// ==UserScript==
// @name [银河奶牛]开箱记录及箱子期望显示
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.31
// @description 开箱记录及箱子期望显示
// @author Truth_Light
// @license Truth_Light
// @match https://www.milkywayidle.com/*
// @match https://test.milkywayidle.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
const itemSelector = '.ItemDictionary_drop__24I5f';
const iconSelector = '.Icon_icon__2LtL_ use';
const chestNameSelector = '#root > div > div > div.Modal_modalContainer__3B80m > div.Modal_modal__1Jiep > div.ItemDictionary_modalContent__WvEBY > div.ItemDictionary_itemAndDescription__28_he > div.Item_itemContainer__x7kH1 > div > div > div > div > svg > use';
const resultDisplaySelector = '.ItemDictionary_openToLoot__1krnv';
const marketDataStr = localStorage.getItem('MWITools_marketAPI_json');
const marketData = JSON.parse(marketDataStr);
let timer = null;
let chestList = {};
function getSpecialItemPrice(itemName, priceType) {
if (marketDataStr && marketData) {
if (marketData.market && marketData.market[itemName]) {
const itemPrice = marketData.market[itemName][priceType];
if (itemPrice !== undefined && itemPrice !== -1) {
return itemPrice;
console.error(`未找到物品 ${itemName} 的 ${priceType} 价格信息`);
return null; // 或者返回默认值,视情况而定
let specialItemPrices = {
'Coin': { ask: 1, bid: 1 }, // 默认的特殊物品价值,包括ask和bid价值
'Cowbell': {
ask: getSpecialItemPrice('Bag Of 10 Cowbells', 'ask')/10,
bid: getSpecialItemPrice('Bag Of 10 Cowbells', 'bid')/10
'Chimerical Token': {
ask: getSpecialItemPrice('Chimerical Essence', 'ask'),
bid: getSpecialItemPrice('Chimerical Essence', 'bid')
'Sinister Token': {
ask: getSpecialItemPrice('Sinister Essence', 'ask'),
bid: getSpecialItemPrice('Sinister Essence', 'bid')
'Enchanted Token': {
ask: getSpecialItemPrice('Enchanted Essence', 'ask'),
bid: getSpecialItemPrice('Enchanted Essence', 'bid')
function processItems() {
const modalContainer = document.querySelector(".Modal_modalContainer__3B80m");
if (!modalContainer) return; // 如果不存在 Modal_modalContainer__3B80m 元素,则直接返回
const chestNameElem = document.querySelector(chestNameSelector);
if (!chestNameElem) return;
const chestName = getItemNameFromElement(chestNameElem);
const items = document.querySelectorAll(itemSelector);
const itemDataList = [];
let totalAskValue = 0;
let totalBidValue = 0;
items.forEach(item => {
const quantityRangeElem = item.querySelector('div:first-child');
const quantityRangeText = quantityRangeElem.textContent.trim();
const quantityRange = parseQuantityRange(quantityRangeText);
const itemName = getItemNameFromElement(item.querySelector(iconSelector));
let probabilityElem = item.querySelector('div:nth-child(3)');//提取物品的概率
let probabilityText = probabilityElem ? probabilityElem.textContent.trim() : '';
probabilityText = probabilityText.replace('~', '');
let probability;
if (probabilityText === '') {
probability = 1.0; // 如果概率文本为空,则假定掉落率为100%
} else {
probability = parseProbability(probabilityText);
let expectedOutput = 0;
if (quantityRange.min === quantityRange.max) {
expectedOutput = quantityRange.min * probability;
} else {
const average = (quantityRange.min + quantityRange.max) / 2;
expectedOutput = average * probability;
let { ask: itemAskValue, bid: itemBidValue, priceColor } = getItemPrice(itemName);
const itemTotalAskValue = expectedOutput * itemAskValue;
const itemTotalBidValue = expectedOutput * itemBidValue;
totalAskValue += itemTotalAskValue;
