// ==UserScript==
// @name POE流放之路网页市集插件
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 2.0.1
// @author rxdey
// @description 市集一些优化
// @license MIT
// @icon https://poe.game.qq.com/favicon.ico
// @match https://poe.game.qq.com/trade/*
// @match https://apps.game.qq.com/poe/a20160407LoginCheck/loginsuccess.html
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var _monkeyWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => window)();
class AttributeProvider {
constructor(attrList) {
this.attrIndexedByZhName = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const p of attrList) {
const zh = p.zh;
this.attrIndexedByZhName.set(zh, p);
provideAttribute(zhName) {
return this.attrIndexedByZhName.get(zhName);
class BaseTypeProvider {
constructor(baseTypesList) {
var _a, _b;
this.baseTypesIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.baseTypesIndexedByUniqueZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const baseTypeList of baseTypesList) {
for (const baseType of baseTypeList) {
const zh = baseType.zh;
if (this.baseTypesIndexedByZh.has(zh)) {
(_a = this.baseTypesIndexedByZh.get(zh)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push(baseType);
} else {
this.baseTypesIndexedByZh.set(zh, [baseType]);
const uniques = baseType.uniques;
if (uniques !== void 0) {
for (const unique of uniques) {
const zh2 = unique.zh;
if (zh2 in this.baseTypesIndexedByUniqueZh) {
(_b = this.baseTypesIndexedByUniqueZh.get(zh2)) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.push(baseType);
} else {
this.baseTypesIndexedByUniqueZh.set(zh2, [baseType]);
provideBaseTypesByZh(zh) {
const entries = this.baseTypesIndexedByZh.get(zh);
return entries;
class GemProvider {
constructor(gems, hybridSkills) {
this.skillsIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const gem of gems) {
this.skillsIndexedByZh.set(gem.zh, gem);
for (const skill of hybridSkills) {
this.skillsIndexedByZh.set(skill.zh, skill);
provideSkill(zh) {
return this.skillsIndexedByZh.get(zh);
class PassiveSkillProvider {
constructor(notables, keystones, ascendants) {
this.notablesIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.keystonesIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.ascendantIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const node of notables) {
this.notablesIndexedByZh.set(node.zh, node);
for (const node of keystones) {
this.keystonesIndexedByZh.set(node.zh, node);
for (const node of ascendants) {
this.ascendantIndexedByZh.set(node.zh, node);
provideNotableByZh(zhName) {
return this.notablesIndexedByZh.get(zhName);
provideKeystoneByZh(zhName) {
return this.keystonesIndexedByZh.get(zhName);
provideAscendantByZh(zhName) {
return this.ascendantIndexedByZh.get(zhName);
function escapeRegExp(str) {
return str.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
class StatUtil {
static getBodyOfZhTemplate(template) {
return this.getNonAsciiOrPer(template);
static getBodyOfZhModifier(mod) {
return this.getNonAsciiOrPer(mod);
static getNonAsciiOrPer(str) {
return str.replace(/[\u{0000}-\u{0024}\u{0026}-\u{007F}]/gu, "");
static render(enTemplate, zhTemplate, zhMod) {
if (zhMod === zhTemplate) {
return enTemplate;
const enTmpl = new Template(enTemplate);
const zhTmpl = new Template(zhTemplate);
const params = zhTmpl.parseParams(zhMod);
if (params === void 0) {
return void 0;
return enTmpl.render(params);
class Template {
constructor(text) {
this.text = text;
this.segments = [];
this.paramNumbers = [];
let j = 0;
let k = 0;
let onParam = false;
for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
const code = text.charCodeAt(i);
if (code === 123) {
k = i;
onParam = true;
} else if (code === 125) {
if (onParam) {
this.segments.push(text.slice(j, k));
this.paramNumbers.push(Number.parseInt(text.slice(k + 1, i + 1)));
j = i + 1;
onParam = false;
} else {
if (onParam) {
if (code < 48 || code > 57) {
onParam = false;
* parseParams parses the modifier and returns positional parameters.
* @param modifier rendered template result with params
* @returns map contains positions and parameters ; undefined if the modifier does not match the template.
parseParams(modifier) {
const regStr = `^${this.segments.map((s) => escapeRegExp(s)).join("(\\S+)")}$`;
const execResult = new RegExp(regStr).exec(modifier);
if (!execResult) {
return void 0;
const paramList = execResult.slice(1, this.paramNumbers.length + 1);
const paramMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const [i, num] of this.paramNumbers.entries()) {
paramMap.set(num, paramList[i]);
return paramMap;
* Render template by positional params.
* @param params positional parameters
render(params) {
const buf = new Array(this.segments.length + this.paramNumbers.length);
let j = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < this.paramNumbers.length; i++) {
buf[j++] = this.segments[i];
const paramValue = params.get(this.paramNumbers[i]);
buf[j++] = paramValue ? paramValue : `{${i}}`;
buf[j] = this.segments[this.segments.length - 1];
return buf.join("");
const VARIABLE_MARK = "{0}";
class PropertyProvider {
constructor(propertyList) {
this.propertyIndexedByZhName = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.variablePropertyIndexedByZhBody = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const p of propertyList) {
const zh = p.zh;
this.propertyIndexedByZhName.set(zh, p);
if (zh.includes(VARIABLE_MARK)) {
this.variablePropertyIndexedByZhBody.set(StatUtil.getBodyOfZhTemplate(zh), p);
provideProperty(zhName) {
return this.propertyIndexedByZhName.get(zhName);
provideVariablePropertyByZhBody(zhBody) {
return this.variablePropertyIndexedByZhBody.get(zhBody);
class RequirementProvider {
constructor(requirementList, suffixList) {
this.requirementsIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.suffixesIndexedByZh = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const r of requirementList) {
const zh = r.zh;
this.requirementsIndexedByZh.set(zh, r);
for (const s of suffixList) {
const zh = s.zh;
this.suffixesIndexedByZh.set(zh, s);
provideRequirement(zh) {
return this.requirementsIndexedByZh.get(zh);
provideSuffix(zh) {
return this.suffixesIndexedByZh.get(zh);
class StatProvider {
constructor(statList) {
this.statsIndexedByZhBody = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.compoundedStatsIndexedByFirstLinesZhBody = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
for (const stat of statList) {
const zh = stat.zh;
const body = StatUtil.getBodyOfZhTemplate(zh);
if (this.statsIndexedByZhBody.has(body)) {
const array = this.statsIndexedByZhBody.get(body);
} else {
this.statsIndexedByZhBody.set(body, [stat]);
const lines = zh.split(COMPOUNDED_STAT_LINE_SEPARATOR);
const firstLine = lines[0];
const firstLineBody = StatUtil.getBodyOfZhTemplate(firstLine);
const value = this.compoundedStatsIndexedByFirstLinesZhBody.get(firstLineBody);
const compoundedStat = { lineSize: lines.length, stat };
if (value === void 0) {
this.compoundedStatsIndexedByFirstLinesZhBody.set(firstLineBody, {
maxLineSize: lines.length,
stats: [compoundedStat]
} else {
if (value.maxLineSize < lines.length) {
value.maxLineSize = lines.length;
for (const value of this.compoundedStatsIndexedByFirstLinesZhBody.values()) {
if (value.stats.length > 1) {
value.stats.sort((a, b) => b.lineSize - a.lineSize);
provideStatsByZhBody(zhBody) {
return this.statsIndexedByZhBody.get(zhBody);
provideCompoundedStatsByFirstLinesZhBody(body) {
return this.compoundedStatsIndexedByFirstLinesZhBody.get(body);
class AttributeService {
constructor(attrProvider) {
this.attrProvider = attrProvider;
translatePair(zhName, zhValue) {
return this.doTranslate(zhName, zhValue);
translateName(zhName) {
const result = this.doTranslate(zhName, void 0);
if (result !== void 0) {
return result.name;
doTranslate(zhName, zhValue) {
const attr = this.attrProvider.provideAttribute(zhName);
if (attr !== void 0) {
const enName = attr.en;
if (zhValue !== void 0 && attr.values !== void 0) {
for (const v of attr.values) {
if (zhValue === v.zh) {
return {
name: enName,
value: v.en
return {
name: enName,
value: void 0
const ZH_SUPERIOR_PREFIX = "精良的 ";
const SUPERIOR_PREFIX = "Superior ";
const SYNTHESISED_PREFIX = "Synthesised ";
class BaseTypeService {
constructor(baseTypeProvider) {
this.baseTypeProvider = baseTypeProvider;
* @param zhName item's zh name.
