Boluo Attribute Extension


// ==UserScript==
// @name         Boluo Attribute Extension
// @namespace
// @version      0.1.3
// @author       AutumnSaury
// @description  菠萝角色属性扩展
// @icon
// @license      Apache-2.0
// @homepageURL
// @match*
// @grant        GM.getValue
// @grant        GM.setValue
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_addValueChangeListener
// ==/UserScript==

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(function () {
  'use strict';

  const sharedConfig = {
    context: void 0,
    registry: void 0,
    effects: void 0,
    done: false,
    getContextId() {
      return getContextId(this.context.count);
    getNextContextId() {
      return getContextId(this.context.count++);
  function getContextId(count) {
    const num = String(count), len = num.length - 1;
    return + (len ? String.fromCharCode(96 + len) : "") + num;
  const equalFn = (a, b) => a === b;
  const $PROXY = Symbol("solid-proxy");
  const SUPPORTS_PROXY = typeof Proxy === "function";
  const $TRACK = Symbol("solid-track");
  const signalOptions = {
    equals: equalFn
  let runEffects = runQueue;
  const STALE = 1;
  const PENDING = 2;
  const UNOWNED = {
    owned: null,
    cleanups: null,
    context: null,
    owner: null
  const NO_INIT = {};
  var Owner = null;
  let Transition = null;
  let ExternalSourceConfig = null;
  let Listener = null;
  let Updates = null;
  let Effects = null;
  let ExecCount = 0;
  function createRoot(fn, detachedOwner) {
    const listener = Listener, owner = Owner, unowned = fn.length === 0, current = detachedOwner === void 0 ? owner : detachedOwner, root = unowned ? UNOWNED : {
      owned: null,
      cleanups: null,
      context: current ? current.context : null,
      owner: current
    }, updateFn = unowned ? fn : () => fn(() => untrack(() => cleanNode(root)));
    Owner = root;
    Listener = null;
    try {
      return runUpdates(updateFn, true);
    } finally {
      Listener = listener;
      Owner = owner;
  function createSignal(value, options) {
    options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
    const s = {
      observers: null,
      observerSlots: null,
      comparator: options.equals || void 0
    const setter = (value2) => {
      if (typeof value2 === "function") {
        value2 = value2(s.value);
      return writeSignal(s, value2);
    return [readSignal.bind(s), setter];
  function createComputed(fn, value, options) {
    const c = createComputation(fn, value, true, STALE);
  function createRenderEffect(fn, value, options) {
    const c = createComputation(fn, value, false, STALE);
  function createEffect(fn, value, options) {
    runEffects = runUserEffects;
    const c = createComputation(fn, value, false, STALE);
    if (!options || !options.render) c.user = true;
    Effects ? Effects.push(c) : updateComputation(c);
  function createMemo(fn, value, options) {
    options = options ? Object.assign({}, signalOptions, options) : signalOptions;
    const c = createComputation(fn, value, true, 0);
    c.observers = null;
    c.observerSlots = null;
    c.comparator = options.equals || void 0;
    return readSignal.bind(c);
  function isPromise(v) {
    return v && typeof v === "object" && "then" in v;
  function createResource(pSource, pFetcher, pOptions) {
    let source;
    let fetcher;
    let options;
    if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof pFetcher === "object" || arguments.length === 1) {
      source = true;
      fetcher = pSource;
      options = {};
    } else {
      source = pSource;
      fetcher = pFetcher;
      options = {};
    let pr = null, initP = NO_INIT, scheduled = false, resolved = "initialValue" in options, dynamic = typeof source === "function" && createMemo(source);
    const contexts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), [value, setValue] = ( || createSignal)(options.initialValue), [error, setError] = createSignal(void 0), [track, trigger] = createSignal(void 0, {
      equals: false
    }), [state, setState] = createSignal(resolved ? "ready" : "unresolved");
    function loadEnd(p, v, error2, key) {
      if (pr === p) {
        pr = null;
        key !== void 0 && (resolved = true);
        if ((p === initP || v === initP) && options.onHydrated)
            () => options.onHydrated(key, {
              value: v
        initP = NO_INIT;
        completeLoad(v, error2);
      return v;
    function completeLoad(v, err) {
      runUpdates(() => {
        if (err === void 0) setValue(() => v);
        setState(err !== void 0 ? "errored" : resolved ? "ready" : "unresolved");
        for (const c of contexts.keys()) c.decrement();
      }, false);
    function read() {
      const c = SuspenseContext, v = value(), err = error();
      if (err !== void 0 && !pr) throw err;
      if (Listener && !Listener.user && c) {
        createComputed(() => {
          if (pr) {
            if (c.resolved) ;
            else if (!contexts.has(c)) {
      return v;
    function load(refetching = true) {
      if (refetching !== false && scheduled) return;
      scheduled = false;
      const lookup = dynamic ? dynamic() : source;
      if (lookup == null || lookup === false) {
        loadEnd(pr, untrack(value));
      const p = initP !== NO_INIT ? initP : untrack(
        () => fetcher(lookup, {
          value: value(),
      if (!isPromise(p)) {
        loadEnd(pr, p, void 0, lookup);
        return p;
      pr = p;
      if ("value" in p) {
        if (p.status === "success") loadEnd(pr, p.value, void 0, lookup);
        else loadEnd(pr, void 0, castError(p.value), lookup);
        return p;
      scheduled = true;
      queueMicrotask(() => scheduled = false);
      runUpdates(() => {
        setState(resolved ? "refreshing" : "pending");
      }, false);
      return p.then(
        (v) => loadEnd(p, v, void 0, lookup),
        (e) => loadEnd(p, void 0, castError(e), lookup)
    Object.defineProperties(read, {
      state: {
        get: () => state()
      error: {
        get: () => error()
      loading: {
        get() {
          const s = state();
          return s === "pending" || s === "refreshing";
      latest: {
        get() {
          if (!resolved) return read();
          const err = error();
          if (err && !pr) throw err;
          return value();
    if (dynamic) createComputed(() => load(false));
    else load(false);
    return [
        refetch: load,
        mutate: setValue
  function batch(fn) {
    return runUpdates(fn, false);
  function untrack(fn) {
    if (Listener === null) return fn();
    const listener = Listener;
    Listener = null;
    try {
      if (ExternalSourceConfig) ;
      return fn();
    } finally {
      Listener = listener;
  function on(deps, fn, options) {
    const isArray = Array.isArray(deps);
    let prevInput;
    let defer = options && options.defer;
    return (prevValue) => {
      let input;
      if (isArray) {
        input = Array(deps.length);
        for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) input[i] = deps[i]();
      } else input = deps();
      if (defer) {
        defer = false;
        return prevValue;
      const result = untrack(() => fn(input, prevInput, prevValue));
      prevInput = input;
      return result;
  function onMount(fn) {
    createEffect(() => untrack(fn));
  function onCleanup(fn) {
    if (Owner === null) ;
    else if (Owner.cleanups === null) Owner.cleanups = [fn];
    else Owner.cleanups.push(fn);
    return fn;
  function getListener() {
    return Listener;
  function getOwner() {
    return Owner;
  function runWithOwner(o, fn) {
    const prev = Owner;
    const prevListener = Listener;
    Owner = o;
    Listener = null;
    try {
      return runUpdates(fn, true);
    } catch (err) {
    } finally {
      Owner = prev;
      Listener = prevListener;
  function createContext(defaultValue, options) {
    const id = Symbol("context");
    return {
      Provider: createProvider(id),
  function useContext(context) {
    let value;
    return Owner && Owner.context && (value = Owner.context[]) !== void 0 ? value : context.defaultValue;
  function children(fn) {
    const children2 = createMemo(fn);
    const memo = createMemo(() => resolveChildren(children2()));
    memo.toArray = () => {
      const c = memo();
      return Array.isArray(c) ? c : c != null ? [c] : [];
    return memo;
  let SuspenseContext;
  function readSignal() {
    if (this.sources && this.state) {
      if (this.state === STALE) updateComputation(this);
      else {
        const updates = Updates;
        Updates = null;
        runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(this), false);
        Updates = updates;
    if (Listener) {
      const sSlot = this.observers ? this.observers.length : 0;
