Sigmally Damelu.vz

Easily 3X your FPS on + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Sigmally Damelu.vz
// @version      2.2.9
// @description  Easily 3X your FPS on + many bug fixes + great for multiboxing + supports SigMod
// @author       8y8x
// @match        https://**
// @license      MIT
// @grant        none
// @namespace
// @icon         
// @compatible   chrome Recommended for all users, works perfectly out of the box
// ==/UserScript==
// @ts-check
/* eslint
	// @ts-check
/* eslint
	camelcase: 'error',
	comma-dangle: ['error', 'always-multiline'],
	indent: ['error', 'tab', { SwitchCase: 1 }],
	max-len: ['error', { code: 120 }],
	no-console: ['error', { allow: ['warn', 'error'] }],
	no-trailing-spaces: 'error',
	quotes: ['error', 'single'],
	semi: 'error',
*/ // a light eslint configuration that doesn't compromise code quality
'use strict';

(async () => {
	const sfVersion = '2.5.6';
	const undefined = void 0; // yes, this actually makes a significant difference

	// Define Auxiliary Functions //
	const aux = (() => {
		const aux = {};

		/** @type {Map<string, string>} */
		aux.clans = new Map();
		function fetchClans() {
			fetch('').then(r => r.json()).then(r => {
				if (r.status !== 'success') {
					setTimeout(() => fetchClans(), 10_000);

				aux.clans.clear(); => {
					if (typeof clan._id !== 'string' || typeof !== 'string') return;

				// does not need to be updated often, but just enough so people who leave their tab open don't miss out
				setTimeout(() => fetchClans(), 600_000);
			}).catch(err => {
				console.warn('Error while fetching clans:', err);
				setTimeout(() => fetchClans(), 10_000);

		 * @template T
		 * @param {T} x
		 * @param {string} err should be readable and easily translatable
		 * @returns {T extends (null | undefined | false | 0) ? never : T}
		aux.require = (x, err) => {
			if (!x) {
				err = '[Sigmally Fixes]: ' + err;
				prompt(err, err); // use prompt, so people can paste the error message into google translate
				throw err;

			return /** @type {any} */ (x);

		 * consistent exponential easing relative to 60fps.
		 * for example, with a factor of 2, o=0, n=1:
		 * - at 60fps, 0.5 is returned.
		 * - at 30fps (after 2 frames), 0.75 is returned.
		 * - at 15fps (after 4 frames), 0.875 is returned.
		 * - at 120fps, 0.292893 is returned. if you called this again with o=0.292893, n=1, you would get 0.5.
		 * @param {number} o
		 * @param {number} n
		 * @param {number} factor
		 * @param {number} dt in seconds
		aux.exponentialEase = (o, n, factor, dt) => {
			return o + (n - o) * (1 - (1 - 1 / factor) ** (60 * dt));

		 * @param {string} hex
		 * @returns {[number, number, number, number]}
		aux.hex2rgba = hex => {
			switch (hex.length) {
				case 4: // #rgb
				case 5: // #rgba
					return [
						(parseInt(hex[1], 16) || 0) / 15,
						(parseInt(hex[2], 16) || 0) / 15,
						(parseInt(hex[3], 16) || 0) / 15,
						hex.length === 5 ? (parseInt(hex[4], 16) || 0) / 15 : 1,
				case 7: // #rrggbb
				case 9: // #rrggbbaa
					return [
						(parseInt(hex.slice(1, 3), 16) || 0) / 255,
						(parseInt(hex.slice(3, 5), 16) || 0) / 255,
						(parseInt(hex.slice(5, 7), 16) || 0) / 255,
						hex.length === 9 ? (parseInt(hex.slice(7, 9), 16) || 0) / 255 : 1,
					return [1, 1, 1, 1];

		 * @param {number} r
		 * @param {number} g
		 * @param {number} b
		 * @param {number} a
		aux.rgba2hex = (r, g, b, a) => {
			return [
				Math.floor(r * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),
				Math.floor(g * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),
				Math.floor(b * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),
				Math.floor(a * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),

		// i don't feel like making an awkward adjustment to aux.rgba2hex
		 * @param {number} r
		 * @param {number} g
		 * @param {number} b
		 * @param {any} _a
		aux.rgba2hex6 = (r, g, b, _a) => {
			return [
				Math.floor(r * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),
				Math.floor(g * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),
				Math.floor(b * 255).toString(16).padStart(2, '0'),

		/** @param {string} name */
		aux.parseName = name => name.match(/^\{.*?\}(.*)$/)?.[1] ?? name;

		/** @param {string} skin */
		aux.parseSkin = skin => {
			if (!skin) return skin;
			skin = skin.replace('1%', '').replace('2%', '').replace('3%', '');
			return '/static/skins/' + skin + '.png';

		 * @param {DataView} dat
		 * @param {number} o
		 * @returns {[string, number]}
		aux.readZTString = (dat, o) => {
			if (dat.getUint8(o) === 0) return ['', o + 1]; // quick return for empty strings (there are a lot)
			const startOff = o;
			for (; o < dat.byteLength; ++o) {
				if (dat.getUint8(o) === 0) break;

			return [aux.textDecoder.decode(new DataView(dat.buffer, startOff, o - startOff)), o + 1];

		 * @param {string} selector
		 * @param {boolean} value
		aux.setting = (selector, value) => {
			/** @type {HTMLInputElement | null} */
			const el = document.querySelector(selector);
			return el ? el.checked : value;

		/** @param {boolean} accessSigmod */
		const settings = accessSigmod => {
			try {
				// current skin is saved in localStorage
				aux.settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settings') ?? '');
			} catch (_) {
				aux.settings = /** @type {any} */ ({});

			// sigmod doesn't have a checkbox for dark theme, so we infer it from the custom map color
			const { mapColor } = accessSigmod ? sigmod.settings : {};
			if (mapColor) {
					= mapColor ? (mapColor[0] < 0.6 && mapColor[1] < 0.6 && mapColor[2] < 0.6) : true;
			} else {
				aux.settings.darkTheme = aux.setting('input#darkTheme', true);
			aux.settings.jellyPhysics = aux.setting('input#jellyPhysics', false);
			aux.settings.showBorder = aux.setting('input#showBorder', true);
			aux.settings.showClanmates = aux.setting('input#showClanmates', true);
			aux.settings.showGrid = aux.setting('input#showGrid', true);
			aux.settings.showMass = aux.setting('input#showMass', false);
			aux.settings.showMinimap = aux.setting('input#showMinimap', true);
			aux.settings.showSkins = aux.setting('input#showSkins', true);
			aux.settings.zoomout = aux.setting('input#moreZoom', true);
			return aux.settings;

		/** @type {{ darkTheme: boolean, jellyPhysics: boolean, showBorder: boolean, showClanmates: boolean,
		 showGrid: boolean, showMass: boolean, showMinimap: boolean, showSkins: boolean, zoomout: boolean,
		 gamemode: any, skin: any }} */
		aux.settings = settings(false);
		setInterval(() => settings(true), 250);
		// apply saved gamemode because sigmally fixes connects before the main game even loads
		if (aux.settings?.gamemode) {
			/** @type {HTMLSelectElement | null} */
			const gamemode = document.querySelector('select#gamemode');
			if (gamemode)
				gamemode.value = aux.settings.gamemode;

		let caught = false;
		const tabScan = new BroadcastChannel('sigfix-tabscan');
		tabScan.addEventListener('message', () => {
			if (caught || world.score(world.selected) <= 50) return;
			caught = true;
			const str = 'hi! sigmally fixes v2.5.0 is now truly one-tab, so you don\'t need multiple tabs anymore. ' +
				'set a keybind under the "One-tab multibox key" setting and enjoy!';
			prompt(str, str);
		setInterval(() => {
			if (world.score(world.selected) > 50 && !caught) tabScan.postMessage(undefined);
		}, 5000);

		aux.textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
		aux.textDecoder = new TextDecoder();

		const trimCtx = aux.require(
			'Unable to get 2D context for text utilities. This is probably your browser being dumb, maybe reload ' +
			'the page?',
		trimCtx.font = '20px Ubuntu';
		 * trims text to a max of 250px at 20px font, same as vanilla sigmally
		 * @param {string} text
		aux.trim = text => {
			while (trimCtx.measureText(text).width > 250)
				text = text.slice(0, -1);

			return text;

		/** @type {{ token: string, updated: number } | undefined} */
		aux.token = undefined;

		/** @type {object | undefined} */
		aux.userData = undefined;
		aux.oldFetch = fetch.bind(window);
		let lastUserData = -Infinity;
		// this is the best method i've found to get the userData object, since game.js uses strict mode
		Object.defineProperty(window, 'fetch', {
			value: new Proxy(fetch, {
				apply: (target, thisArg, args) => {
					let url = args[0];
					const data = args[1];
					if (typeof url === 'string') {
						if (url.includes('/server/recaptcha/v3'))
							return new Promise(() => {}); // block game.js from attempting to go through captcha flow

						// game.js doesn't think we're connected to a server, we default to eu0 because that's the
						// default everywhere else
						if (url.includes('/userdata/')) {
							// when holding down the respawn key, you can easily make 30+ requests a second,
							// bombing you into ratelimit hell
							const now =;
							if (now - lastUserData < 500) return new Promise(() => {});
							url = url.replace('///', '//');
							lastUserData = now;

						// patch the current token in the url and body of the request
						if (aux.token) {
							// 128 hex characters surrounded by non-hex characters (lookahead and lookbehind)
							const tokenTest = /(?<![0-9a-fA-F])[0-9a-fA-F]{128}(?![0-9a-fA-F])/g;
							url = url.replaceAll(tokenTest, aux.token.token);
							if (typeof data?.body === 'string')
								data.body = data.body.replaceAll(tokenTest, aux.token.token);

						args[0] = url;
						args[1] = data;

					return target.apply(thisArg, args).then(res => new Proxy(res, {
						get: (target, prop, _receiver) => {
							if (prop !== 'json') {
								const val = target[prop];
								if (typeof val === 'function')
									return val.bind(target);
									return val;

							return () => target.json().then(obj => {
								if (obj?.body?.user) {
									aux.userData = obj.body.user;
									// NaN if invalid / undefined
									let updated = Number(new Date(aux.userData.updateTime));
									if (Number.isNaN(updated))
										updated =;

									if (!aux.token || updated >= aux.token.updated) {
										aux.token = { token: aux.userData.token, updated };

								return obj;

		return aux;

	// Destroy Old Client //
	const destructor = (() => {
		const destructor = {};

		const vanillaStack = () => {
			try {
				throw new Error();
			} catch (err) {
				// prevent drawing the game, but do NOT prevent saving settings (which is called on RQA)
				return err.stack.includes('/game.js') && !err.stack.includes('HTML');

		// #1 : kill the rendering process
		const oldRQA = requestAnimationFrame;
		window.requestAnimationFrame = function(fn) {
			return vanillaStack() ? -1 : oldRQA(fn);

		// #2 : kill access to using a WebSocket
		destructor.realWebSocket = WebSocket;
		Object.defineProperty(window, 'WebSocket', {
			value: new Proxy(WebSocket, {
				construct(_target, argArray, _newTarget) {
					if (argArray[0].includes('') && vanillaStack()) {
						throw new Error('sigfix: Preventing new WebSocket() for unknown Sigmally connection');

					// @ts-expect-error
					return new destructor.realWebSocket(...argArray);

		const cmdRepresentation = new TextEncoder().encode('/leaveworld').toString();
		destructor.realWsSend = WebSocket.prototype.send;
		WebSocket.prototype.send = function (x) {
			if (vanillaStack() && this.url.includes('')) {
				this.onclose = null;
				throw new Error('sigfix: Preventing .send on unknown Sigmally connection');

			if (settings.blockNearbyRespawns) {
				let buf;
				if (x instanceof ArrayBuffer) buf = x;
				else if (x instanceof DataView) buf = x.buffer;
				else if (x instanceof Uint8Array) buf = x.buffer;

				if (buf && buf.byteLength === '/leaveworld'.length + 3
					&& new Uint8Array(buf).toString().includes(cmdRepresentation)) {
					const now =;
					let con, view, vision; // cba to put explicit types here
					for (const [otherView, otherCon] of net.connections) {, now); // ensure all tabs update their cameras
						if ( !== this) continue;

						con = otherCon;
						view = otherView;
						vision = world.views.get(otherView);
					if (con && view !== undefined && vision) {
						// block respawns if we haven't actually respawned yet
						// (with a 500ms max in case something fails)
						if ( - (con.respawnBlock?.started ?? -Infinity) < 500) return;
						con.respawnBlock = undefined;
						// trying to respawn; see if we are nearby an alive multi-tab
						if (world.score(view) > 0 && vision.border) {
							const { border } = vision;
							// use a smaller respawn radius on EU servers
							const radius = Math.min(border.r - border.l, border.b - border.t) / 5;
							for (const [otherView, otherVision] of world.views) {
								if (vision === otherVision) continue;
								if (world.score(otherView) <= 0) continue;
								const dx = -;
								const dy = -;
								if (Math.hypot(dx, dy) <= radius)

						// we are allowing a respawn, take note
						con.respawnBlock = { status: 'pending', started: };

			return destructor.realWsSend.apply(this, arguments);

		// #3 : prevent keys from being registered by the game
		setInterval(() => onkeydown = onkeyup = null, 200);

		return destructor;

	// Apply Complex SigMod Patches //
	const sigmod = (() => {
		const sigmod = {};

		/** @type {{
		 * 	cellColor?: [number, number, number, number],
		 * 	foodColor?: [number, number, number, number],
		 * 	mapColor?: [number, number, number, number],
		 * 	outlineColor?: [number, number, number, number],
		 * 	nameColor1?: [number, number, number, number],
		 * 	nameColor2?: [number, number, number, number],
		 * 	hidePellets?: boolean,
		 * 	rapidFeedKey?: string,
		 * 	removeOutlines?: boolean,
		 * 	showNames?: boolean,
		 * 	skinReplacement?: { original: string | null, replacement?: string | null, replaceImg?: string | null },
		 * 	tripleKey?: string,
		 * 	virusImage?: string,
		 * }} */
		sigmod.settings = {};
		setInterval(() => {
			// @ts-expect-error
			const real = window.sigmod?.settings;
			if (!real) return;
			 * @param {'cellColor' | 'foodColor' | 'mapColor' | 'outlineColor' | 'nameColor1' | 'nameColor2'} prop
			 * @param {any[]} lookups
			const applyColor = (prop, lookups) => {
				for (const lookup of lookups) {
					if (lookup) {
						sigmod.settings[prop] = aux.hex2rgba(lookup);
			applyColor('cellColor', []);
			applyColor('foodColor', []);
			applyColor('mapColor', [, real.mapColor]);
			// sigmod treats the map border as cell borders for some reason
			if (!['#00f', '#00f0', '#0000ff', '#000000ffff'].includes(
				applyColor('outlineColor', []);
			// note: singular nameColor takes priority
			applyColor('nameColor1', [, &&,
			applyColor('nameColor2', [, &&,
			// v10 does not have a 'hide food' setting; check food's transparency
			sigmod.settings.hidePellets = real.settings.foodColor?.[3] === 0;
			sigmod.settings.removeOutlines =;
			sigmod.settings.skinReplacement =;
			sigmod.settings.virusImage =;
			sigmod.settings.rapidFeedKey = real.macros?.keys?.rapidFeed;
			// sigmod's showNames setting is always "true" interally (i think??)
			sigmod.settings.showNames = aux.setting('input#showNames', true);

			sigmod.settings.tripleKey = real.macros?.keys?.splits?.triple || undefined; // blank keys are ''
		}, 200);

		// patch sigmod when it's ready; typically sigmod loads first, but i can't guarantee that
		sigmod.proxy = {};
		let patchInterval;
		patchInterval = setInterval(() => {
			const real = /** @type {any} */ (window).sigmod;
			if (!real) return;


			// anchor chat and minimap to the screen, so scrolling to zoom doesn't move them
			// it's possible that cursed will change something at any time so i'm being safe here
			const minimapContainer = /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (document.querySelector('.minimapContainer'));
			if (minimapContainer) = 'fixed';

			const modChat = /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (document.querySelector('.modChat'));
			if (modChat) = 'fixed';

			// sigmod keeps track of the # of displayed messages with a counter, but it doesn't reset on clear
			// therefore, if the chat gets cleared with 200 (the maximum) messages in it, it will stay permanently*
			// blank
			const modMessages = /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (document.querySelector('#mod-messages'));
			if (modMessages) {
				const old = modMessages.removeChild;
				modMessages.removeChild = node => {
					if (modMessages.children.length > 200) return, node);
					else return node;

			// create a fake sigmally proxy for sigmod, which properly relays some packets (because SigMod does not
			// support one-tab technology). it should also fix chat bugs due to disconnects and stuff
			// we do this by hooking into the SigWsHandler object
				/** @type {object | undefined} */
				let handler;
				const old = Function.prototype.bind;
				Function.prototype.bind = function(obj) {
					if (obj.constructor?.name === 'SigWsHandler') handler = obj;
					return, obj);
				new WebSocket('wss://');
				Function.prototype.bind = old;
				// handler is expected to be a "SigWsHandler", but it might be something totally different
				if (handler && 'sendPacket' in handler && 'handleMessage' in handler) {
					// first, set up the handshake (opcode not-really-a-shuffle)
					// handshake is reset to false on close (which may or may not happen immediately)
					Object.defineProperty(handler, 'handshake', { get: () => true, set: () => {} });
					handler.R = handler.C = new Uint8Array(256); // R and C are linked
					for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) handler.C[i] = i;

					// expose some functions here, don't directly access the handler anywhere else
					sigmod.proxy = {
						/** @param {DataView} dat */
						handleMessage: dat => handler.handleMessage({ data: dat.buffer }),
						isPlaying: () => /** @type {any} */ (window).gameSettings.isPlaying = true,

					// override sendPacket to properly handle what sigmod expects
					/** @param {object} buf */
					handler.sendPacket = buf => {
						if ('build' in buf) buf =; // convert sigmod/sigmally Writer class to a buffer
						if ('buffer' in buf) buf = buf.buffer;
						const dat = new DataView(/** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ (buf));
						switch (dat.getUint8(0)) {
							// case 0x00, sendPlay, isn't really used outside of secret tournaments
							case 0x10: { // used for linesplits and such
								net.move(world.selected, dat.getInt32(1, true), dat.getInt32(5, true));
							// case 0x63, sendChat, already goes directly to
							// case 0xdc, sendFakeCaptcha, is not used outside of secret tournaments
		}, 500);

		return sigmod;

	// Prepare Game UI //
	const ui = (() => {
		const ui = {};

		(() => {
			const title = document.querySelector('#title');
			if (!title) return;

			const watermark = document.createElement('span');
			watermark.innerHTML = `<a href="" \
				target="_blank">Sigmally Fixes ${sfVersion}</a> by yx`;
			if (sfVersion.includes('BETA')) {
				watermark.innerHTML += ' <br><a \
					target="_blank">[Update beta here]</a>';
			title.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', watermark);