totalBidValue += itemTotalBidValue;
const itemData = {
quantityRange: `${quantityRange.min}-${quantityRange.max}`,
probability: probability * 100,
expectedOutput: expectedOutput.toFixed(2),
itemTotalAskValue: itemTotalAskValue.toFixed(2),
itemTotalBidValue: itemTotalBidValue.toFixed(2),
const itemNameElem = item.querySelector('.Item_name__2C42x');
if (itemNameElem) {
if (priceColor) {
itemNameElem.style.color = priceColor;
if (itemDataList.length > 0) {
chestList[chestName] = {
items: itemDataList,
totalAskValue: totalAskValue.toFixed(2),
totalBidValue: totalBidValue.toFixed(2)
displayResult(document.body, totalAskValue, totalBidValue);
function recordChestOpening(modalElement) {
const chestNameElement = modalElement.querySelector("div.Modal_modal__1Jiep > div.Inventory_modalContent__3ObSx > div.Item_itemContainer__x7kH1 > div > div > div.Item_iconContainer__5z7j4 > div > svg > use");
const chestCountElement = modalElement.querySelector("div.Modal_modal__1Jiep > div.Inventory_modalContent__3ObSx > div.Item_itemContainer__x7kH1 > div > div > div.Item_count__1HVvv");
if (chestNameElement && chestCountElement) {
const chestName = getItemNameFromElement(chestNameElement);
const chestCount = parseQuantityString(chestCountElement.textContent.trim());
const itemsContainer = modalElement.querySelector('.Inventory_gainedItems___e9t9');
const itemElements = itemsContainer.querySelectorAll('.Item_itemContainer__x7kH1');
let totalAskValue = 0;
let totalBidValue = 0;
const items = [];
itemElements.forEach(itemElement => {
const itemNameElement = itemElement.querySelector('.Item_iconContainer__5z7j4 use');
const itemQuantityElement = itemElement.querySelector('.Item_count__1HVvv');
if (itemNameElement && itemQuantityElement) {
const itemName = getItemNameFromElement(itemNameElement);
const itemQuantity = parseQuantityString(itemQuantityElement.textContent.trim());
const { ask: itemAskValue, bid: itemBidValue, priceColor } = getItemPrice(itemName);
const itemOpenTotalAskValue = itemAskValue * itemQuantity;
const itemOpenTotalBidValue = itemBidValue * itemQuantity;
quantity: itemQuantity,
totalAskValue += itemOpenTotalAskValue;
totalBidValue += itemOpenTotalBidValue;
if (!chestList[chestName]) {
chestList[chestName] = {
items: [],
OpenTotalAskValue: 0,
OpenTotalBidValue: 0,
totalOpened: 0,
lastOpenAskValue: 0,
lastOpenBidValue: 0
} else {
const chestData = chestList[chestName];
chestData.OpenTotalAskValue = chestData.OpenTotalAskValue || 0;
chestData.OpenTotalBidValue = chestData.OpenTotalBidValue || 0;
chestData.totalOpened = chestData.totalOpened || 0;
chestData.lastOpenAskValue = chestData.lastOpenAskValue || 0;
chestData.lastOpenBidValue = chestData.lastOpenBidValue || 0;
const chestData = chestList[chestName];
chestData.lastOpenAskValue = totalAskValue;
chestData.lastOpenBidValue = totalBidValue;
chestData.OpenTotalAskValue += totalAskValue;
chestData.OpenTotalBidValue += totalBidValue;
chestData.totalOpened += chestCount;
items.forEach(item => {
const existingItem = chestData.items.find(i => i.itemName === item.itemName);
if (existingItem) {
existingItem.quantity += item.quantity;
existingItem.itemOpenTotalAskValue += item.itemOpenTotalAskValue;
existingItem.itemOpenTotalBidValue += item.itemOpenTotalBidValue;
} else {
// 打印开箱信息
console.log(`开箱名称: ${chestName}`);
console.log(`开箱数量: ${chestCount}`);
items.forEach(item => {