      if (!Listener.sources) {
        Listener.sources = [this];
        Listener.sourceSlots = [sSlot];
      } else {
      if (!this.observers) {
        this.observers = [Listener];
        this.observerSlots = [Listener.sources.length - 1];
      } else {
        this.observerSlots.push(Listener.sources.length - 1);
    return this.value;
  function writeSignal(node, value, isComp) {
    let current = node.value;
    if (!node.comparator || !node.comparator(current, value)) {
      node.value = value;
      if (node.observers && node.observers.length) {
        runUpdates(() => {
          for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
            const o = node.observers[i];
            const TransitionRunning = Transition && Transition.running;
            if (TransitionRunning && Transition.disposed.has(o)) ;
            if (TransitionRunning ? !o.tState : !o.state) {
              if (o.pure) Updates.push(o);
              else Effects.push(o);
              if (o.observers) markDownstream(o);
            if (!TransitionRunning) o.state = STALE;
          if (Updates.length > 1e6) {
            Updates = [];
            if (false) ;
            throw new Error();
        }, false);
    return value;
  function updateComputation(node) {
    if (!node.fn) return;
    const time = ExecCount;
  function runComputation(node, value, time) {
    let nextValue;
    const owner = Owner, listener = Listener;
    Listener = Owner = node;
    try {
      nextValue = node.fn(value);
    } catch (err) {
      if (node.pure) {
          node.state = STALE;
          node.owned && node.owned.forEach(cleanNode);
          node.owned = null;
      node.updatedAt = time + 1;
      return handleError(err);
    } finally {
      Listener = listener;
      Owner = owner;
    if (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt <= time) {
      if (node.updatedAt != null && "observers" in node) {
        writeSignal(node, nextValue);
      } else node.value = nextValue;
      node.updatedAt = time;
  function createComputation(fn, init, pure, state = STALE, options) {
    const c = {
      updatedAt: null,
      owned: null,
      sources: null,
      sourceSlots: null,
      cleanups: null,
      value: init,
      owner: Owner,
      context: Owner ? Owner.context : null,
    if (Owner === null) ;
    else if (Owner !== UNOWNED) {
        if (!Owner.owned) Owner.owned = [c];
        else Owner.owned.push(c);
    return c;
  function runTop(node) {
    if (node.state === 0) return;
    if (node.state === PENDING) return lookUpstream(node);
    if (node.suspense && untrack(node.suspense.inFallback)) return node.suspense.effects.push(node);
    const ancestors = [node];
    while ((node = node.owner) && (!node.updatedAt || node.updatedAt < ExecCount)) {
      if (node.state) ancestors.push(node);
    for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      node = ancestors[i];
      if (node.state === STALE) {
      } else if (node.state === PENDING) {
        const updates = Updates;
        Updates = null;
        runUpdates(() => lookUpstream(node, ancestors[0]), false);
        Updates = updates;
  function runUpdates(fn, init) {
    if (Updates) return fn();
    let wait = false;
    if (!init) Updates = [];
    if (Effects) wait = true;
    else Effects = [];
    try {
      const res = fn();
      return res;
    } catch (err) {
      if (!wait) Effects = null;
      Updates = null;
  function completeUpdates(wait) {
    if (Updates) {
      Updates = null;
    if (wait) return;
    const e = Effects;
    Effects = null;
    if (e.length) runUpdates(() => runEffects(e), false);
  function runQueue(queue) {
    for (let i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) runTop(queue[i]);
  function runUserEffects(queue) {
    let i, userLength = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
      const e = queue[i];
      if (!e.user) runTop(e);
      else queue[userLength++] = e;
    for (i = 0; i < userLength; i++) runTop(queue[i]);
  function lookUpstream(node, ignore) {
    node.state = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < node.sources.length; i += 1) {
      const source = node.sources[i];
      if (source.sources) {
        const state = source.state;
        if (state === STALE) {
          if (source !== ignore && (!source.updatedAt || source.updatedAt < ExecCount))
        } else if (state === PENDING) lookUpstream(source, ignore);
  function markDownstream(node) {
    for (let i = 0; i < node.observers.length; i += 1) {
      const o = node.observers[i];
      if (!o.state) {
        o.state = PENDING;
        if (o.pure) Updates.push(o);
        else Effects.push(o);
        o.observers && markDownstream(o);
  function cleanNode(node) {
    let i;
    if (node.sources) {
      while (node.sources.length) {
        const source = node.sources.pop(), index = node.sourceSlots.pop(), obs = source.observers;
        if (obs && obs.length) {
          const n = obs.pop(), s = source.observerSlots.pop();
          if (index < obs.length) {
            n.sourceSlots[s] = index;
            obs[index] = n;
            source.observerSlots[index] = s;
    if (node.tOwned) {
      for (i = node.tOwned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cleanNode(node.tOwned[i]);
      delete node.tOwned;
    if (node.owned) {
      for (i = node.owned.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cleanNode(node.owned[i]);
      node.owned = null;
    if (node.cleanups) {
      for (i = node.cleanups.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) node.cleanups[i]();
      node.cleanups = null;
    node.state = 0;
  function castError(err) {
    if (err instanceof Error) return err;
    return new Error(typeof err === "string" ? err : "Unknown error", {
      cause: err
  function handleError(err, owner = Owner) {
    const error = castError(err);
    throw error;
  function resolveChildren(children2) {
    if (typeof children2 === "function" && !children2.length) return resolveChildren(children2());
    if (Array.isArray(children2)) {
      const results = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < children2.length; i++) {
        const result = resolveChildren(children2[i]);
        Array.isArray(result) ? results.push.apply(results, result) : results.push(result);
      return results;
    return children2;
  function createProvider(id, options) {
    return function provider(props) {
      let res;
        () => res = untrack(() => {
          Owner.context = {
            [id]: props.value
          return children(() => props.children);
        void 0
      return res;
  const FALLBACK = Symbol("fallback");
  function dispose(d) {
    for (let i = 0; i < d.length; i++) d[i]();
  function mapArray(list, mapFn, options = {}) {
    let items = [], mapped = [], disposers = [], len = 0, indexes = mapFn.length > 1 ? [] : null;
    onCleanup(() => dispose(disposers));
    return () => {
      let newItems = list() || [], newLen = newItems.length, i, j;
      return untrack(() => {
        let newIndices, newIndicesNext, temp, tempdisposers, tempIndexes, start, end, newEnd, item;
        if (newLen === 0) {
          if (len !== 0) {
            disposers = [];
            items = [];
            mapped = [];
            len = 0;
            indexes && (indexes = []);
          if (options.fallback) {
            items = [FALLBACK];
            mapped[0] = createRoot((disposer) => {
              disposers[0] = disposer;
              return options.fallback();
            len = 1;
        } else if (len === 0) {
          mapped = new Array(newLen);
          for (j = 0; j < newLen; j++) {
            items[j] = newItems[j];
            mapped[j] = createRoot(mapper);
          len = newLen;
        } else {
          temp = new Array(newLen);
          tempdisposers = new Array(newLen);
          indexes && (tempIndexes = new Array(newLen));
          for (start = 0, end = Math.min(len, newLen); start < end && items[start] === newItems[start]; start++) ;
          for (end = len - 1, newEnd = newLen - 1; end >= start && newEnd >= start && items[end] === newItems[newEnd]; end--, newEnd--) {
            temp[newEnd] = mapped[end];
            tempdisposers[newEnd] = disposers[end];
            indexes && (tempIndexes[newEnd] = indexes[end]);
          newIndices = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
          newIndicesNext = new Array(newEnd + 1);
          for (j = newEnd; j >= start; j--) {
            item = newItems[j];
            i = newIndices.get(item);
            newIndicesNext[j] = i === void 0 ? -1 : i;
            newIndices.set(item, j);
          for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
            item = items[i];
