// ==UserScript==
// @name USTC 选课人数显示
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1.2
// @description 显示研究生课程剩余人数
// @author Talentaa
// @match https://jw.ustc.edu.cn/for-std/course-select/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=ustc.edu.cn
// @grant none
// @license GPL License
// ==/UserScript==
$(function () {
defaults: {
bizTypeId: null,
studentId: null,
turnId: null,
turnMode: {
enableVirtualWallet: false
TTL_mills: 10 * 1000,
bulletinCycle: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
openDepartments: [],
courseEducations: [],
courseGradations: [],
campus: [],
classTypes: [],
courseTypes: [],
courseUnits: [],
startRefreshStdCount: true,
predicateResult: [],
requireConfig: function () {
baseUrl: window.CONTEXT_PATH + '/static/courseselect',
paths: {
text: window.CONTEXT_PATH + '/static/eams-ui/js/text'
* 模糊匹配
* @param $table
* @param i
* @param filterVal
filterColumnWildcard: function ($table, i, filterVal) {
$table.DataTable().column(i).search(filterVal, true, false).draw();
* 精确匹配
* @param $table
* @param i
* @param filterVal
filterColumn: function ($table, i, filterVal) {
var regExSearch = '^' + filterVal + '$';
$table.DataTable().column(i).search(filterVal ? regExSearch : filterVal, true, false).draw();
filterGlobal: function ($table) {
$table.DataTable().search($('#global_filter').val(), false, true).draw();
getCurrentPageWithAddLessons: function (dataTable) {
var currentPageLessons = [];
if (dataTable == undefined) {
$.each($('.dataTable:visible tbody tr:visible'), function () {
var $btn = $(this).find('td:eq(0) button');
if (!!$btn.length) {
} else if (dataTable && !!dataTable.length) {
$.each(dataTable.find('tbody tr'), function () {
var $btn = $(this).find('td:eq(0) button');
if (!!$btn.length) {
return currentPageLessons;
getCurrentPageWithSelectedLessons: function () {
var currentPageLessons = [];
var rows = $('#selected-lessons-table tbody tr:visible .drop-course');
$.each(rows, function () {
return currentPageLessons;
initConditions: function (lessons) {
this.courseTypes = this.getDatasByType(lessons, 'courseType');
this.openDepartments = this.getDepartmentDatas(lessons, 'openDepartment');
this.campus = this.getDatasByType(lessons, 'campus');
this.classTypes = this.getDatasByType(lessons, 'classType');
this.courseUnits = this.getDatasByUnits(lessons, 'unitText');
this.courseGradations = this.getDatasByGradation(lessons, 'courseGradation');
this.courseEducations = this.getDatasByCourseGradation(lessons, 'courseGradation');
getDatasByGradation: function (lessons, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = [];
$.each(lessons, function (i, el) {
if (!el[type]) {
el[type] = {nameZh: '', nameEn: ''};
if (!dupes[el[type].id]) {
dupes[el[type].id] = true;
singles.push({value: el[type].id, text: el[type].nameZh, educationId: el[type]['education'] != null ? el[type]['education'].id : ''});
return singles;
getDatasByCourseGradation: function (lessons, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = [];
$.each(lessons, function (i, el) {
if (!el[type]) {
el[type] = {nameZh: '', nameEn: ''};
if (!dupes[el[type].id]) {
dupes[el[type].id] = true;
if (el[type]['education'] != null && typeof el[type]['education'] != 'undefined') {
singles.push({value: el[type]['education'].id, text: el[type]['education'].nameZh});
return singles;
getDatasByType: function (lessons, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = [];
$.each(lessons, function (i, el) {
if (!el[type]) {
el[type] = {nameZh: '', nameEn: ''};
if (!dupes[el[type].id]) {
dupes[el[type].id] = true;
singles.push({value: el[type].id, text: el[type].nameZh});
return singles;
getDepartmentDatas: function (lessons, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = [];
$.each(lessons, function (i, el) {
if (!el[type]) {
el[type] = {nameZh: '', nameEn: ''};
if (!dupes[el[type].id]) {
dupes[el[type].id] = true;
return singles;
getDatasByUnits: function (lessons, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = [];
$.each(lessons, function (i, el) {
if (!el[type]) {
el[type] = {nameZh: '', nameEn: ''};
if (!dupes[el[type].text]) {
dupes[el[type].text] = true;
// var text = el[type].text.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
// singles.push({value: text, text: text});
var texts = el[type].text.split('\n');
$.each(texts, function () {
singles.push({value: this.toString(), text: this.toString()});
return singles;
getDatasByList: function (items, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = '';
$.each(items, function (i, item) {
if (!item) {
if (!dupes[item.id]) {
dupes[item.id] = true;
if (singles == '') {
singles += item.nameZh;
} else {
singles += ',' + item.nameZh;
return singles;
getDatasByUnitsList: function (items, type) {
var dupes = {};
var singles = '';
$.each(items, function (i, item) {
if (!item) {
if (!dupes[item]) {
dupes[item] = true;
/*if (singles == '') {
singles += item;
} else {
singles += ',' + item;
singles += '_' + item + ',';
return singles;
* 获得这个学生在本批次开放选课的所有PlanCourse(参选任务)
* @param options
* @returns {{}}
fetchAddableLessons: function (options) {
var _self = this;
var key = "cs-addableLessons-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId;
var addableLessons = _self.cache.getCache(key);
if (addableLessons == null) {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchAddableLessons,
type: 'post',
data: {turnId: options.turnId, studentId: options.studentId},
async: false,
success: function (res) {
addableLessons = {};
$.each(res, function () {
var teachers = this.teachers;
var teachers_str = "";
$.each(this.teachers, function (index) {
if (teachers.length == (index + 1)) {
teachers_str += window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? this.nameEn : this.nameZh;
} else {
teachers_str += (window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? this.nameEn : this.nameZh) + ",";
this['teacherStr'] = teachers_str;
addableLessons['data'] = res;
_self.cache.putCache(key, addableLessons, _self.TTL_mills);
// _self.initConditions(addableLessons.data);
return addableLessons;
* 获得这个学生在本批次开放选课
* @param options
* @returns {{}}
fetchFilteredPlanCourses: function (options) {
var _self = this;
var allPlanCourses = _self.fetchPlanCourses(options);
var storagePlanCourses = {};
var courseIds = _.map(_self.fetchAddableLessons(options).data, function (lesson) {
