// ==UserScript==
// @name NGA优化摸鱼体验-拉黑增强
// @namespace https://github.com/kisshang1993/NGA-BBS-Script/tree/master/plugins/BlockEnhance
// @version 1.0.0
// @author HLD
// @description 提供高级拉黑设置,可以针对匿名用户、负声望、负威望、回帖数、注册天数进行屏蔽,支持联合校验校验
// @license MIT
// @match *://bbs.nga.cn/*
// @match *://ngabbs.com/*
// @match *://nga.178.com/*
// @match *://g.nga.cn/*
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @run-at document-start
// @inject-into content
// ==/UserScript==
(function (registerPlugin) {
'use strict';
const BlockEnhance = {
name: 'BlockEnhance',
title: '拉黑增强',
desc: '提供高级拉黑设置,可以针对匿名用户、负声望、负威望、回帖数、注册天数进行屏蔽,支持联合校验',
requires: [
'[email protected]',
'[email protected]'
settings: [{
key: 'blockAnonymous',
title: '屏蔽匿名用户',
default: false
}, {
key: 'blockUnReputation',
title: '屏蔽负声望用户',
default: false
}, {
key: 'blockUnPrestige',
title: '屏蔽负威望用户',
default: false
}, {
key: 'blockByReplyCount',
title: '屏蔽小于指定回帖数',
desc: '≤0为无限制',
default: 0
}, {
key: 'blockByRegDays',
title: '屏蔽小于指定注册天数',
desc: '≤0为无限制',
default: 0
}, {
key: 'blockRule',
title: '联合校验规则',
desc: '对以下规则进行联合校验\n屏蔽负声望用户\n屏蔽负威望用户\n屏蔽小于指定回帖数\n屏蔽小于指定注册天数\n\n* 注意: [屏蔽匿名用户]不参与规则判断',
default: 'OR',
options: [{
label: '其中一条满足(OR)',
value: 'OR'
}, {
label: '所有规则同时满足(AND)',
value: 'AND'
}, {
key: 'blockMode',
title: '屏蔽方式',
desc: '',
default: 'HIDE',
options: [{
label: '隐藏并可手动查看',
value: 'HIDE'
}, {
label: '直接删除楼层',
value: 'DELETE'
blockDict: {},
renderThreadsFunc($el) {
// 帖子列表隐藏匿名用户
if (this.pluginSettings['blockAnonymous']) {
const title = $el.find('.c2>a').text()
const uid = ($el.find('.author').attr('href') && $el.find('.author').attr('href').indexOf('uid=') > -1) ? $el.find('.author').attr('href').split('uid=')[1] + '' : ''
if (uid.startsWith('#anony')) {
this.mainScript.printLog(`${this.title}: 隐藏匿名用户:标题:${title} 连接:${$el.find('.c2>a').attr('href')}`)
renderFormsFunc($el) {
const $ = this.mainScript.libs.$
const currentUid = parseInt($el.find('[name=uid]').text())
const userInfo = unsafeWindow.commonui.userInfo.users[currentUid]
const author = $el.find('.c1 a.author.b').clone()
const currentUsername = author.text()
// 匿名用户
if (this.pluginSettings['blockAnonymous'] && currentUid <= 0) {
this.blockDict[currentUsername] = '屏蔽匿名用户'
this.blockContent($el, this.blockDict[currentUsername])
// 常规用户
if (currentUid > 0) {
// 组合规则
const rules = [
key: 'blockUnReputation',
label: '负声望',
active: this.pluginSettings['blockUnReputation'],
isHit: () => {
let reputation = ''
if (unsafeWindow.__CURRENT_FID) {
const currentReputations = unsafeWindow.commonui.userInfo.reputations
reputation = currentReputations?.[unsafeWindow.__CURRENT_FID]?.[currentUid] ?? ''
return reputation && parseInt(reputation) < 0
}, {
key: 'blockUnPrestige',
label: '负威望',
active: this.pluginSettings['blockUnPrestige'],
isHit: () => {
const prestige = unsafeWindow.commonui.userInfo.groups?.[userInfo.memberid]?.[0] ?? ''
return prestige.startsWith('警告')
}, {
key: 'blockByReplyCount',
label: `回帖数<${this.pluginSettings['blockByReplyCount']}`,
active: this.pluginSettings['blockByReplyCount'] > 0,
isHit: () => {
return userInfo.postnum < this.pluginSettings['blockByReplyCount']
}, {
key: 'blockByRegDays',
label: `注册天数<${this.pluginSettings['blockByRegDays']}`,
active: this.pluginSettings['blockByRegDays'] > 0,
isHit: () => {
return this.calcRegisterDays(userInfo.regdate).regDays < this.pluginSettings['blockByRegDays']
// 规则命中判断
if (this.pluginSettings['blockRule'] == 'OR') {
// OR
for (let rule of rules) {
if (rule.active && rule.isHit()) {
this.blockDict[currentUsername] = rule.label
this.blockContent($el, this.blockDict[currentUsername])
if (this.pluginSettings['blockRule'] == 'AND') {
// AND
const activeRules = rules.filter(r => r.active)
if (activeRules.every(r => r.isHit())) {
this.blockDict[currentUsername] = activeRules.map(r => r.label).join(', ')
this.blockContent($el, this.blockDict[currentUsername])
// 处理引用的回复
$el.find('.quote .userlink.b').each((_, quoteUser) => {
const match = $(quoteUser).text().match(/\[([^[\]]*)\]/)
if (match && match.length > 1) {
const quoteName = match[1]
if (this.blockDict[quoteName]) {
this.blockQuote($(quoteUser).parents('.quote'), this.blockDict[quoteName])
* 屏蔽正文
blockContent($el, reason) {
const $ = this.mainScript.libs.$
if (this.pluginSettings['blockMode'] == 'HIDE') {
const $blocktips = $(`<div class="hld__banned hld__banned-block">此用户因被命中屏蔽规则而被隐藏言论,点击查看<br>* 命中规则: ${reason}</div>`)
$el.find('.c2 .postcontent').hide()
$el.find('.c2 .postcontent').after($blocktips)
if (this.pluginSettings['blockMode'] == 'DELETE') {
* 屏蔽引用
blockQuote($el, reason) {
if (this.pluginSettings['blockMode'] == 'HIDE') {
if (!$el.is(':hidden')) {
$el.after(`<div class="quote"><div class="hld__banned hld__banned-block">此用户因被命中屏蔽规则而被隐藏言论,点击查看<br>* 命中规则: ${reason}</div></div>`)
if (this.pluginSettings['blockMode'] == 'DELETE') {
$el.html(`<div class="hld__banned">此用户因被命中屏蔽规则已被删除言论<br>* 命中规则: ${reason}</div>`)
* 计算注册天数
calcRegisterDays(regTimestamp) {
const regSeconds = Math.ceil(new Date().getTime() / 1000) - regTimestamp
return {
regDays: Math.round(regSeconds / 3600 / 24),
regYear: parseFloat((regSeconds / 3600 / 24 / 365).toFixed(1))
})(function(plugin) {
plugin.meta = GM_info.script
unsafeWindow.ngaScriptPlugins = unsafeWindow.ngaScriptPlugins || []