Download all images from any Tumblr, or browse ten pages' worth of images at a time.
Many artists use Tumblr as a gallery site despite its shortcomings for that purpose. Sometimes you just want the pretty pictures without having to scroll endlessly through political opinions. Sometimes you get tired of clicking for full-size images and instead getting random links to unrelated pages.
Eza's Tumblr Scrape tries to help - by ignoring most of what Tumblr is for. Every page gets a convenient "Scrape" link. If you're browsing a particular tag, it'll list every image for that tag, so you can grab them with DownThemAll. Or you can browse the images, full-sized or thumbnailed, with every image linked to its proper high-res version. It's never been so easy to get neck-deep in Homestuck fanart and Sherlock GIFs!
(Some sites will fail because their themes are downright wacky. Tumblr-based sites that don't end in "" still work, but don't get the convenient button. Sorry. Leave feedback to complain.)