			// check if this version is problematic, don't do anything if this version is too new to be in versions.json
			// take care to ensure users can't be logged
				.then(res => res.json())
				.then(res => {
					if (sfVersion in res && !res[sfVersion].ok && res[sfVersion].alert) {
						const color = res[sfVersion].color || '#f00';
						const box = document.createElement('div'); = `background: ${color}3; border: 1px solid ${color}; width: 100%; \
							height: fit-content; font-size: 1em; padding: 5px; margin: 5px 0; border-radius: 3px; \
							color: ${color}`;
						box.innerHTML = String(res[sfVersion].alert)
							.replace(/\<|\>/g, '') // never allow html tag injection
							.replace(/\{link\}/g, '<a href="">[click here]</a>')
							.replace(/\{autolink\}/g, '<a href="\">\
								[click here]</a>');

						watermark.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', box);
				.catch(err => console.warn('Failed to check Sigmally Fixes version:', err));
		})(); = (() => {
			const game = {};

			/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement | null} */
			const oldCanvas = document.querySelector('canvas#canvas');
			if (!oldCanvas) {
				throw 'exiting script - no canvas found';

			const newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'sf-canvas'; = `background: #003; width: 100vw; height: 100vh; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0;
				z-index: 1;`;
			game.canvas = newCanvas;
			(document.querySelector('body div') ?? document.body).appendChild(newCanvas);

			// leave the old canvas so the old client can actually run = 'none';

			// forward macro inputs from the canvas to the old one - this is for sigmod mouse button controls
			newCanvas.addEventListener('mousedown', e => oldCanvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', e)));
			newCanvas.addEventListener('mouseup', e => oldCanvas.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup', e)));
			// forward mouse movements from the old canvas to the window - this is for sigmod keybinds that move
			// the mouse
			oldCanvas.addEventListener('mousemove', e => dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousemove', e)));

			const gl = aux.require(
				newCanvas.getContext('webgl2', { alpha: false, depth: false }),
				'Couldn\'t get WebGL2 context. Possible causes:\r\n' +
				'- Maybe GPU/Hardware acceleration needs to be enabled in your browser settings; \r\n' +
				'- Maybe your browser is just acting weird and it might fix itself after a restart; \r\n' +
				'- Maybe your GPU drivers are exceptionally old.',
			); = gl;

			// indicate that we will restore the context
			newCanvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', e => {
				e.preventDefault(); // signal that we want to restore the context
				// cleanup old caches (after render), as we can't do this within initWebGL()
			newCanvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', () => glconf.init());

			function resize() {
				// devicePixelRatio does not have very high precision; it could be 0.800000011920929 for example
				newCanvas.width = Math.ceil(innerWidth * (devicePixelRatio - 0.0001));
				newCanvas.height = Math.ceil(innerHeight * (devicePixelRatio - 0.0001));, 0, newCanvas.width, newCanvas.height);

			addEventListener('resize', resize);

			return game;

		ui.stats = (() => {
			const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: fixed; top: 10px; left: 10px; width: 400px; height: fit-content; \
				user-select: none; z-index: 2; transform-origin: top left;';

			const score = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 30px; color: #fff; line-height: 1.0;';

			const measures = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 20px; color: #fff; line-height: 1.1;';

			const misc = document.createElement('div');
			// white-space: pre; allows using \r\n to insert line breaks = 'font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 14px; color: #fff; white-space: pre; \
				line-height: 1.1; opacity: 0.5;';

			/** @param {number} view */
			const update = view => {
				const color = aux.settings.darkTheme ? '#fff' : '#000'; = color; = color; = color; = = settings.boldUi ? 'bold' : 'normal'; = settings.showStats ? '1' : '0.5'; = settings.showStats ? '0.5' : '0';

				const scoreVal = world.score(world.selected);
				const multiplier = (typeof aux.userData?.boost === 'number' && aux.userData.boost > ? 2 : 1;
				if (scoreVal * multiplier > world.stats.highestScore) world.stats.highestScore = scoreVal * multiplier;
				let scoreHtml;
				if (scoreVal <= 0) scoreHtml = '';
				else if (settings.separateBoost) {
					scoreHtml = `Score: ${Math.floor(scoreVal)}`;
					if (multiplier > 1) scoreHtml += ` <span style="color: #fc6;">(X${multiplier})</span>`;
				} else {
					scoreHtml = 'Score: ' + Math.floor(scoreVal * multiplier);
				score.innerHTML = scoreHtml;

				const con = net.connections.get(view);
				let measuresText = `${Math.floor(render.fps)} FPS`;
				if (con?.latency !== undefined) {
					const spectateCon = net.connections.get(world.viewId.spectate);
					if (settings.spectatorLatency && spectateCon?.latency !== undefined) {
						measuresText += ` ${Math.floor(con.latency)}ms (${Math.floor(spectateCon.latency)}ms) ping`;
					} else {
						measuresText += ` ${Math.floor(con.latency)}ms ping`;
				measures.textContent = measuresText;

			/** @param {object | undefined} stats */
			const updateStats = (stats) => {
				if (!stats) {
					misc.textContent = '';

				let uptime;
				if (stats.uptime < 60) {
					uptime = Math.floor(stats.uptime) + 's';
				} else {
					uptime = Math.floor(stats.uptime / 60 % 60) + 'min';
					if (stats.uptime >= 60 * 60)
						uptime = Math.floor(stats.uptime / 60 / 60 % 24) + 'hr ' + uptime;
					if (stats.uptime >= 24 * 60 * 60)
						uptime = Math.floor(stats.uptime / 24 / 60 / 60 % 60) + 'd ' + uptime;

				misc.textContent = [
					`${} (${stats.mode})`,
					`${stats.playersTotal} / ${stats.playersLimit} players`,
					`${stats.playersAlive} playing`,
					`${stats.playersSpect} spectating`,
					`${(stats.update * 2.5).toFixed(1)}% load @ ${uptime}`,

			/** @type {object | undefined} */
			let lastStats;
			setInterval(() => { // update as frequently as possible
				const currentStats = world.views.get(world.selected)?.stats;
				if (currentStats !== lastStats) updateStats(lastStats = currentStats);

			return { update };

		ui.leaderboard = (() => {
			const container = document.createElement('div'); = 'position: fixed; top: 10px; right: 10px; width: 200px; height: fit-content; \
				user-select: none; z-index: 2; background: #0006; padding: 15px 5px; transform-origin: top right; \
				display: none;';

			const title = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 30px; color: #fff; text-align: center; width: 100%;';
			title.textContent = 'Leaderboard';

			const linesContainer = document.createElement('div'); = 'font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 20px; line-height: 1.2; width: 100%; \
				height: fit-content; text-align: center; white-space: pre; overflow: hidden;';

			/** @type {HTMLDivElement[]} */
			const lines = [];
			/** @param {{ me: boolean, name: string, sub: boolean, place: number | undefined }[]} lb */
			function update(lb) {
				const friends = /** @type {any} */ (window).sigmod?.friend_names;
				const friendSettings = /** @type {any} */ (window).sigmod?.friends_settings;
				lb.forEach((entry, i) => {
					let line = lines[i];
					if (!line) {
						line = document.createElement('div'); = 'none';
					} = 'block';
					line.textContent = `${ ?? i + 1}. ${ || 'An unnamed cell'}`;
					if ( = '#faa';
					else if (friends instanceof Set && friends.has( && friendSettings?.highlight_friends) = friendSettings.highlight_color;
					else if (entry.sub) = '#ffc826';
					else = '#fff';

				for (let i = lb.length; i < lines.length; ++i)
					lines[i].style.display = 'none'; = lb.length > 0 ? '' : 'none'; = settings.boldUi ? 'bold' : 'normal';

			/** @type {object | undefined} */
			let lastLb;
			setInterval(() => { // update leaderboard frequently
				const currentLb = world.views.get(world.selected)?.leaderboard;
				if (currentLb !== lastLb) update((lastLb = currentLb) ?? []);

		/** @type {HTMLElement} */
		const mainMenu = aux.require(
			'Can\'t find the main menu UI. Try reloading the page?',

		/** @type {HTMLElement} */
		const statsContainer = aux.require(
			'Can\'t find the death screen UI. Try reloading the page?',

		/** @type {HTMLElement} */
		const continueButton = aux.require(
			'Can\'t find the continue button (on death). Try reloading the page?',

		/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
		const menuLinks = document.querySelector('#menu-links');
		/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
		const overlay = document.querySelector('#overlays');

		// sigmod uses this to detect if the menu is closed or not, otherwise this is unnecessary
		/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
		const menuWrapper = document.querySelector('#menu-wrapper');

		let escOverlayVisible = true;
		 * @param {boolean} [show]
		ui.toggleEscOverlay = show => {
			escOverlayVisible = show ?? !escOverlayVisible;
			if (escOverlayVisible) { = '';
				if (overlay) = '';
				if (menuLinks) = '';
				if (menuWrapper) = '';

			} else { = 'none';
				if (overlay) = 'none';
				if (menuLinks) = 'none';
				if (menuWrapper) = 'none';

		ui.escOverlayVisible = () => escOverlayVisible;

		ui.deathScreen = (() => {
			const deathScreen = {};

			continueButton.addEventListener('click', () => {

			// TODO: figure out how this thing works
			/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
			const bonus = document.querySelector('#menu__bonus');
			if (bonus) = 'none';

			deathScreen.check = () => {
				if (world.stats.spawnedAt === undefined) return;
				if (world.alive()) return;;
			}; = () => {
				const foodEatenElement = document.querySelector('#food_eaten');
				if (foodEatenElement)
					foodEatenElement.textContent = world.stats.foodEaten.toString();

				const highestMassElement = document.querySelector('#highest_mass');
				if (highestMassElement)
					highestMassElement.textContent = Math.round(world.stats.highestScore).toString();

				const highestPositionElement = document.querySelector('#top_leaderboard_position');
				if (highestPositionElement)
					highestPositionElement.textContent = world.stats.highestPosition.toString();

				const timeAliveElement = document.querySelector('#time_alive');
				if (timeAliveElement) {
					const time = ( - (world.stats.spawnedAt ?? 0)) / 1000;
					const hours = Math.floor(time / 60 / 60);
					const mins = Math.floor(time / 60 % 60);
					const seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);

					timeAliveElement.textContent = `${hours ? hours + ' h' : ''} ${mins ? mins + ' m' : ''} `
						+ `${seconds ? seconds + ' s' : ''}`;

				if (overlay) = '';
				world.stats = { foodEaten: 0, highestPosition: 200, highestScore: 0, spawnedAt: undefined };

			deathScreen.hide = () => {
				// ads are managed by the game client

			return deathScreen;

		ui.minimap = (() => {
			const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'position: fixed; bottom: 0; right: 0; background: #0006; width: 200px; \
				height: 200px; z-index: 2; user-select: none;';
			canvas.width = canvas.height = 200;

			const ctx = aux.require(
				canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: false }),
				'Unable to get 2D context for the minimap. This is probably your browser being dumb, maybe reload ' +
				'the page?',

			return { canvas, ctx };
		})(); = (() => {
			const chat = {};

			const block = aux.require(
				'Can\'t find the chat UI. Try reloading the page?',

			 * @param {ParentNode} root
			 * @param {string} selector
			function clone(root, selector) {
				/** @type {HTMLElement} */
				const old = aux.require(
					`Can't find this chat element: ${selector}. Try reloading the page?`,

				const el = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (old.cloneNode(true)); = ''; = 'none';
				old.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', el);

				return el;

			// can't just replace the chat box - otherwise sigmod can't hide it - so we make its children invisible
			// elements grabbed with clone() are only styled by their class, not id
			const toggle = clone(document, '#chat_vsbltyBtn');
			const scrollbar = clone(document, '#chat_scrollbar');
			const thumb = clone(scrollbar, '#chat_thumb');

			const input = chat.input = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (aux.require(
				'Can\'t find the chat textbox. Try reloading the page?',

			// allow zooming in/out on trackpad without moving the UI = 'fixed'; = 'fixed'; = 'fixed';

			const list = document.createElement('div'); = 'width: 400px; height: 182px; position: fixed; bottom: 54px; left: 46px; \
				overflow: hidden; user-select: none; z-index: 301;';

			let toggled = true; = '10px'; // a bug fix :p
			toggle.addEventListener('click', () => {
				toggled = !toggled; = toggled ? '' : 'none'; = toggled ? 'block' : 'none'; = toggled ? '' : 'none';

				if (toggled) { = = ''; = '';
				} else { = = '10px'; = '0.25';
			}); = 'block';
			let scrollTop = 0; // keep a float here, because list.scrollTop is always casted to an int
			let thumbHeight = 1;
			let lastY; = '182px';

			function updateThumb() { = (1 - list.scrollTop / (list.scrollHeight - 182)) * (182 - thumbHeight) + 'px';

			function scroll() {
				if (scrollTop >= list.scrollHeight - 182 - 40) {
					// close to bottom, snap downwards
					list.scrollTop = scrollTop = list.scrollHeight - 182;

				thumbHeight = Math.min(Math.max(182 / list.scrollHeight, 0.1), 1) * 182; = thumbHeight + 'px';

			let scrolling = false;
			thumb.addEventListener('mousedown', () => void (scrolling = true));
			addEventListener('mouseup', () => void (scrolling = false));
			addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
				const deltaY = e.clientY - lastY;
				lastY = e.clientY;

				if (!scrolling) return;

				if (lastY === undefined) {
					lastY = e.clientY;

				list.scrollTop = scrollTop = Math.min(Math.max(
					scrollTop + deltaY * list.scrollHeight / 182, 0), list.scrollHeight - 182);

			let lastWasBarrier = true; // init to true, so we don't print a barrier as the first ever message (ugly)
			 * @param {string} authorName
			 * @param {[number, number, number, number]} rgb
			 * @param {string} text
			 * @param {boolean} server
			chat.add = (authorName, rgb, text, server) => {
				lastWasBarrier = false;

				const container = document.createElement('div');
				const author = document.createElement('span'); = `color: ${aux.rgba2hex(...rgb)}; padding-right: 0.75em;`;
				author.textContent = aux.trim(authorName);

				const msg = document.createElement('span');
				if (server) = `color: ${aux.rgba2hex(...rgb)}`;
				msg.textContent = server ? text : aux.trim(text); // /help text can get cut off

				while (list.children.length > 100)



			chat.barrier = () => {
				if (lastWasBarrier) return;
				lastWasBarrier = true;

				const barrier = document.createElement('div'); = 'width: calc(100% - 20px); height: 1px; background: #8888; margin: 10px;';


			chat.matchTheme = () => { = aux.settings.darkTheme ? '#fffc' : '#000c';
				// make author names darker in light theme = aux.settings.darkTheme ? '' : 'brightness(75%)';

			return chat;

		/** @param {string} msg */
		ui.error = msg => {
			const modal = /** @type {HTMLElement | null} */ (document.querySelector('#errormodal'));
			const desc = document.querySelector('#errormodal p');
			if (desc)
				desc.innerHTML = msg;

			if (modal) = 'block';

		// sigmod quick fix
		// TODO does this work?
		(() => {
			// the play timer is inserted below the top-left stats, but because we offset them, we need to offset this
			// too
			const style = document.createElement('style');
			style.textContent = '.playTimer { transform: translate(5px, 10px); }';

		return ui;

	// Create Options Menu //
	const settings = (() => {
		const settings = {
			/** @type {'auto' | 'never'} */
			autoZoom: 'auto',
			background: '',
			blockBrowserKeybinds: false,
			blockNearbyRespawns: false,
			boldUi: false,
			cellGlow: false,
			cellOpacity: 1,
			cellOutlines: true,
			clans: false,
			clanScaleFactor: 1,
			colorUnderSkin: true,
			drawDelay: 120,
			jellySkinLag: true,
			massBold: false,
			massOpacity: 1,
			massScaleFactor: 1,
			/** @type {'flawless' | 'alpha'} */
			mergeStrategy: 'flawless',
			multibox: '',
			/** @type {'natural' | 'delta' | 'weighted' | 'none'} */
			multiCamera: 'natural',
			nameBold: false,
			nameScaleFactor: 1,
			outlineMulti: 0.2,
			// delta's default colors, #ff00aa and #ffffff
			outlineMultiColor: /** @type {[number, number, number, number]} */ ([1, 0, 2/3, 1]),
			outlineMultiInactiveColor: /** @type {[number, number, number, number]} */ ([1, 1, 1, 1]),
			pelletGlow: false,
			rainbowBorder: false,
			scrollFactor: 1,
			selfSkin: '',
			selfSkinMulti: '',
			separateBoost: false,
			showStats: true,
			spectator: false,
			spectatorLatency: false,
			textOutlinesFactor: 1,
			tracer: false,
			unsplittableColor: /** @type {[number, number, number, number]} */ ([1, 1, 1, 1]),

		try {
			Object.assign(settings, JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('sigfix') ?? ''));
		} catch (_) { }

		// convert old settings
		if (/** @type {any} */ (settings.multibox) === true) settings.multibox = 'Tab';
		else if (/** @type {any} */ (settings.multibox) === false) settings.multibox = '';
		else if (/** @type {any} */ (settings).unsplittableOpacity !== undefined) {
			settings.unsplittableColor = [1, 1, 1, /** @type {any} */ (settings).unsplittableOpacity];
			delete settings.unsplittableOpacity;

		/** @type {Set<() => void>} */
		const onSaves = new Set();

		const channel = new BroadcastChannel('sigfix-settings');
		channel.addEventListener('message', msg => {
			onSaves.forEach(fn => fn());

		// #1 : define helper functions
		 * @param {string} html
		 * @returns {HTMLElement}
		function fromHTML(html) {
			const div = document.createElement('div');
			div.innerHTML = html;
			return /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (div.firstElementChild);

		function save() {
			localStorage.setItem('sigfix', JSON.stringify(settings));

		 * @template O, T
		 * @typedef {{ [K in keyof O]: O[K] extends T ? K : never }[keyof O]} PropertyOfType

		/** @type {HTMLElement | null} */
		const vanillaModal = document.querySelector('#cm_modal__settings .ctrl-modal__modal');
		if (vanillaModal) = '440px'; // make modal wider to fit everything properly

		const vanillaMenu = document.querySelector('#cm_modal__settings .ctrl-modal__content');
			<div class="menu__item">
				<div style="width: 100%; height: 1px; background: #bfbfbf;"></div>

		const vanillaContainer = document.createElement('div');
		vanillaContainer.className = 'menu__item';

		const sigmodContainer = document.createElement('div');
		sigmodContainer.className = 'mod_tab scroll'; = 'none';