            j = newIndices.get(item);
            if (j !== void 0 && j !== -1) {
              temp[j] = mapped[i];
              tempdisposers[j] = disposers[i];
              indexes && (tempIndexes[j] = indexes[i]);
              j = newIndicesNext[j];
              newIndices.set(item, j);
            } else disposers[i]();
          for (j = start; j < newLen; j++) {
            if (j in temp) {
              mapped[j] = temp[j];
              disposers[j] = tempdisposers[j];
              if (indexes) {
                indexes[j] = tempIndexes[j];
            } else mapped[j] = createRoot(mapper);
          mapped = mapped.slice(0, len = newLen);
          items = newItems.slice(0);
        return mapped;
      function mapper(disposer) {
        disposers[j] = disposer;
        if (indexes) {
          const [s, set] = createSignal(j);
          indexes[j] = set;
          return mapFn(newItems[j], s);
        return mapFn(newItems[j]);
  function createComponent(Comp, props) {
    return untrack(() => Comp(props || {}));
  function trueFn() {
    return true;
  const propTraps = {
    get(_, property, receiver) {
      if (property === $PROXY) return receiver;
      return _.get(property);
    has(_, property) {
      if (property === $PROXY) return true;
      return _.has(property);
    set: trueFn,
    deleteProperty: trueFn,
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor(_, property) {
      return {
        configurable: true,
        enumerable: true,
        get() {
          return _.get(property);
        set: trueFn,
        deleteProperty: trueFn
    ownKeys(_) {
      return _.keys();
  function resolveSource(s) {
    return !(s = typeof s === "function" ? s() : s) ? {} : s;
  function resolveSources() {
    for (let i = 0, length = this.length; i < length; ++i) {
      const v = this[i]();
      if (v !== void 0) return v;
  function mergeProps(...sources) {
    let proxy = false;
    for (let i = 0; i < sources.length; i++) {
      const s = sources[i];
      proxy = proxy || !!s && $PROXY in s;
      sources[i] = typeof s === "function" ? (proxy = true, createMemo(s)) : s;
    if (SUPPORTS_PROXY && proxy) {
      return new Proxy(
          get(property) {
            for (let i = sources.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              const v = resolveSource(sources[i])[property];
              if (v !== void 0) return v;
          has(property) {
            for (let i = sources.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
              if (property in resolveSource(sources[i])) return true;
            return false;
          keys() {
            const keys = [];
            for (let i = 0; i < sources.length; i++)
            return [ Set(keys)];
    const sourcesMap = {};
    const defined = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
    for (let i = sources.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const source = sources[i];
      if (!source) continue;
      const sourceKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source);
      for (let i2 = sourceKeys.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
        const key = sourceKeys[i2];
        if (key === "__proto__" || key === "constructor") continue;
        const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key);
        if (!defined[key]) {
          defined[key] = desc.get ? {
            enumerable: true,
            configurable: true,
            get: resolveSources.bind(sourcesMap[key] = [desc.get.bind(source)])
          } : desc.value !== void 0 ? desc : void 0;
        } else {
          const sources2 = sourcesMap[key];
          if (sources2) {
            if (desc.get) sources2.push(desc.get.bind(source));
            else if (desc.value !== void 0) sources2.push(() => desc.value);
    const target = {};
    const definedKeys = Object.keys(defined);
    for (let i = definedKeys.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      const key = definedKeys[i], desc = defined[key];
      if (desc && desc.get) Object.defineProperty(target, key, desc);
      else target[key] = desc ? desc.value : void 0;
    return target;
  const narrowedError = (name) => `Stale read from <${name}>.`;
  function For(props) {
    const fallback = "fallback" in props && {
      fallback: () => props.fallback
    return createMemo(mapArray(() => props.each, props.children, fallback || void 0));
  function Show(props) {
    const keyed = props.keyed;
    const condition = createMemo(() => props.when, void 0, {
      equals: (a, b) => keyed ? a === b : !a === !b
    return createMemo(
      () => {
        const c = condition();
        if (c) {
          const child = props.children;
          const fn = typeof child === "function" && child.length > 0;
          return fn ? untrack(
            () => child(
              keyed ? c : () => {
                if (!untrack(condition)) throw narrowedError("Show");
                return props.when;
          ) : child;
        return props.fallback;
      void 0,
      void 0
  const ChildProperties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  const Aliases = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.assign(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), {
    className: "class",
    htmlFor: "for"
  const DelegatedEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([
  const SVGNamespace = {
    xlink: "",
    xml: ""
  function reconcileArrays(parentNode, a, b) {
    let bLength = b.length, aEnd = a.length, bEnd = bLength, aStart = 0, bStart = 0, after = a[aEnd - 1].nextSibling, map = null;
    while (aStart < aEnd || bStart < bEnd) {
      if (a[aStart] === b[bStart]) {
      while (a[aEnd - 1] === b[bEnd - 1]) {
      if (aEnd === aStart) {
        const node = bEnd < bLength ? bStart ? b[bStart - 1].nextSibling : b[bEnd - bStart] : after;
        while (bStart < bEnd) parentNode.insertBefore(b[bStart++], node);
      } else if (bEnd === bStart) {
        while (aStart < aEnd) {
          if (!map || !map.has(a[aStart])) a[aStart].remove();
      } else if (a[aStart] === b[bEnd - 1] && b[bStart] === a[aEnd - 1]) {
        const node = a[--aEnd].nextSibling;
        parentNode.insertBefore(b[bStart++], a[aStart++].nextSibling);
        parentNode.insertBefore(b[--bEnd], node);
        a[aEnd] = b[bEnd];
      } else {
        if (!map) {
          map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
          let i = bStart;
          while (i < bEnd) map.set(b[i], i++);
        const index = map.get(a[aStart]);
        if (index != null) {
          if (bStart < index && index < bEnd) {
            let i = aStart, sequence = 1, t;
            while (++i < aEnd && i < bEnd) {
              if ((t = map.get(a[i])) == null || t !== index + sequence) break;
            if (sequence > index - bStart) {
              const node = a[aStart];
              while (bStart < index) parentNode.insertBefore(b[bStart++], node);
            } else parentNode.replaceChild(b[bStart++], a[aStart++]);
          } else aStart++;
        } else a[aStart++].remove();
  const $$EVENTS = "_$DX_DELEGATE";
  function render(code, element, init, options = {}) {
    let disposer;
    createRoot((dispose2) => {
      disposer = dispose2;
      element === document ? code() : insert(element, code(), element.firstChild ? null : void 0, init);
    }, options.owner);
    return () => {
      element.textContent = "";
  function template(html, isImportNode, isSVG) {
    let node;
    const create = () => {
      const t = document.createElement("template");
      t.innerHTML = html;
      return t.content.firstChild;
    const fn = () => (node || (node = create())).cloneNode(true);
    fn.cloneNode = fn;
    return fn;
  function delegateEvents(eventNames, document2 = window.document) {
    const e = document2[$$EVENTS] || (document2[$$EVENTS] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set());
    for (let i = 0, l = eventNames.length; i < l; i++) {
      const name = eventNames[i];
      if (!e.has(name)) {
        document2.addEventListener(name, eventHandler);
  function setAttribute(node, name, value) {
    if (value == null) node.removeAttribute(name);
    else node.setAttribute(name, value);
  function setAttributeNS(node, namespace, name, value) {
    if (value == null) node.removeAttributeNS(namespace, name);
    else node.setAttributeNS(namespace, name, value);
  function setBoolAttribute(node, name, value) {
    value ? node.setAttribute(name, "") : node.removeAttribute(name);
  function className(node, value) {
    if (value == null) node.removeAttribute("class");
    else node.className = value;
  function addEventListener(node, name, handler, delegate) {
    if (delegate) {
      if (Array.isArray(handler)) {