return lesson.course.id;
var enabledCourses = _.filter(allPlanCourses, function (course) {
return courseIds.indexOf(course.id) != -1;
storagePlanCourses['data'] = enabledCourses;
return storagePlanCourses;
fetchFailedCourses: function (options) {
var _self = this;
var key = "cs-failedCourses-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId;
var storageFailedCourses = _self.cache.getCache(key);
if (storageFailedCourses == null) {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchFailedCourses,
type: 'post',
async: false,
data: {
studentId: options.studentId,
turnId: options.turnId
success: function (res) {
storageFailedCourses = {};
storageFailedCourses['data'] = res;
_self.cache.putCache(key, storageFailedCourses, _self.TTL_mills);
return storageFailedCourses;
dirtySelectLessons: function (options) {
var _self = this;
var key = "cs-selectedLessons-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId;
fetchSelectedLessons: function (options) {
var _self = this;
var key = "cs-selectedLessons-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId;
var storageSelectedLessons = _self.cache.getCache(key);
if (storageSelectedLessons == null || storageSelectedLessons.data.length == 0) {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchSelectedCourses,
type: 'post',
async: false,
data: {
studentId: options.studentId,
turnId: options.turnId
success: function (res) {
$.each(res, function () {
var teachers = this.teachers;
var teachers_str = "";
$.each(this.teachers, function (index) {
if (teachers.length == (index + 1)) {
teachers_str += window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? this.nameEn : this.nameZh;
} else {
teachers_str += (window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? this.nameEn : this.nameZh) + ",";
this['teacherStr'] = teachers_str;
storageSelectedLessons = {};
storageSelectedLessons['data'] = res;
_self.cache.putCache(key, storageSelectedLessons, _self.TTL_mills);
// _self.initConditions(storageSelectedLessons.data);
return storageSelectedLessons;
fetchStatus: function (options) {
var electProfile = {
semesterCreditUpperLimit: 0,
semesterAmountUpperLimit: 0,
semesterAmountActual: 0,
semesterCreditActual: 0,
totalCreditActual: 0,
totalCreditUpperLimit: 0,
totalAmountActual: 0,
totalAmountUpperLimit: 0,
virtualCostTotal: 0,
virtualCostSpent: 0
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchStatus,
type: 'post',
data: {
turnId: options.turnId,
studentId: options.studentId
async: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res) {
electProfile = res;
return electProfile;
getTimeSegments: function (courseUnits) {
var timeSegments = [];
var segStartTime = parseInt(courseUnits[0].startTime / 100) * 100;
var segEndTime;
var endTime = courseUnits[courseUnits.length - 1].endTime;
if ((endTime / 100) > parseInt(endTime / 100)) {
segEndTime = (parseInt(endTime / 100) + 1) * 100;
} else {
segEndTime = (endTime / 100) * 100;
for (var start = segStartTime; start < segEndTime; start = start + 100) {
startTime: start,
endTime: start + 100
return timeSegments;
* 释放LocalStorage空间
* @param options
releaseLocalStorage: function (options) {
if (window.localStorage && window.localStorage.getItem) {
// 清理掉别人的localStorage缓存
var removeKeys = [];
for (var key in window.localStorage) {
if (key.indexOf("-table", key.length - "-table".length) !== -1) {
if (key === "current_semester") {
if (key.indexOf("cs-") != 0) {
// 不是选课缓存
if (key.indexOf("-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId) == -1) {
// 不是当前学生,当前批次的选课缓存
_.each(removeKeys, function (key) {
initTabs: function (options) {
var _self = this;
var options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays){
var d = new Date();
var expires = "expires="+d.toGMTString();
document.cookie = cname+"="+cvalue+"; "+expires;
function getCookie(cname){
var name = cname + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i].trim();
if (c.indexOf(name)==0) {
return c.substring(name.length,c.length);
return "";
var courseSelectLocalStorage = 'course-select-' + options.turnId;
var getCourseSelect = getCookie(courseSelectLocalStorage);
var isShow = false;
if (getCourseSelect == '' && options.bulletin != null) {
var bulletin = options.bulletin.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
$(".no-longer-prompt").click(function () {
setCookie(courseSelectLocalStorage, true, _self.bulletinCycle);
$(".alter-modal").on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
} else {
isShow = true;
], function (tabsTemp, selectedLessonsTmpl, cache) {
_self.cache = cache;
var tabs_template = _.template(tabsTemp);
_self.renderAllLessonsTable(options, isShow);
_self.renderSelectedLessonTable(options, selectedLessonsTmpl);
renderStatus: function (options) {
var _self = this;
$(".all-course-select").on('click', function () {
window.open(window.CONTEXT_PATH + '/for-std/course-select/' + options.studentId + '/turn/'+ options.turnId + '/all-course-takes', 'allCourseTakes');
$(".print-course-select").on('click', function () {
window.open(window.CONTEXT_PATH + '/for-std/course-select/' + options.studentId + '/turn/'+ options.turnId + '/semester-course-takes', 'semesterCourseTakes');
$(".my-course-table").on('click', function () {
var weekdayList = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
var lessons = [];
var schedules = [];
var scheduleGroups = [];
var courseUnits = [];
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + "/ws/schedule-table/timetable-layout",
type: 'post',
contentType: 'application/json',
async: false,
data: JSON.stringify({
timeTableLayoutId: 1
success: function (res) {
courseUnits = res.result.courseUnitList;
var timeSegmentLayout = {
timeSegments: _self.getTimeSegments(courseUnits),
units: courseUnits
var selected_lessons = _self.fetchSelectedLessons(options).data;
if (selected_lessons.length > 0) {
var data = {};
data['lessonIds'] = _.map(selected_lessons, function (lesson) {
return lesson.id;
data['studentId'] = options.studentId;
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + "/ws/schedule-table/datum",
type: 'post',
contentType: 'application/json',
async: false,
data: JSON.stringify(data),
success: function (res) {
lessons = res.result.lessonList;
schedules = res.result.scheduleList;
scheduleGroups = res.result.scheduleGroupList;
$(".course-table-modal .course-table-block").timeTable({
