PowerBox4e for Roll20

Creates a ui for roll20 that allows for importing dnd 4e character sheets and rolling powers/skills from them.

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v1.3 2024-08-11

    V 1.3:
    Added Support for the "discord activity" version of roll20.

  • v1.2 2024-07-14

    -Improved handling of Criticals so that magic weapon bonus dice get applied to them.

  • v1.1 2024-05-22

    Fix name attribute to be more searchable.

  • v1.1 2024-05-17


    -Added a button to roll initiative for a character and add them to the turn tracker.

  • v1.0 2024-05-08
  • v0.1 2024-05-08