        node[`$$${name}`] = handler[0];
        node[`$$${name}Data`] = handler[1];
      } else node[`$$${name}`] = handler;
    } else if (Array.isArray(handler)) {
      const handlerFn = handler[0];
      node.addEventListener(name, handler[0] = (e) =>, handler[1], e));
    } else node.addEventListener(name, handler, typeof handler !== "function" && handler);
  function classList(node, value, prev = {}) {
    const classKeys = Object.keys(value || {}), prevKeys = Object.keys(prev);
    let i, len;
    for (i = 0, len = prevKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
      const key = prevKeys[i];
      if (!key || key === "undefined" || value[key]) continue;
      toggleClassKey(node, key, false);
      delete prev[key];
    for (i = 0, len = classKeys.length; i < len; i++) {
      const key = classKeys[i], classValue = !!value[key];
      if (!key || key === "undefined" || prev[key] === classValue || !classValue) continue;
      toggleClassKey(node, key, true);
      prev[key] = classValue;
    return prev;
  function style(node, value, prev) {
    if (!value) return prev ? setAttribute(node, "style") : value;
    const nodeStyle =;
    if (typeof value === "string") return nodeStyle.cssText = value;
    typeof prev === "string" && (nodeStyle.cssText = prev = void 0);
    prev || (prev = {});
    value || (value = {});
    let v, s;
    for (s in prev) {
      value[s] == null && nodeStyle.removeProperty(s);
      delete prev[s];
    for (s in value) {
      v = value[s];
      if (v !== prev[s]) {
        nodeStyle.setProperty(s, v);
        prev[s] = v;
    return prev;
  function spread(node, props = {}, isSVG, skipChildren) {
    const prevProps = {};
    createRenderEffect(() => typeof props.ref === "function" && use(props.ref, node));
    createRenderEffect(() => assign(node, props, isSVG, true, prevProps, true));
    return prevProps;
  function use(fn, element, arg) {
    return untrack(() => fn(element, arg));
  function insert(parent, accessor, marker, initial) {
    if (marker !== void 0 && !initial) initial = [];
    if (typeof accessor !== "function") return insertExpression(parent, accessor, initial, marker);
    createRenderEffect((current) => insertExpression(parent, accessor(), current, marker), initial);
  function assign(node, props, isSVG, skipChildren, prevProps = {}, skipRef = false) {
    props || (props = {});
    for (const prop in prevProps) {
      if (!(prop in props)) {
        if (prop === "children") continue;
        prevProps[prop] = assignProp(node, prop, null, prevProps[prop], isSVG, skipRef, props);
    for (const prop in props) {
      if (prop === "children") {
      const value = props[prop];
      prevProps[prop] = assignProp(node, prop, value, prevProps[prop], isSVG, skipRef, props);
  function toPropertyName(name) {
    return name.toLowerCase().replace(/-([a-z])/g, (_, w) => w.toUpperCase());
  function toggleClassKey(node, key, value) {
    const classNames = key.trim().split(/\s+/);
    for (let i = 0, nameLen = classNames.length; i < nameLen; i++)
      node.classList.toggle(classNames[i], value);
  function assignProp(node, prop, value, prev, isSVG, skipRef, props) {
    let isCE, isProp, isChildProp, forceProp;
    if (prop === "style") return style(node, value, prev);
    if (prop === "classList") return classList(node, value, prev);
    if (value === prev) return prev;
    if (prop === "ref") {
      if (!skipRef) value(node);
    } else if (prop.slice(0, 3) === "on:") {
      const e = prop.slice(3);
      prev && node.removeEventListener(e, prev, typeof prev !== "function" && prev);
      value && node.addEventListener(e, value, typeof value !== "function" && value);
    } else if (prop.slice(0, 10) === "oncapture:") {
      const e = prop.slice(10);
      prev && node.removeEventListener(e, prev, true);
      value && node.addEventListener(e, value, true);
    } else if (prop.slice(0, 2) === "on") {
      const name = prop.slice(2).toLowerCase();
      const delegate = DelegatedEvents.has(name);
      if (!delegate && prev) {
        const h = Array.isArray(prev) ? prev[0] : prev;
        node.removeEventListener(name, h);
      if (delegate || value) {
        addEventListener(node, name, value, delegate);
        delegate && delegateEvents([name]);
    } else if (prop.slice(0, 5) === "attr:") {
      setAttribute(node, prop.slice(5), value);
    } else if (prop.slice(0, 5) === "bool:") {
      setBoolAttribute(node, prop.slice(5), value);
    } else if ((forceProp = prop.slice(0, 5) === "prop:") || (isChildProp = ChildProperties.has(prop)) || !isSVG || (isCE = node.nodeName.includes("-") || "is" in props)) {
      if (forceProp) {
        prop = prop.slice(5);
        isProp = true;
      if (prop === "class" || prop === "className") className(node, value);
      else if (isCE && !isProp && !isChildProp) node[toPropertyName(prop)] = value;
      else node[prop] = value;
    } else {
      const ns = prop.indexOf(":") > -1 && SVGNamespace[prop.split(":")[0]];
      if (ns) setAttributeNS(node, ns, prop, value);
      else setAttribute(node, Aliases[prop] || prop, value);
    return value;
  function eventHandler(e) {
    let node =;
    const key = `$$${e.type}`;
    const oriTarget =;
    const oriCurrentTarget = e.currentTarget;
    const retarget = (value) => Object.defineProperty(e, "target", {
      configurable: true,
    const handleNode = () => {
      const handler = node[key];
      if (handler && !node.disabled) {
        const data = node[`${key}Data`];
        data !== void 0 ?, data, e) :, e);
        if (e.cancelBubble) return;
      } && typeof !== "string" && !$host && node.contains( && retarget(;
      return true;
    const walkUpTree = () => {
      while (handleNode() && (node = node._$host || node.parentNode || ;
    Object.defineProperty(e, "currentTarget", {
      configurable: true,
      get() {
        return node || document;
    if (e.composedPath) {
      const path = e.composedPath();
      for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 2; i++) {
        node = path[i];
        if (!handleNode()) break;
        if (node._$host) {
          node = node._$host;
        if (node.parentNode === oriCurrentTarget) {
    } else walkUpTree();
  function insertExpression(parent, value, current, marker, unwrapArray) {
    while (typeof current === "function") current = current();
    if (value === current) return current;
    const t = typeof value, multi = marker !== void 0;
    parent = multi && current[0] && current[0].parentNode || parent;
    if (t === "string" || t === "number") {
      if (t === "number") {
        value = value.toString();
        if (value === current) return current;
      if (multi) {
        let node = current[0];
        if (node && node.nodeType === 3) {
 !== value && ( = value);
        } else node = document.createTextNode(value);
        current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker, node);
      } else {
        if (current !== "" && typeof current === "string") {
          current = = value;
        } else current = parent.textContent = value;
    } else if (value == null || t === "boolean") {
      current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker);
    } else if (t === "function") {
      createRenderEffect(() => {
        let v = value();
        while (typeof v === "function") v = v();
        current = insertExpression(parent, v, current, marker);
      return () => current;
    } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
      const array = [];
      const currentArray = current && Array.isArray(current);
      if (normalizeIncomingArray(array, value, current, unwrapArray)) {
        createRenderEffect(() => current = insertExpression(parent, array, current, marker, true));
        return () => current;
      if (array.length === 0) {
        current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker);
        if (multi) return current;
      } else if (currentArray) {
        if (current.length === 0) {
          appendNodes(parent, array, marker);
        } else reconcileArrays(parent, current, array);
      } else {
        current && cleanChildren(parent);
        appendNodes(parent, array);
      current = array;
    } else if (value.nodeType) {
      if (Array.isArray(current)) {
        if (multi) return current = cleanChildren(parent, current, marker, value);
        cleanChildren(parent, current, null, value);
      } else if (current == null || current === "" || !parent.firstChild) {
      } else parent.replaceChild(value, parent.firstChild);
      current = value;
    } else ;
    return current;
  function normalizeIncomingArray(normalized, array, current, unwrap2) {
    let dynamic = false;
    for (let i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