semesterId: options.semesterId,
timeSegmentLayout: timeSegmentLayout,
lessons: lessons,
schedules: schedules,
scheduleGroups: scheduleGroups,
weekdayList: weekdayList,
unDraggableTimeTable: true
$('.course-table-modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
$(".course-table-modal .course-table-block").timeTable('destroy');
renderStatusBySuitable: function (lessons, $target) {
if (!!lessons.length) {
judgeIncludeLesson: function (data, options, id, type) {
var selectedLesson = null;
$.each(data, function () {
if ('course' == type) {
if (this.course && id == this.course.id) {
selectedLesson = this;
} else if ('lesson' == type) {
if (id == this.id) {
selectedLesson = this;
return selectedLesson;
bindPullUpAndOpenOpe: function () {
$("button.pull-up").unbind('click').click(function () {
var is_pull_up = $(this).attr("is-pull-up");
if (is_pull_up == 0) {
$(this).attr("is-pull-up", 1);
$(this).html("<i class='fa fa-angle-down'/> 学业进展情况");
} else {
$(this).attr("is-pull-up", 0);
$(this).html("<i class='fa fa-angle-up'/> 学业进展情况");
$(".course-module").unbind('click').click(function () {
var courseModuleId = $(this).closest("tr").data("id");
var $currentTable = $(this).closest("table");
if ($(this).find("i").hasClass("fa-angle-up")) {
$.each($currentTable.find("tbody>tr"), function () {
if ($(this).data("parent") == courseModuleId) {
} else {
$.each($currentTable.find("tbody>tr"), function () {
if ($(this).data("parent") == courseModuleId) {
renderAllLessonsTable: function (options, isShow) {
var _self = this;
var options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
var $table;
], function (allLessonTemp) {
var all_template = _.template(allLessonTemp);
$table = _self.find("#all-lessons-table");
var data = _self.fetchAddableLessons(options).data;
_self.initAllLessonConditions(options, $table);
if (isShow) {
var all_lessons_table = null;
var selected_lessons = _self.fetchSelectedLessons(options).data;
if (all_lessons_table) {
all_lessons_table = $table.DataTable({
data: data,
"autoWidth": false,
"columns": [
"data": "id",
"render": function (field, row) {
var btn = '';
var selectedLesson = _self.judgeIncludeLesson(selected_lessons, options, field.data, 'lesson');
if (selectedLesson) {
btn = '<button data-id="' + field.data + '" class="btn btn-primary drop-course" value="退课">退课</button>';
} else {
btn = '<button data-id="' + field.data + '" class="btn btn-primary course-select" value="选课">选课</button>';
btn += '<input type="hidden" value="'+ row.data.enablePreSelect +'" class="course-enablePreSelect"/>';
return btn;
"data": "id",
"render": function (field) {
var label = '';
var selectedLesson = _self.judgeIncludeLesson(selected_lessons, options, field.data, 'lesson');
if (selectedLesson) {
if (!selectedLesson.pinned) {
label = '<label class="control-label pinned-label">待抽签</label>';
} else {
label = '<label class="control-label drop-label">已选中</label>';
} else {
label = '<label class="control-label select-label1"></label>';
return label;
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "selectionState.nameEn" : "selectionState.nameZh"},
{"data": "code",
"render": function (field, row) {
return '<span data-id="' + (row.data.course != null ? row.data.course.id : null) + '" class="click-course-info" style="color: #0f589f; cursor: pointer;">' + field.data + '</span>';
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "course.nameEn" : "course.nameZh"},
{"data": "course.credits"},
{"data": "openDepartment.nameZh"},
{"data": "selectionType.nameZh"},
{"data": "courseGradation.education.nameZh"},
{"data": "courseGradation.nameZh"},
{"data": "teacherStr"},
{"data": "weekDayPlaceText.textZh",
"render": function (field, row) {
return field.data.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
/*{"data": "unitText.textZh",
"render": function (field, row) {
return field.data.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
"data": "id",
"render": function (field, row) {
return _self.getDatasByUnitsList(row.data.units, 'units');
{"data": "weekText.textZh",
"render": function (field, row) {
return field.data.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
"data": "id",
"render": function (field, row) {
return _self.getDatasByList([row.data.campus], 'campus');
{"data": "teachLang.nameZh"},
"data": "limitCount",
"render": function(field) {
if (options.turnMode.showCount) {
return '<div style="width: 80%">' +
'<div class="progress-text text-center"><span class="std-count">0</span>/<span class="limit-count">' + field.data + '</span></div>' +
'<div class="progress" style="height: 5px;">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary std-count-progress" role="progressbar">' +
'</div></div>' +
} else {
return '<div class="not-show-count" limit-count="' + field.data + '"></div>';
{"data": "remark",
"render": function (field, row) {
/*if (field.data) {
return '<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-original-title="' + field.data + '" style="cursor: pointer;">' +
'<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></span>';
return '<span data-id="' + row.data.id + '" class="click-remark" style="color: #0f589f; cursor: pointer;">选课备注</span>';
"aoColumnDefs": [{"orderable": false, "targets": [0, 1]}],
"lengthMenu": [[20, 50, 100, 200, 500, -1], [20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000]],
"pagingType": "full",
"dom": 'rt<"#table-page-info"<"table-info"<"pull-left"i><"pageInfoStyle"p>>><"row"<"col-md-12"<"pull-right"<"pull-left"i><"pageInfoStyle1"p>>>>',
"language": {
"info": "<a class='btn btn-default disabled'>_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_</a>",
"infoEmpty": "<a class='btn btn-default disabled'>_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_</a>",
"sInfoFiltered": "",
"sZeroRecords": "无数据",
"search": "<a><i class='fa fa-search'></i></a> _INPUT_ <br/>",
"lengthMenu": "_MENU_",
"paginate": {
"next": '<i class="fa fa-angle-right title-icon"></i>',
"previous": '<i class="fa fa-angle-left title-icon"></i>',
"first": '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-left title-icon"></i>',
"last": '<i class="fa fa-angle-double-right title-icon"></i>'
"drawCallback": function () {
_self.refreshStdCount(options, $table);
_self.courseSelect($table, options);
_self.addPredicate(options, $table, "lesson");
_self.addDropLessonFunc(options, $table, 'out');