		 * @param {PropertyOfType<typeof settings, number>} property
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @param {number | undefined} initial
		 * @param {number} min
		 * @param {number} max
		 * @param {number} step
		 * @param {number} decimals
		 * @param {string} help
		function slider(property, title, initial, min, max, step, decimals, help) {
			 * @param {HTMLInputElement} slider
			 * @param {HTMLInputElement} display
			const listen = (slider, display) => {
				slider.value = settings[property].toString();
				display.value = settings[property].toFixed(decimals);

				slider.addEventListener('input', () => {
					settings[property] = Number(slider.value);
					display.value = settings[property].toFixed(decimals);

				display.addEventListener('change', () => {
					const value = Number(display.value);
					if (!Number.isNaN(value))
						settings[property] = value;

					display.value = slider.value = settings[property].toFixed(decimals);

				onSaves.add(() => {
					slider.value = settings[property].toString();
					display.value = settings[property].toFixed(decimals);

			const datalist = `<datalist id="sf-${property}-markers"> <option value="${initial}"></option> </datalist>`;
			const vanilla = fromHTML(`
				<div style="height: 25px; position: relative;" title="${help}">
					<div style="height: 25px; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;">${title}</div>
					<div style="height: 25px; margin-left: 5px; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;">
						<input id="sf-${property}" style="display: block; float: left; height: 25px; line-height: 25px;\
							margin-left: 5px;" min="${min}" max="${max}" step="${step}" value="${initial}"
							list="sf-${property}-markers" type="range" />
						${initial !== undefined ? datalist : ''}
						<input id="sf-${property}-display" style="display: block; float: left; height: 25px; \
							line-height: 25px; width: 50px; text-align: right;" />
				/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}`)),
				/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}-display`)));

			const datalistSm
				= `<datalist id="sfsm-${property}-markers"> <option value="${initial}"></option> </datalist>`;
			const sigmod = fromHTML(`
				<div class="modRowItems justify-sb" style="padding: 5px 10px;" title="${help}">
					<span class="justify-sb">
						<input id="sfsm-${property}" style="width: 200px;" type="range" min="${min}" max="${max}"
							step="${step}" value="${initial}" list="sfsm-${property}-markers" />
						${initial !== undefined ? datalistSm : ''}
						<input id="sfsm-${property}-display" class="text-center form-control" style="border: none; \
							width: 50px; margin: 0 15px;" />
				/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}`)),
				/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}-display`)));

		 * @param {PropertyOfType<typeof settings, string>} property
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @param {string} placeholder
		 * @param {string} help
		function input(property, title, placeholder, help) {
			 * @param {HTMLInputElement} input
			const listen = input => {
				input.value = /** @type {never} */ (settings[property]);
				input.addEventListener('input', () => {
					settings[property] = /** @type {never} */ (input.value);

				onSaves.add(() => input.value = settings[property]);

			const vanilla = fromHTML(`
				<div style="height: 25px; position: relative;" title="${help}">
					<div style="height: 25px; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;">${title}</div>
					<div style="height: 25px; margin-left: 5px; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;">
						<input id="sf-${property}" placeholder="${placeholder}" type="text" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}`)));

			const sigmod = fromHTML(`
				<div class="modRowItems justify-sb" style="padding: 5px 10px;" title="${help}">
					<input class="modInput" id="sfsm-${property}" placeholder="${placeholder}" \
						style="width: 250px;" type="text" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}`)));

		 * @param {PropertyOfType<typeof settings, boolean>} property
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @param {string} help
		function checkbox(property, title, help) {
			 * @param {HTMLInputElement} input
			const listen = input => {
				input.checked = settings[property];
				input.addEventListener('input', () => {
					settings[property] = input.checked;

				onSaves.add(() => input.checked = settings[property]);

			const vanilla = fromHTML(`
				<div style="height: 25px; position: relative;" title="${help}">
					<div style="height: 25px; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;">${title}</div>
					<div style="height: 25px; margin-left: 5px; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;">
						<input id="sf-${property}" type="checkbox" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}`)));

			const sigmod = fromHTML(`
				<div class="modRowItems justify-sb" style="padding: 5px 10px;" title="${help}">
					<div style="width: 75px; text-align: center;">
						<div class="modCheckbox" style="display: inline-block;">
							<input id="sfsm-${property}" type="checkbox" />
							<label class="cbx" for="sfsm-${property}"></label>
			listen(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}`)));

		 * @param {PropertyOfType<typeof settings, [number, number, number, number]>} property
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @param {string} help
		function color(property, title, help) {
			 * @param {HTMLInputElement} input
			 * @param {HTMLInputElement} visible
			const listen = (input, visible) => {
				input.value = aux.rgba2hex6(...settings[property]);
				visible.value = String(settings[property][3]);
				const changed = () => {
					settings[property] = aux.hex2rgba(input.value);
					settings[property][3] = Number(visible.value);
				input.addEventListener('input', changed);
				visible.addEventListener('input', changed);

				onSaves.add(() => {
					input.value = aux.rgba2hex6(...settings[property]);
					visible.value = String(settings[property][3]);

			const vanilla = fromHTML(`
				<div style="height: 25px; position: relative;" title="${help}">
					<div style="height: 25px; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;">${title}</div>
					<div style="height: 25px; margin-left: 5px; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;">
						<input id="sf-${property}-visible" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" \
							style="width: 100px" />
						<input id="sf-${property}" type="color" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}`)),
				/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}-visible`)));

			const sigmod = fromHTML(`
				<div class="modRowItems justify-sb" style="padding: 5px 10px;" title="${help}">
					<div style="width: 175px; text-align: center;">
						<input id="sfsm-${property}-visible" type="range" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" \
							style="width: 100px" />
						<input id="sfsm-${property}" type="color" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}`)),
				/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}-visible`)));

		 * @param {PropertyOfType<typeof settings, string>} property
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @param {[string, string][]} options
		 * @param {string} help
		function dropdown(property, title, options, help) {
			 * @param {HTMLSelectElement} input
			const listen = input => {
				input.value = settings[property];
				input.addEventListener('input', () => {
					settings[property] = /** @type {never} */ (input.value);

				onSaves.add(() => {
					input.value = settings[property];

			const vanilla = fromHTML(`
				<div style="height: 25px; position: relative;" title="${help}">
					<div style="height: 25px; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;">${title}</div>
					<div style="height: 25px; margin-left: 5px; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;">
						<select id="sf-${property}">
							${[value, name]) => `<option value="${value}">${name}</option>`).join('\n')}
			listen(/** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`select#sf-${property}`)));

			const sigmod = fromHTML(`
				<div class="modRowItems justify-sb" style="padding: 5px 10px;" title="${help}">
					<select class="form-control" id="sfsm-${property}" style="width: 250px;">
						${[value, name]) => `<option value="${value}">${name}</option>`).join('\n')}
			listen(/** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`select#sfsm-${property}`)));

		 * @param {PropertyOfType<typeof settings, string>} property
		 * @param {string} title
		 * @param {string} help
		function keybind(property, title, help) {
			 * @param {HTMLSelectElement} input
			const listen = input => {
				input.value = settings[property];
				input.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
					if (e.code === 'Escape' || e.code === 'Backspace') {
						settings[property] = /** @type {never} */ (input.value = '');
					} else {
						settings[property] = /** @type {never} */ (input.value = e.key);
					e.preventDefault(); // prevent the actual key from being input

				onSaves.add(() => {
					input.value = settings[property];

			const vanilla = fromHTML(`
				<div style="height: 25px; position: relative;" title="${help}">
					<div style="height: 25px; line-height: 25px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;">${title}</div>
					<div style="height: 25px; margin-left: 5px; position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0;">
						<input id="sf-${property}" placeholder="..." type="text" style="width: 40px;" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */(vanilla.querySelector(`input#sf-${property}`)));

			const sigmod = fromHTML(`
				<div class="modRowItems justify-sb" style="padding: 5px 10px;" title="${help}">
					<input class="keybinding" id="sfsm-${property}" placeholder="..." \
						style="width: 50px;" type="text" />
			listen(/** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */(sigmod.querySelector(`input#sfsm-${property}`)));

		function separator(text = '•') {
			vanillaContainer.appendChild(fromHTML(`<div style="text-align: center; width: 100%;">${text}</div>`));
			sigmodContainer.appendChild(fromHTML(`<span class="text-center">${text}</span>`));

		// #2 : generate ui for settings
		separator('Hover over a setting for more info');
		slider('drawDelay', 'Draw delay', 120, 40, 300, 1, 0,
			'How long (in ms) cells will lag behind for. Lower values mean cells will very quickly catch up to where ' +
			'they actually are.');
		checkbox('cellOutlines', 'Cell outlines', 'Whether the subtle dark outlines around cells (including skins) ' +
			'should draw.');
		slider('cellOpacity', 'Cell opacity', undefined, 0.5, 1, 0.005, 3,
			'How opaque cells should be. 1 = fully visible, 0 = invisible. It can be helpful to see the size of a ' +
			'smaller cell under a big cell.');
		input('selfSkin', 'Self skin URL', '',
			'Direct URL to a custom skin for yourself. Not visible to others.');
		input('selfSkinMulti', 'Secondary skin URL', '',
			'Direct URL to a custom skin for your secondary multibox tab. Not visible to others.');
		input('background', 'Map background image', '',
			'A square background image to use within the entire map border. Images under 1024x1024 will be treated ' +
			'as a repeating pattern, where 50 pixels = 1 grid square.');
		checkbox('tracer', 'Lines between cells and mouse', 'If enabled, draws a line between all of the cells you ' +
			'control and your mouse. Useful as a hint to your subconscious about which tab you\'re currently on.');
		separator('• multibox •');
		keybind('multibox', 'One-tab multibox key', 'Pressing this key will switch between two game connections in ' +
			'this browser tab. When this key is set, a weighted camera will be used. You can unbind the key by ' +
			'setting it to Escape or Backspace. If you\'re used to Ctrl+Tab, consider enabling &quot;Block all ' +
			'browser keybinds&quot;.');
		dropdown('multiCamera', 'Camera style',
			[['natural', 'Merge weighted (natural)'], ['delta', 'Merge Delta-style'],
				['weighted', 'No merge, weighted'], ['none', 'No merge, not weighted']],
			'How the camera should move when multiboxing.\n' +
			'- &quot;Merge weighted (natural)&quot; is the default. Your camera will be put at the center of your ' +
			'total mass. Use this if you\'re not sure.\n' +
			'- &quot;Merge Delta-style&quot; places the camera in between each tab\'s center of mass. This is ' +
			'how Delta positions its camera.\n' +
			'- &quot;No merge, weighted&quot; puts the camera at the center of mass of your current tab.\n' +
			'- &quot;No merge, not weighted&quot; uses the default non-multiboxing camera. Use this if you\'re used ' +
			'two-tab multiboxing.');
		dropdown('mergeStrategy', 'Vision merging strategy',
			[['flawless', 'Flawless (best)'], ['alpha', 'Stable (use if laggy)']],
			'Which algorithm to use when combining visible cells between tabs.\n' +
			'- &quot;Flawless&quot; synchronizes all connections and prevents warping. If any tab starts lagging, ' +
			'Stable will be used instead. Default for Sigmally Fixes. Highly recommended.\n' +
			'- &quot;Stable&quot; uses the primary tab\'s cells if possible, though the most ' +
			'opaque cell will be chosen. Cells may warp around, but will stay usable if your internet is unstable. ' +
			'Similar to Delta.');
		slider('outlineMulti', 'Current tab cell outline thickness', 0.2, 0, 1, 0.01, 2,
			'Draws an inverse outline on your cells, the thickness being a % of your cell radius. This only shows ' +
			'when \'merge camera between tabs\' is enabled and when you\'re near one of your tabs.');
		color('outlineMultiColor', 'Current tab outline color',
			'The outline color of your current multibox tab.');
		color('outlineMultiInactiveColor', 'Other tab outline color',
			'The outline color for the cells of your other unfocused multibox tabs. Turn off the checkbox to disable.');
		separator('• inputs •');
		slider('scrollFactor', 'Zoom speed', 1, 0.05, 1, 0.05, 2,
			'A smaller zoom speed lets you fine-tune your zoom.');
		dropdown('autoZoom', 'Auto-zoom', [['auto', 'When not multiboxing'], ['never', 'Never']],
			'When enabled, automatically zooms in/out for you based on how big you are. ');
		checkbox('blockBrowserKeybinds', 'Block all browser keybinds',
			'When enabled, only F11 is allowed to be pressed when in fullscreen. Most other browser and system ' +
			'keybinds will be disabled.');
		checkbox('blockNearbyRespawns', 'Block respawns near other tabs',
			'Disables the respawn keybind (SigMod-only) when near one of your bigger tabs.');
		separator('• text •');
		slider('nameScaleFactor', 'Name scale factor', 1, 0.5, 2, 0.01, 2, 'The size multiplier of names.');
		slider('massScaleFactor', 'Mass scale factor', 1, 0.5, 4, 0.01, 2,
			'The size multiplier of mass (which is half the size of names)');
		slider('massOpacity', 'Mass opacity', 1, 0, 1, 0.01, 2,
			'The opacity of the mass text. You might find it visually appealing to have mass be a little dimmer than ' +
		checkbox('nameBold', 'Bold name text', 'Uses the bold Ubuntu font for names (like');
		checkbox('massBold', 'Bold mass text', 'Uses a bold font for mass.');
		checkbox('clans', 'Show clans', 'When enabled, shows the name of the clan a player is in above their name. ' +
			'If you turn off names (using SigMod), then player names will be replaced with their clan\'s.');
		slider('clanScaleFactor', 'Clan scale factor', 1, 0.5, 4, 0.01, 2,
			'The size multiplier of a player\'s clan displayed above their name (only when \'Show clans\' is ' +
			'enabled). When names are off, names will be replaced with clans and use the name scale factor instead.');
		slider('textOutlinesFactor', 'Text outline thickness factor', 1, 0, 2, 0.01, 2,
			'The multiplier of the thickness of the black stroke around names, mass, and clans on cells. You can set ' +
			'this to 0 to disable outlines AND text shadows.');
		separator('• other •');
		color('unsplittableColor', 'Unsplittable cell outline',
			'How visible the white outline around cells that can\'t split should be. 0 = not visible, 1 = fully ' +
		checkbox('jellySkinLag', 'Jelly physics cell size lag',
			'Jelly physics causes cells to grow and shrink slower than text and skins, making the game more ' +
			'satisfying. If you have a skin that looks weird only with jelly physics, try turning this off.');
		checkbox('cellGlow', 'Cell glow', 'When enabled, makes cells have a slight glow. This could slightly ' +
			'affect performance.');
		checkbox('pelletGlow', 'Pellet glow', 'When enabled, gives pellets a slight glow. This should not affect ' +
		checkbox('rainbowBorder', 'Rainbow border', 'Rainbow border');
		checkbox('boldUi', 'Top UI uses bold text', 'When enabled, the top-left score and stats UI and the ' +
			'leaderboard will use the bold Ubuntu font.');
		checkbox('showStats', 'Show server stats', 'When disabled, hides the top-left server stats including the ' +
			'player count and server uptime.');
		checkbox('spectator', 'Connect spectating tab', 'Automatically connects an extra tab and sets it to spectate ' +
		checkbox('spectatorLatency', 'Spectator tab latency', 'When enabled, shows another ping measurement for your ' +
			'spectator tab.');
		checkbox('separateBoost', 'Separate XP boost from score', 'If you have an XP boost, your score will be ' +
			'doubled. If you don\'t want that, you can separate the XP boost from your score.');
		checkbox('colorUnderSkin', 'Color under skin', 'When disabled, transparent skins will be see-through and not ' +
			'show your cell color.');

		// #3 : create options for sigmod
		let sigmodInjection;
		sigmodInjection = setInterval(() => {
			const nav = document.querySelector('.mod_menu_navbar');
			const content = document.querySelector('.mod_menu_content');
			if (!nav || !content) return;



			const navButton = fromHTML('<button class="mod_nav_btn">🔥 Sig Fixes</button>');
			navButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
				// basically openModTab() from sigmod
				(/** @type {NodeListOf<HTMLElement>} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.mod_tab'))).forEach(tab => { = '0';
					setTimeout(() => = 'none', 200);

				(/** @type {NodeListOf<HTMLElement>} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.mod_nav_btn'))).forEach(tab => {

				setTimeout(() => { = 'flex';
					setTimeout(() => = '1', 10);
				}, 200);
		}, 100);

		return settings;

	// Setup World Variables //
	/** @typedef {{
	 * id: number,
	 * ox: number, nx: number,
	 * oy: number, ny: number,
	 * or: number, nr: number, jr: number,
	 * Rgb: number, rGb: number, rgB: number,
	 * updated: number, born: number, deadTo: number, deadAt: number | undefined,
	 * jagged: boolean, pellet: boolean,
	 * name: string, skin: string, sub: boolean, clan: string,
	 * }} Cell */
	const world = (() => {
		const world = {};

		// #1 : define cell variables and functions
		let nextViewId = 0;
		/** @type {Map<number, { merged: Cell | undefined, model: Cell | undefined, views: Map<number, Cell> }>} */
		world.cells = new Map();
		/** @type {Map<number, { merged: Cell | undefined, model: Cell | undefined, views: Map<number, Cell> }>} */
		world.pellets = new Map();
		world.viewId = { // decoupling views like this should make it easier to do n-boxing in the future
			primary: nextViewId++,
			secondary: nextViewId++,
			spectate: nextViewId++,
		world.selected = world.viewId.primary;
		/** @type {Map<number, {
		 * 		border: { l: number, r: number, t: number, b: number } | undefined,
		 * 		camera: {
		 * 			x: number, tx: number,
		 * 			y: number, ty: number,
		 * 			scale: number, tscale: number,
		 * 			merging: number[],
		 * 			updated: number,
		 * 		},
		 * 		leaderboard: { name: string, me: boolean, sub: boolean, place: number | undefined }[],
		 * 		owned: number[],
		 * 		stats: object | undefined,
		 * 		used: number,
		 * }>} */
		world.views = new Map();

		// sigmod compatibility; place a fake cell whose radius yields the current score. this is for respawn
		// blocking and respawn compatibility
		/** @type {[symbol]} */
		world.mine = [Symbol()];
		const fakeEntry = {
			deadAt: undefined, // make sure sigmod doesn't skip this cell
			merged: undefined,
			model: undefined,
			views: new Map([ [/** @type {any} */ (Symbol()), {
				id: NaN,
				ox: NaN, nx: NaN,
				oy: NaN, ny: NaN,
				or: NaN, nr: NaN, jr: NaN,
				Rgb: 0, rGb: 0, rgB: 0,
				born: Infinity, updated: NaN, deadAt: undefined, deadTo: -1,
				name: '', skin: '', clan: '', sub: false,
				jagged: false, pellet: false,
		Object.defineProperty(fakeEntry, 'nr', {
			get: () => {
				// only let sigmod block respawns if we're in a main server
				if (['', '', ''].some(url => net.url().includes(url)))
					return Math.sqrt(world.score(world.selected) * 100);
				else return 0;
			set: () => {},
		world.cells.set(/** @type {any} */ (world.mine[0]), fakeEntry);

		world.alive = () => {
			for (const vision of world.views.values()) {
				for (const id of vision.owned) {
					const cell = world.cells.get(id)?.merged;
					// if a cell does not exist yet, we treat it as alive
					if (!cell || cell.deadAt === undefined) return true;
			return false;