* There may be duplicate zh baseTypes, uniques's zh name can help translating.
getBaseTypeByZh(zh, zhName) {
const list = this.baseTypeProvider.provideBaseTypesByZh(zh);
if (list === void 0) {
return void 0;
if (list.length === 1 || zhName === void 0) {
return list[0];
for (const b of list) {
if (b.uniques !== void 0) {
for (const unique of b.uniques) {
if (unique.zh === zhName) {
return b;
return list[0];
* Infer the zh base type by zh base type line, and returns the matched BaseType.
* @param zhName item's zh name. There may be duplicate zh baseTypes, uniques's zh name can help translating.
getBaseTypeByZhTypeLine(zhTypeLine, zhName) {
if (zhTypeLine.startsWith(ZH_SUPERIOR_PREFIX)) {
zhTypeLine = zhTypeLine.substring(ZH_SUPERIOR_PREFIX.length);
if (zhTypeLine.startsWith(ZH_SYNTHESISED_PREFIX)) {
zhTypeLine = zhTypeLine.substring(ZH_SYNTHESISED_PREFIX.length);
const b = this.getBaseTypeByZh(zhTypeLine, zhName);
if (b !== void 0) {
return { baseType: b, zhBaseType: zhTypeLine };
const pattern = /.+?[之的]/gu;
if (pattern.test(zhTypeLine)) {
pattern.lastIndex = 0;
const len = zhTypeLine.length;
let slices = [];
let lastIndex = 0;
while (lastIndex < len) {
const matches = pattern.exec(zhTypeLine);
if (matches) {
const result = matches[0];
lastIndex = pattern.lastIndex;
} else {
if (lastIndex < len) {
for (let i = slices.length; i > 0; i--) {
const possible = slices.join();
const b2 = this.getBaseTypeByZh(possible, zhName);
if (b2 !== void 0) {
return { baseType: b2, zhBaseType: possible };
slices = slices.slice(1);
return void 0;
translateBaseType(zhBaseType, zhName) {
const b = this.getBaseTypeByZh(zhBaseType, zhName);
if (b !== void 0) {
return b.en;
return void 0;
* 一般情况下,物品的typeLine等价于baseType。魔法物品有所不同,其在baseType的基础上多了一堆修饰词前缀。
* 修饰词的翻译很麻烦,且用处不大,这里选择去掉修饰词,仅保留baseType。
* 推荐使用baseType替换typeLine,只有在翻译文本格式的物品时,因为缺乏baseType,需要调用该方法。
* @param zhTypeLine
* @param zhName
translateTypeLine(zhTypeLine, zhName) {
if (zhTypeLine.startsWith(ZH_SUPERIOR_PREFIX)) {
const t = this.translateTypeLine(zhTypeLine.substring(ZH_SUPERIOR_PREFIX.length), zhName);
if (t !== void 0) {
return void 0;
if (zhTypeLine.startsWith(ZH_SYNTHESISED_PREFIX)) {
const t = this.translateTypeLine(zhTypeLine.substring(ZH_SYNTHESISED_PREFIX.length), zhName);
if (t !== void 0) {
return void 0;
const b = this.getBaseTypeByZhTypeLine(zhTypeLine, zhName);
if (b !== void 0) {
return b.baseType.en;
return void 0;
const PROPERTY_NAMES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([
["等级", "Level"],
["品质", "Quality"]
class GemService {
constructor(gemProvider) {
this.gemProvider = gemProvider;
formatGemZh(zh) {
return zh.replace("(", "(").replace(")", ")");
translateBaseType(zhBaseType) {
var _a;
return (_a = this.gemProvider.provideSkill(this.formatGemZh(zhBaseType))) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.en;
translateTypeLine(zhTypeLine) {
let zhSkill = zhTypeLine;
const skill = this.translateBaseType(zhSkill);
return skill !== void 0 ? `${skill}` : void 0;
translatePropertyName(zhName) {
if (PROPERTY_NAMES.has(zhName)) {
return PROPERTY_NAMES.get(zhName);
return void 0;
const DEFAULT_NAME = "Item";
class ItemService {
constructor(baseTypeProvider) {
this.baseTypeProvider = baseTypeProvider;
* Translate item name, but only unique name is supported.