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({container: 'body'});
$table.find('.click-course-info').unbind('click').click(function () {
_self.showCourseInfo(options, $(this).data('id'));
$table.find('.click-remark').unbind('click').click(function () {
_self.showRemark(options, $(this).data('id'));
_self.startRefreshStdCountPeriodically(options, $table);
$("a.all-lessons").on('shown.bs.tab', function () {
var selected_lessons = _self.fetchSelectedLessons(options).data;
$.each($table.find("tbody tr"), function () {
var $btn = $(this).find('td:eq(0) button');
var $label = $(this).find('td:eq(1) label');
var selectedLesson = _self.judgeIncludeLesson(selected_lessons, options, $btn.data('id'), 'lesson');
if (selectedLesson) {
if (!selectedLesson.pinned) {
} else {
_self.addDropLessonFunc(options, $table, 'out');
} else {
_self.courseSelect($table, options);
showRemark: function (options, lessonId) {
if (lessonId == null) {
var $modal = $(".new-remark-modal");
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.lessonInfo,
type: 'post',
async: false,
data: {"lessonId": lessonId},
success: function (res) {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.remarkDetail,
type: 'post',
async: false,
data: {"lessonId": lessonId},
success: function (res) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find(".selectRemark").text(res.lesson.remark ? res.lesson.remark : "");
var parentCodeList = {};
_.each(res.selectionGroupsJson, function (selectionGroup) {
var parentCode = selectionGroup.parentCode;
if (!parentCodeList[parentCode]) {
parentCodeList[parentCode] = {};
parentCodeList[parentCode] = selectionGroup;
var firstCodeList = {};
_.each(res.firstGroupsJson, function (firstGroup) {
var parentCode = firstGroup.parentCode;
if (!firstCodeList[parentCode]) {
firstCodeList[parentCode] = {};
firstCodeList[parentCode] = firstGroup;
var selectStrItems = [];
var noStrItems = [];
var firstStrItems = [];
for (var i in parentCodeList) {
var selectionGroup = parentCodeList[i];
var firstGroup = firstCodeList[i];
var trainType = '';
var trainType_no = '';
var trainType_first = '';
var gender = '';
var gender_no = '';
var gender_first = '';
var grade = '';
var grade_no = '';
var grade_first = '';
var stdType = '';
var stdType_no = '';
var stdType_first = '';
var mngtDepartment = '';
var mngtDepartment_no = '';
var mngtDepartment_first = '';
var department = '';
var department_no = '';
var department_first = '';
var major = '';
var major_no = '';
var major_first = '';
var majorDirection = '';
var majorDirection_no = '';
var majorDirection_first = '';
var adminclass = '';
var adminclass_no = '';
var adminclass_first = '';
var selectItems = [];
var noItems = [];
var firstItems = [];
// 培养类型
var trainTypeItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.trainTypeList, function (o) {
var first_trainTypeItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.trainTypeList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.trainTypeMode == "IN") {
trainType = trainTypeItems.join(",");
if (trainType) {
selectItems.push("培养类型:" + trainType);
} else {
trainType_no = trainTypeItems.join(",");
if (trainType_no) {
noItems.push("培养类型:" + trainType_no);
trainType_first = first_trainTypeItems.join(",");
if (trainType_first) {
firstItems.push("培养类型:" + trainType_first);
// 性别
var genderItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.genderList, function (o) {
var first_genderItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.genderList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.genderMode == "IN") {
gender = genderItems.join(",");
if (gender) {
selectItems.push("性别:" + gender);
} else {
gender_no = genderItems.join(",");
if (gender_no) {
noItems.push("性别:" + gender_no);
gender_first = first_genderItems.join(",");
if (gender_first) {
firstItems.push("性别:" + gender_first);
// 年级
var gradeItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.gradeList, function (o) {
var first_gradeItems = [];
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.gradeList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.gradeMode == "IN") {
grade = gradeItems.join(",");
if (grade) {
selectItems.push("年级:" + grade);
} else {
grade_no = gradeItems.join(",");
if (grade_no) {
noItems.push("年级:" + grade_no);
grade_first = first_gradeItems.join(",");
if (grade_first) {
firstItems.push("年级:" + grade_first);
// 学生类别
var stdTypeItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.stdTypeList, function (o) {
var first_stdTypeItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.stdTypeList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.stdTypeMode == "IN") {
stdType = stdTypeItems.join(",");
if (stdType) {
selectItems.push("学生类别:" + stdType);
} else {
stdType_no = stdTypeItems.join(",");
if (stdType_no) {
noItems.push("学生类别:" + stdType_no);
stdType_first = first_stdTypeItems.join(",");
if (stdType_first) {
firstItems.push("学生类别:" + stdType_first);
// 管理院系
var mngtDepartmentItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.mngtDepartmentList, function (o) {
var first_mngtDepartmentItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.mngtDepartmentList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.mngtDepartmentMode == "IN") {
mngtDepartment = mngtDepartmentItems.join(",");
if (mngtDepartment) {
selectItems.push("管理院系:" + mngtDepartment);
} else {
mngtDepartment_no = mngtDepartmentItems.join(",");
if (mngtDepartment_no) {
noItems.push("管理院系:" + mngtDepartment_no);
mngtDepartment_first = first_mngtDepartmentItems.join(",");
if (mngtDepartment_first) {
firstItems.push("管理院系:" + mngtDepartment_first);
// 专业院系
var departmentItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.departmentList, function (o) {
var first_departmentItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.departmentList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.departmentMode == "IN") {
department = departmentItems.join(",");
if (department) {
selectItems.push("专业院系:" + department);
} else {
department_no = departmentItems.join(",");
if (department_no) {
noItems.push("专业院系:" + department_no);
department_first = first_departmentItems.join(",");
if (department_first) {
firstItems.push("专业院系:" + department_first);
// 专业
var majorItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.majorList, function (o) {