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {number} weightExponent
		 * @param {number} now
		 * @returns {{ scale: number, sumX: number, sumY: number, weight: number }}
		world.singleCamera = (view, weightExponent, now) => {
			let r = 0;
			let sumX = 0;
			let sumY = 0;
			let weight = 0;
			for (const id of (world.views.get(view)?.owned ?? [])) {
				const cell = world.cells.get(id)?.merged;
				if (!cell || cell.deadAt !== undefined) continue;
				const xyr = world.xyr(cell, undefined, now);
				r +=;
				sumX += xyr.x * ( ** weightExponent);
				sumY += xyr.y * ( ** weightExponent);
				weight += ( ** weightExponent);

			const scale = Math.min(64 / r, 1) ** 0.4;
			return { scale, sumX, sumY, weight };

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {number} now
		 */ = (view, now) => {
			// temporary default camera for now
			const vision = world.views.get(view);
			if (!vision) return;

			const dt = (now - / 1000; = now;

			const weighted = settings.multibox && settings.multiCamera !== 'none';
			/** @type {number[]} */
			const merging = [];
			/** @type {{ scale: number, sumX: number, sumY: number, weight: number }[]} */
			const mergingCameras = [];
			const desc = world.singleCamera(view, weighted ? 2 : 0, now);
			let xyFactor;
			if (desc.weight > 0) {
				const mainX = desc.sumX / desc.weight;
				const mainY = desc.sumY / desc.weight;
				if (settings.multibox) {
					const mainWeight = desc.weight;
					const mainWidth = 1920 / 2 / desc.scale;
					const mainHeight = 1080 / 2 / desc.scale;
					for (const [otherView, otherVision] of world.views) {
						if (otherView === view) continue;
						if (now - otherVision.used > 20_000) continue; // don't merge with inactive tabs
						const otherDesc = world.singleCamera(otherView, 2, now);
						if (otherDesc.weight <= 0) continue;

						const otherX = otherDesc.sumX / otherDesc.weight;
						const otherY = otherDesc.sumY / otherDesc.weight;
						const otherWidth = 1920 / 2 / otherDesc.scale;
						const otherHeight = 1080 / 2 / otherDesc.scale;

						// only merge with tabs if their vision regions are close. expand threshold depending on
						// how much mass each tab has (if both tabs are large, allow them to go pretty far)
						const threshold = 1000 + Math.min(mainWeight / 100 / 25, otherDesc.weight / 100 / 25);
						if (Math.abs(otherX - mainX) < mainWidth + otherWidth + threshold
							&& Math.abs(otherY - mainY) < mainHeight + otherHeight + threshold) {

				let targetX, targetY, zoom;
				if (!settings.multibox || settings.multiCamera === 'none') { // default camera, autozoom
					targetX = desc.sumX / desc.weight;
					targetY = desc.sumY / desc.weight;
					zoom = settings.autoZoom === 'auto' ? desc.scale : 0.25;
				} else if (settings.multiCamera === 'weighted') { // weighted two-tab camera, no autozoom
					targetX = desc.sumX / desc.weight;
					targetY = desc.sumY / desc.weight;
					zoom = 0.25;
				} else if (settings.multiCamera === 'delta') {
					targetX = mainX;
					targetY = mainY;
					for (const camera of mergingCameras) {
						targetX += camera.sumX / camera.weight;
						targetY += camera.sumY / camera.weight;
					targetX /= mergingCameras.length + 1;
					targetY /= mergingCameras.length + 1;
					zoom = 0.25;
				} else { // settings.multiCamera === 'natural'
					targetX = desc.sumX;
					targetY = desc.sumY;
					let totalWeight = desc.weight;
					for (const camera of mergingCameras) {
						targetX += camera.sumX;
						targetY += camera.sumY;
						totalWeight += camera.weight;
					targetX /= totalWeight;
					targetY /= totalWeight;
					zoom = 0.25;
				} = targetX; = targetY; = zoom;
				xyFactor = 2;
			} else {
				xyFactor = 20;
			} = aux.exponentialEase(,, xyFactor, dt); = aux.exponentialEase(,, xyFactor, dt); = aux.exponentialEase(, input.zoom *, 9, dt); = merging;

		/** @param {number} view */
		world.create = view => {
			const old = world.views.get(view);
			if (old) return old;

			const vision = {
				border: undefined,
				camera: { x: 0, tx: 0, y: 0, ty: 0, scale: 0, tscale: 0, merging: [], updated: - 1, },
				leaderboard: [],
				owned: [],
				stats: undefined,
				used: -Infinity,
			world.views.set(view, vision);
			return vision;

		/** @type {number | undefined} */
		let disagreementStart = undefined;
		let dirtyMerged = false;
		world.merge = (stable = false) => {
			const now =;
			if (world.views.size === 1 && world.views.has(world.viewId.primary)) {
				// no-merge strategy
				for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
					for (const resolution of world[key].values()) {
						resolution.merged = resolution.views.get(world.viewId.primary);
				dirtyMerged = true;
			} else if (settings.mergeStrategy === 'alpha' || stable) {
				// maximize alpha, prefer primary tab
				for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
					for (const resolution of world[key].values()) {
						let alpha = 0;
						/** @type {Cell | undefined} */
						let best;
						for (const [view, cell] of resolution.views) {
							let thisAlpha = now - cell.born;
							if (cell.deadAt !== undefined) thisAlpha = Math.min(thisAlpha, 100 - (now - cell.deadAt));
							thisAlpha = Math.min(thisAlpha, 100);
							if (!best || thisAlpha > alpha || (thisAlpha === alpha && view === world.viewId.primary)) {
								alpha = thisAlpha;
								best = cell;
						resolution.merged = best;
				dirtyMerged = true;
			} else { // settings.mergeStrategy === 'flawless'
				// for camera merging to look extremely smooth, we need to merge packets and apply them *ONLY* when all
				// tabs are synchronized.
				// if you simply fall back to what the other tabs see, you will get lots of flickering and warping (what
				// delta suffers from).
				// threfore, we make sure that all tabs that share visible cells see them in the same spots, to make
				// sure they are all on the same tick.
				// it's also not sufficient to simply count how many update (0x10) packets we get, as /leaveworld (part
				// of respawn functionality) stops those packets from coming in.
				// if the view areas are disjoint, then there's nothing we can do but this should never happen when
				// splitrunning
				for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
					for (const resolution of world[key].values()) {
						/** @type {Cell | undefined} */
						let model;
						for (const cell of resolution.views.values()) {
							if (!model) {
								model = cell;

							const modelDisappeared = model.deadAt !== undefined && model.deadTo === -1;
							const cellDisappeared = cell.deadAt !== undefined && cell.deadTo === -1;
							if (!modelDisappeared && !cellDisappeared) {
								// both cells are visible; are they at the same place?
								if (model.nx !== cell.nx || model.ny !== cell.ny || !== {
									// disagreement! if we haven't agreed for more than 200ms, skip flawless merging
									// for now, until that pesky tab comes back
									disagreementStart ??= now;
									if (now - disagreementStart > 200) world.merge(true);
							} else if (modelDisappeared && !cellDisappeared) {
								// model went out of view; prefer the visible cell
								model = cell;
							} else if (!modelDisappeared && cellDisappeared) {
								// cell went out of view; prefer the model
							} else { // modelDisappeared && cellDisappeared
								// both cells disappeared; prefer the one that disappeared last
								if (/** @type {number} */ (cell.deadAt) > /** @type {number} */ (model.deadAt)) {
									model = cell;
						// we don't want to maintain a separate map for models because indexes are very expensive
						resolution.model = model;

				// all views are synced; merge according to the models
				disagreementStart = undefined;
				if (dirtyMerged) {
					// if `merged` uses references from other tabs, then that can cause very bad bugginess when those
					// cells die!
					for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
						for (const resolution of world[key].values()) {
							resolution.merged = undefined;
					dirtyMerged = false;

				for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
					for (const resolution of world[key].values()) {
						const { merged, model } = resolution;
						if (!model) {
							resolution.merged = undefined;

						if (!merged) {
							// merged cell doesn't exist; only make it if the cell didn't immediately die
							// otherwise, it would just stay transparent
							if (model.deadAt === undefined) {
								resolution.merged = {
									ox: model.nx, nx: model.nx,
									oy: model.ny, ny: model.ny,
									or:, nr:, jr:,
									Rgb: model.Rgb, rGb: model.rGb, rgB: model.rgB,
									jagged: model.jagged, pellet: model.pellet,
									name:, skin:, sub: model.sub, clan: model.clan,
									born: model.born, updated: now,
									deadAt: undefined, deadTo: -1,
						} else {
							// merged cell *does* exist, move it if the cell is not currently dead
							if (model.deadAt === undefined) {
								if (merged.deadAt === undefined) {
									const { x, y, r, jr } = world.xyr(merged, undefined, now);
									merged.ox = x;
									merged.oy = y;
									merged.or = r;
									merged.jr = jr;
								} else {
									// came back to life (probably back into view)
									merged.ox = model.nx;
									merged.oy = model.ny;
									merged.or =;
									merged.jr = model.jr;
									merged.deadAt = undefined;
									merged.deadTo = -1;
									merged.born = now;
								merged.nx = model.nx;
								merged.ny = model.ny; =;
								merged.updated = now;
							} else {
								// model died; only kill/update the merged cell once
								if (merged.deadAt === undefined) {
									merged.deadAt = now;
									merged.deadTo = model.deadTo;
									merged.updated = now;

		/** @param {number} view */
		world.score = view => {
			let score = 0;
			for (const id of (world.views.get(view)?.owned ?? [])) {
				const cell = world.cells.get(id)?.merged;
				if (!cell || cell.deadAt !== undefined) continue;
				score += * / 100; // use exact score as given by the server, no interpolation

			return score;

		 * @param {Cell} cell
		 * @param {Cell | undefined} killer
		 * @param {number} now
		 * @returns {{ x: number, y: number, r: number, jr: number }}
		world.xyr = (cell, killer, now) => {
			let a = (now - cell.updated) / settings.drawDelay;
			a = a < 0 ? 0 : a > 1 ? 1 : a;
			let nx = cell.nx;
			let ny = cell.ny;
			if (killer && cell.deadAt !== undefined && (killer.deadAt === undefined || cell.deadAt <= killer.deadAt)) {
				// do not animate death towards a cell that died already (went offscreen)
				nx = killer.nx;
				ny = killer.ny;

			const x = cell.ox + (nx - cell.ox) * a;
			const y = cell.oy + (ny - cell.oy) * a;
			const r = cell.or + ( - cell.or) * a;

			const dt = (now - cell.updated) / 1000;
			return {
				x, y, r,
				jr: aux.exponentialEase(cell.jr, r, 5, dt), // vanilla uses a factor of 10, but it's basically unusable

		// clean up dead, invisible cells ONLY before uploading pellets
		let lastClean =;
		world.clean = () => {
			const now =;
			if (now - lastClean < 200) return;
			for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
				for (const [id, resolution] of world[key]) {
					for (const [view, cell] of resolution.views) {
						if (cell.deadAt !== undefined && now - cell.deadAt >= 200) resolution.views.delete(view);
					if (resolution.views.size === 0) world[key].delete(id);

		// #2 : define stats
		world.stats = {
			foodEaten: 0,
			highestPosition: 200,
			highestScore: 0,
			/** @type {number | undefined} */
			spawnedAt: undefined,

		return world;

	// Setup All Networking //
	const net = (() => {
		const net = {};

		// #1 : define state
		/** @type {Map<number, {
		 * 		handshake: { shuffle: Uint8Array, unshuffle: Uint8Array } | undefined,
		 * 		latency: number | undefined,
		 *		opened: boolean,
		 * 		pinged: number | undefined,
		 * 		rejected: boolean,
		 * 		respawnBlock: { status: 'left' | 'pending', started: number } | undefined,
		 * 		ws: WebSocket | undefined,
		 * }>} */
		net.connections = new Map();

		/** @param {number} view */
		net.create = view => {
			if (net.connections.has(view)) return;

			net.connections.set(view, {
				handshake: undefined,
				latency: undefined,
				opened: false,
				pinged: undefined,
				rejected: false,
				respawnBlock: undefined,
				ws: connect(view),

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @returns {WebSocket | undefined}
		const connect = view => {
			if (net.connections.get(view)?.ws) return; // already being handled by another process

			// do not allow sigmod's args[0].includes('') check to pass
			const realUrl = net.url();
			const fakeUrl = /** @type {any} */ ({ includes: () => false, toString: () => realUrl });
			let ws;
			try {
				ws = new WebSocket(fakeUrl);
			} catch (err) {
				console.error('can\'t make WebSocket:', err);
				aux.require(null, `The server address "${realUrl}" is invalid. Try changing the server, reloading ` +
					'the page, and clearing your browser cache.');
				return; // ts-check is dumb

			ws.binaryType = 'arraybuffer';
			ws.addEventListener('close', () => {
				const connection = net.connections.get(view);
				const vision = world.views.get(view);
				if (!connection || !vision) return; // if the entry no longer exists, don't reconnect

				connection.handshake = undefined;
				connection.latency = undefined;
				connection.pinged = undefined;
				connection.respawnBlock = undefined;
				if (!connection.opened) connection.rejected = true;
				connection.opened = false;

				vision.border = undefined;
				// don't reset
				vision.owned = [];
				vision.leaderboard = [];

				for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
					for (const [id, resolution] of world[key]) {
						if (resolution.views.size === 0) world[key].delete(id);
				} = undefined;
				setTimeout(() => = connect(view), connection.rejected ? 1500 : 0);
			ws.addEventListener('error', err => console.error('WebSocket error:', err));
			ws.addEventListener('message', e => {
				const connection = net.connections.get(view);
				const vision = world.views.get(view);
				if (!connection || !vision) return ws.close();
				const dat = new DataView(;

				if (!connection.handshake) {
					// skip version "SIG 0.0.1\0"
					let o = 10;

					const shuffle = new Uint8Array(256);
					const unshuffle = new Uint8Array(256);
					for (let i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
						const shuffled = dat.getUint8(o + i);
						shuffle[i] = shuffled;
						unshuffle[shuffled] = i;

					connection.handshake = { shuffle, unshuffle };

				// do this so the packet can easily be sent to sigmod afterwards
				dat.setUint8(0, connection.handshake.unshuffle[dat.getUint8(0)]);

				const now =;
				let o = 1;
				switch (dat.getUint8(0)) {
					case 0x10: { // world update
						if (connection.respawnBlock?.status === 'left') connection.respawnBlock = undefined;

						// (a) : kills / consumes
						const killCount = dat.getUint16(o, true);
						o += 2;
						for (let i = 0; i < killCount; ++i) {
							const killerId = dat.getUint32(o, true);
							const killedId = dat.getUint32(o + 4, true);
							o += 8;

							const killed = (world.pellets.get(killedId) ?? world.cells.get(killedId))?.views.get(view);
							if (killed) {
								killed.deadAt = killed.updated = now;
								killed.deadTo = killerId;
								if (killed.pellet && vision.owned.includes(killerId)) ++world.stats.foodEaten;

						// (b) : updates
						do {
							const id = dat.getUint32(o, true);
							o += 4;
							if (id === 0) break;

							const x = dat.getInt16(o, true);
							const y = dat.getInt16(o + 2, true);
							const r = dat.getUint16(o + 4, true);
							const flags = dat.getUint8(o + 6);
							// (void 1 byte, "isUpdate")
							// (void 1 byte, "isPlayer")
							const sub = !!dat.getUint8(o + 9);
							o += 10;

							let clan; [clan, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);

							/** @type {number | undefined} */
							let Rgb, rGb, rgB;
							if (flags & 0x02) { // update color
								Rgb = dat.getUint8(o++) / 255;
								rGb = dat.getUint8(o++) / 255;
								rgB = dat.getUint8(o++) / 255;

							let skin = '';
							if (flags & 0x04) { // update skin
								[skin, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);
								skin = aux.parseSkin(skin);

							let name = '';
							if (flags & 0x08) { // update name
								[name, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);
								name = aux.parseName(name);
								if (name) render.textFromCache(name, sub); // make sure the texture is ready on render

							const jagged = !!(flags & 0x11); // spiked or agitated
							const eject = !!(flags & 0x20);
							const pellet = r <= 40 && !eject; // tourney servers have bigger pellets (r=40)
							const cell = (pellet ? world.pellets : world.cells).get(id)?.views.get(view);
							if (cell && cell.deadAt === undefined) {
								const { x: ix, y: iy, r: ir, jr } = world.xyr(cell, undefined, now);
								cell.ox = ix; cell.oy = iy; cell.or = ir;
								cell.jr = jr;
								cell.nx = x; cell.ny = y; = r;
								cell.jagged = jagged;
								cell.updated = now;

								cell.clan = clan;
								if (Rgb !== undefined) {
									cell.Rgb = Rgb;
									cell.rGb = /** @type {number} */ (rGb);
									cell.rgB = /** @type {number} */ (rgB);
								if (skin) = skin;
								if (name) = name;
								cell.sub = sub;
							} else {
								if (cell?.deadAt !== undefined) {
									// when respawning, OgarII does not send the description of cells if you spawn in
									// the same area, despite those cells being deleted from your view area
									if (Rgb === undefined) ({ Rgb, rGb, rgB} = cell);
									name ||=; // note the || and not ??
									skin ||=;

								/** @type {Cell} */
								const ncell = {
									ox: x, nx: x,
									oy: y, ny: y,
									or: r, nr: r, jr: r,
									Rgb: Rgb ?? 1, rGb: rGb ?? 1, rgB: rgB ?? 1,
									jagged, pellet,
									updated: now, born: now,
									deadAt: undefined, deadTo: -1,
									name, skin, sub, clan,
								let resolution = world[pellet ? 'pellets' : 'cells'].get(id);
								if (!resolution) {
									resolution = { merged: undefined, model: undefined, views: new Map() };
									world[pellet ? 'pellets' : 'cells'].set(id, resolution);
								resolution.views.set(view, ncell);
						} while (true);

						// (c) : deletes
						const deleteCount = dat.getUint16(o, true);
						o += 2;
						for (let i = 0; i < deleteCount; ++i) {
							const deletedId = dat.getUint32(o, true);
							o += 4;

							const deleted
								= (world.pellets.get(deletedId) ?? world.cells.get(deletedId))?.views.get(view);
							if (deleted && deleted.deadAt === undefined) {
								deleted.deadAt = now;
								deleted.deadTo = -1;