* @returns DEFAULT_NAME if no unique with the zhName.
translateName(zhName, zhBaseType) {
const baseTypes = this.baseTypeProvider.provideBaseTypesByZh(zhBaseType);
if (baseTypes !== void 0) {
for (const baseType of baseTypes) {
const uniques = baseType.uniques;
if (uniques !== void 0) {
for (const unique of uniques) {
if (unique.zh === zhName) {
return unique.en;
class PassiveSkillService {
constructor(passiveSkillProvider) {
this.passiveSkillProvider = passiveSkillProvider;
translateNotable(zh) {
const node = this.passiveSkillProvider.provideNotableByZh(zh);
if (node !== void 0) {
return node.en;
return void 0;
translateKeystone(zh) {
const node = this.passiveSkillProvider.provideKeystoneByZh(zh);
if (node !== void 0) {
return node.en;
return void 0;
translateAscendant(zh) {
const node = this.passiveSkillProvider.provideAscendantByZh(zh);
if (node !== void 0) {
return node.en;
return void 0;
class PropertyService {
constructor(propProvider) {
this.propProvider = propProvider;
translate(zhName, zhValue) {
const prop = this.propProvider.provideProperty(zhName);
if (prop !== void 0) {
if (prop.values !== void 0) {
for (const v of prop.values) {
if (zhValue === v.zh) {
return {
name: prop.en,
value: v.en
return {
name: prop.en
return void 0;
translateName(zhName) {
let prop = this.propProvider.provideProperty(zhName);
if (prop !== void 0) {
return prop.en;
prop = this.propProvider.provideVariablePropertyByZhBody(StatUtil.getBodyOfZhModifier(zhName));
if (prop !== void 0) {
const zhTmpl = new Template(prop.zh);
const posParams = zhTmpl.parseParams(zhName);
if (posParams === void 0) {
return void 0;
const enTmpl = new Template(prop.en);
return enTmpl.render(posParams);
return void 0;
class RequirementService {
constructor(requirementProvider) {
this.requirementProvider = requirementProvider;
translate(zhName, zhValue) {
const r = this.requirementProvider.provideRequirement(zhName);
if (r) {
if (r.values) {
for (const v of r.values) {
if (v.zh === zhValue) {
return { name: r.en, value: v.en };
return {
name: r.en
translateName(zhName) {
const r = this.requirementProvider.provideRequirement(zhName);
if (r) {
return r.en;
translateSuffix(zhSuffix) {
const suffix = this.requirementProvider.provideSuffix(zhSuffix);
if (suffix) {
return suffix.en;
const ZH_ANOINTED_MOD_REGEXP = /^配置 (.+)$/;
const ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLESH_MOD_REGEXP = /^禁断之火上有匹配的词缀则配置 (.+)$/;
const ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLAME_MOD_REGEXP = /^禁断之肉上有匹配的词缀则配置 (.+)$/;
const ZH_UNIQUE_ENEMY_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE = "有一个传奇怪物出现在你面前:";
const EN_UNIQUE_ENEMY_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE = "While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, ";
const ZH_PINNACLE_ATLAS_BOSS_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE = "有一个异界图鉴最终首领出现在你面前:";
const EN_PINNACLE_ATLAS_BOSS_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE = "While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, ";
class StatService {
constructor(passiveSkillService, statProvider) {
this.passiveSkillService = passiveSkillService;
this.statProvider = statProvider;
translateMod(zhMod) {
if (this.isAnointedMod(zhMod)) {
return this.translateAnointedMod(zhMod);
if (this.isForbiddenFlameMod(zhMod)) {
return this.translateForbiddenFlameMod(zhMod);
if (this.isForbiddenFleshMod(zhMod)) {
return this.translateForbiddenFleshMod(zhMod);
if (this.isEldritchImplicitMod(zhMod)) {
return this.translateEldritchImplicitMod(zhMod);
return this.translateModInner(zhMod);
translateModInner(zhMod) {
const body = StatUtil.getBodyOfZhModifier(zhMod);
const stats = this.statProvider.provideStatsByZhBody(body);
if (stats !== void 0) {
for (const stat of stats) {
const result = this.doTranslateMod(stat, zhMod);
if (result !== void 0) {
return result;
return void 0;
isAnointedMod(zhMod) {
return ZH_ANOINTED_MOD_REGEXP.test(zhMod);
translateAnointedMod(zhMod) {
const matches = ZH_ANOINTED_MOD_REGEXP.exec(zhMod);
if (matches !== null) {
const zhNotable = matches[1];
const notable = this.passiveSkillService.translateNotable(zhNotable);
if (notable !== void 0) {
return `Allocates ${notable}`;
return void 0;
isForbiddenFlameMod(zhMod) {
translateForbiddenFlameMod(zhMod) {
const matches = ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLAME_MOD_REGEXP.exec(zhMod);
if (matches !== null) {
const zhAscendant = matches[1];
const ascendant = this.passiveSkillService.translateAscendant(zhAscendant);
if (ascendant !== void 0) {
return `Allocates ${ascendant} if you have the matching modifier on Forbidden Flesh`;
return void 0;
isForbiddenFleshMod(zhMod) {
translateForbiddenFleshMod(zhMod) {
const matches = ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLESH_MOD_REGEXP.exec(zhMod);
if (matches !== null) {
const zhAscendant = matches[1];
const ascendant = this.passiveSkillService.translateAscendant(zhAscendant);
if (ascendant !== void 0) {
return `Allocates ${ascendant} if you have the matching modifier on Forbidden Flame`;
return void 0;
isEldritchImplicitMod(zhMod) {
translateEldritchImplicitMod(zhMod) {
const subMod = this.translateMod(zhMod.substring(ZH_UNIQUE_ENEMY_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE.length));
if (subMod !== void 0) {
} else if (zhMod.startsWith(ZH_PINNACLE_ATLAS_BOSS_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE)) {
const subMod = this.translateMod(zhMod.substring(ZH_PINNACLE_ATLAS_BOSS_IN_YOUR_PRESENCE.length));
if (subMod !== void 0) {
return void 0;
doTranslateMod(stat, zhMod) {
if (zhMod === stat.zh) {
return stat.en;
const zhTmpl = new Template(stat.zh);
const posParams = zhTmpl.parseParams(zhMod);
if (posParams === void 0) {
return void 0;
const enTmpl = new Template(stat.en);
return enTmpl.render(posParams);
getMaxLineSizeOfCompoundedMod(firstLine) {
const body = StatUtil.getBodyOfZhModifier(firstLine);
const entry = this.statProvider.provideCompoundedStatsByFirstLinesZhBody(body);
if (entry !== void 0) {
return entry.maxLineSize;
return 0;
* Translate compounded mod for text item.
* Caller should use `getMaxLineSizeOfCompoundedMod` before to get the max lines of candidates which has the first line.
