// ==UserScript==
// @name HumanType Pro
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.2
// @description Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress.
// @author AWarrior
// @match https://docs.google.com/*
// @icon https://i.imgur.com/z2gxKWZ.png
// @grant none
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
//This was a better option than using match in the script as otherwise you would need to reload the document page if you open a document/slide from going first to docs.google.com.
if (window.location.href.includes("docs.google.com/document/d") || window.location.href.includes("docs.google.com/presentation/d")) {
// Your script code here
console.log("Document opened, Human-Typer available!");
// Add your script logic here
// Create the "Human-Typer" button
const humanTyperButton = document.createElement("div");
humanTyperButton.textContent = "HumanType Pro";
humanTyperButton.classList.add("menu-button", "goog-control", "goog-inline-block");
humanTyperButton.style.userSelect = "none";
humanTyperButton.setAttribute("aria-haspopup", "true");
humanTyperButton.setAttribute("aria-expanded", "false");
humanTyperButton.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false");
humanTyperButton.setAttribute("role", "menuitem");
humanTyperButton.id = "human-type-pro-button";
humanTyperButton.style.transition = "color 0.3s";
// Create the "Stop" button
const stopButton = document.createElement("div");
stopButton.textContent = "Stop";
stopButton.classList.add("menu-button", "goog-control", "goog-inline-block");
stopButton.style.userSelect = "none";
stopButton.style.color = "red";
stopButton.style.cursor = "pointer";
stopButton.style.transition = "color 0.3s";
stopButton.id = "stop-button";
stopButton.style.display = "none";
// Insert the buttons into the page
const extensionsMenu = document.getElementById("docs-extensions-menu");
extensionsMenu.parentNode.insertBefore(humanTyperButton, extensionsMenu);
humanTyperButton.parentNode.insertBefore(stopButton, humanTyperButton.nextSibling);
let cancelTyping = false;
let typingInProgress = false;
let lowerBoundValue = 60; // Default lower bound value
let upperBoundValue = 140; // Default upper bound value
let pauseDuration = 500; // Default pause duration in milliseconds
// Function to create and show the overlay
function showOverlay() {
const overlay = document.createElement("div");
overlay.style.position = "fixed";
overlay.style.top = "50%";
overlay.style.left = "50%";
overlay.style.transform = "translate(-50%, -50%)";
overlay.style.backgroundColor = "#1f1f1f"; // Dark background color
overlay.style.padding = "20px";
overlay.style.borderRadius = "8px";
overlay.style.boxShadow = "0px 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)"; // Darker shadow
overlay.style.zIndex = "9999";
overlay.style.display = "flex";
overlay.style.flexDirection = "column";
overlay.style.alignItems = "center";
overlay.style.width = "320px";
const description = document.createElement("p");
description.textContent = "HumanTyper Pro by AWarrior";
description.style.fontSize = "14px";
description.style.color = "#ccc"; // Light grey text color
description.style.marginBottom = "15px";
const randomDelayLabel = document.createElement("div");
randomDelayLabel.style.marginBottom = "5px";
randomDelayLabel.style.color = "#ccc"; // Light grey text color
const lowerBoundLabel = document.createElement("label");
lowerBoundLabel.textContent = "Lower Bound (ms): ";
lowerBoundLabel.style.color = "#ccc"; // Light grey text color
const lowerBoundInput = document.createElement("input");
lowerBoundInput.type = "number";
lowerBoundInput.min = "0";
lowerBoundInput.value = lowerBoundValue; // Set the value from the stored variable
lowerBoundInput.style.marginRight = "10px";
lowerBoundInput.style.padding = "6px";
lowerBoundInput.style.border = "1px solid #555"; // Dark grey border
lowerBoundInput.style.borderRadius = "4px";
lowerBoundInput.style.color = "#fff"; // White text color
lowerBoundInput.style.backgroundColor = "#333"; // Dark grey background color
const upperBoundLabel = document.createElement("label");
upperBoundLabel.textContent = "Upper Bound (ms): ";
upperBoundLabel.style.color = "#ccc"; // Light grey text color
const upperBoundInput = document.createElement("input");
upperBoundInput.type = "number";
upperBoundInput.min = "0";
upperBoundInput.value = upperBoundValue; // Set the value from the stored variable
upperBoundInput.style.marginRight = "10px";
upperBoundInput.style.padding = "6px";
upperBoundInput.style.border = "1px solid #555"; // Dark grey border
upperBoundInput.style.borderRadius = "4px";
upperBoundInput.style.color = "#fff"; // White text color
upperBoundInput.style.backgroundColor = "#333"; // Dark grey background color
const pauseDurationLabel = document.createElement("label");
pauseDurationLabel.textContent = "Pause Duration (ms): ";
pauseDurationLabel.style.color = "#ccc"; // Light grey text color
const pauseDurationInput = document.createElement("input");
pauseDurationInput.type = "number";
pauseDurationInput.min = "0";
