WaniKani Hide Meaning in Lessons

Hides the meaning in lessons on non-meaning tabs

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WaniKani Hide Meaning in Lessons
// @namespace    wanikani-hide-meaning
// @version      1.1.1
// @description  Hides the meaning in lessons on non-meaning tabs
// @author       Mystery
// @license      MIT
// @match        https://www.wanikani.com/*
// @run-at       document-end
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

;(function() {
    /* global wkof */
    'use strict';

    if (!window.wkof) {
        if (confirm('Hide Meaning in Lessons requires Wanikani Open Framework.\nDo you want to be forwarded to the installation instructions')) {
            window.location.href = 'https://community.wanikani.com/t/instructions-installing-wanikani-open-framework/28549';
    let loaded = false;
    wkof.on_pageload([/\/subject-lessons\/(?:start|[\d-]+\/\d+)\/?$/], main, unload);

    function unload() {
        loaded = false;

    function main() {
        if (loaded) {
        loaded = true;
        // Insert CSS
        <style name="hide_meaning" type="text/css">
            .character-header__characters:hover + .character-header__meaning {
                visibility: visible !important;
            .character-header__meaning {
                visibility: hidden;

        // Detect tab changes
        window.addEventListener('hashchange', handleHashChange);

        function handleHashChange(event) {
            const meaning = document.querySelector('.character-header__meaning');
            if (!meaning) {
            if (event.newURL.endsWith("#meaning")) {
                meaning.style.visibility = 'visible';
            } else {
                meaning.style.visibility = 'hidden';