* The method uses the `lines` to infer a compounded mod, returns the translation.
translateCompoundedMod(lines) {
const body = StatUtil.getBodyOfZhModifier(lines[0]);
const entry = this.statProvider.provideCompoundedStatsByFirstLinesZhBody(body);
if (entry === void 0) {
for (const compoundedStat of entry.stats) {
const lineSize = compoundedStat.lineSize;
if (compoundedStat.lineSize > lines.length) {
const stat = compoundedStat.stat;
const mod = lines.slice(0, lineSize).join(COMPOUNDED_STAT_LINE_SEPARATOR);
if (StatUtil.getBodyOfZhTemplate(stat.zh) === StatUtil.getBodyOfZhModifier(mod)) {
const result = this.doTranslateMod(stat, mod);
if (result !== void 0) {
return {
return void 0;
const ZH_THIEF_TRINKET = "赏金猎人饰品";
const ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLESH = "禁断之肉";
const ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLAME = "禁断之火";
const ZH_CLASS_SCION = "贵族";
class JsonTranslator {
constructor(baseTypeService, itemService, requirementService, propertyService, gemService, statService, passiveSkillService) {
this.baseTypeService = baseTypeService;
this.itemService = itemService;
this.requirementService = requirementService;
this.propertyService = propertyService;
this.gemService = gemService;
this.statService = statService;
this.passiveSkillService = passiveSkillService;
preHandleItem(item) {
if (item.name && (item.name === ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLAME || item.name === ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLESH)) {
if (item.requirements) {
for (const requirement of item.requirements) {
const name = requirement.name;
const value = requirement.values[0][0];
if (value === ZH_CLASS_SCION) {
if (item.explicitMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.explicitMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.explicitMods[i];
translateItems(data) {
const items = data.items;
const translatedItems = [];
for (const item of items) {
if (this.isPobItem(item)) {
data.items = translatedItems;
return data;
isPobItem(item) {
if (item.inventoryId === "MainInventory" || item.inventoryId === "ExpandedMainInventory" || item.baseType === ZH_THIEF_TRINKET) {
return false;
return true;
translateItem(item) {
const zhBaseType = item.baseType;
const zhName = item.name;
const zhTypeLine = item.typeLine;
if (zhName) {
const res = this.itemService.translateName(zhName, zhBaseType);
if (res) {
item.name = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: item name, ${zhName}`);
if (zhBaseType) {
const res = this.baseTypeService.translateBaseType(zhBaseType, zhName);
if (res) {
item.baseType = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: base type, ${zhBaseType}`);
if (zhTypeLine) {
item.typeLine = item.baseType;
if (item.requirements) {
for (const r of item.requirements) {
const zhName2 = r.name;
const res = this.requirementService.translateName(zhName2);
if (res) {
r.name = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: requirement name, ${zhName2}`);
if (r.values) {
for (const v of r.values) {
const zhValue = v[0];
const result = this.requirementService.translate(zhName2, zhValue);
if (result && result.value) {
v[0] = result.value;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: requirement value, ${zhValue}`);
if (r.suffix) {
const zhSuffix = r.suffix;
const res2 = this.requirementService.translateSuffix(zhSuffix);
if (res2) {
r.suffix = res2;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: requirement suffix, ${zhSuffix}`);
if (item.properties) {
for (const p of item.properties) {
const zhName2 = p.name;
const enName = this.propertyService.translateName(zhName2);
if (enName) {
p.name = enName;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: property name, ${zhName2}`);
if (p.values) {
for (const v of p.values) {
const zhValue = v[0];
const res = this.propertyService.translate(zhName2, zhValue);
if (res) {
v[0] = res.value;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: property value, ${zhValue}`);
if (item.socketedItems) {
for (const si of item.socketedItems) {
if (si.abyssJewel) {
} else {
if (item.enchantMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.enchantMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.enchantMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.enchantMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.explicitMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.explicitMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.explicitMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.explicitMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.implicitMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.implicitMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.implicitMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.implicitMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.craftedMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.craftedMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.craftedMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.craftedMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.utilityMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.utilityMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.utilityMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.utilityMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.fracturedMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.fracturedMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.fracturedMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.fracturedMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.scourgeMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.scourgeMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.scourgeMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.scourgeMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
if (item.crucibleMods) {
for (let i = 0; i < item.crucibleMods.length; i++) {
const zhStat = item.crucibleMods[i];
const res = this.statService.translateMod(zhStat);
if (res) {
item.crucibleMods[i] = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${zhStat}`);
translateGem(item) {
const zhBaseType = item.baseType;
const zhTypeLine = item.typeLine;
if (zhBaseType) {
const res = this.gemService.translateBaseType(zhBaseType);
if (res) {
item.baseType = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: gem base type: ${zhBaseType}`);
if (zhTypeLine) {
const res = this.gemService.translateTypeLine(zhTypeLine);
if (res) {
item.typeLine = res;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: gem type line: ${zhTypeLine}`);
if (item.hybrid) {
item.hybrid.baseTypeName = this.gemService.translateTypeLine(item.hybrid.baseTypeName);
if (item.properties) {
for (const p of item.properties) {
const res = this.gemService.translatePropertyName(p.name);
if (res) {
p.name = res;
translatePassiveSkills(data) {
if (data.items) {
for (const item of data.items) {
if (data.skill_overrides) {
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data.skill_overrides)) {
if (value.name) {
const name = value.name;
if (value.isKeystone) {
const result = this.passiveSkillService.translateKeystone(name);
if (result !== void 0) {
value.name = result;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: keystone, ${name}`);
} else {
const result = this.baseTypeService.translateBaseType(name, void 0);
if (result !== void 0) {
value.name = result;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: base type, ${name}`);
if (value.stats) {
const stats = value.stats;
for (let i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) {
const stat = stats[i];
const result = this.statService.translateMod(stat);
if (result !== void 0) {
stats[i] = result;
} else {
console.log(`warning: should be translated: stat: ${stat}`);
class TextTranslator {
constructor(baseTypeService, itemService, requirementService, propertyService, gemService, statService, attributeService) {
this.baseTypeService = baseTypeService;
this.itemService = itemService;
this.requirementService = requirementService;
this.propertyService = propertyService;
this.gemService = gemService;
this.statService = statService;
this.attributeService = attributeService;
translate(content) {
const item = new TextItem(this.fixChineseTextError(content));
const ctx = new Context();
ctx.translator = this;
return item.getTranslation(ctx);
// Fix Chinese translation error
fixChineseTextError(content) {
if (content.includes(ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLESH) || content.includes(ZH_FORBIDDEN_FLAME)) {
if (content.includes(ZH_CLASS_SCION)) {
return content;
class Context {
const PART_SEPARATOR = "\n--------\n";
const LINE_SEPARATOR = "\n";
const ZH_ITEM_CLASS = "物品类别";
class TextItem {
