TC Bootlegging Plus

Tools to help with Bootlegging

这些是代码更新过的版本。 显示所有版本

  • v0.8 2023-09-22

    Text Overwrites.

  • v0.7 2023-09-17

    Updated Fair usage Rights.

  • v0.6 2023-09-15

    Updated Color-Coding

  • v0.5 2023-08-25

    Updated Copyright to stop kiddy scripters stealing this code.

  • v0.4 2023-08-25

    Minor code rewrites

  • v0.3 2023-08-25

    Added a MutationObserver to listen for the genres before complete page generation so the colors appear asap, request further updates as needed, but it's currently pretty advanced for a simple script.

  • v0.2 2023-08-25

    Updated the name for search Ease

  • v0.1 2023-08-25