						// (d) : finalize, upload data

						// (e) : clear own cells that don't exist anymore (NOT on world.clean!)
						for (let i = 0; i < vision.owned.length; ++i) {
							if (world.cells.has(vision.owned[i])) continue;
							vision.owned.splice(i--, 1);

					case 0x11: { // update camera pos = dat.getFloat32(o, true); = dat.getFloat32(o + 4, true); = dat.getFloat32(o + 8, true);

					case 0x12: { // delete all cells
						// happens every time you respawn
						if (connection.respawnBlock?.status === 'pending') connection.respawnBlock.status = 'left';

						// DO NOT just clear the maps! when respawning, OgarII will not resend cell data if we spawn
						// nearby.
						for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
							for (const resolution of world[key].values()) {
								const cell = resolution.views.get(view);
								if (cell && cell.deadAt === undefined) cell.deadAt = now;
						// passthrough
					case 0x14: { // delete my cells
						vision.owned = [];
						// only reset spawn time if no other tab is alive.
						// this could be cheated (if you alternate respawning your tabs, for example) but i don't think
						// multiboxers ever see the stats menu anyway
						if (!world.alive()) world.stats.spawnedAt = undefined;
						ui.deathScreen.check(); // don't trigger death screen on respawn

					case 0x20: { // new owned cell
						// check if this is the first owned cell
						let first = true;
						for (const [otherView, otherVision] of world.views) {
							for (const id of otherVision.owned) {
								const cell = world.cells.get(id)?.views.get(otherView);
								if (!cell || cell.deadAt !== undefined) continue;
								first = false;
							if (!first) break;
						if (first) world.stats.spawnedAt = now;

						vision.owned.push(dat.getUint32(o, true));

					// case 0x30 is a text list (not a numbered list), leave unsupported
					case 0x31: { // ffa leaderboard list
						const lb = [];
						const count = dat.getUint32(o, true);
						o += 4;

						/** @type {number | undefined} */
						let myPosition;
						for (let i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
							const me = !!dat.getUint32(o, true);
							o += 4;

							let name; [name, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);
							name = aux.parseName(name);

							// why this is copied into every leaderboard entry is beyond my understanding
							myPosition = dat.getUint32(o, true);
							const sub = !!dat.getUint32(o + 4, true);
							o += 8;

							lb.push({ name, sub, me, place: undefined });

						if (myPosition) { // myPosition could be zero
							if (myPosition - 1 >= lb.length) {
								/** @type {HTMLInputElement | null} */
								const inputName = document.querySelector('input#nick');
									me: true,
									name: aux.parseName(inputName?.value ?? ''),
									place: myPosition,
									sub: false, // doesn't matter

							world.stats.highestPosition = Math.min(world.stats.highestPosition, myPosition);

						vision.leaderboard = lb;

					case 0x40: { // border update
						vision.border = {
							l: dat.getFloat64(o, true),
							t: dat.getFloat64(o + 8, true),
							r: dat.getFloat64(o + 16, true),
							b: dat.getFloat64(o + 24, true),

					case 0x63: { // chat message
						// only handle chat messages on the primary tab, to prevent duplicate messages
						// this means that command responses won't be shown on the secondary tab but who actually cares
						if (view !== world.viewId.primary) return;
						const flags = dat.getUint8(o++);
						const rgb = /** @type {[number, number, number, number]} */
							([dat.getUint8(o++) / 255, dat.getUint8(o++) / 255, dat.getUint8(o++) / 255, 1]);

						let name; [name, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);
						let msg; [msg, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);, rgb, msg, !!(flags & 0x80));

					case 0xb4: { // incorrect password alert
						ui.error('Password is incorrect');

					case 0xdd: {

					case 0xfe: { // server stats (in response to a ping)
						let statString; [statString, o] = aux.readZTString(dat, o);
						vision.stats = JSON.parse(statString);
						if (connection.pinged === -1) connection.latency = -1;
						else if (connection.pinged !== undefined) connection.latency = now - connection.pinged;
						connection.pinged = undefined;

			ws.addEventListener('open', e => {
				const connection = net.connections.get(view);
				const vision = world.views.get(view);
				if (!connection || !vision) return ws.close();

				connection.rejected = false;
				connection.opened = true; = = 0; = = 0; = input.zoom; = 1;
				ws.send(aux.textEncoder.encode('SIG 0.0.1\x00'));

			return ws;

		// ping loop
		setInterval(() => {
			for (const connection of net.connections.values()) {
				if (!connection.handshake || !== WebSocket.OPEN) continue;
				connection.pinged =;, 0xfe + 1));
		}, 2000);

		// #2 : define helper functions
		/** @type {HTMLSelectElement | null} */
		const gamemode = document.querySelector('#gamemode');
		/** @type {HTMLOptionElement | null} */
		const firstGamemode = document.querySelector('#gamemode option');
		net.url = () => {
			if ('?ip=')) return'?ip='.length);
			else return 'wss://' + (gamemode?.value || firstGamemode?.value || '');

		// disconnect if a different gamemode is selected
		// an interval is preferred because the game can apply its gamemode setting *after* connecting without
		// triggering any events
		setInterval(() => {
			for (const connection of net.connections.values()) {
				if (! continue;
				if ( !== WebSocket.CONNECTING && !== WebSocket.OPEN)
				if ( === net.url()) continue;;
		}, 200);

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {number} opcode
		 * @param {object} data
		const sendJson = (view, opcode, data) => {
			// must check readyState as a weboscket might be in the 'CLOSING' state (so annoying!)
			const connection = net.connections.get(view);
			if (!connection?.handshake || !== WebSocket.OPEN) return;
			const dataBuf = aux.textEncoder.encode(JSON.stringify(data));
			const dat = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(dataBuf.byteLength + 2));

			dat.setUint8(0, connection.handshake.shuffle[opcode]);
			for (let i = 0; i < dataBuf.byteLength; ++i) {
				dat.setUint8(1 + i, dataBuf[i]);

		// #5 : export input functions
		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {number} x
		 * @param {number} y
		net.move = (view, x, y) => {
			const connection = net.connections.get(view);
			if (!connection?.handshake || !== WebSocket.OPEN) return;
			const dat = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(13));

			dat.setUint8(0, connection.handshake.shuffle[0x10]);
			dat.setInt32(1, x, true);
			dat.setInt32(5, y, true);;

			sigmod.proxy.isPlaying?.(); // without this, the respawn key will build up timeouts and make the game laggy

		/** @param {number} opcode */
		const bindOpcode = opcode => /** @param {number} view */ view => {
			const connection = net.connections.get(view);
			if (!connection?.handshake || !== WebSocket.OPEN) return;, opcode + 1));
		net.w = bindOpcode(21);
		net.qdown = bindOpcode(18);
		net.qup = bindOpcode(19);
		net.split = bindOpcode(17);

		// reversed argument order for sigmod compatibility
		 * @param {string} msg
		 * @param {number=} view
		 */ = (msg, view = world.selected) => {
			const connection = net.connections.get(view);
			if (!connection?.handshake || !== WebSocket.OPEN) return;
			const msgBuf = aux.textEncoder.encode(msg);
			const dat = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(msgBuf.byteLength + 3));

			dat.setUint8(0, connection.handshake.shuffle[0x63]);
			// skip flags
			for (let i = 0; i < msgBuf.byteLength; ++i) {
				dat.setUint8(2 + i, msgBuf[i]);

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {{ name: string, skin: string, [x: string]: any }} data
		 */ = (view, data) => {
			sendJson(view, 0x00, data);

		/** @param {number} view */
		net.howarewelosingmoney = view => {
			// this is a new thing added with the rest of the recent source code obfuscation (2024/02/18)
			// which collects and links to your sigmally account, seemingly just for light data analysis but probably
			// just for the fun of it:
			// - your IP and country
			// - whether you are under a proxy
			// - whether you are using sigmod (because it also blocks ads)
			// - whether you are using a traditional adblocker
			// so, no thank you
			// TODO: this has been updated. check case 221 (which is 0xdd).
			sendJson(view, 0xd0, { ip: '', country: '', proxy: false, user: null, blocker: 'sigmally fixes @8y8x' });

		// create initial connection
		let lastChangedSpectate = -Infinity;
		setInterval(() => {
			if (!settings.multibox) world.selected = world.viewId.primary;
			if (settings.spectator) {
				const vision = world.create(world.viewId.spectate);
				net.create(world.viewId.spectate);, { name: '', skin: '', clan: aux.userData?.clan, state: 2 });

				// only press Q to toggle once in a while, in case ping is above 200
				const now =;
				if (now - lastChangedSpectate > 1000) {
					if ( > 0.39) { // when roaming, the spectate scale is set to ~0.4
				} else {
					net.qup(world.viewId.spectate); // doubly serves as anti-afk
			} else {
				const con = net.connections.get(world.viewId.spectate);
				if (con?.ws && con?.ws.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSED && con?.ws.readyState !== WebSocket.CLOSING) {

				for (const key of /** @type {const} */ (['cells', 'pellets'])) {
					for (const [id, resolution] of world[key]) {
						if (resolution.views.size === 0) world[key].delete(id);
		}, 200);

		return net;

	// Setup Input Handlers //
	const input = (() => {
		const input = {};

		// #1 : general inputs
		// between -1 and 1
		/** @type {[number, number]} */
		input.current = [0, 0];
		/** @type {Map<number, {
		 * 		forceW: boolean,
		 * 		lock: { mouse: [number, number], world: [number, number], until: number } | undefined,
		 * 		mouse: [number, number], // between -1 and 1
		 * 		w: boolean,
		 * 		world: [number, number], // world position; only updates when tab is selected
		 * }>} */
		input.views = new Map();
		input.zoom = 1;

		/** @param {number} view */
		const create = view => {
			const old = input.views.get(view);
			if (old) return old;

			/** @type {typeof input.views extends Map<number, infer T> ? T : never} */
			const inputs = { forceW: false, lock: undefined, mouse: [0, 0], w: false, world: [0, 0] };
			input.views.set(view, inputs);
			return inputs;

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {[number, number]} x, y
		 * @returns {[number, number]}
		input.toWorld = (view, [x, y]) => {
			const camera = world.views.get(view)?.camera;
			if (!camera) return [0, 0];
			return [
				camera.x + x * (innerWidth / innerHeight) * 540 / camera.scale,
				camera.y + y * 540 / camera.scale,

		// sigmod freezes the player by overlaying an invisible div, so we just listen for canvas movements instead
		addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
			if (ui.escOverlayVisible()) return;
			// sigmod freezes the player by overlaying an invisible div, so we respect it
			if ( instanceof HTMLDivElement
				&& /** @type {CSSUnitValue | undefined} */ ('z-index'))?.value === 99)
			input.current = [(e.clientX / innerWidth * 2) - 1, (e.clientY / innerHeight * 2) - 1];

		const unfocused = () => ui.escOverlayVisible() || document.activeElement?.tagName === 'INPUT';

		 * @param {number} view
		 * @param {boolean} forceUpdate
		input.move = (view, forceUpdate) => {
			const now =;
			const inputs = input.views.get(view) ?? create(view);
			if (inputs.lock && now <= inputs.lock.until) {
				const d = Math.hypot(input.current[0] - inputs.lock.mouse[0], input.current[1] - inputs.lock.mouse[1]);
				// only lock the mouse as long as the mouse has not moved further than 25% (of 2) of the screen away
				if (d < 0.5) {

			inputs.lock = undefined;
			if (world.selected === view || forceUpdate) { = input.toWorld(view, inputs.mouse = input.current);

		setInterval(() => {
			for (const [view, inputs] of input.views) {
				input.move(view, false);
				// if tapping W very fast, make sure at least one W is ejected
				if (inputs.forceW || inputs.w) net.w(view);
				inputs.forceW = false;
		}, 40);

		addEventListener('wheel', e => {
			if (unfocused()) return;
			// support for the very obscure "scroll by page" setting in windows
			// i don't think browsers support DOM_DELTA_LINE, so assume DOM_DELTA_PIXEL otherwise
			const deltaY = e.deltaMode === e.DOM_DELTA_PAGE ? e.deltaY : e.deltaY / 100;
			input.zoom *= 0.8 ** (deltaY * settings.scrollFactor);
			const minZoom = (!settings.multibox && !aux.settings.zoomout) ? 1 : 0.8 ** 15;
			input.zoom = Math.min(Math.max(input.zoom, minZoom), 0.8 ** -21);

		 * @param {string} name
		 * @param {boolean} spectating
		const playData = (name, spectating) => {
			/** @type {HTMLInputElement | null} */
			const password = document.querySelector('input#password');

			return {
				state: spectating ? 2 : undefined,
				token: aux.token?.token,
				sub: (aux.userData?.subscription ?? 0) >,
				clan: aux.userData?.clan,
				showClanmates: aux.settings.showClanmates,
				password: password?.value,

		/** @type {HTMLInputElement} */
		const nickElement = aux.require(document.querySelector('input#nick'),
			'Can\'t find the nickname element. Try reloading the page?');
		const secondaryNickElement = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (nickElement?.cloneNode(true)); = settings.multibox ? '' : 'none';
		setInterval(() => = settings.multibox ? '' : 'none', 200);
		// this apparently just works perfectly in vanilla and sigmod

		// sigmod probably won't apply this to the second nick element, so we do it ourselves too
		nickElement.maxLength = secondaryNickElement.maxLength = 50;

		addEventListener('keydown', e => {
			const view = world.selected;
			const inputs = input.views.get(view) ?? create(view);
			if (settings.multibox && e.key.toLowerCase() === settings.multibox.toLowerCase()) {
				e.preventDefault(); // prevent selecting anything on the page
				if (settings.multibox) {
					inputs.w = false; // stop current tab from feeding; don't change forceW
					// update mouse immediately (after setTimeout, when mouse events happen)
					setTimeout(() => = input.toWorld(view, inputs.mouse = input.current));

					// swap tabs
					if (world.selected === world.viewId.primary) world.selected = world.viewId.secondary;
					else world.selected = world.viewId.primary;

				// also, press play on the current tab ONLY if any tab is alive
				if (world.alive()) {
					const name = world.selected === world.viewId.primary
						? nickElement.value : secondaryNickElement.value;, playData(name, false));

			if (e.code === 'Escape') {
				if (document.activeElement ===;
				else ui.toggleEscOverlay();

			if (unfocused()) {
				if (e.code === 'Enter' && document.activeElement === && > 0) {, 15), world.selected); = '';;


			if (settings.blockBrowserKeybinds) {
				if (e.code === 'F11') {
					// force true fullscreen to make sure Ctrl+W and other binds are caught.
					// not well supported on safari
					if (!document.fullscreenElement) {
						document.body.requestFullscreen?.()?.catch(() => {});
						/** @type {any} */ (navigator).keyboard?.lock()?.catch(() => {});
					} else {
						document.exitFullscreen?.()?.catch(() => {});
						/** @type {any} */ (navigator).keyboard?.unlock()?.catch(() => {});

				if (e.code !== 'Tab') e.preventDefault(); // allow ctrl+tab and alt+tab
			} else if (e.ctrlKey && e.code === 'KeyW') {
				e.preventDefault(); // doesn't seem to work for me, but works for others

			// if fast feed is rebound, only allow the spoofed W's from sigmod
			let fastFeeding = e.code === 'KeyW';
			if (sigmod.settings.rapidFeedKey && sigmod.settings.rapidFeedKey !== 'w') {
				fastFeeding &&= !e.isTrusted;
			if (fastFeeding) inputs.forceW = inputs.w = true;

			switch (e.code) {
				case 'KeyQ':
					if (!e.repeat) net.qdown(world.selected);
				case 'Space': {
					if (!e.repeat) {
						// send mouse position immediately, so the split will go in the correct direction.
						// setTimeout is used to ensure that our mouse position is actually updated (it comes after
						// keydown events)
						setTimeout(() => {
							input.move(view, true);
				case 'Enter': {;

			if (e.isTrusted && e.key.toLowerCase() === sigmod.settings.tripleKey?.toLowerCase()) {
				inputs.lock ||= {
					mouse: inputs.mouse,
					world: input.toWorld(world.selected, inputs.mouse),
					until: + 650,

		addEventListener('keyup', e => {
			// allow inputs if unfocused
			if (e.code === 'KeyQ') net.qup(world.selected);
			else if (e.code === 'KeyW') {
				const inputs = input.views.get(world.selected) ?? create(world.selected);
				inputs.w = false; // don't change forceW

		// prompt before closing window
		addEventListener('beforeunload', e => e.preventDefault());

		// prevent right clicking on the game'contextmenu', e => e.preventDefault());

		// prevent dragging when some things are selected - i have a habit of unconsciously clicking all the time,
		// making me regularly drag text, disabling my mouse inputs for a bit
		addEventListener('dragstart', e => e.preventDefault());

		// #2 : play and spectate buttons, and captcha
		/** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */
		const play = aux.require(document.querySelector('button#play-btn'),
			'Can\'t find the play button. Try reloading the page?');
		/** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */
		const spectate = aux.require(document.querySelector('button#spectate-btn'),
			'Can\'t find the spectate button. Try reloading the page?');

		play.disabled = spectate.disabled = true;
		const playText = play.textContent;

		(async () => {
			const mount = document.createElement('div'); = 'sf-captcha-mount'; = 'none';
			play.parentNode?.insertBefore(mount, play);

			/** @type {Set<() => void> | undefined} */
			let onGrecaptchaReady = new Set();
			/** @type {Set<() => void> | undefined} */
			let onTurnstileReady = new Set();
			let grecaptcha, turnstile, CAPTCHA2, CAPTCHA3, TURNSTILE;

			let readyCheck;
			readyCheck = setInterval(() => {
				// it's possible that recaptcha or turnstile may be removed in the future, so we be redundant to stay
				// safe
				if (onGrecaptchaReady) {
					({ grecaptcha, CAPTCHA2, CAPTCHA3 } = /** @type {any} */ (window));
					if (grecaptcha?.ready && CAPTCHA2 && CAPTCHA3) {
						const handlers = onGrecaptchaReady;
						onGrecaptchaReady = undefined;

						grecaptcha.ready(() => {
							handlers.forEach(cb => cb());
							// prevent game.js from using grecaptcha and messing things up
							({ grecaptcha } = /** @type {any} */ (window));
							/** @type {any} */ (window).grecaptcha = {
								execute: () => { },
								ready: () => { },
								render: () => { },
								reset: () => { },

				if (onTurnstileReady) {
					({ turnstile, TURNSTILE } = /** @type {any} */ (window));
					if (turnstile?.ready && TURNSTILE) {
						const handlers = onTurnstileReady;
						onTurnstileReady = undefined;
						handlers.forEach(cb => cb());

						// prevent game.js from using turnstile and messing things up
						/** @type {any} */ (window).turnstile = {
							execute: () => { },
							ready: () => { },
							render: () => { },
							reset: () => { },

				if (!onGrecaptchaReady && !onTurnstileReady)
			}, 50);

			 * @param {string} url
			 * @returns {Promise<string>}
			const tokenVariant = async url => {
				const host = new URL(url).host;
				if (host.includes(''))
					return aux.oldFetch(`https://${host}/server/recaptcha/v3`)
						.then(res => res.json())
						.then(res => res.version ?? 'none');
					return Promise.resolve('none');