console.log(`- 物品名称: ${item.itemName}, 数量: ${item.quantity}, 总计Ask价格: ${item.itemOpenTotalAskValue}, 总计Bid价格: ${item.itemOpenTotalBidValue}`);
console.log(`箱子总计Ask价格: ${totalAskValue}`);
console.log(`箱子总计Bid价格: ${totalBidValue}`);
function saveChestList() {
localStorage.setItem('chestList', JSON.stringify(chestList));
function loadChestList() {
const savedChestList = localStorage.getItem('chestList');
chestList = savedChestList ? JSON.parse(savedChestList) : {};
function getItemNameFromElement(element) {
const itemNameRaw = element.getAttribute('href').split('#').pop();
return formatItemName(itemNameRaw);
function handleNaNValues(itemName,values) {
if (isNaN(values)) {
console.error(`物品 ${itemName} 的值 为 NaN`);
return -1;
return values;
function getItemPrice(itemName) {
let itemAskValue = 0;
let itemBidValue = 0;
let priceColor = '#E7E7E7';
if (chestList[itemName] && chestList[itemName].totalAskValue) {
// 如果是箱子,直接使用chestList中的价格信息
itemAskValue = chestList[itemName].totalAskValue;
itemBidValue = chestList[itemName].totalBidValue;
} else {
if (specialItemPrices[itemName]) {
itemAskValue = specialItemPrices[itemName].ask;
itemBidValue = specialItemPrices[itemName].bid;
} else {
if (marketDataStr) {
try {
if (marketData && marketData.market && marketData.market[itemName]) {
itemAskValue = marketData.market[itemName].ask;
itemBidValue = marketData.market[itemName].bid;
if (itemAskValue === -1 && itemBidValue === -1) {
priceColor = 'yellow';
} else if (itemAskValue === -1) {
priceColor = '#D95961';
} else if (itemBidValue === -1) {
priceColor = '#2FC4A7';
if (itemAskValue === -1 && itemBidValue !== -1) {
itemAskValue = itemBidValue;
} else {
console.error(`未找到物品 ${itemName} 的价格信息`);
priceColor = 'yellow';
} catch (error) {
console.error(`解析 MWITools_marketAPI_json 数据时出错:`, error);
} else {
console.error('未找到 MWITools_marketAPI_json 的本地存储数据');
return { ask: itemAskValue, bid: itemBidValue, priceColor };
function formatItemName(itemNameRaw) {
let formattedName = itemNameRaw.replace('#', '').replace(/_/g, ' ').replace(/\b\w/g, char => char.toUpperCase());
if (formattedName.includes(' ')) {
const words = formattedName.split(' ');
let firstWord = words[0];
const restOfName = words.slice(1).join(' ');
if (firstWord.endsWith('s') && !firstWord.endsWith("'s")) {
firstWord = `${firstWord.slice(0, -1)}'${firstWord.slice(-1)}`;
formattedName = `${firstWord}${restOfName ? " " + restOfName : ""}`;
return formattedName;
function parseQuantityRange(rangeText) {
const parts = rangeText.split('-').map(str => parseInt(str.trim().replace(',', ''), 10));
if (parts.length === 1) {
return { min: parts[0], max: parts[0] };
} else {
return { min: parts[0], max: parts[1] };
function parseProbability(probabilityText) {
const probPercentage = parseFloat(probabilityText.replace('%', ''));
return probPercentage / 100;
function formatPrice(value) {
if (value >= 1000000) {
return (value / 1000000).toFixed(1) + 'M';
} else if (value >= 1000) {
return (value / 1000).toFixed(1) + 'K';
} else {
return value.toString();
function parseQuantityString(quantityStr) {
const suffix = quantityStr.slice(-1);
const base = parseFloat(quantityStr.slice(0, -1));
if (suffix === 'K') {
return base * 1000;
} else if (suffix === 'M') {
return base * 1000000;
} else if (suffix === 'B') {
return base * 1000000000;
} else {
return parseFloat(quantityStr);
function displayResult(container, totalExpectedOutputASK, totalExpectedOutputBID) {