var first_majorItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.majorList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.majorMode == "IN") {
major = majorItems.join(",");
if (major) {
selectItems.push("专业:" + major);
} else {
major_no = majorItems.join(",");
if (major_no) {
noItems.push("专业:" + major_no);
major_first = first_majorItems.join(",");
if (major_first) {
firstItems.push("专业:" + major_first);
// 专业方向
var majorDirectionItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.majorDirectionList, function (o) {
var first_majorDirectionItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.majorDirectionList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.majorDirectionMode == "IN") {
majorDirection = majorDirectionItems.join(",");
if (majorDirection) {
selectItems.push("专业方向:" + majorDirection);
} else {
majorDirection_no = majorDirectionItems.join(",");
if (majorDirection_no) {
noItems.push("专业方向:" + majorDirection_no);
majorDirection_first = first_majorDirectionItems.join(",");
if (majorDirection_first) {
firstItems.push("专业方向:" + majorDirection_first);
// 专业班级
var adminclassItems = []
_.each(selectionGroup.adminclassList, function (o) {
var first_adminclassItems = []
if (firstGroup) {
_.each(firstGroup.adminclassList, function (o) {
if (selectionGroup.adminclassMode == "IN") {
adminclass = adminclassItems.join(",");
if (adminclass) {
selectItems.push("专业班级:" + adminclass);
} else {
adminclass_no = adminclassItems.join(",");
if (adminclass_no) {
noItems.push("专业班级:" + adminclass_no);
adminclass_first = first_adminclassItems.join(",");
if (adminclass_first) {
firstItems.push("专业班级:" + adminclass_first);
var selectStr = '';
var noStr = '';
var firstStr = '';
selectStr = selectItems.join(" <span style='color: red'> |并且| </span>");
noStr = noItems.join(" <span style='color: red'> |并且| </span>");
firstStr = firstItems.join(" <span style='color: red'> |并且| </span>");
if (selectStr) {
if (noStr) {
if (firstStr) {
var canSelect = '';
var noSelect = '';
var firstSelect = '';
canSelect = selectStrItems.join("<br/><span style='color: red'> 或 </span><br/>");
noSelect = noStrItems.join("<br/><span style='color: red'> 或 </span><br/>");
firstSelect = firstStrItems.join("<br/><span style='color: red'> 或 </span><br/>");
$modal.unbind('hidden.bs.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
if ($('.modal.fade.in').length > 0) {
showCourseInfo: function (options, courseId) {
if (courseId == null) {
var $modal = $(".course-info-modal");
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.courseDetail,
type: 'post',
async: false,
data: {"courseId": courseId},
success: function (res) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.openDepartment').text(res.openDepartment ? res.openDepartment.nameZh : '');
var period = res.requiredPeriodInfo.total != null ? res.requiredPeriodInfo.total : '';
var subPeroid = [];
subPeroid.push(res.requiredPeriodInfo.theory != null ? res.requiredPeriodInfo.theory : 0);
subPeroid.push(res.requiredPeriodInfo.experiment != null ? res.requiredPeriodInfo.experiment : 0);
subPeroid.push(res.requiredPeriodInfo.practice != null ? res.requiredPeriodInfo.practice : 0);
if (subPeroid.length > 0) {
period += "(" + subPeroid.join("/") + ")";
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.season').text(res.season ? res.season.nameZh : '');
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.scoreMarkStyle').text(res.scoreMarkStyle ? res.scoreMarkStyle.nameZh : '');
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.teachingObject').text(res.teachingObject ? res.teachingObject.nameZh : '');
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.preCourse').text(res.preCourse ? res.preCourse.nameZh : '');
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.examMode').text(res.examMode ? res.examMode.nameZh : '');
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.teachLang').text(res.teachLang ? res.teachLang.nameZh : '');
/*$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table tbody').empty();
if (res.needTextbook != null) {
if (res.needTextbook) {
if (!$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.dontNeedTextbook').hasClass("hide")) {
if ($modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table').hasClass("hide")) {
if (res.publish) {
if ($modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .textbook-title').hasClass('hide')) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .textbook-title').removeClass('hide');
if (!$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .handout-title').hasClass('hide')) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .handout-title').addClass('hide');
$.each(res.textbooks, function (index, item) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table tbody').append(`
<td>${item.publish ? '教材' : '讲义'}</td>
<td>${item.publishingHouse ? item.publishingHouse : ''}</td>
<td>${item.edition ? item.edition : ''}</td>
<td>${item.dates ? item.dates : ''}</td>
} else {
if ($modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .handout-title').hasClass('hide')) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .handout-title').removeClass('hide');
if (!$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .textbook-title').hasClass('hide')) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table .textbook-title').addClass('hide');
$.each(res.textbooks, function (index, item) {
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table tbody').append(`
<td>${item.publish ? '教材' : '讲义'}</td>
<td>${item.semester ? item.semester.nameZh : ''}</td>
} else {
if (!$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table').hasClass("hide")) {
if ($modal.find('.modal-body').find('.dontNeedTextbook').hasClass("hide")) {
} else {
if (!$modal.find('.modal-body').find('#textbook-table').hasClass("hide")) {
if ($modal.find('.modal-body').find('.dontNeedTextbook').hasClass("hide")){
$modal.find('.modal-body').find('.textbook').append(res.textbook ? res.textbook : '');
$modal.find('.course-info-introduction').find('.introduction-nameZh').html(res.introduction ? res.introduction.nameZh : '');
$modal.find('.course-info-introduction').find('.introduction-nameEn').html(res.introduction ? res.introduction.nameEn : '');
$modal.unbind('hidden.bs.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
if ($('.modal.fade.in').length > 0) {