			/** @type {unique symbol} */
			const used = Symbol();
			/** @type {unique symbol} */
			const waiting = Symbol();
			let nextTryAt = 0;
			/** @type {undefined | typeof waiting | typeof used
			 * | { variant: string, token: string | undefined }} */
			let token = undefined;
			/** @type {string | undefined} */
			let turnstileHandle;
			/** @type {number | undefined} */
			let v2Handle;

			input.captchaAcceptedAt = undefined;

			 * @param {string} url
			 * @param {string} variant
			 * @param {string | undefined} captchaToken
			const publishToken = (url, variant, captchaToken) => {
				const url2 = net.url();
				play.textContent = `${playText} (validating)`;
				if (url === url2) {
					const host = new URL(url).host;
					aux.oldFetch(`https://${host}/server/recaptcha/v3`, {
						method: 'POST',
						headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
						body: JSON.stringify({ token: captchaToken }),
						.then(res => res.json())
						.then(res => {
							token = used;
							play.textContent = playText;
							if (res.status === 'complete') {
								play.disabled = spectate.disabled = false;
								input.captchaAcceptedAt =;
								for (const con of net.connections.values()) {
									con.rejected = false; // wait until we try connecting again
						.catch(err => {
							play.textContent = `${playText} (network error)`;
							token = undefined;
							nextTryAt = + 400;
							throw err;
				} else {
					token = { variant, token: captchaToken };

			setInterval(() => {
				const con = net.connections.get(world.selected);
				if (!con) return;

				const canPlay = !net.rejected && con?.ws?.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN;
				if (play.disabled !== !canPlay) {
					play.disabled = spectate.disabled = !canPlay;
					play.textContent = playText;

				if (token === waiting) return;
				if (!con.rejected) return;

				const url = net.url();

				if (typeof token !== 'object') {
					// get a new token if first time, or if we're on a new connection now
					if ( < nextTryAt) return;

					token = waiting;
					play.disabled = spectate.disabled = true;
					play.textContent = `${playText} (getting captcha)`;
						.then(async variant => {
							const url2 = net.url();
							if (url !== url2) {
								// server changed and may want a different variant; restart
								token = undefined;

							if (variant === 'v2') { = 'block'; = = 'none';
								play.textContent = playText;
								if (v2Handle !== undefined) {
								} else {
									const cb = () => void (v2Handle = grecaptcha.render('sf-captcha-mount', {
										sitekey: CAPTCHA2,
										callback: v2 => {
	 = 'none';
	 = = '';
											publishToken(url, variant, v2);
									if (onGrecaptchaReady)
							} else if (variant === 'v3') {
								play.textContent = `${playText} (solving)`;
								const cb = () => grecaptcha.execute(CAPTCHA3)
									.then(v3 => publishToken(url, variant, v3));
								if (onGrecaptchaReady)
							} else if (variant === 'turnstile') { = 'block'; = = 'none';
								play.textContent = playText;
								if (turnstileHandle !== undefined) {
								} else {
									const cb = () => void (turnstileHandle = turnstile.render('#sf-captcha-mount', {
										sitekey: TURNSTILE,
										callback: turnstileToken => {
	 = 'none';
	 = = '';
											publishToken(url, variant, turnstileToken);
									if (onTurnstileReady)
							} else {
								// server wants "none" or unknown token variant; don't show a captcha
								publishToken(url, variant, undefined);
								play.disabled = spectate.disabled = false;
								play.textContent = playText;
						}).catch(err => {
							token = undefined;
							nextTryAt = + 400;
							console.warn('Error while getting token variant:', err);
				} else {
					// token is ready to be used, check variant
					const got = token;
					token = waiting;
					play.disabled = spectate.disabled = true;
					play.textContent = `${playText} (getting type)`;
						.then(variant2 => {
							if (got.variant !== variant2) {
								// server wants a different token variant
								token = undefined;
							} else
								publishToken(url, got.variant, got.token);
						}).catch(err => {
							token = got;
							nextTryAt = + 400;
							console.warn('Error while getting token variant:', err);
			}, 100);

			/** @param {MouseEvent} e */
			async function clickHandler(e) {
				const name = world.selected === world.viewId.primary ? nickElement.value : secondaryNickElement.value;

				const con = net.connections.get(world.selected);
				if (!con || con.rejected) return;
				if (e.currentTarget === spectate) {
					// you should be able to escape sigmod auto-respawn and spectate as long as you don't have mass
					const score = world.score(world.selected);
					if (0 < score && score < 5500) {
						world.stats.spawnedAt = undefined; // prevent death screen from appearing'/leaveworld', world.selected); // instant respawn, playData(name, true)); // required, idk why
						// spectating doesn't automatically put you back into the world'/joinworld 1', world.selected);
				}, playData(name, e.currentTarget === spectate));

			play.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);
			spectate.addEventListener('click', clickHandler);

		return input;

	// Configure WebGL Data //
	const glconf = (() => {
		// note: WebGL functions only really return null if the context is lost - in which case, data will be replaced
		// anyway after it's restored. so, we cast everything to a non-null type.
		const glconf = {};
		const programs = glconf.programs = {};
		const uniforms = glconf.uniforms = {};
		/** @type {WebGLBuffer} */
		glconf.pelletAlphaBuffer = /** @type {never} */ (undefined);
		/** @type {WebGLBuffer} */
		glconf.pelletBuffer = /** @type {never} */ (undefined);
		/** @type {{
		 * 	vao: WebGLVertexArrayObject,
		 * 	circleBuffer: WebGLBuffer,
		 * 	alphaBuffer: WebGLBuffer,
		 * 	alphaBufferSize: number }[]} */
		glconf.vao = [];

		const gl =;
		/** @type {Map<string, number>} */
		const uboBindings = new Map();

		 * @param {string} name
		 * @param {number} type
		 * @param {string} source
		function shader(name, type, source) {
			const s = /** @type {WebGLShader} */ (gl.createShader(type));
			gl.shaderSource(s, source);

			// note: compilation errors should not happen in production
				gl.getShaderParameter(s, gl.COMPILE_STATUS) || gl.isContextLost(),
				`Can\'t compile WebGL2 shader "${name}". You might be on a weird browser.\n\nFull error log:\n` +

			return s;

		 * @param {string} name
		 * @param {string} vSource
		 * @param {string} fSource
		 * @param {string[]} ubos
		 * @param {string[]} textures
		function program(name, vSource, fSource, ubos, textures) {
			const vShader = shader(`${name}.vShader`, gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vSource.trim());
			const fShader = shader(`${name}.fShader`, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fSource.trim());
			const p = /** @type {WebGLProgram} */ (gl.createProgram());

			gl.attachShader(p, vShader);
			gl.attachShader(p, fShader);

			// note: linking errors should not happen in production
				gl.getProgramParameter(p, gl.LINK_STATUS) || gl.isContextLost(),
				`Can\'t link WebGL2 program "${name}". You might be on a weird browser.\n\nFull error log:\n` +

			for (const tag of ubos) {
				const index = gl.getUniformBlockIndex(p, tag); // returns 4294967295 if invalid... just don't make typos
				let binding = uboBindings.get(tag);
				if (binding === undefined)
					uboBindings.set(tag, binding = uboBindings.size);
				gl.uniformBlockBinding(p, index, binding);

				const size = gl.getActiveUniformBlockParameter(p, index, gl.UNIFORM_BLOCK_DATA_SIZE);
				const ubo = uniforms[tag] = gl.createBuffer();
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, ubo);
				gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, size, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
				gl.bindBufferBase(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, binding, ubo);

			// bind texture uniforms to TEXTURE0, TEXTURE1, etc.
			for (let i = 0; i < textures.length; ++i) {
				const loc = gl.getUniformLocation(p, textures[i]);
				gl.uniform1i(loc, i);

			return p;

		const parts = {
			boilerplate: '#version 300 es\nprecision highp float; precision highp int;',
			borderUbo: `layout(std140) uniform Border { // size = 0x28
				vec4 u_border_color; // @ 0x00, i = 0
				vec4 u_border_xyzw_lrtb; // @ 0x10, i = 4
				int u_border_flags; // @ 0x20, i = 8
				float u_background_width; // @ 0x24, i = 9
				float u_background_height; // @ 0x28, i = 10
				float u_border_time; // @ 0x2c, i = 11
			cameraUbo: `layout(std140) uniform Camera { // size = 0x10
				float u_camera_ratio; // @ 0x00
				float u_camera_scale; // @ 0x04
				vec2 u_camera_pos; // @ 0x08
			cellUbo: `layout(std140) uniform Cell { // size = 0x28
				float u_cell_radius; // @ 0x00, i = 0
				float u_cell_radius_skin; // @ 0x04, i = 1
				vec2 u_cell_pos; // @ 0x08, i = 2
				vec4 u_cell_color; // @ 0x10, i = 4
				float u_cell_alpha; // @ 0x20, i = 8
				int u_cell_flags; // @ 0x24, i = 9
			cellSettingsUbo: `layout(std140) uniform CellSettings { // size = 0x40
				vec4 u_cell_active_outline; // @ 0x00
				vec4 u_cell_inactive_outline; // @ 0x10
				vec4 u_cell_unsplittable_outline; // @ 0x20
				vec4 u_cell_subtle_outline_override; // @ 0x30
				float u_cell_active_outline_thickness; // @ 0x40
			circleUbo: `layout(std140) uniform Circle { // size = 0x08
				float u_circle_alpha; // @ 0x00
				float u_circle_scale; // @ 0x04
			textUbo: `layout(std140) uniform Text { // size = 0x38
				vec4 u_text_color1; // @ 0x00, i = 0
				vec4 u_text_color2; // @ 0x10, i = 4
				float u_text_alpha; // @ 0x20, i = 8
				float u_text_aspect_ratio; // @ 0x24, i = 9
				float u_text_scale; // @ 0x28, i = 10
				int u_text_silhouette_enabled; // @ 0x2c, i = 11
				vec2 u_text_offset; // @ 0x30, i = 12
			tracerUbo: `layout(std140) uniform Tracer { // size = 0x10
				vec2 u_tracer_pos1; // @ 0x00, i = 0
				vec2 u_tracer_pos2; // @ 0x08, i = 2

		glconf.init = () => {
			gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

			// create programs and uniforms = program('bg', `
				layout(location = 0) in vec2 a_vertex;
				flat out float f_blur;
				flat out float f_thickness;
				out vec2 v_uv;
				out vec2 v_world_pos;

				void main() {
					f_blur = 1.0 * (540.0 * u_camera_scale);
					f_thickness = max(3.0 / f_blur, 25.0); // force border to always be visible, otherwise it flickers

					v_world_pos = a_vertex * vec2(u_camera_ratio, 1.0) / u_camera_scale;
					v_world_pos += u_camera_pos * vec2(1.0, -1.0);

					if ((u_border_flags & 0x04) != 0) { // background repeating
						v_uv = v_world_pos * 0.02 * (50.0 / u_background_width);
						v_uv /= vec2(1.0, u_background_height / u_background_width);
					} else {
						v_uv = (v_world_pos - vec2(u_border_xyzw_lrtb.x, u_border_xyzw_lrtb.z))
							/ vec2(u_border_xyzw_lrtb.y - u_border_xyzw_lrtb.x,
								u_border_xyzw_lrtb.w - u_border_xyzw_lrtb.z);
						v_uv = vec2(v_uv.x, 1.0 - v_uv.y); // flip vertically

					gl_Position = vec4(a_vertex, 0, 1); // span the whole screen
			`, `
				flat in float f_blur;
				flat in float f_thickness;
				in vec2 v_uv;
				in vec2 v_world_pos;
				uniform sampler2D u_texture;
				out vec4 out_color;

				void main() {
					if ((u_border_flags & 0x01) != 0) { // background enabled
						if ((u_border_flags & 0x04) != 0 // repeating
							|| (0.0 <= min(v_uv.x, v_uv.y) && max(v_uv.x, v_uv.y) <= 1.0)) { // within border
							out_color = texture(u_texture, v_uv);

					// make a larger inner rectangle and a normal inverted outer rectangle
					float inner_alpha = min(
						min((v_world_pos.x + f_thickness) - u_border_xyzw_lrtb.x,
							u_border_xyzw_lrtb.y - (v_world_pos.x - f_thickness)),
						min((v_world_pos.y + f_thickness) - u_border_xyzw_lrtb.z,
							u_border_xyzw_lrtb.w - (v_world_pos.y - f_thickness))
					float outer_alpha = max(
						max(u_border_xyzw_lrtb.x - v_world_pos.x, v_world_pos.x - u_border_xyzw_lrtb.y),
						max(u_border_xyzw_lrtb.z - v_world_pos.y, v_world_pos.y - u_border_xyzw_lrtb.w)
					float alpha = clamp(f_blur * min(inner_alpha, outer_alpha), 0.0, 1.0);
					if (u_border_color.a == 0.0) alpha = 0.0;

					vec4 border_color;
					if ((u_border_flags & 0x08) != 0) { // rainbow border
						float angle = atan(v_world_pos.y, v_world_pos.x) + u_border_time;
						float red = (2.0/3.0) * cos(6.0 * angle) + 1.0/3.0;
						float green = (2.0/3.0) * cos(6.0 * angle - 2.0 * 3.1415926535 / 3.0) + 1.0/3.0;
						float blue = (2.0/3.0) * cos(6.0 * angle - 4.0 * 3.1415926535 / 3.0) + 1.0/3.0;
						border_color = vec4(red, green, blue, 1.0);
					} else {
						border_color = u_border_color;

					out_color = out_color * (1.0 - alpha) + border_color * alpha;
			`, ['Border', 'Camera'], ['u_texture']);

			programs.cell = program('cell', `
				layout(location = 0) in vec2 a_vertex;
				flat out vec4 f_active_outline;
				flat out float f_active_radius;
				flat out float f_blur;
				flat out int f_color_under_skin;
				flat out int f_show_skin;
				flat out vec4 f_subtle_outline;
				flat out float f_subtle_radius;
				flat out vec4 f_unsplittable_outline;
				flat out float f_unsplittable_radius;
				out vec2 v_vertex;
				out vec2 v_uv;

				void main() {
					f_blur = 0.5 * u_cell_radius * (540.0 * u_camera_scale);
					f_color_under_skin = u_cell_flags & 0x20;
					f_show_skin = u_cell_flags & 0x01;

					// subtle outlines (at least 1px wide)
					float subtle_thickness = max(max(u_cell_radius * 0.02, 2.0 / (540.0 * u_camera_scale)), 10.0);
					f_subtle_radius = 1.0 - (subtle_thickness / u_cell_radius);
					if ((u_cell_flags & 0x02) != 0) {
						f_subtle_outline = u_cell_color * 0.9; // darker outline by default
						f_subtle_outline.rgb += (u_cell_subtle_outline_override.rgb - f_subtle_outline.rgb)
							* u_cell_subtle_outline_override.a;
					} else {
						f_subtle_outline = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);

					// active multibox outlines (thick, a % of the visible cell radius)
					f_active_radius = 1.0 - u_cell_active_outline_thickness;
					if ((u_cell_flags & 0x0c) != 0) {
						f_active_outline = (u_cell_flags & 0x04) != 0 ? u_cell_active_outline : u_cell_inactive_outline;
					} else {
						f_active_outline = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);

					// unsplittable cell outline, 2x the subtle thickness
					// (except at small sizes, it shouldn't look overly thick)
					float unsplittable_thickness = max(max(u_cell_radius * 0.04, 4.0 / (540.0 * u_camera_scale)), 10.0);
					f_unsplittable_radius = 1.0 - (unsplittable_thickness / u_cell_radius);
					if ((u_cell_flags & 0x10) != 0) {
						f_unsplittable_outline = u_cell_unsplittable_outline;
					} else {
						f_unsplittable_outline = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);

					v_vertex = a_vertex;
					v_uv = a_vertex * (u_cell_radius / u_cell_radius_skin) * 0.5 + 0.5;

					vec2 clip_pos = -u_camera_pos + u_cell_pos + v_vertex * u_cell_radius;
					clip_pos *= u_camera_scale * vec2(1.0 / u_camera_ratio, -1.0);
					gl_Position = vec4(clip_pos, 0, 1);
			`, `
				flat in vec4 f_active_outline;
				flat in float f_active_radius;
				flat in float f_blur;
				flat in int f_color_under_skin;
				flat in int f_show_skin;
				flat in vec4 f_subtle_outline;
				flat in float f_subtle_radius;
				flat in vec4 f_unsplittable_outline;
				flat in float f_unsplittable_radius;
				in vec2 v_vertex;
				in vec2 v_uv;
				uniform sampler2D u_skin;
				out vec4 out_color;

				void main() {
					float d = length(v_vertex.xy);
					if (f_show_skin == 0 || f_color_under_skin != 0) {
						out_color = u_cell_color;

					// skin; square clipping, outskirts should use the cell color
					if (f_show_skin != 0 && 0.0 <= min(v_uv.x, v_uv.y) && max(v_uv.x, v_uv.y) <= 1.0) {
						vec4 tex = texture(u_skin, v_uv);
						out_color = out_color * (1.0 - tex.a) + tex;

					// subtle outline
					float a = clamp(f_blur * (d - f_subtle_radius), 0.0, 1.0) * f_subtle_outline.a;
					out_color.rgb += (f_subtle_outline.rgb - out_color.rgb) * a;

					// active multibox outline
					a = clamp(f_blur * (d - f_active_radius), 0.0, 1.0) * f_active_outline.a;
					out_color.rgb += (f_active_outline.rgb - out_color.rgb) * a;

					// unsplittable cell outline
					a = clamp(f_blur * (d - f_unsplittable_radius), 0.0, 1.0) * f_unsplittable_outline.a;
					out_color.rgb += (f_unsplittable_outline.rgb - out_color.rgb) * a;

					// final circle mask
					a = clamp(-f_blur * (d - 1.0), 0.0, 1.0);
					out_color.a *= a * u_cell_alpha;
			`, ['Camera', 'Cell', 'CellSettings'], ['u_skin']);