constructor(content) {
const partsContents = content.split(PART_SEPARATOR);
this.parts = partsContents.map((partContent) => {
if (partContent.startsWith(ZH_ITEM_CLASS)) {
return new MetaPart(partContent);
return new Part(partContent);
getTranslation(ctx) {
ctx.item = this;
return this.parts.map((part) => part.getTranslation(ctx)).join(PART_SEPARATOR);
class Part {
constructor(content) {
const linesContents = content.split(LINE_SEPARATOR);
this.lines = linesContents.map((lineContent) => Line.NewLine(lineContent));
getTranslation(ctx) {
ctx.part = this;
const translator = ctx.translator;
const buf = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; ) {
const line = this.lines[i];
const maxSize = translator.statService.getMaxLineSizeOfCompoundedMod(line.content);
if (maxSize > 0) {
const mod = this.lines.slice(i, Math.min(i + maxSize, this.lines.length));
const translation = translator.statService.translateCompoundedMod(mod.map((line2) => line2 instanceof ModifierLine ? line2.modifier : line2.content));
if (translation !== void 0) {
buf.push(this.fillSuffixesOfCompoundedModTranslation(mod, translation.result));
i += translation.lineSize;
return buf.join(LINE_SEPARATOR);
fillSuffixesOfCompoundedModTranslation(mod, translation) {
const slices = translation.split(COMPOUNDED_STAT_LINE_SEPARATOR);
const buf = [];
for (const [i, slice] of slices.entries()) {
const sub = mod[i];
if (sub instanceof ModifierLine && sub.suffix) {
buf.push(`${slice} ${sub.suffix}`);
} else {
class MetaPart extends Part {
getTranslation(ctx) {
ctx.part = this;
const translator = ctx.translator;
const buf = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.lines.length; i++) {
const line = this.lines[i];
if (this.isNameLine(i)) {
const zhName = line.content;
const zhTypeLine = this.lines[this.lines.length - 1].content;
const result = translator.baseTypeService.getBaseTypeByZhTypeLine(zhTypeLine, zhName);
buf.push(translator.itemService.translateName(zhName, result !== void 0 ? result.zhBaseType : zhTypeLine));
} else if (this.isTypeLine(i)) {
const t = translator.baseTypeService.translateTypeLine(line.content);
buf.push(t !== void 0 ? t : line.content);
} else {
return buf.join(LINE_SEPARATOR);
isNameLine(lineNum) {
return lineNum === this.lines.length - 2 && this.lines[lineNum] instanceof ModifierLine;
isTypeLine(lineNum) {
return lineNum === this.lines.length - 1 && this.lines[lineNum] instanceof ModifierLine;
class Line {
constructor(content) {
this.content = content;
static NewLine(content) {
if (content.includes(KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR)) {
const pair = content.split(KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR);
if (pair.length !== 2) {
return new ModifierLine(content);
} else {
return new KeyValueLine(content, pair[0], pair[1]);
} else if (content.endsWith(":")) {
return new OnlyKeyLine(content);
} else {
return new ModifierLine(content);
getTranslation(ctx) {
return this.content;
class KeyValueLine extends Line {
constructor(content, key, value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
getTranslation(ctx) {
const translator = ctx.translator;
let translation = translator.propertyService.translate(this.key, this.value);
if (translation !== void 0) {
let key = this.key;
if (translation.name) {
key = translation.name;
let value = this.value;
if (translation.value) {
value = translation.value;
return `${key}${KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}${value}`;
translation = translator.requirementService.translate(this.key, this.value);
if (translation !== void 0) {
const key = translation.name;
const value = translation.value;
return `${key ? key : this.key}${KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}${value ? value : this.value}`;
translation = translator.attributeService.translatePair(this.key, this.value);
if (translation !== void 0) {
if (translation.name) {
this.key = translation.name;
if (translation.value) {
this.value = translation.value;
return `${this.key}${KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}${this.value}`;
class OnlyKeyLine extends Line {
constructor(content) {
this.key = content.substring(0, content.length - 1);
getTranslation(ctx) {
const translator = ctx.translator;
let translation = translator.propertyService.translateName(this.key);
if (translation !== void 0) {
return `${translation}${KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}`;
translation = translator.attributeService.translateName(this.key);
if (translation !== void 0) {
return `${translation}${KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}`;
return `${this.key}${KEY_VALUE_SEPARATOR}`;
class ModifierLine extends Line {
constructor(content) {
const pattern = new RegExp("(.+)\\s(\\(\\w+\\))$");
const match = pattern.exec(content);
if (match !== null) {
this.modifier = match[1];
this.suffix = match[2];
} else {
this.modifier = content;
getTranslation(ctx) {
const translator = ctx.translator;
let translation = translator.statService.translateMod(this.modifier);
if (translation !== void 0) {
if (this.suffix) {
return `${translation} ${this.suffix}`;
return translation;
translation = translator.propertyService.translateName(this.modifier);
if (translation !== void 0) {
return translation;
translation = translator.attributeService.translateName(this.modifier);
if (translation !== void 0) {
return translation;
return this.content;
class TranslatorFactory {
class BasicTranslatorFactory extends TranslatorFactory {
constructor(assets) {
const baseTypesList = [
const baseTypeProvider = new BaseTypeProvider(baseTypesList);
this.baseTypeService = new BaseTypeService(baseTypeProvider);
this.itemService = new ItemService(baseTypeProvider);
const requirementProvider = new RequirementProvider(assets.requirements, assets.requirementSuffixes);
this.requirementService = new RequirementService(requirementProvider);
const propertyProvider = new PropertyProvider(assets.properties);
this.propertyService = new PropertyService(propertyProvider);
const gemProvider = new GemProvider(assets.gems, assets.hybridSkills);
this.gemService = new GemService(gemProvider);
const passiveSkillProvider = new PassiveSkillProvider(assets.notables, assets.keystones, assets.ascendant);
this.passiveSkillService = new PassiveSkillService(passiveSkillProvider);
const statProvider = new StatProvider(assets.stats);
this.statService = new StatService(this.passiveSkillService, statProvider);
const attributeProvider = new AttributeProvider(assets.attributes);
this.attributeService = new AttributeService(attributeProvider);
this.jsonTranslator = new JsonTranslator(this.baseTypeService, this.itemService, this.requirementService, this.propertyService, this.gemService, this.statService, this.passiveSkillService);
this.textTranslator = new TextTranslator(this.baseTypeService, this.itemService, this.requirementService, this.propertyService, this.gemService, this.statService, this.attributeService);
getJsonTranslator() {
return this.jsonTranslator;
getTextTranslator() {
return this.textTranslator;
getBaseTypeService() {
return this.baseTypeService;
getPassiveSkillService() {
return this.passiveSkillService;
getAttributeService() {
return this.attributeService;
getGemService() {
return this.gemService;
getItemService() {
return this.itemService;
getPropertiesService() {
return this.propertyService;
getRequirementService() {
return this.requirementService;
getStatService() {
return this.statService;
const copyToClipboard = (txt = "", cb = () => {
}) => {
const node = document.createElement("textarea");
node.value = txt;
const translateItem = (text) => {
if (!text)
const factory = new BasicTranslatorFactory(_monkeyWindow.CnPoeExportDb);
const textTranslator = factory.getTextTranslator();
return textTranslator.translate(text);
const importFile = () => {
const input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "file";
input.accept = "text/plain";
input.hidden = true;
input.style.width = "0px";
input.style.height = "0px";
input.style.position = "absolute";
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
input.onchange = (e) => {
const files = e.target.files;
const readFile = (file) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (event) => {
reader.onerror = (error) => {
const exportTxtFile = (filename, text) => {
const blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url;
a.download = filename;
const isValidConfig = (config) => {
if (!Array.isArray(config))
return false;
for (const item of config) {
if (typeof item !== "object" || typeof item.value !== "string")
return false;
return true;
function mergeAndRemoveDuplicates(arr1, arr2) {
const mergedArray = [...arr1, ...arr2];
const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