allLessonConditionPullOpe: function () {
$("#all-lessons").find(".show-or-hide-condition").unbind('click').on('click', function () {
var $target = $(this).parents("#all-lessons").find(".level1-row");
if ($target.hasClass('hide')) {
} else {
initAllLessonConditions: function (options, $table) {
var _self = this;
_self.renderDepartments($("#all-lessons").find(".open-department"), _self.openDepartments);
_self.renderConditions($("#all-lessons").find(".campus"), _self.campus);
_self.renderConditions($("#all-lessons").find(".class-type"), _self.classTypes);
/*_self.renderConditions($("#all-lessons").find(".filter-units"), _self.courseUnits);*/
_self.renderConditions($("#all-lessons").find(".course-education"), _self.courseEducations);
// _self.renderConditions($("#all-lessons").find(".course-gradation"), []);
//上课星期 节次
$(".selectpicker").selectpicker('val', '');
function getCourseGradation() {
var courseGradations = [];
$.each(courseGradationList, function () {
if (this.educationId == $("#all-lessons").find(".course-education").val()) {
_self.renderConditions($("#all-lessons").find(".course-gradation"), courseGradations);
_self.queryByConditions($table, $("#all-lessons"));
/*$(".filter-weekday").on('change', function () {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
_self.filterColumnWildcard($table, 11, '');
} else {
_self.filterColumnWildcard($table, 11, ': ' + $(this).val());
$('input.global_filter').on('keyup', function () {
$(".predicate").on('click', function () {
if ($(".predicate").is(":checked")) {
_self.addPredicate(options, $table);
} else {
$.each($table.find("tbody>tr"), function () {
var $button = $(this).find('.course-select');
$button.attr('disabled', false);
$.each($(".selectized"), function () {
var _self_1 = this;
if ($(_self_1)[0].tagName == 'SELECT') {
$(_self_1)[0].selectize.on('focus', function () {
if ($(_self_1)[0].selectize.getValue() == '') {
renderConditions: function ($target, datas) {
if ($target[0].selectize) {
$target[0].selectize.addOption({value: '', text: '...'});
$.each(datas, function () {
$target[0].selectize.addOption({value: this.value, text: this.text});
renderDepartments: function ($target, datas) {
var departmentObj = departmentJs(datas);
if ($target.attr('multiple') != 'multiple') {
} else {
if (departmentObj.departmentSortByCollege.length != 0) {
$.each(departmentObj.departmentSortByCollege, function (index, item) {
$target.append('<option value="' + item.id + '">' + item.code + ':' + item.name + '</option>');
dropupAuto: false,
liveSearch: true,
noneSelectedText: '支持多选'
selectpickerDropdownOPe(departmentObj.collegeList, $target);
queryByConditions: function ($table, $target) {
this.bindChangeOpe($table, $target.find(".class-type"), 11);
$target.on("click", "#search-btn", function () {
var courseEducation = $target.find(".course-education")[0];
var filterUnits = $target.find(".filter-units")[0];
var campus = $target.find(".campus")[0];
var filterWeekday = $target.find(".filter-weekday")[0];
var weekdays = '';
if ($(filterWeekday).val()) {
$.each($(filterWeekday).val(), function (index, item) {
weekdays += '(?=.*(?:^|[: ])' + item + '(?:[\\(]))';
weekdays += '(^.*$)';
var openDepartments = '';
var title = $(".open-department button").attr("title");
if (title && title != "支持多选") {
var departments = title.split(",");
$.each(departments, function (index, item) {
var arr = item.split(":")
if (index + 1 == departments.length) {
openDepartments += arr[1];
} else {
openDepartments += arr[1] + '|';
var units = '';
if ($(filterUnits).val()) {
$.each($(filterUnits).val(), function (index, item) {
units += '(?=.*(?:^|[,])_' + item + '(?:[,]|$))';
units += '(^.*$)';
$table.DataTable().column(6).search(openDepartments, true, false)
.column(8).search($(courseEducation).val() ? '^' + $(courseEducation).text() + '$' : '', true, false)
.column(14).search($(campus).val() ? '^' + $(campus).text() + '$' : '', true, false)
.column(11).search(weekdays, true, false)
.column(12).search(units, true, false)
$target.on("click", "#reset-btn", function () {
$("select.selectpicker").each(function () {
$(this).selectpicker('val', '');
$("select.selectpic").each(function () {
$(this).selectpicker('val', '');
$(".open-department button").attr("title","支持多选");
bindChangeOpe: function ($table, $target, i) {
var _self = this;
$target.on('change', function () {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
_self.filterColumn($table, i, '');
} else {
_self.filterColumn($table, i, $(this).text());
bindChangeOpeByWildcard: function ($table, $target, i) {
var _self = this;
$target.on('change', function () {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
_self.filterColumnWildcard($table, i, '');
} else {
_self.filterColumnWildcard($table, i, $(this).text());
getPredicateResults: function (options) {
var key = "cs-predicateResults-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId;
return this.cache.getCache(key);
updatePredicateResults: function (options, newPredicateResults) {
var key = "cs-predicateResults-" + options.studentId + "-" + options.turnId;
this.cache.putCache(key, newPredicateResults, this.TTL_mills);
addPredicate: function (options, $table) {
var _self = this;
var lessons = this.getCurrentPageWithAddLessons();
var predicateResult = _self.getPredicateResults(options);
var currentDate = new Date().getTime();
var hasNoStorageLessons = [];
if (predicateResult != null) {
var lessonIds = _.map(predicateResult.data, function (predicate) {
return parseInt(predicate.lessonId)
hasNoStorageLessons = _.difference(lessons, lessonIds);
if (hasNoStorageLessons.length == 0 && (currentDate - predicateResult.createDate < _self.TTL_mills)) {
return false;
var _self = this;
var checkbox = $(".predicate").get(0);
if (!checkbox.checked) {
if (hasNoStorageLessons.length == 0 && lessons.length == 0) {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.sendAddPredicate,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentAssoc: options.studentId,
lessonAssocSet: (hasNoStorageLessons.length > 0) ? hasNoStorageLessons.join(',') : lessons.join(','),
courseSelectTurnAssoc: options.turnId
success: function (res) {
_self.getPredicateResponse(options, res, $table, "add");
dropPredicate: function (options, $table) {
var lessons = this.getCurrentPageWithSelectedLessons();
if (lessons.length <= 0) {
return false;