			// also used to draw glow = program('circle', `
				layout(location = 0) in vec2 a_vertex;
				layout(location = 1) in vec2 a_cell_pos;
				layout(location = 2) in float a_cell_radius;
				layout(location = 3) in vec4 a_cell_color;
				layout(location = 4) in float a_cell_alpha;
				out vec2 v_vertex;
				flat out float f_blur;
				flat out vec4 f_cell_color;

				void main() {
					float radius = a_cell_radius;
					f_cell_color = a_cell_color * vec4(1, 1, 1, a_cell_alpha * u_circle_alpha);
					if (u_circle_scale > 0.0) {
						f_blur = 1.0;
						radius *= u_circle_scale;
					} else {
						f_blur = 0.5 * a_cell_radius * (540.0 * u_camera_scale);
					v_vertex = a_vertex;

					vec2 clip_pos = -u_camera_pos + a_cell_pos + v_vertex * radius;
					clip_pos *= u_camera_scale * vec2(1.0 / u_camera_ratio, -1.0);
					gl_Position = vec4(clip_pos, 0, 1);
			`, `
				in vec2 v_vertex;
				flat in float f_blur;
				flat in vec4 f_cell_color;
				out vec4 out_color;

				void main() {
					// use squared distance for more natural glow; shouldn't matter for pellets
					float d = length(v_vertex.xy);
					out_color = f_cell_color;
					out_color.a *= clamp(f_blur * (1.0 - d), 0.0, 1.0);
			`, ['Camera', 'Circle'], []);

			programs.text = program('text', `
				layout(location = 0) in vec2 a_vertex;
				out vec4 v_color;
				out vec2 v_uv;
				out vec2 v_vertex;

				void main() {
					v_uv = a_vertex * 0.5 + 0.5;
					float c2_alpha = (v_uv.x + v_uv.y) / 2.0;
					v_color = u_text_color1 * (1.0 - c2_alpha) + u_text_color2 * c2_alpha;
					v_vertex = a_vertex;

					vec2 clip_space = v_vertex * u_text_scale + u_text_offset;
					clip_space *= u_cell_radius_skin * 0.45 * vec2(u_text_aspect_ratio, 1.0);
					clip_space += -u_camera_pos + u_cell_pos;
					clip_space *= u_camera_scale * vec2(1.0 / u_camera_ratio, -1.0);
					gl_Position = vec4(clip_space, 0, 1);
			`, `
				in vec4 v_color;
				in vec2 v_uv;
				in vec2 v_vertex;
				uniform sampler2D u_texture;
				uniform sampler2D u_silhouette;
				out vec4 out_color;

				void main() {
					vec4 normal = texture(u_texture, v_uv);

					if (u_text_silhouette_enabled != 0) {
						vec4 silhouette = texture(u_silhouette, v_uv);

						// #fff - #000 => color (text)
						// #fff - #fff => #fff (respect emoji)
						// #888 - #888 => #888 (respect emoji)
						// #fff - #888 => #888 + color/2 (blur/antialias)
						out_color = silhouette + (normal - silhouette) * v_color;
					} else {
						out_color = normal * v_color;

					out_color.a *= u_text_alpha;
			`, ['Camera', 'Cell', 'Text'], ['u_texture', 'u_silhouette']);

			programs.tracer = program('tracer', `
				layout(location = 0) in vec2 a_vertex;
				out vec2 v_vertex;

				void main() {
					v_vertex = a_vertex;
					float alpha = (a_vertex.x + 1.0) / 2.0;
					float d = length(u_tracer_pos2 - u_tracer_pos1);
					float thickness = 0.002 / u_camera_scale;
					// black magic
					vec2 world_pos = u_tracer_pos1 + (u_tracer_pos2 - u_tracer_pos1)
						* mat2(alpha, a_vertex.y / d * thickness, a_vertex.y / d * -thickness, alpha);

					vec2 clip_pos = -u_camera_pos + world_pos;
					clip_pos *= u_camera_scale * vec2(1.0 / u_camera_ratio, -1.0);
					gl_Position = vec4(clip_pos, 0, 1);
			`, `
				in vec2 v_pos;
				out vec4 out_color;

				void main() {
					out_color = vec4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25);
			`, ['Camera', 'Tracer'], []);

			// initialize two VAOs; one for pellets, one for cell glow only
			glconf.vao = [];
			for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
				const vao = /** @type {WebGLVertexArrayObject} */ (gl.createVertexArray());

				// square (location = 0), used for all instances
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.createBuffer());
				gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([ -1, -1,   1, -1,   -1, 1,   1, 1 ]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
				gl.vertexAttribPointer(0, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);

				// pellet/circle buffer (each instance is 6 floats or 24 bytes)
				const circleBuffer = /** @type {WebGLBuffer} */ (gl.createBuffer());
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, circleBuffer);
				// a_cell_pos, vec2 (location = 1)
				gl.vertexAttribPointer(1, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 4 * 7, 0);
				gl.vertexAttribDivisor(1, 1);
				// a_cell_radius, float (location = 2)
				gl.vertexAttribPointer(2, 1, gl.FLOAT, false, 4 * 7, 4 * 2);
				gl.vertexAttribDivisor(2, 1);
				// a_cell_color, vec3 (location = 3)
				gl.vertexAttribPointer(3, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 4 * 7, 4 * 3);
				gl.vertexAttribDivisor(3, 1);

				// pellet/circle alpha buffer, updated every frame
				const alphaBuffer = /** @type {WebGLBuffer} */ (gl.createBuffer());
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, alphaBuffer);
				// a_cell_alpha, float (location = 4)
				gl.vertexAttribPointer(4, 1, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
				gl.vertexAttribDivisor(4, 1);

				glconf.vao.push({ vao, alphaBuffer, circleBuffer, alphaBufferSize: 0 });


		return glconf;

	// Define Rendering Routines //
	const render = (() => {
		const render = {};
		const { gl } =;

		// #1 : define small misc objects
		// no point in breaking this across multiple lines
		// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
		const darkGridSrc = '';
		// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
		const lightGridSrc = '';

		let lastMinimapDraw =;
		/** @type {{ bg: ImageData, darkTheme: boolean } | undefined} */
		let minimapCache;
		document.fonts.ready.then(() => void (minimapCache = undefined)); // make sure minimap is drawn with Ubuntu font

		// #2 : define helper functions
		const { resetTextureCache, textureFromCache } = (() => {
			/** @type {Map<string, { texture: WebGLTexture, width: number, height: number } | null>} */
			const cache = new Map();
			render.textureCache = cache;

			return {
				resetTextureCache: () => cache.clear(),
				 * @param {string} src
				 * @returns {{ texture: WebGLTexture, width: number, height: number } | undefined}
				textureFromCache: src => {
					const cached = cache.get(src);
					if (cached !== undefined)
						return cached ?? undefined;

					cache.set(src, null);

					const image = new Image();
					image.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
					image.addEventListener('load', () => {
						const texture = /** @type {WebGLTexture} */ (gl.createTexture());
						if (!texture) return;

						gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
						gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
						cache.set(src, { texture, width: image.width, height: image.height });
					image.src = src;

					return undefined;
		render.resetTextureCache = resetTextureCache;

		const { refreshTextCache, massTextFromCache, resetTextCache, textFromCache } = (() => {
			 * @template {boolean} T
			 * @typedef {{
			 * 	aspectRatio: number,
			 * 	text: WebGLTexture | null,
			 *	silhouette: WebGLTexture | null | undefined,
			 * 	accessed: number
			 * }} CacheEntry
			/** @type {Map<string, CacheEntry<boolean>>} */
			const cache = new Map();
			render.textCache = cache;

			setInterval(() => {
				// remove text after not being used for 1 minute
				const now =;
				cache.forEach((entry, text) => {
					if (now - entry.accessed > 60_000) {
						// immediately delete text instead of waiting for GC
						if (entry.text !== undefined)
						if (entry.silhouette !== undefined)
			}, 60_000);

			const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
			const ctx = aux.require(
				canvas.getContext('2d', { willReadFrequently: true }),
				'Unable to get 2D context for text drawing. This is probably your browser being weird, maybe reload ' +
				'the page?',

			// sigmod forces a *really* ugly shadow on ctx.fillText so we have to lock the property beforehand
			const realProps = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(Object.getPrototypeOf(ctx));
			const realShadowBlurSet
				= aux.require(realProps.shadowBlur.set, 'did CanvasRenderingContext2D spec change?').bind(ctx);
			const realShadowColorSet
				= aux.require(realProps.shadowColor.set, 'did CanvasRenderingContext2D spec change?').bind(ctx);
			Object.defineProperties(ctx, {
				shadowBlur: {
					get: () => 0,
					set: x => {
						if (x === 0) realShadowBlurSet(0);
						else realShadowBlurSet(8);
				shadowColor: {
					get: () => 'transparent',
					set: x => {
						if (x === 'transparent') realShadowColorSet('transparent');
						else realShadowColorSet('#0003');

			 * @param {string} text
			 * @param {boolean} silhouette
			 * @param {boolean} mass
			 * @returns {WebGLTexture | null}
			const texture = (text, silhouette, mass) => {
				const texture = gl.createTexture();
				if (!texture) return texture;

				const baseTextSize = 96;
				const textSize = baseTextSize * (mass ? 0.5 * settings.massScaleFactor : settings.nameScaleFactor);
				const lineWidth = Math.ceil(textSize / 10) * settings.textOutlinesFactor;

				let font = '';
				if (mass ? settings.massBold : settings.nameBold)
					font = 'bold';
				font += ' ' + textSize + 'px Ubuntu';

				ctx.font = font;
				// if rendering an empty string (somehow) then width can be 0 with no outlines
				canvas.width = (ctx.measureText(text).width + lineWidth * 2) || 1;
				canvas.height = textSize * 3;
				ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

				// setting canvas.width resets the canvas state
				ctx.font = font;
				ctx.lineJoin = 'round';
				ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
				ctx.fillStyle = silhouette ? '#000' : '#fff';
				ctx.strokeStyle = '#000';
				ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';

				ctx.shadowBlur = lineWidth;
				ctx.shadowColor = lineWidth > 0 ? '#0002' : 'transparent';

				// add a space, which is to prevent sigmod from detecting the name
				if (lineWidth > 0) ctx.strokeText(text + ' ', lineWidth, textSize * 1.5);
				ctx.shadowColor = 'transparent';
				ctx.fillText(text + ' ', lineWidth, textSize * 1.5);

				const data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

				gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
				gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
				return texture;

			let massAspectRatio = 1; // assumption: all mass digits are the same aspect ratio - true in the Ubuntu font
			/** @type {(WebGLTexture | undefined)[]} */
			const massTextCache = [];

			 * @param {string} digit
			 * @returns {{ aspectRatio: number, texture: WebGLTexture | null }}
			const massTextFromCache = digit => {
				let cached = massTextCache[digit];
				if (!cached) {
					cached = massTextCache[digit] = texture(digit, false, true);
					massAspectRatio = canvas.width / canvas.height;

				return { aspectRatio: massAspectRatio, texture: cached };

			const resetTextCache = () => {
				while (massTextCache.pop());

			let drawnMassBold = false;
			let drawnMassScaleFactor = -1;
			let drawnNamesBold = false;
			let drawnNamesScaleFactor = -1;
			let drawnOutlinesFactor = 1;

			const refreshTextCache = () => {
				if (drawnMassBold !== settings.massBold || drawnMassScaleFactor !== settings.massScaleFactor
					|| drawnNamesScaleFactor !== settings.nameScaleFactor || drawnNamesBold !== settings.nameBold
					|| drawnOutlinesFactor !== settings.textOutlinesFactor
				) {
					drawnMassBold = settings.massBold;
					drawnMassScaleFactor = settings.massScaleFactor;
					drawnNamesBold = settings.nameBold;
					drawnNamesScaleFactor = settings.nameScaleFactor;
					drawnOutlinesFactor = settings.textOutlinesFactor;

			 * @template {boolean} T
			 * @param {string} text
			 * @param {T} silhouette
			 * @returns {CacheEntry<T>}
			const textFromCache = (text, silhouette) => {
				let entry = cache.get(text);
				if (!entry) {
					const shortened = aux.trim(text);
					/** @type {CacheEntry<T>} */
					entry = {
						text: texture(shortened, false, false),
						aspectRatio: canvas.width / canvas.height, // mind the execution order
						silhouette: silhouette ? texture(shortened, true, false) : undefined,
					cache.set(text, entry);
				} else {
					entry.accessed =;

				if (silhouette && entry.silhouette === undefined) {
					setTimeout(() => {
						entry.silhouette = texture(aux.trim(text), true, false);

				return entry;

			// reload text once Ubuntu has loaded, prevents some serif fonts from being locked in
			document.fonts.ready.then(() => resetTextCache());

			return { refreshTextCache, massTextFromCache, resetTextCache, textFromCache };
		render.resetTextCache = resetTextCache;
		render.textFromCache = textFromCache;

		let cellAlpha = new Float32Array(0);
		let cellBuffer = new Float32Array(0);
		let pelletAlpha = new Float32Array(0);
		let pelletBuffer = new Float32Array(0);
		let uploadedPellets = 0;
		 * @param {'cells' | 'pellets'} key
		 * @param {number=} now
		render.upload = (key, now) => {
			if ((key === 'pellets' && sigmod.settings.hidePellets)
				|| - render.lastFrame > 45_000) {
				// do not render pellets on inactive windows (very laggy!)
				uploadedPellets = 0;

			now ??=; // the result will never actually be used, just for type checking
			const vao = glconf.vao[key === 'pellets' ? 0 : 1];

			// find expected # of pellets (exclude any that are being *animated*)
			let expected = 0;
			if (key === 'pellets') {
				for (const resolution of world.pellets.values()) {
					if (resolution.merged?.deadTo === -1) ++expected;
			} else {
				for (const resolution of world.cells.values()) {
					if (resolution.merged) ++expected;

			// grow the pellet buffer by 2x multiples if necessary
			let alphaBuffer = key === 'cells' ? cellAlpha : pelletAlpha;
			let objBuffer = key === 'cells' ? cellBuffer : pelletBuffer;
			let instances = alphaBuffer.length || 1;
			while (instances < expected) {
				instances *= 2;
			// when the webgl context is lost, the buffer sizes get reset to zero
			const resizing = instances * 4 !== vao.alphaBufferSize;
			if (resizing) {
				if (key === 'pellets') {
					alphaBuffer = pelletAlpha = new Float32Array(instances);
					objBuffer = pelletBuffer = new Float32Array(instances * 7);
				} else {
					alphaBuffer = cellAlpha = new Float32Array(instances);
					objBuffer = cellBuffer = new Float32Array(instances * 7);

			const color = key === 'pellets' ? sigmod.settings.foodColor : sigmod.settings.cellColor;
			const foodBlank = key === 'pellets' && color?.[0] === 0 && color?.[1] === 0 && color?.[2] === 0;

			let i = 0;
			/** @param {Cell} cell */
			const iterate = cell => {
				/** @type {number} */
				let nx, ny, nr;
				if (key !== 'cells') {
					if (cell.deadTo !== -1) return;
					nx = cell.nx; ny = cell.ny; nr =;
				} else {
					let jr;
					({ x: nx, y: ny, r: nr, jr } = world.xyr(cell, undefined, now));
					if (aux.settings.jellyPhysics) nr = jr;

				objBuffer[i * 7] = nx;
				objBuffer[i * 7 + 1] = ny;
				objBuffer[i * 7 + 2] = nr;
				if (color && !foodBlank) {
					objBuffer[i * 7 + 3] = color[0]; objBuffer[i * 7 + 4] = color[1];
					objBuffer[i * 7 + 5] = color[2]; objBuffer[i * 7 + 6] = color[3];
				} else {
					objBuffer[i * 7 + 3] = cell.Rgb; objBuffer[i * 7 + 4] = cell.rGb;
					objBuffer[i * 7 + 5] = cell.rgB; objBuffer[i * 7 + 6] = foodBlank ? color[3] : 1;
			for (const cell of world[key].values()) {
				if (cell.merged) iterate(cell.merged);

			// now, upload data
			if (resizing) {
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vao.alphaBuffer);
				gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, alphaBuffer.byteLength, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vao.circleBuffer);
				gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, objBuffer, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
				vao.alphaBufferSize = alphaBuffer.byteLength;
			} else {
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vao.circleBuffer);
				gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, objBuffer);
			gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);

			if (key === 'pellets') uploadedPellets = expected;

		// #3 : define ubo views
		// firefox adds some padding to uniform buffer sizes, so best to check its size
		gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Border);
		const borderUboBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(gl.getBufferParameter(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, gl.BUFFER_SIZE));
		// must reference an arraybuffer for the memory to be shared between these views
		const borderUboFloats = new Float32Array(borderUboBuffer);
		const borderUboInts = new Int32Array(borderUboBuffer);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Cell);
		const cellUboBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(gl.getBufferParameter(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, gl.BUFFER_SIZE));
		const cellUboFloats = new Float32Array(cellUboBuffer);
		const cellUboInts = new Int32Array(cellUboBuffer);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Text);
		const textUboBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(gl.getBufferParameter(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, gl.BUFFER_SIZE));
		const textUboFloats = new Float32Array(textUboBuffer);
		const textUboInts = new Int32Array(textUboBuffer);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Tracer);
		const tracerUboBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(gl.getBufferParameter(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, gl.BUFFER_SIZE));
		const tracerUboFloats = new Float32Array(tracerUboBuffer);

		gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null); // leaving uniform buffer bound = scary!