      let item = array[i], prev = current && current[normalized.length], t;
      if (item == null || item === true || item === false) ;
      else if ((t = typeof item) === "object" && item.nodeType) {
      } else if (Array.isArray(item)) {
        dynamic = normalizeIncomingArray(normalized, item, prev) || dynamic;
      } else if (t === "function") {
        if (unwrap2) {
          while (typeof item === "function") item = item();
          dynamic = normalizeIncomingArray(
            Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item],
            Array.isArray(prev) ? prev : [prev]
          ) || dynamic;
        } else {
          dynamic = true;
      } else {
        const value = String(item);
        if (prev && prev.nodeType === 3 && === value) normalized.push(prev);
        else normalized.push(document.createTextNode(value));
    return dynamic;
  function appendNodes(parent, array, marker = null) {
    for (let i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) parent.insertBefore(array[i], marker);
  function cleanChildren(parent, current, marker, replacement) {
    if (marker === void 0) return parent.textContent = "";
    const node = replacement || document.createTextNode("");
    if (current.length) {
      let inserted = false;
      for (let i = current.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const el = current[i];
        if (node !== el) {
          const isParent = el.parentNode === parent;
          if (!inserted && !i)
            isParent ? parent.replaceChild(node, el) : parent.insertBefore(node, marker);
          else isParent && el.remove();
        } else inserted = true;
    } else parent.insertBefore(node, marker);
    return [node];
  const SVG_NAMESPACE = "";
  function createElement(tagName, isSVG = false) {
    return isSVG ? document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, tagName) : document.createElement(tagName);
  function Portal(props) {
    const { useShadow } = props, marker = document.createTextNode(""), mount = () => props.mount || document.body, owner = getOwner();
    let content;
    let hydrating = !!sharedConfig.context;
      () => {
        content || (content = runWithOwner(owner, () => createMemo(() => props.children)));
        const el = mount();
        if (el instanceof HTMLHeadElement) {
          const [clean, setClean] = createSignal(false);
          const cleanup = () => setClean(true);
          createRoot((dispose2) => insert(el, () => !clean() ? content() : dispose2(), null));
        } else {
          const container = createElement(props.isSVG ? "g" : "div", props.isSVG), renderRoot = useShadow && container.attachShadow ? container.attachShadow({
            mode: "open"
          }) : container;
          Object.defineProperty(container, "_$host", {
            get() {
              return marker.parentNode;
            configurable: true
          insert(renderRoot, content);
          props.ref && props.ref(container);
          onCleanup(() => el.removeChild(container));
      void 0,
        render: !hydrating
    return marker;
  var _tmpl$$h = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<i class="block text-[--bae-icon-size] size-[--bae-icon-size]">`);
  const Icon = (props) => {
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$h();
      insert(_el$, () => props.children);
      createRenderEffect((_$p) => (_$p = `${props.size ?? 18}px`) != null ? _el$.style.setProperty("--bae-icon-size", _$p) : _el$.style.removeProperty("--bae-icon-size"));
      return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$g = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div class="group/popover relative inline-block"><div class="size-max invisible group-hover/popover:visible p-2 rounded-[3px] pointer-events-none text-base absolute left-1/2 bottom-[calc(100%+0.25rem)] -translate-x-1/2 bg-black after:content-[''] after:absolute after:block after:-translate-x-1/2 after:size-0 after:top-full after:left-1/2 after:border-8 after:border-solid after:border-x-transparent after:border-b-transparent after:border-t-black">`);
  const Popover = (props) => {
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$g(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild;
      insert(_el$, () => props.children, _el$2);
      insert(_el$2, () => props.content);
      return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$f = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<button type=button><span class=font-bold>`);
  const Switch = (props) => {
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$f(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild;
      _el$.$$click = () => {
        var _a;
        (_a = props.onClick) == null ? void 0 :;
      insert(_el$2, () => props.children);
      createRenderEffect(() => className(_el$, `w-10 h-10 box-border rounded bg-white text-white cursor-pointer flex justify-center items-center ${props.value ?? false ? "bg-opacity-30 hover:bg-opacity-35" : "bg-opacity-0 hover:bg-opacity-20"}`));
      return _el$;
  const $RAW = Symbol("store-raw"), $NODE = Symbol("store-node"), $HAS = Symbol("store-has"), $SELF = Symbol("store-self");
  function wrap$1(value) {
    let p = value[$PROXY];
    if (!p) {
      Object.defineProperty(value, $PROXY, {
        value: p = new Proxy(value, proxyTraps$1)
      if (!Array.isArray(value)) {
        const keys = Object.keys(value), desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(value);
        for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
          const prop = keys[i];
          if (desc[prop].get) {
            Object.defineProperty(value, prop, {
              enumerable: desc[prop].enumerable,
              get: desc[prop].get.bind(p)
    return p;
  function isWrappable(obj) {
    let proto;
    return obj != null && typeof obj === "object" && (obj[$PROXY] || !(proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) || proto === Object.prototype || Array.isArray(obj));
  function unwrap(item, set = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) {
    let result, unwrapped, v, prop;
    if (result = item != null && item[$RAW]) return result;
    if (!isWrappable(item) || set.has(item)) return item;
    if (Array.isArray(item)) {
      if (Object.isFrozen(item)) item = item.slice(0);
      else set.add(item);
      for (let i = 0, l = item.length; i < l; i++) {
        v = item[i];
        if ((unwrapped = unwrap(v, set)) !== v) item[i] = unwrapped;
    } else {
      if (Object.isFrozen(item)) item = Object.assign({}, item);
      else set.add(item);
      const keys = Object.keys(item), desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(item);
      for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
        prop = keys[i];
        if (desc[prop].get) continue;
        v = item[prop];
        if ((unwrapped = unwrap(v, set)) !== v) item[prop] = unwrapped;
    return item;
  function getNodes(target, symbol) {
    let nodes = target[symbol];
    if (!nodes)
      Object.defineProperty(target, symbol, {
        value: nodes = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)
    return nodes;
  function getNode(nodes, property, value) {
    if (nodes[property]) return nodes[property];
    const [s, set] = createSignal(value, {
      equals: false,
      internal: true
    s.$ = set;
    return nodes[property] = s;
  function proxyDescriptor$1(target, property) {
    const desc = Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property);
    if (!desc || desc.get || !desc.configurable || property === $PROXY || property === $NODE)
      return desc;
    delete desc.value;
    delete desc.writable;
    desc.get = () => target[$PROXY][property];
    return desc;
  function trackSelf(target) {
    getListener() && getNode(getNodes(target, $NODE), $SELF)();
  function ownKeys(target) {
    return Reflect.ownKeys(target);
  const proxyTraps$1 = {
    get(target, property, receiver) {
      if (property === $RAW) return target;
      if (property === $PROXY) return receiver;
      if (property === $TRACK) {
        return receiver;
      const nodes = getNodes(target, $NODE);
      const tracked = nodes[property];
      let value = tracked ? tracked() : target[property];
      if (property === $NODE || property === $HAS || property === "__proto__") return value;
      if (!tracked) {
        const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, property);
        if (getListener() && (typeof value !== "function" || target.hasOwnProperty(property)) && !(desc && desc.get))
          value = getNode(nodes, property, value)();
      return isWrappable(value) ? wrap$1(value) : value;
    has(target, property) {