var _self = this;
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.sendDropPredicate,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentAssoc: options.studentId,
lessonAssocSet: lessons.join(','),
courseSelectTurnAssoc: options.turnId
success: function (res) {
_self.getPredicateResponse(options, res, $table, "drop");
getPredicateResponse: function (options, requestId, $table, type) {
var studentId = options.studentId;
var _self = this;
var count = 0;
var func = function () {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchPredicateResult,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentId: studentId,
requestId: requestId
success: function (result) {
if (result) {
if (!result.success) {
if (!result.result) {
var predicateResults = _self.getPredicateResults(options);
var existLessons = [];
var existLessonIds = [];
if (predicateResults != null) {
existLessons = predicateResults.data;
existLessonIds = _.map(predicateResults.data, function (predicate) {
return predicate.lessonId
var newPredicateResults = {};
$.each(result.result, function (key, value) {
var $button = $table.find('.course-select[data-id=' + key + ']');
$button.attr('disabled', !value?'disabled':!value);
if (existLessonIds.indexOf(key) != -1) {
var exitLesson = _.find(existLessons, function (lesson) {
return lesson.lessonId == key;
if (type == 'add') {
exitLesson['addable'] = value;
} else if (type == 'drop') {
exitLesson['droppable'] = value;
} else {
lessonId: key,
addable: (type == 'add') ? value : true,
droppable: (type == 'drop') ? value : true,
newPredicateResults['data'] = existLessons;
_self.updatePredicateResults(options, newPredicateResults);
} else {
if (count < 10) {
setTimeout(func, 1500);
setTimeout(func, 1000);
courseSelect: function ($table, options) {
var _self = this;
], function (scheduleGroupModalTemp) {
$table.find(".course-select").unbind('click').on('click', function () {
_self.selectScheduleGroup(options, $(this), scheduleGroupModalTemp);
addCourseRequest: function (options, $item, scheduleGroupId) {
var _self = this;
var lessonId = $item.data('id');
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.sendAddRequest,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentAssoc: options.studentId,
lessonAssoc: lessonId,
courseSelectTurnAssoc: options.turnId,
scheduleGroupAssoc: scheduleGroupId,
virtualCost: options.turnMode.enableVirtualWallet ? $("#virtualCost").val() : 0
success: function (res) {
backdrop: false
$(".add-response .course-selection-apply").addClass('hide');
var count = 0;
var func = function () {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchAddDropResult,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentId: options.studentId,
requestId: res
success: function (result) {
if (result) {
$(".add-response .waiting-response").hide();
if (result.success) {
$(".add-response .result-content").text("选课成功");
var $btn = $item.parents('tr').find('td').eq(0).find('button');
var $label = $item.parents('tr').find('td').eq(1).find('label');
var $stdCount = $item.parents('tr').find('.std-count');
var enablePreSelect = $item.parents('tr').find(".course-enablePreSelect").val();
//enablePreSelect(true就是预选, false就是正选)
if (enablePreSelect == 'true') {
} else {
// $stdCount.text($stdCount.text() >= $item.parents('tr').find(".limit-count") ?
// $stdCount.text() : parseInt($stdCount.text()) + 1);
_self.addDropLessonFunc(options, $item.parents('table'), 'out');
} else {
var text = '';
if (window.LOCALE === 'zh') {
text = result.errorMessage.textZh;
} else {
text = result.errorMessage.textEn;
$(".add-response .result-content").text(text);
$(".add-response .close-modal").attr('disabled', false);
} else {
if (count < 10) {
setTimeout(func, 2000);
} else {
$(".add-response .waiting-response").hide();
$(".add-response .result-content").text("服务器繁忙,请稍候再试");
$(".add-response .close-modal").attr('disabled', false);
setTimeout(func, 1000);
selectScheduleGroup: function (options, $item, scheduleGroupModalTemp) {
var _self = this;
var lessonId = $item.data('id');
var lesson = _.filter(_self.fetchAddableLessons(options).data, function (suitableAddableLesson) {
return suitableAddableLesson.id == lessonId;
var scheduleGroupId = null;
if (lesson.scheduleGroups.length > 1) {
$(".schedule-groups .choose-schedule-group").show();
var sortableScheduleGroups = _.sortBy(lesson.scheduleGroups, function (o) {
return o.no;
$.each(sortableScheduleGroups, function () {
this['isDefault'] = this.default;
$(".schedule-groups .next-step").unbind('click').on('click', function () {
scheduleGroupId = $(this).data('id');
$(".schedule-groups .choose-schedule-group").hide();
_self.addCourseRequest(options, $item, scheduleGroupId);
} else {
_self.addCourseRequest(options, $item, scheduleGroupId);
$('.schedule-groups').unbind('hidden.bs.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
$(".schedule-groups .choose-schedule-group").hide();
if ($('.modal.fade.in').length > 0) {
$("#add-request").unbind("click").click(function () {
if (!$("#virtualCostForm").valid()) {
return false;
_self.addCourseRequest(options, $item, scheduleGroupId);
$('.add-response').unbind('hidden.bs.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
$(".add-response .waiting-response").show();
$(".add-response .result-content").text("");
$(".add-response .close-modal").attr('disabled', true);
if ($('.modal.fade.in').length > 0) {
* 开始定时刷新已选人数
* @param options
* @param $table
* @param type
startRefreshStdCountPeriodically: function (options, $table) {
var _self = this;
_self.startRefreshStdCount = true;
var func = function () {
if (_self.startRefreshStdCount) {
_self.refreshStdCount(options, $table);
setTimeout(func, 20000);
* 停止刷新已选人数
stopRefreshStdCountPeriodically: function () {
this.startRefreshStdCount = false;
refreshStdCount: function (options, dataTable) {
var currentPageLessons = this.getCurrentPageWithAddLessons(dataTable);
if (currentPageLessons.length == 0) {
return false;
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchStdCount,
async: false,
type: 'post',
data: {lessonIds: currentPageLessons},
success: function (res) {
for (var key in res) {
var $stdCountDiv;
if (dataTable && !!dataTable.length) {
$stdCountDiv = dataTable.find('[data-id=' + key + ']').closest('tr');
} else {
$stdCountDiv = $(".dataTable:visible").find('[data-id=' + key + ']');