pauseDurationInput.value = pauseDuration;
pauseDurationInput.style.marginRight = "10px";
pauseDurationInput.style.padding = "6px";
pauseDurationInput.style.border = "1px solid #555"; // Dark grey border
pauseDurationInput.style.borderRadius = "4px";
pauseDurationInput.style.color = "#fff"; // White text color
pauseDurationInput.style.backgroundColor = "#333"; // Dark grey background color
const textField = document.createElement("textarea");
textField.rows = "5";
textField.cols = "40";
textField.placeholder = "Enter your text...";
textField.style.marginBottom = "10px";
textField.style.width = "100%";
textField.style.padding = "8px";
textField.style.border = "1px solid #555"; // Dark grey border
textField.style.borderRadius = "4px";
textField.style.resize = "vertical";
textField.style.color = "#fff"; // White text color
textField.style.backgroundColor = "#333"; // Dark grey text area background
const confirmButton = document.createElement("button");
confirmButton.textContent = textField.value.trim() === "" ? "Cancel" : "Confirm"; // Change button text based on textfield
confirmButton.style.padding = "8px 16px";
confirmButton.style.backgroundColor = "#4CAF50"; // Green button color
confirmButton.style.color = "#fff"; // White text color
confirmButton.style.border = "none";
confirmButton.style.borderRadius = "4px";
confirmButton.style.cursor = "pointer";
confirmButton.style.transition = "background-color 0.3s";
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const updateRandomDelayLabel = () => {
const charCount = textField.value.length;
const etaLowerBound = Math.ceil((charCount * parseInt(lowerBoundInput.value)) / 60000);
const etaUpperBound = Math.ceil((charCount * parseInt(upperBoundInput.value)) / 60000);
randomDelayLabel.textContent = `ETA: ${etaLowerBound} - ${etaUpperBound} minutes`;
const handleCancelClick = () => {
cancelTyping = true;
stopButton.style.display = "none";
confirmButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
const userInput = textField.value.trim();
lowerBoundValue = parseInt(lowerBoundInput.value); // Store the updated value
upperBoundValue = parseInt(upperBoundInput.value); // Store the updated value
pauseDuration = parseInt(pauseDurationInput.value); // Store the updated pause duration value
if (userInput === "") {
if (isNaN(lowerBoundValue) || isNaN(upperBoundValue) || lowerBoundValue < 0 || upperBoundValue < lowerBoundValue) return;
typingInProgress = true; // Typing has started
stopButton.style.display = "inline"; // Show the stop button
resolve({ userInput });
textField.addEventListener("input", () => {
confirmButton.textContent = textField.value.trim() === "" ? "Cancel" : "Confirm"; // Change button text based on textfield
lowerBoundInput.addEventListener("input", updateRandomDelayLabel);
upperBoundInput.addEventListener("input", updateRandomDelayLabel);
stopButton.addEventListener("click", handleCancelClick);
humanTyperButton.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
humanTyperButton.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
stopButton.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
stopButton.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
humanTyperButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
if (typingInProgress) {
console.log("Typing in progress, please wait...");
cancelTyping = false;
stopButton.style.display = "none"; // Hide the stop button
const { userInput } = await showOverlay();
if (userInput !== "") {
const input = document.querySelector(".docs-texteventtarget-iframe").contentDocument.activeElement;
async function simulateTyping(inputElement, char, delay) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (cancelTyping) {
stopButton.style.display = "none";
console.log("Typing cancelled");
setTimeout(() => {
let eventObj;
if (char === "\n") {
eventObj = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
bubbles: true,
key: "Enter",
code: "Enter",
keyCode: 13,
which: 13,
charCode: 13,
} else {
eventObj = new KeyboardEvent("keypress", {
bubbles: true,
key: char,
charCode: char.charCodeAt(0),
keyCode: char.charCodeAt(0),
which: char.charCodeAt(0),
console.log(`Typed: ${char}, Delay: ${delay}ms`);
// Pause typing if char is one of the specified characters
if (char === '.' || char === ',' || char === ';' || char === ':' || char === "'" || char === '"' || char === ')' || char === '(') {
setTimeout(() => {
}, pauseDuration); // pauseDuration is the duration in milliseconds
} else {
}, delay);
async function typeStringWithRandomDelay(inputElement, string) {
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
const char = string[i];
const randomDelay = Math.floor(Math.random() * (upperBoundValue - lowerBoundValue + 1)) + lowerBoundValue; // Random delay within the specified range
await simulateTyping(inputElement, char, randomDelay);
typingInProgress = false; // Typing has finished
stopButton.style.display = "none"; // Hide the stop button
typeStringWithRandomDelay(input, userInput);
else {
console.log("Document not open, Human-Typer not available.");