      if (property === $RAW || property === $PROXY || property === $TRACK || property === $NODE || property === $HAS || property === "__proto__")
        return true;
      getListener() && getNode(getNodes(target, $HAS), property)();
      return property in target;
    set() {
      return true;
    deleteProperty() {
      return true;
    getOwnPropertyDescriptor: proxyDescriptor$1
  function setProperty(state, property, value, deleting = false) {
    if (!deleting && state[property] === value) return;
    const prev = state[property], len = state.length;
    if (value === void 0) {
      delete state[property];
      if (state[$HAS] && state[$HAS][property] && prev !== void 0) state[$HAS][property].$();
    } else {
      state[property] = value;
      if (state[$HAS] && state[$HAS][property] && prev === void 0) state[$HAS][property].$();
    let nodes = getNodes(state, $NODE), node;
    if (node = getNode(nodes, property, prev)) node.$(() => value);
    if (Array.isArray(state) && state.length !== len) {
      for (let i = state.length; i < len; i++) (node = nodes[i]) && node.$();
      (node = getNode(nodes, "length", len)) && node.$(state.length);
    (node = nodes[$SELF]) && node.$();
  function mergeStoreNode(state, value) {
    const keys = Object.keys(value);
    for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
      const key = keys[i];
      setProperty(state, key, value[key]);
  function updateArray(current, next) {
    if (typeof next === "function") next = next(current);
    next = unwrap(next);
    if (Array.isArray(next)) {
      if (current === next) return;
      let i = 0, len = next.length;
      for (; i < len; i++) {
        const value = next[i];
        if (current[i] !== value) setProperty(current, i, value);
      setProperty(current, "length", len);
    } else mergeStoreNode(current, next);
  function updatePath(current, path, traversed = []) {
    let part, prev = current;
    if (path.length > 1) {
      part = path.shift();
      const partType = typeof part, isArray = Array.isArray(current);
      if (Array.isArray(part)) {
        for (let i = 0; i < part.length; i++) {
          updatePath(current, [part[i]].concat(path), traversed);
      } else if (isArray && partType === "function") {
        for (let i = 0; i < current.length; i++) {
          if (part(current[i], i)) updatePath(current, [i].concat(path), traversed);
      } else if (isArray && partType === "object") {
        const { from = 0, to = current.length - 1, by = 1 } = part;
        for (let i = from; i <= to; i += by) {
          updatePath(current, [i].concat(path), traversed);
      } else if (path.length > 1) {
        updatePath(current[part], path, [part].concat(traversed));
      prev = current[part];
      traversed = [part].concat(traversed);
    let value = path[0];
    if (typeof value === "function") {
      value = value(prev, traversed);
      if (value === prev) return;
    if (part === void 0 && value == void 0) return;
    value = unwrap(value);
    if (part === void 0 || isWrappable(prev) && isWrappable(value) && !Array.isArray(value)) {
      mergeStoreNode(prev, value);
    } else setProperty(current, part, value);
  function createStore(...[store, options]) {
    const unwrappedStore = unwrap(store || {});
    const isArray = Array.isArray(unwrappedStore);
    const wrappedStore = wrap$1(unwrappedStore);
    function setStore(...args) {
      batch(() => {
        isArray && args.length === 1 ? updateArray(unwrappedStore, args[0]) : updatePath(unwrappedStore, args);
    return [wrappedStore, setStore];
  var _tmpl$$e = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<span class="mr-1 last:mr-0">`), _tmpl$2$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<span>`), _tmpl$3$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<button>`);
  const sizeMap = {
    small: 5,
    medium: 7,
    large: 9
  const colorMap = {
    primary: "bg-[#dd6b20]",
    plain: "bg-[#4a5568]",
    transparent: "bg-transparent"
  const Button = (props) => {
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$3$1();
      _el$.$$click = () => {
        var _a;
        (_a = props.onClick) == null ? void 0 :;
      insert(_el$, createComponent(Show, {
        get when() {
          return props.icon != null;
        get children() {
          var _el$2 = _tmpl$$e();
          insert(_el$2, createComponent(Icon, {
            get children() {
              return props.icon;
          return _el$2;
      }), null);
      insert(_el$, createComponent(Show, {
        get when() {
          return props.children != null;
        get children() {
          var _el$3 = _tmpl$2$3();
          insert(_el$3, () => props.children);
          return _el$3;
      }), null);
      createRenderEffect((_p$) => {
        var _v$ = props.type, _v$2 = `inline-flex items-center text-white py-2 px-3 ${props.round === true ? `rounded-full size-${sizeMap[props.size ?? "medium"]} px-0 py-0` : "rounded-[3px]"} ${colorMap[props.variant ?? "transparent"]} h-${sizeMap[props.size ?? "medium"]}`;
        _v$ !== _p$.e && setAttribute(_el$, "type", _p$.e = _v$);
        _v$2 !== _p$.t && className(_el$, _p$.t = _v$2);
        return _p$;
      }, {
        e: void 0,
        t: void 0
      return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$d = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<input class="bg-[#2d3748] text-[#f7fafc] p-2 text-lg transition-all ease-in duration-100 rounded w-full border border-[#4a5568] hover:border-[#cbd5e0] focus:outline-none focus:border-[#a0aec0]"type=text>`);
  const Input = (props) => {
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$d();
      _el$.$$input = (e) => {
        var _a;
        (_a = props.onInput) == null ? void 0 :,;
      _el$.addEventListener("change", (e) => {
        var _a;
        (_a = props.onChange) == null ? void 0 :,;
      createRenderEffect(() => setAttribute(_el$, "placeholder", props.placeholder));
      createRenderEffect(() => _el$.value = props.value ?? "");
      return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$c = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<svg xmlns= viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path fill=currentColor d="M325.4 289.2 224 390.6 122.6 289.2C54 295.3 0 352.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-70.2-54-127.1-122.6-133.2M32 192c27.3 0 51.8-11.5 69.2-29.7 15.1 53.9 64 93.7 122.8 93.7 70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0c-50.4 0-93.6 29.4-114.5 71.8C92.1 47.8 64 32 32 32c0 33.4 17.1 62.8 43.1 80-26 17.2-43.1 46.6-43.1 80m144-96h96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32H144c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32">`);
  const Ninja = (props = {}) => (() => {
    var _el$ = _tmpl$$c();
    spread(_el$, props, true);
    return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$b = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<svg xmlns= fill=none stroke=currentColor stroke-width=1.5 class="w-6 h-6"viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round d="M19.5 12q0-1.848-.138-3.662a4.006 4.006 0 0 0-3.7-3.7 49 49 0 0 0-7.324 0 4.006 4.006 0 0 0-3.7 3.7q-.025.33-.046.662M19.5 12l3-3m-3 3-3-3m-12 3q0 1.848.138 3.662a4.006 4.006 0 0 0 3.7 3.7 49 49 0 0 0 7.324 0 4.006 4.006 0 0 0 3.7-3.7q.025-.33.046-.662M4.5 12l3 3m-3-3-3 3">`);
  const Replace = (props = {}) => (() => {
    var _el$ = _tmpl$$b();
    spread(_el$, props, true);
    return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$a = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<svg xmlns= fill=currentColor class="w-6 h-6"viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M5.25 6.375a4.125 4.125 0 1 1 8.25 0 4.125 4.125 0 0 1-8.25 0m-3 12.75a7.125 7.125 0 0 1 14.25 0v.003l-.001.119a.75.75 0 0 1-.363.63 13.07 13.07 0 0 1-6.761 1.873c-2.472 0-4.786-.684-6.76-1.873a.75.75 0 0 1-.364-.63zM18.75 7.5a.75.75 0 0 0-1.5 0v2.25H15a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.5h2.25v2.25a.75.75 0 0 0 1.5 0v-2.25H21a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.5h-2.25z">`);
  const AddUser = (props = {}) => (() => {
    var _el$ = _tmpl$$a();
    spread(_el$, props, true);
    return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<svg xmlns= fill=none stroke=currentColor stroke-width=1.5 class="w-6 h-6"viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round d="M13.5 4.5 21 12m0 0-7.5 7.5M21 12H3">`);
  const ArrowRight = (props = {}) => (() => {
    var _el$ = _tmpl$$9();
    spread(_el$, props, true);
    return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<svg xmlns= fill=none stroke=currentColor stroke-linecap=round stroke-linejoin=round stroke-width=2 class="feather feather-x-circle"viewBox="0 0 24 24"><circle cx=12 cy=12 r=10></circle><path d="m15 9-6 6M9 9l6 6">`);
