(this).find('.file-thumb').attr('href');
- if($(this).find('.file-thumb').attr('href').includes('.webm') || $(this).find('.file-thumb').attr('href').includes('.mp4')){
- $(this).find('.file-text').append(WebArchive_Create(Komica_File_Url, 'Video'));
- }
- else{
- $(this).find('.file-text').append(WebArchive_Create(Komica_File_Url, 'Image'));
- $(this).find('.file-text').append(GhostArchive_Create(Komica_File_Url, 'Image'));
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
- function WebArchive_Create(myUrl, myTarget){
- let form = $('<form>', {
- name: 'wwmform_save',
- action: 'https://web.archive.org/save',
- method: 'POST',
- target: '_blank'
- }).css('display', 'inline-block');
- form.append(
- $('<input>', {
- id: 'url',
- type: 'hidden',
- name: 'url',
- value: myUrl
- })
- );
- form.append(
- $('<input>', {
- type: 'submit',
- value: 'Save ' + myTarget + ' to Web archive',
- })
- );
- return form;
- }
- function ArchiveIs_Create(myUrl, myTarget){
- let form = $('<form>', {
- id: 'submiturl',
- action: 'https://archive.ph/submit/',
- method: 'GET',
- target: '_blank'
- }).css('display', 'inline-block');
- form.append(
- $('<input>', {
- id: 'url',
- type: 'hidden',
- name: 'url',
- value: myUrl
- })
- );
- form.append(
- $('<input>', {
- type: 'submit',
- value: 'Save ' + myTarget + ' to archive.is',
- tabindex: '1'
- })
- );
- return form;
- }
- function GhostArchive_Create(myUrl, myTarget){
- let form = $('<form>', {
- id: 'submiturl',
- action: 'https://ghostarchive.org/archive2',
- method: 'POST',
- target: '_blank'
- }).css('display', 'inline-block');
- form.append(
- $('<input>', {
- id: 'url',
- type: 'hidden',
- name: 'archive',
- value: myUrl
- })
- );
- form.append(
- $('<input>', {
- type: 'submit',
- value: 'Save ' + myTarget + ' to ghostarchive.org',
- tabindex: '1'
- })
- );
- return form;
- }
- })();