mergedArray.forEach((item) => {
const key = item.label + item.value;
if (!map.has(key)) {
map.set(key, item);
const uniqueArray = Array.from(map.values());
return uniqueArray;
typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== "undefined" && globalThis instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
const isDef = (val) => typeof val !== "undefined";
function cloneFnJSON(source) {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source));
function useVModel(props, key, emit, options = {}) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const {
clone = false,
passive = false,
deep = false,
} = options;
const vm = vue.getCurrentInstance();
const _emit = emit || (vm == null ? void 0 : vm.emit) || ((_a = vm == null ? void 0 : vm.$emit) == null ? void 0 : _a.bind(vm)) || ((_c = (_b = vm == null ? void 0 : vm.proxy) == null ? void 0 : _b.$emit) == null ? void 0 : _c.bind(vm == null ? void 0 : vm.proxy));
let event = eventName;
if (!key) {
key = "modelValue";
event = event || `update:${key.toString()}`;
const cloneFn = (val) => !clone ? val : typeof clone === "function" ? clone(val) : cloneFnJSON(val);
const getValue2 = () => isDef(props[key]) ? cloneFn(props[key]) : defaultValue;
const triggerEmit = (value) => {
if (shouldEmit) {
if (shouldEmit(value))
_emit(event, value);
} else {
_emit(event, value);
if (passive) {
const initialValue = getValue2();
const proxy = vue.ref(initialValue);
let isUpdating = false;
() => props[key],
(v) => {
if (!isUpdating) {
isUpdating = true;
proxy.value = cloneFn(v);
vue.nextTick(() => isUpdating = false);
(v) => {
if (!isUpdating && (v !== props[key] || deep))
{ deep }
return proxy;
} else {
return vue.computed({
get() {
return getValue2();
set(value) {
const _hoisted_1$6 = { class: "DField" };
const _hoisted_2$5 = { class: "uno-je4uyi" };
const _hoisted_3$5 = ["type", "placeholder", "maxlength"];
const _sfc_main$8 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "DField",
props: {
modelValue: { default: "" },
label: { default: "" },
placeholder: { default: "" },
icon: { default: "" },
type: { default: "text" },
max: {},
min: {}
emits: ["update:modelValue", "iconClick"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const emit = __emit;
const props = __props;
const value = useVModel(props, "modelValue", emit);
const focus = vue.ref(false);
const inputRef = vue.ref();
const onFocus = () => {
focus.value = true;
const onBlur = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
focus.value = false;
}, 0);
const onLabelClick = () => {
if (inputRef.value) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$6, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", {
class: vue.normalizeClass(["uno-kdj5ae", focus.value && "after:w-100%"])
}, [
_ctx.label ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: "uno-bmns78",
onClick: vue.withModifiers(onLabelClick, ["stop"])
}, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.label), 1)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$5, [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
type: _ctx.type,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => vue.isRef(value) ? value.value = $event : null),
class: "uno-4f0c85",
placeholder: _ctx.placeholder,
ref_key: "inputRef",
ref: inputRef,
maxlength: _ctx.max
}, null, 40, _hoisted_3$5), [
[vue.vModelDynamic, vue.unref(value)]
], 2)
const _sfc_main$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "DButton",
props: {
block: { type: Boolean, default: false },
type: { default: "primary" },
round: { type: Boolean, default: false },
variant: { default: "default" },
color: {},
loading: { type: Boolean, default: false },
disabled: { type: Boolean, default: false },
icon: {},
size: { default: "sm" }
emits: ["click"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const emit = __emit;
const props = __props;
const createStyle = () => {
const actions = {
default: {
"--b-type-alpha": 1,
"--b-active-alpha": 0.9,
"--b-color": "white"
outline: {
"--b-type-alpha": 0,
"--b-border": `rgb(var(--color-${props.type}))`
light: {
"--b-type-alpha": 0.2,
"--b-active-alpha": 0.3
text: {
"--b-type-alpha": 0
const size = {
sm: `6px`,
md: `10px`,
lg: `16px`
const style = {
"--b-active-alpha": 0.2,
"--b-type": `rgb(var(--color-${props.type}) / var(--b-type-alpha))`,
"--b-active": `rgb(var(--color-${props.type}) / var(--b-active-alpha))`,
"--b-color": `rgb(var(--color-${props.type}))`,
"--b-border": "transparent",
"--b-size": size[props.size],
return style;
const customStyle = vue.computed(() => {
if (props.color)
return `--b-type: ${props.color};`;
return createStyle();
const onClick = () => {
if (props.loading || props.disabled)
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("button", {
class: vue.normalizeClass(["uno-n727xu d-button", [
{ "w-full": _ctx.block, disabled: _ctx.loading || _ctx.disabled, "rounded-full": _ctx.round }
style: vue.normalizeStyle(customStyle.value),
onClick: vue.withModifiers(onClick, ["stop"])
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("span", null, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, void 0, true)
], 6);
const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
const DButton = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$7, [["__scopeId", "data-v-91a14c1a"]]);
const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "DMask",
props: {
show: { type: Boolean },
styles: {},
zIndex: {}
emits: ["click"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const emit = __emit;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.Transition, { name: "fade" }, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_ctx.show ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: "uno-j2fx0m mask",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => emit("click")),
style: vue.normalizeStyle({ "z-index": _ctx.zIndex, ..._ctx.styles || {} })
}, null, 4)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const _hoisted_1$5 = { class: "uno-9b57t1" };
const _hoisted_2$4 = { class: "uno-j8124d" };
const _hoisted_3$4 = { class: "uno-q3uz8k" };
const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "DDialog",
props: {
modelValue: { type: Boolean, default: false },
title: { default: "" },
beforeClose: {}
emits: ["update:modelValue", "confirm"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const emit = __emit;
const props = __props;
const visible = useVModel(props, "modelValue", emit);
const loading = vue.ref(false);
const onClose = async (e) => {
if (loading.value)
if (props.beforeClose) {
loading.value = true;
const res = await props.beforeClose(e);
loading.value = false;
if (!res)
visible.value = false;
const onCancel = () => {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.Teleport, { to: "body" }, [
vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, { name: "scale-up" }, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.unref(visible) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: "uno-hbwt5n",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = vue.withModifiers(() => {
}, ["stop"]))
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$5, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", {}, () => [
vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$4, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.title), 1)
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$4, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 3
vue.createVNode(_sfc_main$6, {
onClick: onCancel,
show: vue.unref(visible),
zIndex: "2000"
}, null, 8, ["show"])
const _hoisted_1$4 = { class: "uno-9b57t1" };
const _hoisted_2$3 = { class: "uno-j8124d" };
const _hoisted_3$3 = { class: "uno-q3uz8k" };
const _hoisted_4$2 = ["innerHTML"];
const _hoisted_5$1 = { class: "uno-xzlctu" };
const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "DMessageBox",
props: {
visible: { type: Boolean },
close: { type: Function },
confirm: { type: Function },
title: {},
message: {},
showCancel: { type: Boolean },
cancelText: {},
confirmText: {}
emits: ["update:visible"],
setup(__props, { emit: __emit }) {
const props = __props;
const loading = vue.ref(false);
const show = vue.ref(false);
const handleClose = () => {
var _a;
show.value = false;
(_a = props.close) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
const onMaskClick = () => {
const onCancel = () => {
const onConfirm = () => {
var _a;
(_a = props.confirm) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(props);
show.value = false;
vue.watch(() => props.visible, (val) => {
setTimeout(() => {
show.value = val;
}, 0);
}, {
immediate: true
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.Teleport, { to: "body" }, [
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(_sfc_main$6), {