  const CloseCross = (props = {}) => (() => {
    var _el$ = _tmpl$$8();
    spread(_el$, props, true);
    return _el$;
  var _GM = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM != "undefined" ? GM : void 0)();
  var _GM_addValueChangeListener = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_addValueChangeListener != "undefined" ? GM_addValueChangeListener : void 0)();
  const [characterList, { mutate: mutateCharacterList }] = createResource(async () => await _GM.getValue("boluoCharacterList", []));
  const setCharacterList = (value) => {
    const newVal = mutateCharacterList(value);
    void _GM.setValue("boluoCharacterList", newVal);
    return newVal;
    (_, __, newVal) => {
      void mutateCharacterList(newVal);
  function useCharacterStore() {
    const activeCharacter = createMemo(() => {
      var _a;
      return (_a = characterList()) == null ? void 0 : _a.find((c) =>;
    const setActiveCharacter = (name) => {
      characterList() != null && setCharacterList((prev) => {
        return => {
 = === name;
          return c;
    const deleteCharacter = (name) => {
      setCharacterList((prev) => {
        return (prev == null ? void 0 : prev.filter((c) => !== name)) ?? [];
    const addCharacter = (newCharacter) => {
      setCharacterList((prev) => {
        return [...prev ?? [], newCharacter];
    return {
  const [, setModalZIndex] = createSignal(3777);
  function useModalZIndex() {
    return setModalZIndex((prev) => prev + 1);
  var _tmpl$$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div class="fixed top-0 left-0 bg-black/50 size-full flex items-center justify-center z-[--bae-modal-z-index]"><div class="flex flex-col max-h-[80vh] slim-webkit-scroll md:min-w-96 rounded-md bg-[#232b3a] text-white shadow-[0_0_0_8px_#64646466] overflow-visible"><div class="flex w-full py-3 px-4 round"><div class="text-[#a0aec0] text-xl flex-1"></div></div><div class=p-4>`);
  const Modal = (props) => {
    const zIndex = useModalZIndex();
    return createComponent(Portal, {
      get children() {
        return createComponent(Show, {
          get when() {
            return props.shown;
          get children() {
            var _el$ = _tmpl$$7(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild, _el$3 = _el$2.firstChild, _el$4 = _el$3.firstChild, _el$5 = _el$3.nextSibling;
            _el$.$$click = () => {
            zIndex != null ? _el$.style.setProperty("--bae-modal-z-index", zIndex) : _el$.style.removeProperty("--bae-modal-z-index");
            _el$2.$$click = (e) => {
            insert(_el$4, () => props.title);
            insert(_el$3, createComponent(Button, {
              round: true,
              get icon() {
                return createComponent(CloseCross, {});
              get onClick() {
                return props.onClose;
            }), null);
            insert(_el$5, () => props.children);
            return _el$;
  function simulateNativeInput(el, value) {
    const nativeInputValueSetter = el instanceof HTMLInputElement ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLInputElement.prototype, "value").set : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(HTMLTextAreaElement.prototype, "value").set;, value);
      new CustomEvent("input", { bubbles: true, detail: { simulated: true } })
  const [inputContent, setInputContent] = createSignal("");
  function useDialogWindow(appRoot) {
    const memo = createMemo(() => {
      const root = appRoot();
      if (!(root == null ? void 0 : root.isConnected)) {
      const bottomBar = root.parentElement.parentElement;
      const dialog = bottomBar.previousElementSibling;
      const topBar = dialog.previousElementSibling;
      const inputArea = bottomBar.querySelector(".css-o3nsyu");
      const sendButton = bottomBar.querySelector(
      const openIDModal = async () => {
        return await new Promise((resolve) => {
          const userButton = topBar.querySelector(".css-1cdmsla");
          requestAnimationFrame(() => {
            const editIDMenuItem = document.querySelector(".css-y6z4l5");
            requestAnimationFrame(() => {
              const closeButton = document.querySelector(".css-1ecu4hv");
              const idInput = document.querySelector("#characterName");
              const submitButton = document.querySelector(
              resolve({ closeButton, idInput, submitButton });
      const setID = async (id) => {
        const { idInput, submitButton } = await openIDModal();
        simulateNativeInput(idInput, id);;
      const handleInput = (e) => {
        if (!(e instanceof InputEvent)) {
      inputArea.addEventListener("input", handleInput);
          (v) => {
            simulateNativeInput(inputArea, v);
          { defer: true }
      onCleanup(() => {
        inputArea.removeEventListener("input", handleInput);
      return {
    return memo;
  function formatImportString(importString) {
    const namePattern = /(?<=\.st )(?:([\p{Script=Han}|\w]+?)(?:[- ]|?))?(.+)/gu;
    const nameMatch = namePattern.exec(importString);
    if (nameMatch == null) {
      return {};
    const name = nameMatch[1];
    const attrString = nameMatch[2];
    const attrPattern = /([\p{Script=Han}|\w]+?)(\d+)/gu;
    const result = {};
    for (let match = attrPattern.exec(attrString); match !== null; match = attrPattern.exec(attrString)) {
      result[match[1]] = parseInt(match[2]);
    return {
      attributes: result,
      active: false
  const GlobalContext = createContext({
    dialog: () => void 0
  const GlobalProvider = (props) => {
    return createComponent(GlobalContext.Provider, props);
  const useGlobalContext = () => useContext(GlobalContext);
  var _tmpl$$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<table class=tab-center><thead><tr><th>属性名</th><th>属性值</th></tr></thead><tbody>`), _tmpl$2$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<tr><td></td><td>`);
  const AttributeTable = (props) => {
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$6(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild, _el$3 = _el$2.nextSibling;
      insert(_el$3, createComponent(For, {
        get each() {
          return Object.entries(props.attributes);
        children: (item) => (() => {
          var _el$4 = _tmpl$2$2(), _el$5 = _el$4.firstChild, _el$6 = _el$5.nextSibling;
          insert(_el$5, () => item[0]);
          insert(_el$6, () => item[1]);
          return _el$4;
      return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<label class="block py-2">导入字符串`), _tmpl$2$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div class=mb-4>`), _tmpl$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<form><div class=mb-4><label class="block py-2">角色名称</label></div><div class=mb-4></div><div class="flex justify-end">`), _tmpl$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div><p>支持如下格式:</p><p><span>.st &lt;</span><i>角色名</i><span>&gt; &lt;</span><i>技能名</i><span>&gt;&lt;</span><i>数值</i><span>&gt;</span></p><p>例如:</p><p>.st 雄狮雷文 力量100智力0STR100INT0`);
  const AddCharacterModal = (props) => {
    const {
    } = useCharacterStore();
    const [newCharacter, setNewCharacter] = createStore({
      // eslint-disable-next-line solid/reactivity
      name: props.initName ?? "",
      importString: "",
      // eslint-disable-next-line solid/reactivity
      attributes: props.initAttributes ?? {}
    const {
    } = useGlobalContext();
    createEffect(on(() => newCharacter.importString, (val) => {
      const resolved = formatImportString(val);
      if ( != null) {
        setNewCharacter((prev) => ({
      if (resolved.attributes != null) {
        setNewCharacter((prev) => ({
          attributes: resolved.attributes
    return createComponent(Modal, {
      get shown() {
        return props.shown;
      title: "添加身份",
      get onClose() {
        return props.onClose;
      get children() {
        var _el$ = _tmpl$3(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild;
        var _el$4 = _el$2.nextSibling, _el$7 = _el$4.nextSibling;
        _el$.addEventListener("submit", (e) => {
          void (async () => {
            var _a;
              attributes: newCharacter.attributes,
              active: false
            void ((_a = dialog()) == null ? void 0 : _a.setID(;
        insert(_el$2, createComponent(Input, {
          placeholder: "要导入的角色名称",
          get value() {
          onInput: (v) => {
            setNewCharacter((prev) => ({
              name: v
        }), null);
        insert(_el$4, createComponent(Popover, {
          get content() {
            return _tmpl$4();
          get children() {
            return _tmpl$$5();
        }), null);
        insert(_el$4, createComponent(Input, {
          placeholder: "请将骰娘导入字符串粘贴到这里",
          get value() {