var count = res[key] > 0 ? res[key] : 0;
if (options.turnMode.showCount) {
var $stdCountProgress = $stdCountDiv.find('.std-count-progress');
var limitCount = parseFloat($stdCountDiv.find('.limit-count').text());
$stdCountProgress.css('width', limitCount == 0 ? '0%' : count / limitCount * 100 + '%');
var $stdCount = $stdCountDiv.find('.std-count');
if (limitCount <= count) {
} else {
} else {
var $stdCountNotShow = $stdCountDiv.find(".not-show-count");
var limitCount = parseFloat($stdCountNotShow.attr("limit-count"));
if (limitCount <= count) {
} else {
* 渲染已选课程
* @param options
* @param selectedLessonsTmpl
renderSelectedLessonTable: function (options, selectedLessonsTmpl) {
var _self = this;
var selected_lesson_table = null;
$('a.selected-lessons').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) {
var $selected_lesson_table = _self.find("#selected-lessons-table");
if (selected_lesson_table) {
selected_lesson_table = $selected_lesson_table.DataTable({
data: _self.fetchSelectedLessons(options).data,
"autoWidth": false,
"columns": [
"data": "id",
"render": function (field, row) {
return '<button data-id="' + field.data + '" class="btn btn-primary drop-course" value="退课">退课</button>'
+'<input type="hidden" value="'+ row.data.enablePreSelect +'" class="course-enablePreSelect"/>';
"data": "id",
"render": function (field, row) {
if (!row.data.pinned) {
return '<label class="control-label pinned-label">待抽签</label>'
return '<label class="control-label drop-label">已选中</label>'
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "selectionState.nameEn" : "selectionState.nameZh"},
{"data": "code",
"render": function (field, row) {
return '<span data-id="' + (row.data.course != null ? row.data.course.id : null) + '" class="click-course-info" style="color: #0f589f; cursor: pointer;">' + field.data + '</span>';
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "course.nameEn" : "course.nameZh"},
{"data": "course.credits"},
{"data": "openDepartment.nameZh"},
{"data": "teacherStr"},
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "selectionType.nameEn" : "selectionType.nameZh"},
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "courseType.nameEn" : "courseType.nameZh"},
{"data": window.LOCALE != 'zh' ? "courseGradation.nameEn" : "courseGradation.nameZh"},
{"data": "weekDayPlaceText.textZh",
"render": function (field, row) {
return field.data.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
{"data": "weekText.textZh",
"render": function (field, row) {
return field.data.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
"data": "limitCount",
"render": function(field) {
if (options.turnMode.showCount) {
return '<div style="width: 80%">' +
'<div class="progress-text text-center"><span class="std-count">0</span>/<span class="limit-count">' + field.data + '</span></div>' +
'<div class="progress" style="height: 5px;">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-primary std-count-progress" role="progressbar">' +
'</div></div>' +
} else {
return '<div class="not-show-count" limit-count="'+field.data+'"></div>';
{"data": "remark",
"render": function (field) {
if (field.data) {
return '<span data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-original-title="' + field.data + '" style="cursor: pointer;">' +
'<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></span>';
"aoColumnDefs": [{"orderable": false, "targets": [0, 1]}],
"bPaginate": false,
"dom": 'rt<"row"<"col-md-5"><"col-md-7"p>>',
"language": {
"info": "<a class='btn btn-default disabled'>_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_</a>",
"infoEmpty": "<a class='btn btn-default disabled'>_START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_</a>",
"sInfoFiltered": "",
"sZeroRecords": "无数据",
"search": "<a><i class='fa fa-search'></i></a> _INPUT_ <br/>"
"drawCallback": function (settings) {
_self.refreshStdCount(options, $selected_lesson_table);
_self.addDropLessonFunc(options, $selected_lesson_table, 'in');
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({container: 'body'});
$selected_lesson_table.find('.click-course-info').unbind('click').click(function () {
_self.showCourseInfo(options, $(this).data('id'));
_self.startRefreshStdCountPeriodically(options, $selected_lesson_table);
* 给教学任务添加退课的功能
* @param options
* @param selected_lesson_table
addDropLessonFunc: function (options, selected_lesson_table, type) {
var _self = this;
selected_lesson_table.find(".drop-course").unbind('click').on('click', function () {
var $drop_course = $(this);
var lessonId = $drop_course.data('id');
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.sendDropRequest,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentAssoc: options.studentId,
lessonAssoc: $(this).data("id"),
courseSelectTurnAssoc: options.turnId
success: function (res) {
backdrop: false
$(".drop-response .course-drop-apply").addClass('hide');
var count = 0;
var func = function () {
url: window.CONTEXT_PATH + options.url.fetchAddDropResult,
type: 'post',
data: {
studentId: options.studentId,
requestId: res
success: function (result) {
if (result) {
$(".drop-response .waiting-response").hide();
if (result.success) {
$(".drop-response .result-content").text("退课成功");
if ('in' == type) {
} else if ('out' == type) {
var $btn = $drop_course.parents('tr').find('td').eq(0).find('button');
var $label = $drop_course.parents('tr').find('td').eq(1).find('label');
var $stdCount = $drop_course.parents('tr').find('.std-count');
// $stdCount.text($stdCount.text() > 0 ? $stdCount.text() - 1 : $stdCount.text());
_self.courseSelect(selected_lesson_table, options);
} else {
var text = '';
if (window.LOCALE === 'zh') {
text = result.errorMessage.textZh;
} else {
text = result.errorMessage.textEn;
$(".drop-response .result-content").text(text);
$(".drop-response .close-modal").attr('disabled', false);
} else {
if (count < 10) {
setTimeout(func, 2000);
} else {
$(".drop-response .waiting-response").hide();
$(".drop-response .result-content").text("服务器繁忙,请稍候再试");
$(".drop-response .close-modal").attr('disabled', false);
setTimeout(func, 1000);
$('.drop-response').unbind('hidden.bs.modal').on('hidden.bs.modal', function (e) {
$(".drop-response .waiting-response").show();
$(".drop-response .result-content").text("");
$(".drop-response .close-modal").attr('disabled', true);
if ($('.modal.fade.in').length > 0) {