show: show.value,
onClick: onMaskClick,
"z-index": "3000"
}, null, 8, ["show"]),
vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, { name: "scale-up" }, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
show.value ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
key: 0,
class: "uno-ni5pzh",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = vue.withModifiers(() => {
}, ["stop"]))
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$4, [
vue.createElementVNode("span", _hoisted_2$3, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.title), 1)
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$3, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", { innerHTML: _ctx.message }, null, 8, _hoisted_4$2)
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5$1, [
_ctx.showCancel ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(DButton), {
key: 0,
round: "",
type: "primary",
variant: "outline",
size: "md",
disabled: loading.value,
onClick: onCancel
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.cancelText), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["disabled"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true),
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(DButton), {
round: "",
type: "primary",
variant: "default",
size: "md",
loading: loading.value,
onClick: onConfirm
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.confirmText), 1)
_: 1
}, 8, ["loading"])
])) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
const defaultConfig = {
title: "注意",
message: "",
cancelText: "取消",
confirmText: "确认",
showCancel: true
function showMessageBox(options) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const mountNode = document.createElement("div");
const dialogApp = vue.createApp(_sfc_main$4, {
visible: true,
close: () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
confirm: () => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
const _hoisted_1$3 = { class: "uno-y292xp" };
const _hoisted_2$2 = { class: "uno-d54z7h" };
const _hoisted_3$2 = { class: "uno-yqud7r" };
const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "Translate",
setup(__props) {
const show = vue.ref(false);
const value = vue.ref("");
const tip = vue.ref("");
let st = null;
const onTranslate = () => {
const res = translateItem(value.value);
if (!res) {
tip.value = "转换异常,请重试";
value.value = res;
tip.value = "已复制";
() => tip.value,
(val) => {
if (val) {
if (st)
st = setTimeout(() => {
tip.value = "";
}, 3e3);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1$3, [
vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, { name: "slider" }, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$2, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$2, [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("textarea", {
class: "uno-suerow scroll-bar",
rows: "5",
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => value.value = $event),
placeholder: "在这里粘贴"
}, null, 512), [
[vue.vModelText, value.value]
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(DButton), {
type: "blue",
onClick: onTranslate
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_: 1
], 512), [
[vue.vShow, show.value]
_: 1
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(DButton), {
type: "brown",
class: "uno-k9nrt0",
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => show.value = !show.value)
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(show.value ? "隐藏翻译界面" : "显示翻译界面"), 1)
_: 1
{ label: "希望之线", value: "ajJPd8Te" },
{ label: "全抗装备", value: "Kl9qPYEc5" },
{ label: "爆伤珠宝", value: "lgPddkwhV" },
{ label: "21/20技能", value: "Nkz0F5" },
{ label: "8天赋星团", value: "nw0p9VS0" }
const CLUSTER_LIST = [
attribute: "斧类攻击造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "鲜血之腥",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "飘雪穿云",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "恶化创伤",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 6
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "以攻为守",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
attribute: "长杖攻击造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "霸主",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "万象之力",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "千斤坠",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 6
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "以攻为守",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
attribute: "爪类攻击造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "螺旋之风",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "回风之剑",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "疫病弥漫",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 6
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "以攻为守",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
attribute: "弓类伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "弧光箭",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "淬火箭头",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "侧舷炮",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 6
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
attribute: "法杖攻击造成的击中和异常状态伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "混元震天",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "趁机发难",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "风暴之手",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 6
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
attribute: "双手武器的攻击伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "翻天横扫",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "战场主宰",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "武艺专精",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "好整以暇",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "优雅处刑",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
name: "恶名昭著",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "凶骇武士",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 8
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 9
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 10
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 13
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 14
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 15
attribute: "攻击伤害在双持武器时提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "韵律战法",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "连打带跑",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "无尽杀戮",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "破法",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "技如长虹",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
name: "疾雨摧花",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "又快又狠",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 8
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 9
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 10
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 13
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 14
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 15
attribute: "持盾牌时造成的攻击伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恢宏壁垒",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "先遣卫士",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "领军之将",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "勇毅斗士",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "睚眦必报",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "防御老手",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 7
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 8
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 9
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 13
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 14
name: "骚乱平息",
ps: "前缀",
order: 15
attribute: "攻击伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "恶毒穿刺",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "截心击",
ps: "后缀",
order: 1
name: "金刚拳",
ps: "后缀",
order: 2
name: "武艺精湛",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "灾殃",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "破坏者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
name: "充能备战",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "毁灭引擎",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "怒火盛宴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
attribute: "法术伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "先祖教化",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "奥术专家",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "弥补之印",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "咒法之墙",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "奥术英姿",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "施法熟手",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
name: "掷象功",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "奥法蠕虫",