		// #4 : define the render function
		const start =;
		render.fps = 0;
		render.lastFrame =;
		function renderGame() {
			const now =;
			const dt = Math.max(now - render.lastFrame, 0.1) / 1000; // there's a chance (now - lastFrame) can be 0
			render.fps += (1 / dt - render.fps) / 10;
			render.lastFrame = now;

			if (gl.isContextLost()) {

			// get settings
			const defaultVirusSrc = '/assets/images/viruses/2.png';
			const virusSrc = sigmod.settings.virusImage || defaultVirusSrc;

			const showNames = sigmod.settings.showNames ?? true;

			const { cellColor, foodColor, outlineColor, skinReplacement } = sigmod.settings;

			/** @type {HTMLInputElement | null} */
			const nickElement = document.querySelector('input#nick');
			const nick = nickElement?.value ?? '?';


			const vision = aux.require(world.views.get(world.selected), 'no selected vision (BAD BUG)');
			vision.used =;
			for (const view of world.views.keys()) {, now);

			// note: most routines are named, for benchmarking purposes
			(function setGlobalUniforms() {
				// note that binding the same buffer to gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER twice in a row causes it to not update.
				// why that happens is completely beyond me but oh well.
				// for consistency, we always bind gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER to null directly after updating it.
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Camera);
				gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array([ /, / 540,,,
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);

				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.CellSettings);
				gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array([
					...settings.outlineMultiColor, // cell_active_outline
					...settings.outlineMultiInactiveColor, // cell_inactive_outline
					...settings.unsplittableColor, // cell_unsplittable_outline
					...(outlineColor ?? [0, 0, 0, 0]), // cell_subtle_outline_override
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);

			(function background() {
				if (sigmod.settings.mapColor) {
				} else if (aux.settings.darkTheme) {
					gl.clearColor(0x11 / 255, 0x11 / 255, 0x11 / 255, 1); // #111
				} else {
					gl.clearColor(0xf2 / 255, 0xfb / 255, 0xff / 255, 1); // #f2fbff


				let texture;
				if (settings.background) {
					texture = textureFromCache(settings.background);
				} else if (aux.settings.showGrid) {
					texture = textureFromCache(aux.settings.darkTheme ? darkGridSrc : lightGridSrc);
				gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture?.texture ?? null);
				const repeating = texture && texture.width <= 1024 && texture.height <= 1024;

				let borderColor;
				let borderLrtb;
				if (aux.settings.showBorder && vision.border) {
					borderColor = [0, 0, 1, 1]; // #00ff
					borderLrtb = vision.border;
				} else {
					borderColor = [0, 0, 0, 0]; // transparent
					borderLrtb = { l: 0, r: 0, t: 0, b: 0 };

				// u_border_color
				borderUboFloats[0] = borderColor[0]; borderUboFloats[1] = borderColor[1];
				borderUboFloats[2] = borderColor[2]; borderUboFloats[3] = borderColor[3];
				// u_border_xyzw_lrtb
				borderUboFloats[4] = borderLrtb.l;
				borderUboFloats[5] = borderLrtb.r;
				borderUboFloats[6] = borderLrtb.t;
				borderUboFloats[7] = borderLrtb.b;

				// flags
				borderUboInts[8] = (texture ? 0x01 : 0) | (aux.settings.darkTheme ? 0x02 : 0) | (repeating ? 0x04 : 0)
					| (settings.rainbowBorder ? 0x08 : 0);

				// u_background_width and u_background_height
				borderUboFloats[9] = texture?.width ?? 1;
				borderUboFloats[10] = texture?.height ?? 1;
				borderUboFloats[11] = (now - start) / 1000 * 0.2 % (Math.PI * 2);

				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Border);
				gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, borderUboFloats);
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
				gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

			(function cells() {
				// for white cell outlines
				let nextCellIdx = 0;
				const ownedToMerged = => world.cells.get(id)?.merged);
				for (const cell of ownedToMerged) {
					if (cell && cell.deadAt === undefined) ++nextCellIdx;
				const canSplit = => {
					if (!cell || < 128) return false;
					return nextCellIdx++ < 16;

				 * @param {Cell} cell
				 * @returns {number}
				const calcAlpha = cell => {
					let alpha = (now - cell.born) / 100;
					if (cell.deadAt !== undefined) {
						const alpha2 = 1 - (now - cell.deadAt) / 100;
						if (alpha2 < alpha) alpha = alpha2;
					return alpha > 1 ? 1 : alpha < 0 ? 0 : alpha;

				 * @param {Cell} cell
				function draw(cell) {
					// #1 : draw cell

					const alpha = calcAlpha(cell);
					cellUboFloats[8] = alpha * settings.cellOpacity;

					/** @type {Cell | undefined} */
					let killer;
					if (cell.deadTo !== -1) {
						killer = world.cells.get(cell.deadTo)?.merged;
					const { x, y, r, jr } = world.xyr(cell, killer, now);
					// without jelly physics, the radius of cells is adjusted such that its subtle outline doesn't go
					// past its original radius.
					// jelly physics does not do this, so colliding cells need to look kinda 'joined' together,
					// so we multiply the radius by 1.02 (approximately the size increase from the stroke thickness)
					cellUboFloats[2] = x;
					cellUboFloats[3] = y;
					if (aux.settings.jellyPhysics && !cell.jagged && !cell.pellet) {
						const strokeThickness = Math.max(jr * 0.01, 10);
						cellUboFloats[0] = jr + strokeThickness;
						cellUboFloats[1] = (settings.jellySkinLag ? r : jr) + strokeThickness;
					} else {
						cellUboFloats[0] = cellUboFloats[1] = r;

					if (cell.jagged) {
						const virusTexture = textureFromCache(virusSrc);
						if (virusTexture) {
							gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, virusTexture.texture);
							cellUboInts[9] = 0x01; // skin and nothing else
							// draw a fully transparent cell
							cellUboFloats[4] = cellUboFloats[5] = cellUboFloats[6] = cellUboFloats[7] = 0;
						} else {
							cellUboInts[9] = 0;
							cellUboFloats[4] = 1;
							cellUboFloats[5] = 0;
							cellUboFloats[6] = 0;
							cellUboFloats[7] = 0.5;

						gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Cell);
						gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, cellUboBuffer);
						gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
						gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
						// draw default viruses twice for better contrast against light theme
						if (!aux.settings.darkTheme && virusSrc === defaultVirusSrc)
							gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

					cellUboInts[9] = 0;
					const color = (cell.pellet ? foodColor : cellColor) ?? [cell.Rgb, cell.rGb, cell.rgB, 1];
					cellUboFloats[4] = color[0]; cellUboFloats[5] = color[1];
					cellUboFloats[6] = color[2]; cellUboFloats[7] = color[3];

					cellUboInts[9] |= settings.cellOutlines ? 0x02 : 0;
					cellUboInts[9] |= settings.colorUnderSkin ? 0x20 : 0;

					if (!cell.pellet) {
						const myIndex = vision.owned.indexOf(;
						if (myIndex !== -1) {
							if ( > 0) cellUboInts[9] |= 0x04; // active multi outline
							if (!canSplit[myIndex]) cellUboInts[9] |= 0x10;
						let ownedByOther = false;
						for (const otherVision of world.views.values()) {
							if (otherVision === vision) continue;
							if (!otherVision.owned.includes( continue;
							ownedByOther = true;
							// inactive multi outline
							if ( cellUboInts[9] |= 0x08;

						let skin = '';
						if (myIndex !== -1) {
							skin = (world.selected === world.viewId.primary)
								? settings.selfSkin : settings.selfSkinMulti;
						} else if (ownedByOther) {
							skin = (world.selected === world.viewId.secondary)
								? settings.selfSkin : settings.selfSkinMulti;
						if (!skin && aux.settings.showSkins && {
							if (skinReplacement && + '.png'))
								skin = skinReplacement.replacement ?? skinReplacement.replaceImg ?? '';
								skin =;

						if (skin) {
							const texture = textureFromCache(skin);
							if (texture) {
								cellUboInts[9] |= 0x01; // skin
								gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture.texture);

					gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Cell);
					gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, cellUboBuffer);
					gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
					gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

					// #2 : draw text
					if (cell.pellet) return;
					const name = || 'An unnamed cell';
					const showThisName = showNames && > 75;
					const showThisMass = aux.settings.showMass && > 75;
					const clan = (settings.clans && aux.clans.get(cell.clan)) || '';
					if (!showThisName && !showThisMass && !clan) return;

					textUboFloats[8] = alpha; // text_alpha

					let useSilhouette = false;
					if (cell.sub) {
						// text_color1 = #eb9500
						textUboFloats[0] = 0xeb / 255; textUboFloats[1] = 0x95 / 255;
						textUboFloats[2] = 0x00 / 255; textUboFloats[3] = 1;
						// text_color2 = #e4b110
						textUboFloats[4] = 0xe4 / 255; textUboFloats[5] = 0xb1 / 255;
						textUboFloats[6] = 0x10 / 255; textUboFloats[7];
						useSilhouette = true;
					} else {
						// text_color1 = text_color2 = #fff
						textUboFloats[0] = textUboFloats[1] = textUboFloats[2] = textUboFloats[3] = 1;
						textUboFloats[4] = textUboFloats[5] = textUboFloats[6] = textUboFloats[7] = 1;

					if (name === nick) {
						const { nameColor1, nameColor2 } = sigmod.settings;
						if (nameColor1) {
							textUboFloats[0] = nameColor1[0]; textUboFloats[1] = nameColor1[1];
							textUboFloats[2] = nameColor1[2]; textUboFloats[3] = nameColor1[3];
							useSilhouette = true;

						if (nameColor2) {
							textUboFloats[4] = nameColor2[0]; textUboFloats[5] = nameColor2[1];
							textUboFloats[6] = nameColor2[2]; textUboFloats[7] = nameColor2[3];
							useSilhouette = true;

					if (clan) {
						const { aspectRatio, text, silhouette } = textFromCache(clan, useSilhouette);
						if (text) {
							textUboFloats[9] = aspectRatio; // text_aspect_ratio
								= showThisName ? settings.clanScaleFactor * 0.5 : settings.nameScaleFactor;
							textUboInts[11] = Number(useSilhouette); // text_silhouette_enabled
							textUboFloats[12] = 0; // text_offset.x
							textUboFloats[13] = showThisName
								? -settings.nameScaleFactor/3 - settings.clanScaleFactor/6 : 0; // text_offset.y

							gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, text);
							if (silhouette) {
								gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, silhouette);

							gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Text);
							gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, textUboBuffer);
							gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
							gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

					if (showThisName) {
						const { aspectRatio, text, silhouette } = textFromCache(name, useSilhouette);
						if (text) {
							textUboFloats[9] = aspectRatio; // text_aspect_ratio
							textUboFloats[10] = settings.nameScaleFactor; // text_scale
							textUboInts[11] = Number(silhouette); // text_silhouette_enabled
							textUboFloats[12] = textUboFloats[13] = 0; // text_offset = (0, 0)

							gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, text);
							if (silhouette) {
								gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, silhouette);

							gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Text);
							gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, textUboBuffer);
							gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
							gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

					if (showThisMass) {
						textUboFloats[8] = alpha * settings.massOpacity; // text_alpha
						textUboFloats[10] = 0.5 * settings.massScaleFactor; // text_scale
						textUboInts[11] = 0; // text_silhouette_enabled

						let yOffset;
						if (showThisName)
							yOffset = (settings.nameScaleFactor + 0.5 * settings.massScaleFactor) / 3;
						else if (clan)
							yOffset = (1 + 0.5 * settings.massScaleFactor) / 3;
							yOffset = 0;
						// draw each digit separately, as Ubuntu makes them all the same width.
						// significantly reduces the size of the text cache
						const mass = Math.floor( * / 100).toString();
						for (let i = 0; i < mass.length; ++i) {
							const { aspectRatio, texture } = massTextFromCache(mass[i]);
							textUboFloats[9] = aspectRatio; // text_aspect_ratio
							// text_offset.x
							// thickness 0 => 1.00 multiplier
							// thickness 1 => 0.75
							// probably a reciprocal function
							textUboFloats[12] = (i - (mass.length - 1) / 2)
								* (1 - 0.25 * Math.sqrt(settings.textOutlinesFactor)) * settings.massScaleFactor;
							textUboFloats[13] = yOffset;
							gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);

							gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Text);
							gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, textUboBuffer);
							gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
							gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);

				// draw static pellets first
				let i = 0;
				for (const resolution of world.pellets.values()) {
					// deadTo property should never change in between upload('pellets') calls
					if (resolution.merged?.deadTo !== -1) continue;
					pelletAlpha[i++] = calcAlpha(resolution.merged);
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, glconf.vao[0].alphaBuffer);
				gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, pelletAlpha);
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null); // TODO: necessary unbinding?

				// setup no-glow for static pellets
				if (settings.pelletGlow && aux.settings.darkTheme) {
					gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE); // make sure pellets (and glow) are visible in light theme
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Circle);
				gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, new Float32Array([ 1, 0 ]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
				gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);

				// draw static pellets
				gl.drawArraysInstanced(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, uploadedPellets);
				if (settings.pelletGlow) {
					// setup glow for static pellets
					gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Circle);
					gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, new Float32Array([ 0.25, 2 ]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
					gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);

					// draw glow for static pellets
					gl.drawArraysInstanced(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, uploadedPellets);
					gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

				// then draw *animated* pellets
				for (const resolution of world.pellets.values()) {
					// animated pellets shouldn't glow
					if (resolution.merged && resolution.merged.deadTo !== -1) draw(resolution.merged);

				/** @type {[Cell, number][]} */
				const sorted = [];
				for (const resolution of world.cells.values()) {
					const cell = resolution.merged;
					if (!cell) continue;
					const rAlpha = Math.min(Math.max((now - cell.updated) / settings.drawDelay, 0), 1);
					const computedR = cell.or + ( - cell.or) * rAlpha;
					sorted.push([cell, computedR]);

				// sort by smallest to biggest
				sorted.sort(([_a, ar], [_b, br]) => ar - br);
				for (const [cell] of sorted)

				if (settings.cellGlow) {
					render.upload('cells', now);
					let i = 0;
					for (const resolution of world.cells.values()) {
						const cell = resolution.merged;
						if (!cell) continue;
						if (cell.jagged) cellAlpha[i++] = 0;
						else {
							let alpha = calcAlpha(cell);
							// it looks kinda weird when cells get sucked in when being eaten
							if (cell.deadTo !== -1) alpha *= 0.25;
							cellAlpha[i++] = alpha;

					gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, glconf.vao[1].alphaBuffer);
					gl.bufferSubData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, cellAlpha);
					gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, null);

					// use a separate vao for cells, so pellet data doesn't have to be copied as often
					gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE);

					gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Circle);
					gl.bufferData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, new Float32Array([ 0.25, 1.5 ]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
					gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);

					gl.drawArraysInstanced(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4, i);
					gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);

				// draw tracers
				if (settings.tracer) {

					const inputs = input.views.get(world.selected);
					if (inputs) {
						let mouse;
						if (inputs.lock && now <= inputs.lock.until) mouse =;
						else mouse = input.toWorld(world.selected, input.current);
						[tracerUboFloats[2], tracerUboFloats[3]] = mouse; // tracer_pos2.xy

					ownedToMerged.forEach(cell => {
						if (!cell || cell.deadAt !== undefined) return;

						let { x, y } = world.xyr(cell, undefined, now);
						tracerUboFloats[0] = x; // tracer_pos1.x
						tracerUboFloats[1] = y; // tracer_pos1.y
						gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, glconf.uniforms.Tracer);
						gl.bufferSubData(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, 0, tracerUboBuffer);
						gl.bindBuffer(gl.UNIFORM_BUFFER, null);
						gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);


			(function minimap() {
				if (now - lastMinimapDraw < 40) return; // should be good enough when multiboxing, may change later
				lastMinimapDraw = now;

				if (!aux.settings.showMinimap) { = 'none';
				} else { = '';

				const { canvas, ctx } = ui.minimap;
				// clears the canvas
				const canvasLength = canvas.width = canvas.height = Math.ceil(200 * (devicePixelRatio - 0.0001));
				const sectorSize = canvas.width / 5;

				// cache the background if necessary (25 texts = bad)
				if (minimapCache && === canvasLength
					&& minimapCache.darkTheme === aux.settings.darkTheme) {
					ctx.putImageData(, 0, 0);
				} else {
					// draw section names
					ctx.font = `${Math.floor(sectorSize / 3)}px Ubuntu`;
					ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
					ctx.globalAlpha = aux.settings.darkTheme ? 0.3 : 0.7;
					ctx.textAlign = 'center';
					ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';

					const cols = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'];
					const rows = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];
					cols.forEach((col, y) => {
						rows.forEach((row, x) => {
							ctx.fillText(row + col, (x + 0.5) * sectorSize, (y + 0.5) * sectorSize);

					minimapCache = {
						bg: ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height),
						darkTheme: aux.settings.darkTheme,

				const { border } = vision;
				if (!border) return;

				// sigmod overlay resizes itself differently, so we correct it whenever we need to
				/** @type {HTMLCanvasElement | null} */
				const sigmodMinimap = document.querySelector('canvas.minimap');
				if (sigmodMinimap) {
					// we need to check before updating the canvas, otherwise we will clear it
					if ( !== '200px' || !== '200px') = = '200px';

					if (sigmodMinimap.width !== canvas.width || sigmodMinimap.height !== canvas.height)
						sigmodMinimap.width = sigmodMinimap.height = canvas.width;

				const gameWidth = (border.r - border.l);
				const gameHeight = (border.b - border.t);

				// highlight current section
				ctx.fillStyle = '#ff0';
				ctx.globalAlpha = 0.3;

				const sectionX = Math.floor(( - border.l) / gameWidth * 5);
				const sectionY = Math.floor(( - border.t) / gameHeight * 5);
				ctx.fillRect(sectionX * sectorSize, sectionY * sectorSize, sectorSize, sectorSize);

				// draw section names
				ctx.font = `${Math.floor(sectorSize / 3)}px Ubuntu`;
				ctx.fillStyle = aux.settings.darkTheme ? '#fff' : '#000';
				ctx.textAlign = 'center';
				ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';

				ctx.globalAlpha = 1;

				// draw cells
				/** @param {{ nx: number, ny: number, nr: number, Rgb: number, rGb: number, rgB: number }} cell */
				const drawCell = function drawCell(cell) {
					const x = (cell.nx - border.l) / gameWidth * canvas.width;
					const y = (cell.ny - border.t) / gameHeight * canvas.height;
					const r = Math.max( / gameWidth * canvas.width, 2);

					ctx.scale(0.01, 0.01); // prevent sigmod from treating minimap cells as pellets
					ctx.fillStyle = aux.rgba2hex(cell.Rgb, cell.rGb, cell.rgB, 1);
					ctx.moveTo((x + r) * 100, y * 100);
					ctx.arc(x * 100, y * 100, r * 100, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

				 * @param {number} x
				 * @param {number} y
				 * @param {string} name
				const drawName = function drawName(x, y, name) {
					x = (x - border.l) / gameWidth * canvas.width;
					y = (y - border.t) / gameHeight * canvas.height;

					ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
					// add a space to prevent sigmod from detecting names
					ctx.fillText(name + ' ', x, y - 7 * devicePixelRatio - sectorSize / 6);

				// draw clanmates first, below yourself
				// we sort clanmates by color AND name, to ensure clanmates stay separate
				/** @type {Map<string, { name: string, n: number, x: number, y: number }>} */
				const avgPos = new Map();
				for (const resolution of world.cells.values()) {
					const cell = resolution.merged;
					if (!cell) continue;
					let owned = false;
					for (const vision of world.views.values()) owned ||= vision.owned.includes(;
					if (!owned && (!cell.clan || cell.clan !== aux.userData?.clan)) continue;

					const name = || 'An unnamed cell';
					const id = ((name + cell.Rgb) + cell.rGb) + cell.rgB;
					const entry = avgPos.get(id);
					if (entry) {
						entry.x += cell.nx;
						entry.y += cell.ny;
					} else {
						avgPos.set(id, { name, n: 1, x: cell.nx, y: cell.ny });

				avgPos.forEach(entry => {
					drawName(entry.x / entry.n, entry.y / entry.n,;

				// draw my cells above everyone else
				let myName = '';
				let ownN = 0;
				let ownX = 0;
				let ownY = 0;
				vision.owned.forEach(id => {
					const cell = world.cells.get(id)?.merged;
					if (!cell) return;

					myName = || 'An unnamed cell';
					ownX += cell.nx;
					ownY += cell.ny;

				if (ownN <= 0) {
					// if no cells were drawn, draw our spectate pos instead
						nx:, ny:, nr: gameWidth / canvas.width * 5,
						Rgb: 1, rGb: 0.6, rgB: 0.6,
				} else {
					ownX /= ownN;
					ownY /= ownN;
					// draw name above player's cells
					drawName(ownX, ownY, myName);

					// send a hint to sigmod
					ctx.globalAlpha = 0;
					ctx.fillText(`X: ${ownX}, Y: ${ownY}`, 0, -1000);


		return render;

	// @ts-expect-error for debugging purposes and other scripts. dm me on discord @ 8y8x to guarantee stability
	window.sigfix = {
		destructor, aux, sigmod, ui, settings, world, net, input, glconf, render,