// ==UserScript==
// @name IdlePixel Shut Up, Alt
// @namespace com.zlef.idlepixel
// @version 1.0.6
// @description Never accidentally send a message on an alt again. Add alt names in the plugin settings to disable sending messages.
// @author Zlef
// @license MIT
// @match *://idle-pixel.com/login/play*
// @grant none
// @require https://greasyfork.org/scripts/441206-idlepixel/code/IdlePixel+.js?anticache=20220905
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
class ShutUpAlt extends IdlePixelPlusPlugin {
constructor() {
super("shutupalt", {
about: {
name: GM_info.script.name + " (ver: " + GM_info.script.version + ")",
version: GM_info.script.version,
author: GM_info.script.author,
description: GM_info.script.description
config: [
id: "confused",
label: "Example list: name,name2,name3,amyjane1991,name4",
type: "boolean",
default: true
id: "altIDList",
label: "List the names of alts you want the chat disabled for.",
type: "string",
max: 200000,
default: "PlaceIDsHere"
onConfigsChanged() {
this.chatDisabledList = IdlePixelPlus.plugins.shutupalt.getConfig("altIDList").replace(";",",").replace(" ,", ",").replace(" , ",",").replace(", ",",").toLowerCase().split(',');
onLogin() {
this.username = document.querySelector('item-display[data-key="username"]').innerText;
this.chatDisabledList = IdlePixelPlus.plugins.shutupalt.getConfig("altIDList").replace(";",",").replace(" ,", ",").replace(" , ",",").replace(", ",",").toLowerCase().split(',');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
disableChat() {
const chatInput = document.querySelector('.chat-area-input');
if (this.chatDisabledList.includes(this.username)) {
chatInput.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
chatInput.setAttribute('placeholder', `${this.username} (Chat disabled)`);
} else {
chatInput.setAttribute('placeholder', this.username);
const plugin = new ShutUpAlt();