ps: "后缀",
order: 7
name: "精华疾攻",
ps: "后缀",
order: 8
name: "心灵枯竭",
ps: "后缀",
order: 9
name: "法师猎人",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
attribute: "元素伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "狂虐者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "腐蚀元素",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "多利亚尼之训",
ps: "后缀",
order: 2
name: "心神错乱",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "棱光之心",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "毁天灭地",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "绝妙镇压",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
attribute: "物理伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "钢铁斗士",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "规律主宰",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "力量倍增",
ps: "后缀",
order: 2
name: "狂风扫荡",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "阴冷誓言",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "坚守战场",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
attribute: "火焰伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "狂虐者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "腐蚀元素",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "多利亚尼之训",
ps: "后缀",
order: 2
name: "心神错乱",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "棱光之心",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "毁天灭地",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "火焰之主",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "燃烬之烟",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "焚化炉",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "熊熊燃烧",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
attribute: "闪电伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "狂虐者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "腐蚀元素",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "多利亚尼之训",
ps: "后缀",
order: 2
name: "心神错乱",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "棱光之心",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "毁天灭地",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "暴风雪",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "风暴痛饮",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "瘫痪",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "绝妙镇压",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "天雷轰顶",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "风暴骑手",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "霹雳雷震",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
name: "闪光理念",
ps: "前缀",
order: 13
attribute: "冰霜伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "狂虐者",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "腐蚀元素",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "多利亚尼之训",
ps: "后缀",
order: 2
name: "心神错乱",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "棱光之心",
ps: "前缀",
order: 4
name: "毁天灭地",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "暴风雪",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "大雪漫天",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
name: "冻彻心扉",
ps: "前缀",
order: 8
name: "冷血杀手",
ps: "前缀",
order: 9
name: "绝妙镇压",
ps: "前缀",
order: 10
name: "深寒",
ps: "前缀",
order: 11
name: "千里冰封",
ps: "前缀",
order: 12
name: "风暴骑手",
ps: "前缀",
order: 13
attribute: "混沌伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "阴冷誓言",
ps: "后缀",
order: 0
name: "罪恶滔天",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "残酷之触",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "不动之恶",
ps: "前缀",
order: 3
name: "莫名之赐",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "黑暗构想",
ps: "前缀",
order: 5
name: "渎神雅量",
ps: "后缀",
order: 6
name: "邪恶烟云",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
attribute: "召唤生物的伤害提高",
detail: [
name: "复兴",
ps: "前缀",
order: 0
name: "寸草不生",
ps: "前缀",
order: 1
name: "腐烂之爪",
ps: "前缀",
order: 2
name: "屠夫呼唤",
ps: "后缀",
order: 3
name: "恶毒撕咬",
ps: "后缀",
order: 4
name: "原初之缚",
ps: "后缀",
order: 5
name: "饕餮群魔",
ps: "前缀",
order: 6
name: "魔侍凋零",
ps: "前缀",
order: 7
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href: "",
target: "_blank"
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__name: "Search",
setup(__props) {
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const form = vue.ref({
label: "",
value: ""
const saveStore = (arr) => {
localStorage.setItem("SEARCH_PARAMS", JSON.stringify(arr));
const onSearch = (data) => {
let league = "";
const localLeague = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("lscache-tradestate") || "{}");
league = localLeague.league || window.location.href.match(/\/trade\/search\/([^/]+)/)[1];
window.open(`https://poe.game.qq.com/trade/search/${league}/${data.value}`, "_blank");
const onDel = (i) => {
searchKeys.value.splice(i, 1);
const onSave = () => {
if (!form.value.label || !form.value.value)
vue.nextTick(() => {
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value: "",
label: ""
const onReset = async () => {
const res = await showMessageBox({
title: "注意",
message: "重置后将恢复预设选项,所有自定义的列表都将被删除。是否继续?"
if (!res)
searchKeys.value = SEARCH_PARAMS;
const onExport = async () => {
const txt = JSON.stringify(searchKeys.value);
exportTxtFile("trade_config.txt", txt);
const onImport = async () => {
const files = await importFile();
if (!files) {
const file = files[0];
if (file.type !== "text/plain") {
await showMessageBox({ title: "注意", message: "仅支持txt文本", showCancel: false });
try {
const text = await readFile(file);
const data = JSON.parse(text);
if (!isValidConfig(data)) {
throw new Error("格式错误");
searchKeys.value = mergeAndRemoveDuplicates(vue.toRaw(searchKeys.value), data);
showMessageBox({ title: "注意", message: "导入成功", showCancel: false });
} catch (error) {
await showMessageBox({ title: "注意", message: "文件读取异常,请确认格式正确", showCancel: false });
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[vue.vShow, show.value]
_: 1
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(DButton), {
type: "brown",
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title: "具体物品和数值需要点击跳转后手动输入,只是有的词缀选起来很烦"
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title: vue.withCtx(() => [
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default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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round: "",
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default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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round: "",
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default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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default: vue.withCtx(() => [
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vue.createVNode(vue.unref(DButton), {
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default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_: 1
_: 1
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props: {
data: {}
setup(__props) {
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vue.createElementVNode("canvas", {
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ref: canvas,
width: size.value,
height: size.value
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observer.observe(targetNode, config);
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "uno-6a64nq" };
const _sfc_main = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
__name: "Trade",
setup(__props) {
const callBack = (e) => {
var _a;
const infoEl = e.querySelector(".middle");
const name = (_a = infoEl.querySelector(".itemHeader")) == null ? void 0 : _a.innerText;
if (!/大型星团珠宝/.test(name))
const info = infoEl == null ? void 0 : infoEl.innerText;
const num = info.match(/增加 (\d+) 个天赋技能/);
const attribute = info.match(/增加的小天赋获得:(.*)/);
if (!num || !attribute)
const regex = /其中 1 个增加的天赋为(.*)/g;
let matches = [];
let match;
while ((match = regex.exec(info)) !== null) {
if (match[1].trim()) {
matches.push(match[1].replace(/【|】/g, ""));
if (!matches.length)
const currentType = CLUSTER_LIST.find((e2) => new RegExp(`^${e2.attribute}`).test(attribute[1]));
if (!currentType)
const data = {
num: num[1],
attribute: attribute[1],
types: currentType.detail.filter((e2) => matches.includes(e2.name))
const clusterCom = vue.createApp(Cluster, {
const wrap = document.createElement("div");
const taget = e.querySelector(".left");
if (taget)
vue.onMounted(() => {
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", _hoisted_1, [
if (/poe\.game\.qq\.com\/trade/.test(window.location.href)) {
const app = vue.createApp(_sfc_main);
(() => {
const app2 = document.createElement("div");
app2.id = "poe-trade-plugin";
return app2;
if (/apps\.game\.qq\.com/.test(window.location.href)) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);