            return newCharacter.importString;
          onInput: (v) => {
            setNewCharacter((prev) => ({
              importString: v
        }), null);
        insert(_el$, createComponent(Show, {
          get when() {
            return Object.keys(newCharacter.attributes).length !== 0;
          get children() {
            var _el$6 = _tmpl$2$1();
            insert(_el$6, createComponent(AttributeTable, {
              get attributes() {
                return newCharacter.attributes;
            return _el$6;
        }), _el$7);
        insert(_el$7, createComponent(Button, {
          type: "submit",
          variant: "primary",
          children: "添加并启用"
        return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<table class=tab-center><thead><tr><th>角色名</th><th>当前使用</th><th>操作</th></tr></thead><tbody>`), _tmpl$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<tr><td></td><td></td><td class="flex justify-around">`);
  const CharacterTable = () => {
    const {
      characterList: characterList2,
      setCharacterList: setCharacterList2,
    } = useCharacterStore();
    const [editShown, setEditShown] = createSignal(false);
    const {
    } = useGlobalContext();
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$4(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild, _el$3 = _el$2.nextSibling;
      insert(_el$3, createComponent(For, {
        get each() {
          return characterList2();
        children: (item) => (() => {
          var _el$4 = _tmpl$2(), _el$5 = _el$4.firstChild, _el$6 = _el$5.nextSibling, _el$7 = _el$6.nextSibling;
          insert(_el$4, createComponent(AddCharacterModal, {
            get initAttributes() {
              return item.attributes;
            get initName() {
            get shown() {
              return editShown();
            onClose: () => {
          }), _el$5);
          insert(_el$5, () =>;
          insert(_el$6, () => ? "是" : "否");
          insert(_el$7, createComponent(Button, {
            variant: "primary",
            onClick: () => {
              var _a;
              void ((_a = dialog()) == null ? void 0 : _a.setID(;
            children: "启用"
          }), null);
          insert(_el$7, createComponent(Button, {
            variant: "primary",
            onClick: () => {
            children: "重新导入"
          }), null);
          insert(_el$7, createComponent(Button, {
            variant: "plain",
            onClick: () => {
              setCharacterList2((prev) => {
                const newList = (prev == null ? void 0 : prev.filter((i) => !== ?? [];
                return newList;
            children: "删除"
          }), null);
          return _el$4;
      return _el$;
  const CharacterListModal = (props) => {
    return createComponent(Modal, {
      get shown() {
        return props.shown;
      title: "身份列表",
      get onClose() {
        return props.onClose;
      get children() {
        return createComponent(CharacterTable, {});
  var _tmpl$$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<span class="inline-flex h-10 items-center bg-slate-950 bg-opacity-30 rounded cursor-pointer"role=button><span class="p-1 m-2 rounded text-xs bg-slate-500"></span><span class="p-1 m-2 rounded text-xs bg-slate-500">`);
  const Suggestion = (props) => {
    return createComponent(Popover, {
      content: "点击替换",
      get children() {
        var _el$ = _tmpl$$3(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild, _el$3 = _el$2.nextSibling;
        _el$.$$click = () => {
        insert(_el$2, () => props.original);
        insert(_el$, createComponent(Icon, {
          get children() {
            return createComponent(ArrowRight, {});
        }), _el$3);
        insert(_el$3, () => props.replacement);
        return _el$;
  const getReplacementSuggestions = (text, attributes) => {
    if (text === "" || Object.keys(attributes).length === 0) {
      return [];
    const pattern = new RegExp(Object.keys(attributes).join("|"), "g");
    const matches = text.matchAll(pattern);
    const suggestions = [];
    for (const item of matches) {
      const original = item[0];
      const replacement = attributes[original].toString();
        start: item.index,
        end: item.index + original.length,
    return suggestions;
  const replaceAttribute = (text, suggestion) => {
    return text.slice(0, suggestion.start) + suggestion.replacement + text.slice(suggestion.end);
  var _tmpl$$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div class="flex-1 grid grid-rows-1 grid-flow-col gap-2">`);
  const SuggestionList = (props) => {
    const {
    } = useCharacterStore();
    const {
    } = useGlobalContext();
    const suggestions = createMemo(() => {
      var _a, _b;
      return getReplacementSuggestions(((_a = dialog()) == null ? void 0 : _a.inputContent()) ?? "", ((_b = activeCharacter()) == null ? void 0 : _b.attributes) ?? {});
    createEffect(on(() => ({
      suggestions: suggestions(),
      auto: props.autoReplacement,
      dialog: dialog()
    }), ({
      suggestions: suggestions2,
      dialog: dialog2
    }) => {
      if (auto) {
        const suggestion = suggestions2[0];
        if (suggestion != null) {
          dialog2 == null ? void 0 : dialog2.setInputContent((prev) => replaceAttribute(prev, suggestion));
    return (() => {
      var _el$ = _tmpl$$2();
      insert(_el$, createComponent(For, {
        get each() {
          return suggestions();
        children: (item) => createComponent(Suggestion, mergeProps(item, {
          onClick: () => {
            var _a;
            (_a = dialog()) == null ? void 0 : _a.setInputContent((prev) => replaceAttribute(prev, item));
      return _el$;
  var _tmpl$$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div class="flex flex-row"><div class="flex flex-row"><div class=mr-1></div><div class=mr-2></div><div class=mr-1>`);
  const App = () => {
    const [root, setRoot] = createSignal(void 0, {
      equals: false
    const [autoReplacement, setAutoReplacement] = createSignal(false);
    const [characterListShown, setCharacterListShown] = createSignal(false);
    const [addCharacterShown, setAddCharacterShown] = createSignal(false);
    const dialog = useDialogWindow(root);
    onMount(() => {
      setRoot((prev) => prev);
    return createComponent(GlobalProvider, {
      value: {
      get children() {
        var _el$ = _tmpl$$1(), _el$2 = _el$.firstChild, _el$3 = _el$2.firstChild, _el$4 = _el$3.nextSibling, _el$5 = _el$4.nextSibling;
        use(setRoot, _el$);
        insert(_el$, createComponent(CharacterListModal, {
          get shown() {
            return characterListShown();
          onClose: () => {
        }), _el$2);
        insert(_el$, createComponent(AddCharacterModal, {
          get shown() {
            return addCharacterShown();
          onClose: () => {
        }), _el$2);
        insert(_el$3, createComponent(Popover, {
          content: "添加身份",
          get children() {
            return createComponent(Switch, {
              onClick: () => {
              get children() {
                return createComponent(Icon, {
                  get children() {
                    return createComponent(AddUser, {});
        insert(_el$4, createComponent(Popover, {
          content: "自动属性值替换",
          get children() {
            return createComponent(Switch, {
              get value() {
                return autoReplacement();
              onClick: () => {
                setAutoReplacement((v) => !v);
              get children() {
                return createComponent(Icon, {
                  get children() {
                    return createComponent(Replace, {});
        insert(_el$5, createComponent(Popover, {
          content: "身份管理",
          get children() {
            return createComponent(Switch, {
              onClick: () => {
              get children() {
                return createComponent(Icon, {
                  get children() {
                    return createComponent(Ninja, {});
        insert(_el$2, createComponent(SuggestionList, {
          get autoReplacement() {
            return autoReplacement();
        }), null);
        return _el$;
  var _tmpl$ = /* @__PURE__ */ template(`<div class="col-start-1 col-end-4">`);
  function renderApp(mountPoint) { = "5px"; = "5px";
    const root = _tmpl$();
    render(() => createComponent(App, {}), root);
  const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
    const newMountPoints = document.querySelectorAll(".css-1pgii3c:not([boluo-attribute-extension-loaded])");
    newMountPoints.forEach((mountPoint) => {
      mountPoint.setAttribute("boluo-attribute-extension-loaded", "");
  mutationObserver.observe(document.body, {
    childList: true,
    subtree: true