const formattedASK = formatPrice(totalExpectedOutputASK);
const formattedBID = formatPrice(totalExpectedOutputBID);
const dropListContainer = container.querySelector(resultDisplaySelector);
// 继续执行其他操作
const previousResults = dropListContainer.querySelectorAll('.resultDiv');
previousResults.forEach(result => result.remove());
// 创建期望产出(最低买入价计算)元素
const minPriceOutput = document.createElement('div');
minPriceOutput.className = 'resultDiv';
minPriceOutput.textContent = `期望产出 (最低买入价计算): ${formattedASK}`;
minPriceOutput.style.color = 'gold';
minPriceOutput.style.fontSize = '14px';
minPriceOutput.style.fontWeight = '400';
minPriceOutput.style.paddingTop = '10px';
// 创建期望产出(最高收购价计算)元素
const maxPriceOutput = document.createElement('div');
maxPriceOutput.className = 'resultDiv';
maxPriceOutput.textContent = `期望产出 (最高收购价计算): ${formattedBID}`;
maxPriceOutput.style.color = 'gold';
maxPriceOutput.style.fontSize = '14px';
maxPriceOutput.style.fontWeight = '400';
maxPriceOutput.style.paddingTop = '10px';
// 插入新创建的元素到掉落物表的最后一个物品后面
function displayChestStatistics(chestName) {
const elementA = document.querySelector('.Inventory_modalContent__3ObSx');
if (elementA) {
// 获取总计开箱次数和开箱价值(ask/bid)
const chestData = chestList[chestName];
const totalOpened = chestData ? chestData.totalOpened : 0;
const lastOpenAskValue = chestData ? chestData.lastOpenAskValue : 0;
const lastOpenBidValue = chestData ? chestData.lastOpenBidValue : 0;
const openTotalAskValue = chestData ? chestData.OpenTotalAskValue : 0;
const openTotalBidValue = chestData ? chestData.OpenTotalBidValue : 0;
// 创建显示内容
const displayElement = document.createElement('div');
displayElement.classList.add('ChestStatistics'); // 自定义类名,用于样式控制
displayElement.style.position = 'absolute';
displayElement.style.left = `${elementA.offsetLeft}px`;
displayElement.style.top = `${elementA.offsetTop}px`;
displayElement.style.fontSize = '12px';
displayElement.innerHTML = `
总计开箱次数: ${totalOpened}<br>
// 插入到元素A内部
// 返回显示元素,以便后续删除
return displayElement;
} else {
return null;
// 初始化时加载已保存的箱子列表
// 初始化
function initObserver() {
// 选择要观察的目标节点
const targetNode = document.body;
// 观察器的配置(需要观察子节点的变化)
const config = { childList: true, subtree: true };
// 创建一个观察器实例并传入回调函数
const observer = new MutationObserver(mutationsList => {
for (let mutation of mutationsList) {
if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
// 监听到子节点变化
mutation.addedNodes.forEach(addedNode => {
// 检查是否是我们关注的 Modal_modalContainer__3B80m 元素被添加
if (addedNode.classList && addedNode.classList.contains('Modal_modalContainer__3B80m')) {
// Modal_modalContainer__3B80m 元素被添加,执行处理函数
// 开始监听箱子图标的变化
mutation.removedNodes.forEach(removedNode => {
// 检查是否是 Modal_modalContainer__3B80m 元素被移除
if (removedNode.classList && removedNode.classList.contains('Modal_modalContainer__3B80m')) {
// Modal_modalContainer__3B80m 元素被移除,停止监听箱子图标的变化
// 以上述配置开始观察目标节点
observer.observe(targetNode, config);
// 定义箱子图标变化的观察器
let iconObserver = null;
// 开始监听箱子图标的变化
function startIconObserver() {
const chestNameElem = document.querySelector(chestNameSelector);
if (!chestNameElem) return;
// 创建一个观察器实例来监听图标的变化
iconObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
// 当箱子图标变化时,执行处理函数
// 配置观察器的选项
const iconConfig = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['href'] };
// 以上述配置开始观察箱子图标节点
iconObserver.observe(chestNameElem, iconConfig);
// 停止监听箱子图标的变化
function stopIconObserver() {
if (iconObserver) {
iconObserver = null;